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* Sticking together * Waiting for our turn * * sticky BFP's needed *

bubbles, I feel like we have this crazy connection. Both of us had similar things last cycle and now our eggs aren't dropping. Ugh I'm sorry you are having a hard time. I know exactly how you are feeling. Hopefully things even out for us both.
Wbee - sorry that you are feeling down, that's crap. Sending you a cyber hug! It terrible when everything get on top of you and you feel really down. I hope you ovulate soon and your cycles sort themselves out. Are you getting some exercise? I've read that can help, as well as releasing endorphins and making you feel a bit better.

The Hubby has a jar of flaxseeds which he hads to his cereal, I guess I could just do the same to try and get some of the goodness without popping a pill. I totally know where you're coming from with that. Last month when I got my BFP I ha stopped EPO, iron and calcium tablets, leaving just my prenatal. It was cycle 4 since my mc.
Thanks mum. I hope so too. With the flax make sure you grind it because humans cannot digest the whole seed so it'd just be a waste. :)
I just wanted to thank you guys for helping me keep my chin up this cycle.

I started out feeling so devastated, and while it's still a challenge to wait, you helped me have some hope.

Tomorrow is 9dpo, so if I were pregnant I might start having signs of implantation. Or not. If there is one thing I have learned it's to be open to the possibility of symptoms when you're not pregnant, and no symptoms when you are.

Oh the cruelty of it all (drama queen here)!
Wbee - thanks for the tip, going to have some this morning!

Finding - I think that's what's so amazing about these threads, we all support each other. Sometimes you're up and you can be supportive, other times your down and people can support you. The threads are a great opportunity to share with people who understand where your coming from.

Well I'm going to join the 'what the hell is going on with my ovulation' gang. This is my first cycle temping but I'm pretty sure this is crazy?!?! Ive been doing it at the same time for the last week as I didn't realize before I had to and just did it when I woke.

I like to think my temps are trying to spell 'Mum' :winkwink:


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<a href="https://FertilityFriend.com/home/4665e8/"><img src="https://FertilityFriend.com/ticker/4665e8/ttc.png" border="0" ></a>
mum I have been having crazy temps as well, as you can see. This is also my first month. I don't get why.

I'm sorry you are jumping on the crazy ovulation bandwagon. It really sucks.

I am definitely not fertile anymore. My cervix has lowered to "medium" and is firm and closed. Plus my cm is more like lotion, so boo. I think this cycle was annovulatory, and that sucks. At least I won't be left wondering for the next two weeks. Ugh. I just hope my period comes on time or even a bit early.
Um, yeah that does look like a crazy chart, I guess you've been doing it all right? Fingers crossed for a miracle BFP, or a speedy AF!! Maybe you'll ov late? I did last cycle, CD 22.

Well the day after tomorrow we go camping, me the hubby and my step-son. Sharing a tent with a 10 year old is not going to help increase our chances, I'm hoping for ovulation spike tomorrow, otherwise I think I'm out for the month too.

Wbee - edit!!! Just checked your graph to mine, Fahrenheit to Celsius, ours are bouncing around the same!!

Bubbles - how are you feeling, any better since the other day? Did u check the website re ovulation bleeding?

Florida - how are you doing lovely?
Lol mum yes our charts look pretty similar. How strange that we all seem to be having the same general issues.
Oh God, I've just come across all depressed and tearful. Will this never happen for me?! I've just been googling astrology websites. I'm ready to be a Mum, where's my baby!
Oh and mum I hope you have lots of fun camping! I'm going out of town to see family (sister and dad) so I hope we both get tthe R&R that we deserve.
mum im ok. having a rough week as a friend who's relationship and conception was identical to mine just delivered a healthy baby boy:( im happy for her but I woke up at 5am the next day and cried for hours while hubby held me. he shed a few tears too. my sister asked me to go to her first ob apt she is 11weeks pregnant. I said yes then made up an excuse not to go. my heart just couldn't take it. I didn't want to hear another baby's heartbeat. I felt some pain on my left side don't know if its o pain. since af was 9 days late. we aren't ttc but we have bd the last 3 days and Friday so maybe?
Awe Florida, I'm sorry you are having such a tough time. It's so hard to stand by and watch as someone has what you so desperately want, especially when the due date is similar. A friend of mine is due a week after I was and my sister is 5 weeks ahead of what I was, so I totally get it. I'm here if you ever need to talk/vent.

Mum, I'm right there with you on those feelings :(

I'm having some slight ovarian pain and I'm not sure what it is. I wish there was something I could take to bring on my period so I didn't have to wait so long again. Part of me is hoping that I ovulated and will conceive but I guess it's unlikely (unless the small temp spike is indication of ovulation, but I doubt that).
Thanks wbee. I'm better today but yesterday was defiantly rough. I just keep reminding myself God makes no mistakes
Hey bubble, I can't believe you are also together 8 years and married 2! How weird is that? You, me, and mumtodogs.

Florida, I so get it. One of my co-workers has had two babies in the time I have been trying to get pregnant. It's hard to watch everyone else create their family. But I try to remember I will get my turn. And you will get yours too. If DH and I can't conceive, we will end up adopting for sure.

I can't wait to see how this cycle turns out for everyone. The body is so mysterious ... it keeps us guessing (and pulling our hair out).

wbee, have you had a chart like this one before? Are your cycles always the same length? Just wondering if you are approaching AF or maybe a late ovulation.

Anyone else still there .. kdubbs, rach, littlebird?

I am feeling the same. No obvious symptoms. A little nausea that could easily be from all the estrogen. Breasts just normal sore, not extra sore. It's still early, only 9dpo. I'm thinking if I am pregnant I might start to feel something different over the next couple of days. I'll be testing on Saturday 12dpo.
Kismet, I've never tracked my temps before so I have no prior pattern to go off. Usually I have pretty intense ovulation pain but this cycle I had nothing, which confuses me the most. Although I feel something that is distinctly by my ovary right now, but based on my temp and non fertile signs it's unlikely to be ovulation. My cycles are absolutely regular, even the mc didn't screw it up so that makes it all the more strange.
Florida - sending you cyber cuddles, that must be rough with your friend. I wouldn't worry about not going to the appointment with your sister. It's a big ask, there is NO WAY I could go to somebody else's scan, not a chance.

Wbee - maybe you'll have a freak ovulation? I hope so!

Kismet - fingers crossed for you! Symptoms don't mean too much I don't think, I actively try not to symptom spot I keep me sane!!

Bubbles - hope you're ok?

Well my temp chart had a tiny incline today, which makes my chart look even crazier! I really didn't want to be out this month, but it looks like me body has got other ideas! I'm going to speak to my pregnant friend this week and ask her to let me know when she's going to announce her pregnancy. Her 12 week scan is about 10 days before my due date, and based on my reaction when she showed me her scan picture, I do not want to be at work when she announces it!!!
bubbles, I feel like we have this crazy connection. Both of us had similar things last cycle and now our eggs aren't dropping. Ugh I'm sorry you are having a hard time. I know exactly how you are feeling. Hopefully things even out for us both.

I agree, it's strange isn't it. I have no idea what is going on for oth of us :shrug: but sending :hugs: hopefully a bfp is just around the corner xx

I just wanted to thank you guys for helping me keep my chin up this cycle.

I started out feeling so devastated, and while it's still a challenge to wait, you helped me have some hope.

Tomorrow is 9dpo, so if I were pregnant I might start having signs of implantation. Or not. If there is one thing I have learned it's to be open to the possibility of symptoms when you're not pregnant, and no symptoms when you are.

Oh the cruelty of it all (drama queen here)!

That's what we are here for Hun, :hugs: so glad I have you ladies to chatting out with xx

Bubbles - how are you feeling, any better since the other day? Did u check the website re ovulation bleeding??

:wave: still extremely tired but not feeling so ill since I stopped the metformin :thumbup: yes I had a little look, just so confused as the pains I have had EVERY month are usually my sign, just nothing but spotting this month. I hate chemicals they ruin everything :cry: xx

mum im ok. having a rough week as a friend who's relationship and conception was identical to mine just delivered a healthy baby boy:( im happy for her but I woke up at 5am the next day and cried for hours while hubby held me. he shed a few tears too. my sister asked me to go to her first ob apt she is 11weeks pregnant. I said yes then made up an excuse not to go. my heart just couldn't take it. I didn't want to hear another baby's heartbeat. I felt some pain on my left side don't know if its o pain. since af was 9 days late. we aren't ttc but we have bd the last 3 days and Friday so maybe?

:hugs: fingers crossed x

Hey bubble, I can't believe you are also together 8 years and married 2! How weird is that? You, me, and mumtodogs.

I am feeling the same. No obvious symptoms. A little nausea that could easily be from all the estrogen. Breasts just normal sore, not extra sore. It's still early, only 9dpo. I'm thinking if I am pregnant I might start to feel something different over the next couple of days. I'll be testing on Saturday 12dpo.

Very strange isn't it :haha:

Keeping everything crossed for you, xx

Bubbles - hope you're ok?

Well my temp chart had a tiny incline today, which makes my chart look even crazier! I really didn't want to be out this month, but it looks like me body has got other ideas! I'm going to speak to my pregnant friend this week and ask her to let me know when she's going to announce her pregnancy. Her 12 week scan is about 10 days before my due date, and based on my reaction when she showed me her scan picture, I do not want to be at work when she announces it!!!

I'm ok thank you :flower:

:hugs: I hope she's understanding x

* *

So, I had my docs apt yesterday (turned up two hrs early because I had the wrong time and had to go back again :dohh: )

She seemed a bit concerned with the bleeding. She said 3 chemicals in 6 months is too much and I need to stop ttc for a while :cry: I'm not going to:blush: she said she wants to know when I next get a bfp and I need bloods. She said if this spotting continues she wants swabs and internals done and if I have another chemical again I will be referred. So at least they are helping. Still doesn't leave me with much clue other than my body is probably exhausted from 3 chems.

I bought some low dose 'baby aspirin' today I think, I've added a pic if someone can tell me if this is the stuff, do I just take one a day?

Hope you are all ok, still don't know if and when. Will ovulate thanks to the stupid spotting, I am DEFINITELY out this month already!! :dohh: stupid cycle mess up lol xx


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Hey bubbles, sorry they've told you to take a break. That crap, good that they are saying they will monitor you more closely next time.

That aspirin looks ok, I read it just has to e less than 81mg to take it for lining.

I hope it works for you!

I thought my friend was understanding, but one week to the day after my chemical (which she knew about) she came into my office, said 'check this out' and put her scan picture right in front of me, I'm starting to have my doubts!!! I just foud out a close mutual friend had a mc 3 weeks ago, so I thought I would sensitively chat to my pregnant frien about maybe not doing the same thing with out mutual friend. We're pretty close, so I know I can talk to her honestly and openly.

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