* Sticking together * Waiting for our turn * * sticky BFP's needed *

Jelly, I get cramps DTD when I'm ovulating? Could it be that?

In my happiness of my GP being frickin awesome I forgot to mention I got a promotion yesterday! My Manager is retiring and I'm gettin her job. She knows I'm ttc and has offered to come back and cover for me when I go on maternity! Yay!!! X
Mum, so many great things! I'm so excite for you!

My temps were funny this morning. I took my temp around 6 but it was 96.8 (yesterday's was a bit over 97). Then I woke for real at 8 and took it again and it was up to 97.45.. so I don't know what that means. I'm going with the second once, since I slept very poorly at first and 6am would have been around 2-3 hours of sleep, obv not ideal. So I hope I'm not wrong and I did ovulate the other day, because we sure haven't been able to bd the last couple days (OH new job put a damper on it, schedule wise). Time moves too slow.
Thanks wbee, I had such a crap start to the year: mc, hubby lost his job, we moved house, BOTH our cars went bang and had to be replaced, my favorite dog needed £3.5k worth of opp's.... And all before April. Finally feel things are going right again.

Not sure what's going on with your temps? Prob the lack of sleep bit, I'd go with the higher one!! X
Mum, are you my soul sister? Our cars were a bust, lost my job (since have a new one), my dog had expensive ACL surgery, my own MC.. all by end of may. Wow, I feel ya girl.

Well, I feel better now. My CM confirms that I've ovulated, and I still am under the belief that I'm 2 DPO right now. Already symptom spotting.. or more like keeping track of all my "symptoms" for future reference, figured it'd help in the long run, especially if I fall pregnant this cycle.
ACL ? Wondering if that's same as Joe, he had crushiett ligament disease

Glad you ovulated around when you should have done, your 1/7th of the way through the 2ww already!!! =)
Her's was a torn anterior crutiate ligament, as a result of poor genetics (she's 3 and was 1.5 when she started symptoms, it took so long for surgery to be a recommendation). So she didn't have a disease.. ok I just googled that and I think that maybe that's exactly what she has. She'll need it on the other knee in the future, but that one is still pretty good.

And thanks for saying that. 1/7 sounds better :lol:
Jelly, I get cramps DTD when I'm ovulating? Could it be that?

In my happiness of my GP being frickin awesome I forgot to mention I got a promotion yesterday! My Manager is retiring and I'm gettin her job. She knows I'm ttc and has offered to come back and cover for me when I go on maternity! Yay!!! X

Mum! Congrats on the promotion ... that's amazing!
Congrats on the promotion mum!

God you guys have been through a lot, hopefully now time for you to catch a break
I've had a very busy year too, think it all happens at once to all of us. Nothing like being given a short notice posting in the middle of trying to rent your house, get an offer to buy and then having a national job hint all st the same time.

Had more cramps yesterday, but by the evening felt awful so went to bed at 9 and slept all the way til half 5. Had an awful dream where I was rushed to hospital as wasnt very well and had a c-section, when I was trying to have a home birth but was in middle of moving house and boxes were everywhere so was unpacking. Woke up sweating it felt so real. Must be ov if having these dreams. Hopefully if it is sun&mon will be enough. Think ill test the end of next week and then probs will end up every couple of days after that til af turns up. Will still try to dtd regularly anyways just in case.

I've started the exercise again since my low bp and the mc, walked the 2 miles to the train station this morning. Will be walking home too, but is my early finish so will still get home for 5:30, can't wait to see George as not seen him awake since Sunday. Feeling proper pants though, think I've either got a bad cold coming of some sort of virus, yippee. Got that horrible feeling in my throat and my head proper aches. Maybe a bit run down from the last few weeks.
Jelly, god that dream sounds awful! Do you get vivid dreams when ov'ing? I'd never heard of that one. And good on you with the exercise!! It all helps with the ttc game!!! I hope AF stays away!!!

Wbee, yeah that's the same thing! Weird! Joe has had both back legs done now and also he had bone out of his front two last year... They've put metal plates in all his legs, he's a bionic dog!! It's heartbreaking not letting him walk anywhere further than the foot of the stairs for months, but his physio is going well and he can do half an hour walks now. How freaky we've been through such similar!!

Well, today would have been my due date for my first bean.. Very brief background: we'd tried for 7 months when we got our BFP. Months earlier I had been referred for an ultrasound for suspected PCOS, it took from 2 months before my BFP until I was 8 weeks pregnant for the appointment to come through. I asked while they were there could we have a look at baby. I knew from her face things weren't right. They did an internal then sent me to a room. I was meant to be 8w+5. They came in and said there was no fetal pole etc.. They said I may well miscarry, there would be a lot of blood and if the pain was too much it is acceptable to phone an ambulance... That was it. Sent me on my way. I spent the next 3 weeks googling everything and convinced myself they were wrong. Still no mc, so went in for another scan. They said everything was collapsing, and schedules me in 2 weeks time for a meds management. I went in and had that, but 3 weeks after I was still testing positive. I went in for another scan and they said med management hadn't worked, I would need a d&c.. However, 1 week later at work I doubled over in pain, ran to the toilet and passed a huge clot. 3 days later I got a bfn.

Sorry to type it all out... I feel like its some kind of therapy. Although I know that pregnancy could never be viable, as there was nothing there, the emotional pain was huge. I still get upset by it now, and crazily I feel so much guilt. Like I shouldn't be upset as there was nothing there to loose. But I went into that scan expecting a baby, and when I came out I wasn't.

Today I've got the day off, got my blood test this morning and then I'm going to bake and eat cake all day with my lovely dogs!!!
Aww mum, :hugs: enjoy your cake xx

Everyone, wow you have been so chatty. I know I said this before but I'm not getting notifications anymore so i think there has been nothing going on and then I pop in and there's loads!!! If I knew I'd be in straight away! I just get so caught up in day to day rubbish! Got a lot of personal issues at the moment and started private therapy/CBT to help with my emetaphobia and OCD. I never grieved for max and I think this has caused a lot of problems.

Anyway, Still waiting for o day for me holiday Monday and ovulation scheduled for end of that week. Hate this stupid ttc waiting :( just wish I could accidentally fall like some people xx
Bubbles, I wonder what that's about? Hm. Have you tried clicking "subscribe to thread" under "thread tools"? I'm glad you are helping yourself in therapy, I really hope it brings you what you need <3 .

Mum, no need to apologize. I hope you enjoy your day today and remember you have a new baby bud that you can love today (I know that would help me to deal with the due date.. mine is Dec 19th, albeit it isn't the same I know).

Looks like FF and ovufriend have both confirmed my ovulation on CD 19, so I'm officially 3 DPO today :D. Bd'ing wasn't as good as it could have been, but I'm satisfied with it (bd'd day of and day before and 4 days before, missing the other two days). It is basically the same pattern of BD'ing when I finally fell pregnant in March/April.

I'll test on Sept 20th, at 12 dpo and then again if my period is late. Hoping not to cave in sooner. I'll be going in for a blood hCG around 12-14 dpo as well, so might not even poas until after that. The one good thing about having the molar pregnancy is that I can get hcg testing whenever I want! (though, I think it ends in October, and with the new doc I'm not sure how that will be)

3 dpo: heavy feeling in uterus, small cramps (unlike period or ovulation), woke up with awful hunger (but that's not terribly unusual for me, especially in the first week after ovulation due to progesterone), very very dry and crumbly CM.
Hope you enjoyed your cake today mum, hugs x

I get odd dreams mostly near ov & af, must be all those hormones floating around.
I thought my cm had gone away somewhat yesterday but must have been cos I was feeling ill. Found I seem to have an abundance of it today, kept feeling like I'd wet myself at work so had to keep checking I hadn't started bleeding again. Not had any cramps today but feeling a lot better from yesterday. Even after a mc would cm follow the same patterns as a normal cycle?

Nice to see you back bubbles, I find if I don't come on and check within so many emails I stop getting them too.
I had some cbt the other week and found it very helpful. Hope it is working for you too. Think I need to have another session or two though to get a really good effect.
Oh florida, I'm so sorry :hugs2: . I don't know what else to say, as there really isn't anything. You aren't alone and if you need to chat, I'm only a message away.

Jelly, my cm was the same after my mc, so was my cycle. Nothing changed after but my cycles have been regular for the past 2 years.
I had a very strong cramp on my right side. It felt the same last timewhen it implanted , but 3 days is so very early. It was a very obvious cramp but maybe I'm reading into it. I had a pretty awful headache until a bit ago (more muscular than like in the brain. I never have headaches) and my nipples are super sensitive (so unusual). Blah. What am I doing? Stupid craziness.

(This is like the earliest it could possibly implant. I'm nuts)
had a follow up scan today only saw gs:( I gutted

Oh Florida, that's terrible for you! Don't forget, it's still early days in the scanning department, you see hundreds of stories where people see nothing this early on and then go on to find heartbeat at 7 weeks. I hope you're one of those stories!!!! X. X cyber hugs!!
I'm so sorry Florida :hugs:

Wbee I have no idea but if you think it could be implantation then it could be. Give it til past the weekend and see how you feel and if anything has increased/changed. I seem loads of people mention they knew when they had implanted so fx
Florida - just seen mums post and indeed I really do hope this is the case and it is just hiding from the scanner. What have they said to do now?x

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