Hello ladies!!! Missed me? I had a lot of catching up to do. I am going to try my best to rememer all 4 pages I just read.
In summary

someone's dh gramps was in the hospital and I pray for his speedy revovery because that can cause a lot of stress on dh which can trigger down to you.
Brandi.....love I am so sorry you did not O on the 50mg Fx 100mg is a charm. But don't give up there is such a thing as late O so if from now until af evertime you feel a O cramp go put it dh good.
Angela, Redrose, Dogmommy...I know you are in the 2ww how are you ladies feeling? I am doing mad cart wheels for those three follies.
Ashley...the first time I started with the ovadril shots I video it so the docs knew I was doing it correct. Oh and let me tell you I was comedy central. I hyperventilated and heart pound for about 3mins before sticking myself and the sound I made during was hilarious. After that I was a pro.
Afm I am........16DPO and NO

I have been spotting a small amount of brown CM on and off since 15DPO. Boobs are no longer sore which usually is before and during af. Cramps are still there just mild reminder that af can show up at any time now. My temp dropped, went up and dropped again. My cycle is usually 30days and I am on CD32 and 1st cycle on clomid so I guess this is where my problem with clomid starts. Anyway mentally I'm good and just ready for af to show her ugly face for me to start my next cycle. So now I'm just doing the afw(wait).
Btw I've been out the loop because my mom went into the hospital to have surgery and I have been so tired spending time with here and taking care of business. I am still with her so I will be popping my head in to check on you ladies. Fx you all get your

soon. Sending lots of baby dust *****