* Sticking together * Waiting for our turn * * sticky BFP's needed *

Finding, it's not over yet, not by a long shot... I've got everything crossed for you. Only 2 more days and you'll know.

Bubbles, whilst kicking the friends out the room ask them to take DD with them! Ha! Does hubby know you're ovulating around then? Just thinking to reduce pressure?

Jelly, just don't put pressure on yourself, you'll know when the time is right to DTD.

Wbee, where are you my sweet? DTD like crazy I hope? Too busy doing that to update us! Haha x x

Hope you're feeling a bit better Florida!

Well.... Boring up date again!! No symptoms, bit tired... Blah blah.. Possibly a slight increase in hunger? I do feel like I'm in the longest 2ww ever!
Finding, don't give up hope yet. Could be an implantation dip I'm sure. You aren't out till your out.

I have no clue, once again, wtf is going on. I had a high soft open cervix two days ago and of course BD'd, but the next day and today my cervix is hard as can be, still high, and closed and I don't really have any mucus at all. According to FF I haven't ovulated yet but this is so strange. According to my cervix I ovulated.. ugh. Why has my body thrown such strange things my way these past few months?! And then I didn't wake up at 6am today to take my temp, so I don't trust it (taken at 9). :dohh:

I just noticed I have some small twinges in that area, but I'm not sure if that is related to ovulation. Ever since I started taking the evening primrose oil, I can't feel my ovulation anymore which really screws with me (it was bordering on painful, so relief in that sense, but arg!). Guess I'll just wait and see if FF give me cross hairs on the 2nd.

If I don't conceive this month, I think I will use those OPKs that have been sitting around. Though, I believe they've expired. I wonder if that will matter in the results.

(I just added a picture to my avatar. That's me with my number 1 baby girl.. my pit bull Bella <3)
Wbee, there's a site where you can put in your temp if taken at the wrong time and it will do a calculation to work out what it probably was at the correct time, I used it once when I woke up late? Link is below x

Pregnancy test was positive :/ but it wasn't a proper thick bright line, it was similar to what I would expect if I was first testing. Is this a good thing?
Had a few spots of bright red which is annoying, aswell as a whole load of brown/rust cm. what on earth is going on in there???

Finding - your not out yet! Two days is a very long time and plenty for implantation to occur. Try and relax (I know easier said than done)

Wbee sorry can't help as I don't take anything like evening primrose or owt, don't do cervix positioning or anything either. That link mum has put on works well though. I've used it a few times when I was temping last time.
Thanks guys. I'd rather not use an adjuster as it didn't seem accurate for me (took my temp at reg time then hours later and compared, the adjuster was way off). So I'll just let it be and put a note.

Jelly, it took 6 weeks for the hcg to leave my system and when I'd test I'd get a faded line near the end. So I'd say it's a good thing and it's going down.
Hello everyone. New to this site. Anyway. . .

I'm somewhere between 10dpo and 6dpo (because cycles are between 28-33 days). We aren't using protection; if it happens cool, if not, nbd. Because I don't check temp. or any of that good stuff, is there any other way I can figure this out besides using a good ole' calendar? Having lots of weird symptoms so hoping I am!

Wbee, I'm loving the new picture!!! Debating changing mine to my boys! Or my hairy sons as I call them!

Jelly, it's totally normal for you to still get positives, but I was told if I was still getting a positive 3 weeks later to go in for a scan. I did and I turned out my medical management hadn't worked, so please keep testing until you get a negative.

So I could be making it up, but I feel a tiny bit, ever so slightly only just queezy today.... Maybe. I'm wondering if I'm doing what I normally do in 2ww and drive myself insane with symptom spotting!! Apart from that it's business as usual at my end!
Oh I do have a depressed chicken because she's been sat on her eggs for 28 days and none of them have hatched so we had to take them off her, now she's moping about, refusing to eat.... I know exactly how she feels! (I actually cried when I took the eggs off her)
Mum, thank you. You should definitely put up a pic of your boys. Your little chicken makes me so sad, poor thing.

Still no idea what's going on. Everything has seemingly gone haywire after my stupid mc. Ugh. My body sucks.

Mum try not to worry too much, it's so tough isn't it, I never had any symptoms until about 7 weeks :/

Wbee, really hope you can work out what's going on, i hate the confusion!!

Finding, how are you doing?

Jelly, that's confusing. How long has it been now? Have you Dtd since? :hugs:

Florida hope you are doing ok

:wave: and hugs to everyone else, hope you are doing well. Nothing new from me, just waiting for o day :) hoping i get the strong pains on time this month!! Weird, who hopes for pain!!!

Mum, thank you. You should definitely put up a pic of your boys. Your little chicken makes me so sad, poor thing.

Still no idea what's going on. Everything has seemingly gone haywire after my stupid mc. Ugh. My body sucks.
wbee nice avatar!! too cute! hang in there it will straighten out soon!
bubble fx this is your cycle!
mum how is everything going?
My mom talked to my sister and said it's no use. She wants nothing to do with me. I really can't believe it. My niece is due in 2 months and I'm worried she won't change by then.
:dust: finding!!! Hope you get amazing news today my sweet, we'll all be thinking of you. X x :dust:

Bubbles, I think you're right! I need to chill out! It's just so difficult! One week until my scan, either NHS or £70, I'm having one!!

Florida, everything is fine thanks, I feel totally normal! Of course that's making me unhappy! My poor body can't win! With my first pregnancy I was sick as a dog and complained then too!! Haha. How's you? Everything settling at your end?

Wbee, I'm glad your Mum spoke to your sister, maybe she'll come round in time? The amazing thing about families is you can fall out in the biggest fight, but when it comes to the crunch you all just come back together again. I hope it all gets sorted before your niece arrives, and your body decides what it wants to do too!!!

Hope you're doing ok Jelly x

Welcome newcomers and sorry anyone I forgot!

You know what I'm going to say: no news here!!! Update on my chickens tho! Poor old Nemo broke into the chicken coup to go and sit on her eggs again!! And Columbus (named because she's always off discovering) got out of the garden and was happily exploring the back fields. They are a trouble making lot! Haha

Last boring chicken update, I promise.
Finding good luck today! Fx! Keep us posted
Wbee give her time. My little sister is pregnant and even though i am again she doesn't understand why I'm still to fragile to go to her appointments with her. She is already making plans for is to plan and pay for her whole shower. I'm just doing what's best for me and letting the rest work itself out. I how you his can work it out by the time the baby gets here.
Mum enjoy no symptoms lol this pregnancy is kicking my butt. Nausea no vomiting, severe constipation and gas, and i can out sleep a hibernating bear! That just means I'm birthing a hell raiser and you are birthing a zen like angel lol
My mom talked to my sister and said it's no use. She wants nothing to do with me. I really can't believe it. My niece is due in 2 months and I'm worried she won't change by then.

:hugs: she's probably just feeling hurt, unfortunately, she can't feel how it makes you feel, so hopefully in time she will understand. Maybe send her a text saying you want to talk. Its likely She won't want it to affect your relationship with her new baby xx

Bubbles, I think you're right! I need to chill out! It's just so difficult! One week until my scan, either NHS or £70, I'm having one!!

You know what I'm going to say: no news here!!! Update on my chickens tho! Poor old Nemo broke into the chicken coup to go and sit on her eggs again!! And Columbus (named because she's always off discovering) got out of the garden and was happily exploring the back fields. They are a trouble making lot! Haha

Last boring chicken update, I promise.

Aww how sweet, poor Nemo :(

It's hard I know, but everything is a sign when you worry and either way, you will never know for sure until scan day :thumbup: xx

Finding good luck today! Fx! Keep us posted
Wbee give her time. My little sister is pregnant and even though i am again she doesn't understand why I'm still to fragile to go to her appointments with her. She is already making plans for is to plan and pay for her whole shower. I'm just doing what's best for me and letting the rest work itself out. I how you his can work it out by the time the baby gets here.
Mum enjoy no symptoms lol this pregnancy is kicking my butt. Nausea no vomiting, severe constipation and gas, and i can out sleep a hibernating bear! That just means I'm birthing a hell raiser and you are birthing a zen like angel lol

Lol :haha:

CD 17 and no temp spike. Wtf ovaries?!
You're body sure likes to keep you in suspense wbee!!! Hope you get the spike soon!

Florida, I would love a little zen baby! I've had to stop my yoga since the last BFP, as I'm sure it gave me problems before, I'm going to wait until I'm 12 weeks.

Bubbles, hope the sheets are clean, legs are shaved and candles bought!! It's nearly DTD like a rabbit time! Lol!

Anyone heard how finding got on today? X
Started using opks 3 days ago and today's was almost positive, so ovulation must just be delayed and coming. So relieved!

Sorry for the short replies. Been swamped and am now at work.
Hi guys!!! I'm trying to catch up on everyone.

Wbee, I hope ov comes soon for you ... sounds crazymaking not knowing what is going on!

Bubbles, hope you're getting it on on vacation LOL.

Florida, hope your nausea calms down a bit. Keep on napping. You deserve the rest, if you can call growing a baby "rest."

Mumtodogs, whasap? Nice that you are not nauseous, even if it makes you a bit nervous. I like your photo!

Jelly, I hope you get to move forward soon.

As for me, I am not pregnant. The blood test confirmed what my body was already telling me. So I stopped progesterone as soon as I found out, and should get my period in a few days.

We're going to do another IUI cycle and start applying for financing for IVF, in case it comes to that. So scary that you can go through all of that and spend $20,000 and still not have a baby. Shudder! Here's hoping we get lucky next cycle on the IUI.

I have been sad and angry for days now, but holding back because I didn't know for certain. Now I can let it all wash over me, throw a pity party, and get over it.

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