* Sticking together * Waiting for our turn * * sticky BFP's needed *

hey guys, it seems the bleeding has almost stopped. just got brown tinged cm now.
we have decided we are going to wait a few days/whenever the brown cm disappears and then look to start dtd again. im not going to temp this time again and just log af etc on ff.
ive ordered a load of pg tests off ebay so can keep an eye on when they go back to -ve. seeing the padre tomorrow afternoon for a chat so hoping that helps with the emotional/anxiety side of things. im feeling so much better already, in fact im quite guilty im not feeling worse about the whole week ive had. ive been on a few miscarriage pages and had a good vent of everything thats happened, but found the last day or so they are all quite defeatest and not sure if im comfortable staying in them at the moment. i know it affects everyone differently and it may hit me later, is it a good thing im feeling so positive already about looking forward to the future?
Jelly, I was very positive after my MC. Of course I grieved, but after a few days I was pretty much just A-OK. There is nothing wrong with wanting to move forward. In fact, I think it's better to let go of the negative feelings and embrace what was while you embark on a new journey. Very recently I have encountered some very raw and negative emotions regarding my loss (since the last cycle ended) and that's OK too. I'm not saying it will hit you later, but it could. I didn't think it would, thought I was "over" it, but bam, sack of potatoes to my gut. Don't worry if you are dealing the right way or not, you will find your footing and no one but you knows how you should feel. If you ever need to talk, I'm here.
good luck to everyone waiting on bfp. wbee and jelly no one can say how long you need to grieve. however long you need do it and if your ready to jump back in the saddle go for it! best of luck ladies!!!
Not sure this post belongs here, but I just looked into a lotus birth and it seems pretty exceptional. I think I will go that route on my future little one. <3

(if you are "crunchy" or want to go as natural as possible, I urge you to look into it)
Jelly, you should allow yourself to feel however you want. Nothing is wrong or right. It's your body, your pregnancy. X

Wbee, you know I'm gonna have to look that up!!

So I still have zip symptoms of pregnancy here, nothing!!! Tired and maybe abut scatty brained, but I'm putting that down to having all my fears going round and round in my head. For you who have had babies already do you think it's a bad sign I've not got any symptoms? X
not at all mum, with G i didnt get any morning sickness for a few weeks after my bfp. but when i did i knew about it. although as they say each time is different as this time i felt nauseous which if what made me test.
have you done any more tests and have the lines come up quicker/stronger?
Mum, I have heard so many times that some women have no symptoms. Some have hardly anything the whole pregnancy! A good friend of mine had super easy pregnancy and her baby is just the best and most patient, well adjusted little being. I really feel our little one's personality comes out from the day of conception <3

Also, when am I supposed to wear socks? I can't find a lick of information on Google. I've been wearing them now, but is it most important after ovulation?

If I don't conceive this cycle, I'm going to book an appointment with a acupuncturist specializing in fertility. For both Tom and I. Which is a lot, considering we are both huge babies when it comes to needles. But anything for my future baby.
Thanks Jelly, yes I've taken 7 tests over a week. All got stronger, quicker etc.. In the end the test line was about as dark as the control line so I had to stop testing for my sanity as I was comparing all the time. I might jut test again on Wednesday to make sure.... :)

Wbee, thanks for the info, I hope you're right. I'm just worrying about everything, think I would feel better if I just had some blazing symptoms!!! I wore socks from ovulation until AF being due, and actually I've pretty much continued as they are so cozy!! Ha. I put them on straight after my bath so feet are still nice and warm. I even wore bed socks to work!!
Actually, I'm totally freaked out....I'm en route to pound land and will test in an hour.... And then again in the morning. Sh*t.
Page 44 for the latest picture on here, which was taken a week ago I think. I did 2 other tests 48 hours after these but I can't get the new picture on here. Just been to pound land and bought 4 tests.

EDIT: ok, I'm about an hour after my freak out!! Haha, positive test on a 6pm urine held for an hour. I've also drank 1.5pints of water in the last 3 hours. It appeared in under 20 seconds and is nearly as dark as control.

Sorry for freak out guys, twice bitten third time shy!!!! X
Mum, you are driving yourself crazy! Try to relax a bit.. yeah I know, sounds so easy, huh? lol. I really have a good feeling for you though.

My watery CM has started to get some stretch to it and I have SHOW going on right now. I'm so excited! Lol, super lame but oh well.
Hi guys, I have convinced myself that I am pregnant in the midst of implantation, and now I am scared that I am imagining it, that I am wrong.

I will not know for sure until Friday blood test, and even that is only 12.5 dpo. I have heard so many people say they didn't get a BFP (even blood) until later than that. Maybe they were wrong about their ov date? What do you think? The thing is I "pull the plug" each month by stopping my progesterone. I'm so worried I'm killing my baby.

I'm hoping for a positive HPT before Friday. Guess I just have to relax and let things be what they are. There is nothing I can do.

But I still want to know your thoughts on when is a blood test accurate? I just remembered my Dr telling me they do a quantitative test, which is more sensitive, so they will know for sure. Thoughts?
Thanks wbee, and sorry guys... I just had a little melt down. I just can't believe this is happening, therefore my brain is telling me it isn't!! Glad you've got a good feeling about it! Thank you!!! What's a SHOW? Glad your CM is turning!! Get BDing like crazy!

Finding, I hope your feeling is right!!! Is there anyway you can extend taking progesterone by a day or 3? Just to be sure? I don't know about blood tests sorry, but as far as I'm aware ovulation can be late, so I guess it's possible a bfn at this point isn't your final answer. But.... Keep positive thinking between now and then if you can! I really hope you get a BFP!!
Mum please relax - your defo preggers and all is okay I'm sure :) nice seeing the lines come up though

Ooooo fingers crossed finding. Not sure about when blood tests are accurate. I would have said maybe after a hpt as may take longer for hormone to fully reach the increasing blood stream. As I'm sure it starts increasing straight away when implantation has occurred. No idea like so I might be wrong bit sure friends going through ivf have said blood tests take longer to show up unless comparing them over a few days to see if is increasing and not just dismissing because beneath a certain standard level

I'm a bit annoyed, went to loo and now got rust coloured spotting/cm. it does seem to be more cm than actual blood as is quite thick like with usual af towards the end. Will this just be the last few bits so to speak? Just want to get back on with it and this is delaying me. Was not very much proper old brown this morning :/
TMI ALERT!!!!!!! Jelly, I think if the 'main' bleeding has stopped, you should be fine to DTD. I'm not clinical, so I could be wrong, but I DTD the day bleeding stopped. There may have been a bit of coloured discharge left. But the little swimmers can, erm, give you a bit of a clean out? If you know what I mean? Sometimes when I get end of AF I DTD and when it comes out its got old blood in, like it's washed me out! Sorry if that's TMI!!! If you feel comfortable with DTD, I say go for it.
Lol thanks, I know exactly what you mean. I stopped the bright red Friday/Saturday so been brown last two days.
Won't be up to anything tonight as back to work tomorrow and an early start at 6, only reason I'm still up is cos the tornados all decided to fly above my house the last 20mins which is really annoying as they are frigging loud. Been spoilt the last two tours with only gliders and emergency landings. Red arrows tended to just fly during working hours.
Husbandface is in the raf, I'm a civil servant so I'm defo not that interesting lol
Well it all sounds very interesting with everything going overhead!! We don't get many tornados or red arrows over York!!!

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