Starting clomid in February... buddies?

I can't help symptom spot when i know ive actually ovulated! Today so far ive got the on off cramping which is going into my back lower tum and top of my legs. Weirdly my left boob is sore but right is ok, and when i went to the bathroom sorry wayyy tmi id thick yellow cm! Hopefully its all a sign something is happening!
All sounds positive hun so are you now DPO1 xx exciting times ahead xx FX and babydust for you xx
Sorry redrose I've just read back so 4 days till you can test exciting times ahead I've got everything crossed for you well I'm possibly DPO5 and 6-7 days till my test date hopefully I get my BFP my stomach is still bloated and still getting cramping slightly and slight backache but nothing major.

I'm trying not to symptom check but it's hard not to as every month since my MC I've had bloating and slight cramps and tender boobs then always got BFN then AF showed up which devastated me each time so this time trying to remain as care as I can lol xx
Angela- Thank you!!!

RedRose- I am totally with you on not knowing early pregnancy symptoms! I wasn't trying to get pregnant with my first 2 so I never symptom spotted. Now that I have been TTC for 15/16 months I never can tell if its AF or pregnancy symptoms. I don't understand how some people can be like "oh I fell asleep early 1 day this week so I KNEW I had to be pregnant" Like really? How do they know lol!!!!!

DogMommy- When are you able to test? Do you just POAS or do you go to the clinic and they take your blood (to tell you if you are pregnant).

AFM, my RE called yesterday and I am having my IUI on Wednesday. I have to inject the HCG monday night. I will be at work (I am a Registered Nurse) so I asked one of my nurse friends to give it to me. I am too chicken to give myself the injection lol
Ashley really hope it works for you and it's kinda funny that your a nurse and can't do it yourself but then again I don't think I could either xx keep us posted for Weds let us know how you get on xx
I'd to give myself the trigger shot last Saturday myself and it actually wasn't too bad! My main worry was getting all the bubbles out that terrified me. But think we managed ok!
It's 7 am here and I got woken an hour ago by deep and painful cramps in my side! It now my side leg and lower back is all painful! Fingers crossed its something positive.

Good luck with the iui Wednesday! :)
Hello ladies!!! Missed me? I had a lot of catching up to do. I am going to try my best to rememer all 4 pages I just read.

In summary :) someone's dh gramps was in the hospital and I pray for his speedy revovery because that can cause a lot of stress on dh which can trigger down to you. I am so sorry you did not O on the 50mg Fx 100mg is a charm. But don't give up there is such a thing as late O so if from now until af evertime you feel a O cramp go put it dh good.
Angela, Redrose, Dogmommy...I know you are in the 2ww how are you ladies feeling? I am doing mad cart wheels for those three follies.
Ashley...the first time I started with the ovadril shots I video it so the docs knew I was doing it correct. Oh and let me tell you I was comedy central. I hyperventilated and heart pound for about 3mins before sticking myself and the sound I made during was hilarious. After that I was a pro.

Afm I am........16DPO and NO :bfp: I have been spotting a small amount of brown CM on and off since 15DPO. Boobs are no longer sore which usually is before and during af. Cramps are still there just mild reminder that af can show up at any time now. My temp dropped, went up and dropped again. My cycle is usually 30days and I am on CD32 and 1st cycle on clomid so I guess this is where my problem with clomid starts. Anyway mentally I'm good and just ready for af to show her ugly face for me to start my next cycle. So now I'm just doing the afw(wait).

Btw I've been out the loop because my mom went into the hospital to have surgery and I have been so tired spending time with here and taking care of business. I am still with her so I will be popping my head in to check on you ladies. Fx you all get your :bfp: soon. Sending lots of baby dust *****


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Hi Mocha2 I'm feeling okay I've got backache, cramps and bloating but there the same symptoms as AF so I'm not reading too much into it. I never had any luck really on my first cycle of Clomid it shortened my cycle and I'm not really sure when I Od as never got a positive on Opks once but bloods said I had. This last cycle though I've had alot of good signs got positive on Opks, temp went the way it should and follicle tracking showed I had dropped three good sized eggs so here's hoping this is my month as our families could do with some good news. It was my DH gramps sick in hospital unfortunately he passed away yesterday which isn't great but we did all BDing before things went bad and Od before this so it would be nice if we get good news xx
Ive reached the point where i just want to test so badly!
DPO5 will be fat too early but I know exactly what you mean I'm around DPO6 and feel the same but I know that even if I am it's still too early to show I'm supposed to IB around 10th so I'm hoping I may get some sort of sign I'm thinking of testing on 11th now but we shall see AF is due between 12th and 16th so I may be able to see something on the 11th what's your test date your holding out for xx
Well I'm 8dpo today I tested I couldn't help it, obviously it was negative! I've major cramps around my down stairs sorry tmi but very sore and achey and course lower tum and back.

My poor baby is sick he was awake since 2 am high fever and been throwing up and won't drink. So off to the drs we went he's got a double ear infection and the flu poor guy. He's snuggled up now in my bed fast asleep.
Poor little thing hope he gets better soon redrose

Lol your like me I feel like testing but I know that it's far too early to tell I'm holding out for 11th AF is due between 12-16 I've got 6 day early hpts so hoping it may show up by 11th but it might now we shall see as definitely can't hold out till after 16th it's too far away.

Well I'm possibly DPO7 I've had bloating, slight cramps and backache since the day I got a positive OPK but these are usual symptoms that I get before AF shows its ugly head the only difference is is that I normally get tender boobs but I've not this time.

Also last few days I've had an increased appetite and put on weight which is not good, TMI I've suffered from diarrhea then constipation, today I've lost my appetite feel a little queezy and it feels like I've got butterflies in my stomach, also had a runny nose today but not like I've got a cold runny. Here's hoping there all positive signs but I could be coming down with something as it's been really cold lately we shall see only four more days to wait till I'll test.

When are you testing again redrose xx
Knowing me tomorrow haha but I'd like to wait for Wednesday
Hi girls, Angela I'm so sorry for your loss. Mocha speedy recovery to your mom. Ashley good luck with your iui. Red rose hope your little one is feeling better! Sorry if I missed anything trying to catch up! It was a busy weekend celebrating DH birthday. It's not till the 13th but he's working that day.

Afm my beta test isn't until the 14th. 9dpo today and not feeling anything! Just bloated from the stupid progesterone suppositories. I really feel like I'm out already. I was being extremely healthy and that all went out the window this weekend. I fell too and bumped my knee pretty good. Really hoping it didn't affect implantation. Just feeling down today.
Well ladies I am out Af showed her ugly face today. I have a 30 days cycle and clomid changed it. I will count cd34 as my first day of new cycle. This last 4 days was worst than my 2ww I was in limbo.

Anyway I wish you all the best and I will still be popping in to check on you ladies.

BTW.....I read that there may be twins maybe triplets in the making. If there are any Boys among them he is mine I'm claiming him :happydance: :) I'm just so excited and anxiously awaiting all the great news. I need some right now.

Redrose only one more day till you test FX everything I possibly can for you I really hope you get your BFP can't wait to hear your result xx

Dogmommy Goodluck for you beta I hope it goes well and keep positive FX that you are not out and get your BFP and I really don't think banging your knee will do any damage as it's so early on xx

mocha so sorry the evil AF got you, Clomid messed up my cycle the first month too it shortened mine to 26 days but this month it seems to have sorted itself out and I'm back to my usual cycle length so you might find the same thing may happen to you and statistics say that you are more likely to fall pregnant in your second and third cycle of Clomid so next month maybe your month and I was the triplets one as I've released three eggs but God no I think I'd cry if it was and not happy tears one or two definitely happy but my god not three xx

AFM I'm possibly DPO8 today not really got any symptoms to report still bloated and been getting slight backache and cramps since the day I Od but there normal symptoms for me before AF shows so I can't really tell, I'm going to test on 11th it may be too early but we shall see, if I'm honest though I don't really feel pregnant but saying that when I had my MC I had no symptoms at all and no clue that I was until I missed AF so who knows I really hope I get my BFP xx
Well I stupidly did a hpts which obviously came back as BFN don't know why I did it as Implantation has more than likely not even happened yet it's far too soon to tell. The things is I just don't feel positive about it this month I don't know why I just don't which is weird maybe it's because I'm LTTC and constantly feeling hopeful misinterpreting symptoms as being pregnant each month then getting BFN has took its toll and now I don't get my hopes up, IDK I'm defo holding out now till 11th and if still BFN then I'll wait to see if AF shows its ugly head and if it doesn't by 17th then I'll test again. I really hope I'm wrong though and I do get a BFP xx
So many of you in the exciting tww!!

I am on CD 24 and just waiting. I haven't ovulated or have any signs of it. Since this is not a clomid cycle I am not surprised at all.

Only about 10 more weeks until we do our next clomid cycle. :happydance: In the mean time I am keeping myself occupied with a diet and losing weight. Which has been going well. :D
Hi Krissie welcome back nice to hear from you I hope you don't have to wait too long for AF xx

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