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* Sticking together * Waiting for our turn * * sticky BFP's needed *

I think it's a good idea to have a chat with her, especially if you have that sort of friendship :)

It is the last thing you want to hear when ttc isn't it. More waiting! Hopefully the aspirin may help xx
I managed to resist testing this morning. When I had the chemical pregnancy, I got my first very faint line at 11dpo.

I'm kind of postponing what I expect to be disappointment. My boobs do not feel pregnant, know what I mean? I can overlook everything else ... no cramping, no fullness, no implantation signs, no sense of being pregnant. But the boobs cannot be ignored.

I'm still a little hopeful. We'll see tomorrow.
Findingk curiosity always gets the better of me so fantastic will power too you for holding off :thumbup: it's horrible when you just 'know' fingers crossed your instincts are wrong xx
Finding - are u about 10dpo? Well done for resisting!

Well, bizarrely I got EWCM a bit yesterday and loads today! I've only ever had this once before, so I guess my 2-3 liters of water per day is paying off!!! Fingers crossed I ovulate, but I would have thought I would have done by now?

For those who temp: I obviously need to get a life, I've just tried 5 ways of temping out of interest, check out the differences, all temps taken one after the other:

1) in mouth, on top of tongue: 36.48
2) side of mouth next to cheek: 36.62
3) under tongue at front of mouth, mouth clamped shut: 36.66
4) under tongue at front of mouth, mouth just shut: 36.76
5) under tongue at back of mouth: 36.87

That's a massive difference of 0.39 degrees! Or 32.70 if you work in Fahrenheit!!! Crazy difference!
I'm off camping in a few hours, so I promise to get a life! Haha, it's the geek in me!!!
Hi everyone how are you all doing? I've tried to catch up but my brain is fried from a very long week.

Hope everyone's cycles are going okay and not driving you nuts

Got my fingers and toes all crossed for this month.

Bubbles, I'm sorry about your appointment but at least they said they will monitor. Hope it works this time though so you can prove them wrong. I think I wouldn't stop ttc either. The only thing I used was preseed to help conceive. Friends who have taken baby aspirin have sworn by the results though.

Finding, hope its worked this time, no symptoms can be a good sign. I don't have any at all the last few weeks. Couldn't tell you about position, I find it all way too confusing. Only just worked out what ferning actually means.

Mum lol at all your temps, didn't realise it could differ so much. Fx the water has paid off and you are about to ov now.

Anyone else I've missed off gl!

I should point out I didn't do them in that order, I've just listed them in that order!

Well we've just set off on out camping trip, so I'll be disappearing for a bit, I'd love to come home to lots of lovely BFP! Good luck ladies!! X x
Apparently I did ovulate! Although it was on the 5th and we didn't BD for the day of or before so not certain of our shot.
For those who temp: I obviously need to get a life, I've just tried 5 ways of temping out of interest, check out the differences, all temps taken one after the other:

1) in mouth, on top of tongue: 36.48
2) side of mouth next to cheek: 36.62
3) under tongue at front of mouth, mouth clamped shut: 36.66
4) under tongue at front of mouth, mouth just shut: 36.76
5) under tongue at back of mouth: 36.87

That's a massive difference of 0.39 degrees! Or 32.70 if you work in Fahrenheit!!! Crazy difference!

I like your experiment! My thermometer actually came with an illustration of where in your mouth it should go - under tongue to the side at the back of the mouth. And according to your experiment this is the hottest spot, so makes sense!
Hello hope everyone is well.

I need your expert advise, I wasn't going to test this month as I was sure the timings were all wrong however I walked by a pound shop and bought a few of the testing strips. I did two about 11 am which was not my first wee of the day and they looked negative. I went out for most of the day and I had one quick look before going to bin them and I saw a second line, possibly imaginary. I then did two more as I hadn't been to the ladies since lunch and I am now convinced I can see something. When I line all four tests up the lines I see are all in the exact same place, surely if these were all evaps they would differ? I have a pic but I am not sure how to put it up here.

Do any of you think it is likely 4 evaps in the same location?

How is everyone else getting on? I have only just read the posts as busy with work.

Going to buy a digital tomorrow and test again on Wednesday morning, if I can wait that long!!

Rach, I have no advice for you. I definitely would test again on Wednesday because you should be able to see for sure if there's a true line. Good luck!

Mum, how was camping?

How's everyone else faring? Im currently 7 dpo and not having any pregnancy symptoms, though I am having symptoms of high progesterone (dreams, constipation, irritability). I'm not going to test early this time, since I don't think our chances are all that great. We shall see. (I have a blood test this week, I'll try and make it for 11 dpo so I might know soon enough)
Pic of single strip taken 8pm with urine held 1 hour max and the pic of four strips were done from bottom to top morning and 6pm, yikes trying not to get too excited :p


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Each those tests looks very promising!!!

Wbee - on night 4 of camping, I had no idea what is going on with my ovulation, super low temps, but never temped before. Also got various CM but never had any before?! We're just BDing like normal and hope we hit something, although it is being hindered slightly by my 10year old stepson and tent sharing!!!

Glad to see you had ovulated, hopefully the little swimmers stuck about for a day or two to catch the egg!!
Rach they look so promising, I was always told anything with colour is a good sign. Fingers and toes crossed for you but defo test again in a few days :)

Glad you had a good camping trip mum, cm etc sounds good, hopefully you've hit a good day there somewhere.

Wbee, no symptoms can sometimes be a good sign. I know when I was ss I'd have everything in the book, but the months I wasn't expecting to fall I had hardly anything at all. Good luck for your bloods
Rach they look good. Perhaps add them to the tests gallery.

Hi lovely ladies,

I have absolutely no idea what is going on with me this month!! It seems my body has got REALLY confused with the metformin and I didn't ovulate. So so frustrating as before I had grace, this is the log term problem I had, and having her sorted it,
Now I've ruined it and seem to have gone back to it :( praying it doesn't happen next month.

So for me, not waiting for test day, just waiting for af so i can start the next cycle. Getting a bit deflated, had a dream last night that was so realistic I even had the csec pain after, I had a baby girl and had just come home.

Jelly glad you are doing well. How's it all going? Scan date? Etc x

How are you other ladies doing. What dpo are you all up to and when is test date for you.
I wonder who will be leaving us to join jelly and who will be with me again xx
bubbles, I'm currently on 8 dpo.

Possible symptoms so far: horrible horrible constipation, horrible leg cramps at night (like rest less legs), insomnia

Not really holding my breath, though. I hate getting all worked up. My cervix has lowered some and has softened and there is a lot of creamy but lotion like CM. Oh and I also had a possible implantation dip today. Who knows if any of that means anything.
On to the next cycle with you Bubbles! This one is ours ... we're going to join Jelly.

Today had the pre-scan for my very first IUI!! Got the go-ahead and picked up clomid at the pharmacy (another first). I am so excited to try something more aggressive.

I had a lot of anxiety thinking the progesterone suppositories I took last cycle delayed my period but not my follicles, so I'm actually a few days further along than my period would indicate. I didn't want that to ruin the timing of everything in my IUI cycle. And I didn't get to discuss it with my Dr because she suddenly went MIA for the week. I'm assuming she had a death in the family.

But after some thought, I decided to go ahead with the IUI this month instead of waiting until next month (to de-progesterone and/or talk with my Dr). I also stopped the progesterone a couple of days earlier this time.

I contemplated starting the clomid a day early to honor my instincts, but decided instead to stick to Dr's orders to keep it on time in relation to the other steps (scan, trigger shot, IUI, etc).

Sorry for all the fertility speak ... a few days ago I didn't know anything about IUI. I've had to learn quickly.
Bubble- sorry to hear that!!! Onto the next cycle, hopefully this was just a blip and next month you'll be ok. I hope your dream is a sign of things to come! When I AF due?

Jelly - nice to see you here! Hope all is going well with you!

Wbee - not long until you can test, all the symptoms sound promising?

Finding - you've blown my mind with all the medical terms!!! I bet it feels good to be trying something new!!!

Well, I'm on rant mission because, despite me repeatedly asking him,y stepson has been turning my thermometer on before I've taken the reading off it from when I took it at 6.30 in the morning. He actually went into my washbag this morning. So that's 4 readings I'm missing now, 2 I've put in as best guesses. This morning it was either 35.84 (meaning not much has changed) or 36.84 (which means I might have had my ovulation spike, an therefore probably missed the fecking egg) get me out of this tent now!!!! 10 year olds and camping are not good when ttc!!!!

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