* Sticking together * Waiting for our turn * * sticky BFP's needed *

oh finding, that's crap news!! I'm so sorry!! Allow yourself to feel however you need to feel, we're here if you need us. xx
finding im sorry hun we are here for you!
mum I know the feelings I do a lot of Pilates and cardio it helps with stress and anxiety and I am a restriction. which is funny because I could use it right now!
wbee fingers crossed o is on the way
hello to everyone new and old!
AFM I went o a follow up with the gyn from my er visits and now have a scan on the 18th to ensure growth of my little bean. I am a nervous wreck! I am analyzing the whole conversation I had with gyn over and over!
Hey Wbee, I forgot to mention before ...

I'm so sorry things are hard with your sister right now. I think the big dark secret of struggling with TTC is how hard it can be on relationships. At first I thought I was the only one to have this problem, but since then I have heard over and over how it strains people's relationships with friends, family, co-workers, etc.

I actually lost one of my closest oldest friends. Long story short, I thought I was having a miscarriage (back before diagnosed with huge fibroid), I called her for support (she had conceived her DD with IVF), and she wasn't very comforting and rushed off the phone. A week or two later when she called me to chat, I calmly told her I would soon get over it, but at the moment I was mad at her.

She told me she hadn't thought I was pregnant and didn't want to go along with my self-delusion. I conceded that she could be right, but if I was having the experience of a miscarriage whether it was real or not, I needed a friend in that moment. She said she was there for me and had not blown me off at all. We fought on the phone a few times (this was at the time a long-distance friendship). It got heated and she broke up with me because she didn't feel "seen or safe" (she's a therapist). I later tried to make things better even though I was still really hurt, but she refused to talk to me. True story. This was our first big fight ever, and I couldn't believe our friendship was that fragile.

In hindsight I can see this friendship was not healthy and it's a good thing it is gone from my life. And I learned from the mistakes I made during the argument. I think I will handle any future conflicts with friends more maturely.

I hope you can have a quiet, loving, tearful, honest talk with your sister about how happy you are for her, and share what you are going through.
Oh yeah, and I forgot to mention how supportive I was during her pregnancies and early motherhood.

I was in the room when her son was born.
I threw the baby shower.
I crocheted a layette and blanket.
When her daughter's twin disappeared in utero (vanishing twin syndrome), I donated to a charity in her honor.
I took the train after work to see her once a week because she had two young children and otherwise we never would have seen each other.
thank you for that, kismet. I'm very sorry you didn't find out better news. :hugs:

OPK is a super strong positive today, darker than the control :happydance:. We BD'd this morning because I could just feel that something was going on, plus he feels so much pressure some times so any time is good :lol: . (and apparently sperm is at it's best in the AM?)

I am seriously done with supplements. I don't know what my thinking after last cycle. The maca is no good for me. It dried me up and firmed up my cervix. I'm convinced that that, along with the EPO, has caused this. So, please yell at me if I'm back next month complaining that I'm late and taking supplements :lol: .
Oh finding I'm soo sorry. I really hoped it would be your month.

Wbee that's such a shame about your sister. Unfortunately I can't give any advice, I fell out with my family a couple of months before my wedding, haven't spoken to most of them since. That was in 2009. Became friends again with my sister last year after monkey was born but we fell out again. Don't think we will ever get on again and don't hear from her anymore anyway.

Hope everyone else is well.

The brown spotting finally finished yesterday it seems, we dtd for the first time tonight but I couldn't let him finish. I made something up about it hurting and ended it. He was fine about it but I'm feeling a bit bad now. Kept feeling like I was going start bleeding heavily any minute. Kinda ruined it for me. Still getting +ve tests. Got a load of ic's off eBay. Think it depends when I do them as some lines are darker than others. Husbandface said he was just happy to be close again but still feel bad.
Oh finding I'm soo sorry. I really hoped it would be your month.

Wbee that's such a shame about your sister. Unfortunately I can't give any advice, I fell out with my family a couple of months before my wedding, haven't spoken to most of them since. That was in 2009. Became friends again with my sister last year after monkey was born but we fell out again. Don't think we will ever get on again and don't hear from her anymore anyway.

Hope everyone else is well.

The brown spotting finally finished yesterday it seems, we dtd for the first time tonight but I couldn't let him finish. I made something up about it hurting and ended it. He was fine about it but I'm feeling a bit bad now. Kept feeling like I was going start bleeding heavily any minute. Kinda ruined it for me. Still getting +ve tests. Got a load of ic's off eBay. Think it depends when I do them as some lines are darker than others. Husbandface said he was just happy to be close again but still feel bad.

Oh Jelly, this is such a rough ride sometimes. It's good to hear that your DH is supportive and understanding. I apologized to my DH when my instincts changed this cycle from BFP to BFN. I felt bad for taking him on the emotional rollercoaster with me. But he said we are in this together. Really nice when they get it.
hey guys, how is everybody doing?

Finding sounds like a nightmare situation with your friend!!
Florida, 18th must seam like a million miles away.
wbee, glad ov came and you got to DTD loads, and I totally hear you on the supplements, I think sometimes we mess too much with our bodies!
Jelly, don't feel bad about it, its nice to feel close but it has to feel right.. I bet you can name quite a few occasions in your relationship where you haven't got to 'finish'! :winkwink: so I wouldn't worry about making things right for you.
Bubbles - guess you are busy....:sex: lol

well.. no change at my end. Symptom free zone, just totally shattered, falling asleep on the settee at like half nine every night... I can live with that! At Doctors tomorrow to beg my case for a scan, if they don't give me one I'll be paying for one privately, so either way I should be scanned within the week to see if I'm pregnant or to see if I'm having a baby!! :thumbup::yellow:
Lol mum, being super tired is one of the biggest symptoms. I couldn't get enough sleep when carried George. Hope the hospital give you a scan anyways though, always good to not have to pay for them.

I'm feeling a bit better about last night. I had a few spots of brown this morning but nothing all day. Feel more confident about giving it another go. Husbandface just needs to remember to be a bit more 'gentle' shall we say, as not done anything since I found out and was a little uncomfortable.

Hope everyone has had a lovely weekend x
Well according to ff I'm due to ov around Tuesday. We managed to dtd tonight and wasn't painful and minimal brown cm. feeling quite positive about it all aswell as did a test and was a very faint line :) complete change to the other day being a fairly solid line. Obviously my body is catching up properly. So effectively from Wednesday I'm in the tww again!
Yay jelly!

Based on signs, opk and pain I knew I ovulated last night. Temp spike this morning proves it. Just need ff to give the cross hairs :)
Glad all went well Jelly, fingers crossed for you! And wbee, glad your body appears to be behaving itself this month!

Well, through my work I have BUPA healthcare, so rang them on the off chance they would put me in for a scan. They said I'm not covered for that and I burst into tears! I am NOT a crier at all, don't know what was up, guess its hormones! So I've got my appointment in 4 hours to throw myself on the mercy of the NHS.
Mum, I hope they give you one. Any chance you could fake some pain for an er scan if not?

Now comes my wait. I dislike my crazy self at this point of my cycle. Going to try hard to keep tthe crazies at bay.
God luck getting a scan today mum!
Jelly and wbee fx for sticky beans
Wbee, I have never managed to be able to keep the crazies at bay! Lol

I have been having pain on and off, and yesterday I had a TINY bit of spotting after DTD... So I'm going to mention that. I don't want to make anything up though, as I'd feel like I was tempting fate.

Oh and you'll all be pleased to hear I feel as sick as a dog today! Hurrah!!

EDIT: I'm now sat in the GP waiting room, why do I feel so nervous?! Feel that I'm at Job interview!
Mum, I hope all goes well and that you are able to get a scan.

I was just able to schedule that appointment with that doc I mentioned a week or more ago. It's not until Sept 25th (soonest available), but I'm super stoked! I can't stand my current doc, and this one is a fertility doc as well. Maybe I'll be pregnant for the first appointment :lol: (or on my period.. it's due the 21st, but will probably come the 24th/25th due to later ovulation). At least then I'll also have 2 (and half of august) charts to show the doc by then.
Wbee, I hope you're pg for your appointment, that would be awesome!!
Well my GP is amazing, he was literally cheering me on, saying he hoped this one would go well. He's taking my bloods on Wednesday and referred me for a scan. He says as there is no medical reason for it (pain or bleeding) it won't be an urgent so I might be waiting a week, but still. He did bandy around the idea that this could be retained products from last month, but I just don't think it is. I had a scan and nothing was left and a urine test at the time which was negative.

This is the same GP who I went to last month, I think he is fab!! Just got to wait for blood tests / results now, hoping for a good number, and then ambush the postie every day for my scan appointment!
That's a shame you haven't been able to get a quick scan, but if you can get one in a week or so that's not too bad. At least you have a nice doctor. I was told I just have to ring up epau and tell them who I am etc and they will get me in for a few. Old fashioned nhs up here though, plus think it helps not as densely populated.

Wbee fx!!

I've been having cramps all today and yesterday in the same place. Had a few all around but they have tended to be just after dtd so could be just from movement. Is everything okay after mc? Or is it all still recovering a bit from those awful contractions?

Ff has now changed my cycle to not ov for another week at least. Not even changed anything apart from alter a days bleeding to spotting as got my dates mixed up.
I'm gonna have to get a battery for my thermometer if af does show up this time. Was last thing on my mind last week though
Hey guys, I did another vlog ... enjoy!

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