* Sticking together * Waiting for our turn * * sticky BFP's needed *

If it says you ovulated last night, today would count as 1 DPO. And bd'ing just to make sure you're covered is a good idea.

Oh man I should really get to bed! It's 2 am here, but I couldn't sleep because I forgot that I wanted to eat before getting into bed. Now I'm just wasting time reading BFP stories :lol:
It's 8.50am here and I really should be working..... It is POETS day tho! Lol!
Argh! Bloody scotfail. Stuck on the train back home, line has broken between Inverurie and Aberdeen so have cancelled all trains between there. Only got 3 replacement busses for 300+ people and those going direct to Aberdeen aren't a priority and have to make their own way or wait another two hours for the bus to return. Set off at 6:30 and probs won't get home til 11 :/ waste of a day and my flexi time. Glad I brought my laptop home last night though so at least can do some work until my battery dies (no power cord at home unless my hp one fits) at least I can spend most of the day on here tee hee :)
Bubbles, I wonder what that's about? Hm. Have you tried clicking "subscribe to thread" under "thread tools"? I'm glad you are helping yourself in therapy, I really hope it brings you what you need <3 .

Thanks lovely.

No idea, yes tried all that :( rubbish xx

Nice to see you back bubbles, I find if I don't come on and check within so many emails I stop getting them too.
I had some cbt the other week and found it very helpful. Hope it is working for you too. Think I need to have another session or two though to get a really good effect.

Thank you :)

It's weird I don't even get one!!

I've had two sessions now and although its expensive I will be keeping at it. Glad yours is going well x

had a follow up scan today only saw gs:( I gutted

Oh Hun :hugs: my first thought when I read this was that it could be too early, lets hope instincts are rights and like the other girls said xx

Neither can we wbee!!!!

My symtoms have officially started, feel rank unless I'm eating! Got blood work back today and hcg was 41,308 just got to wait for the scan now.

I've posted a bit on the first tri board, but I've seen loads of cat fight already!! I don't know if they're just not as supportive and understanding, or if it's the hormones! I'm gonna hang out here until we ALL go to first tri board, but wanted to check if anyone minded me still knocking about?! X

Please do. It would be lovely to hear from you, then like you say, start a group in first tri. So glad this thread was such a success. Found some really good ttc buddies :)

If it says you ovulated last night, today would count as 1 DPO. And bd'ing just to make sure you're covered is a good idea.

Oh man I should really get to bed! It's 2 am here, but I couldn't sleep because I forgot that I wanted to eat before getting into bed. Now I'm just wasting time reading BFP stories :lol:

Lol you have lost me lol

Nothing new from me just waiting :coffee:
bubbles, luckily i get mine free from the padre. one of the benefits of hubster being in the forces. although im also tempted to still wait for my referral to come though to see if there is anything else that can help.
13 dpo 13.9.13 :bfp: my first pregnancy ended at 5 weeks god please please please let this one stick xxxx
woohoo!! fabulous news, been waiting for some of these the last few days. hang on in there little bean!!
hope you have the most boring pregnancy ever :)
Temp rise again today.. ah I can't take this suspense! Only 5 DPO!

Classy b- congrats! I hope this bean is super sticky

Bubbles- I miss you posting in here more! Though, I know it's pretty boring when you're just waiting to ovulate. Hopefully you drop a super strong/healthy/sticky egg! I, too, am very grateful for this thread. We have a great group of ladies here and I'm not even a pinch jealous of the BFPs like I normally would be.

Jelly- Sorry the train lines are down. At least you have things to occupy your time!

Florida- Any news on your end? I'm praying for you, sweetie.
wbee thanks for asking im ok been sad the last few days. I have a rescan Wednesday so will update then. temp spike is good! fx

classy b congrats fx crossed for sticky bean

bubble im ok I really appreciate the support. fx for you as well

mum how goes the symptoms
Florida, I really hope everything looks good for you on Wednesday.

I am SO tired right now. Tired, sore nipples, achy/crampy uterus, headaches. Ugh. Time is moving sooo slow. (actually, today has gone by super quick.. cannot believe it's past noon already)
Florida! I was thinking of you today! I rang my hospital about the scan which I expected some time this week. They said as I'm unsure of dates they will NOT scan me before 8 weeks at the earliest, as they might not see much an that would put me through needless worry. X.
Awe mum, at least it's less than a week till then!

I have slight breast pain/tenderness, which I've not had since my pregnancy (used to get it the day after o until af but not after the mc). I just noticed it an hour ago and keep poking them to check :lol: . Might be imagining but I swear I see more veins too. Never been so happy about breast pain!
I think im going to stay over here as well I simply expressed my opinion on a post about biracial children and they all went to town. I think maybe everyone has too much time on their hands lol. im sticking with the originals lol
Hi guys, I've just been reading up catching up with you. I agree this is a great group of women. Loving the ongoing support.

Mum I def want you to keep posting here, would miss you if you didn't. What's poets day? If it's a celebration of poetry, I wish we had one here too!

Florida, best wishes on your upcoming scan. The temps are encouraging.

Wbee, looks like you got in two good BD sessions at just the right time. Can't wait to see how it turns out.

Jelly, hope you have a restorative weekend. We deserve some R&R!

Good to see you again momwife. Good luck on the diet. Have they tested your thyroid levels? I understand thyroid disorder is quite treatable and helps fertility if you get your levels back to normal.

Bubbles, Jelly, I've been thinking of going for some therapy myself. I'm under so much pressure at both work and home, I feel like I could use a hand coping. I've had a hard time finding someone who will see me during non-work hours! But since I want to go regularly for awhile, I can't miss work.

Congrats to you classyb!!

I am CD6 and taking clomid. Had a scare last night with terrible chest pain. Spoke with a nurse who helped me. Ended up being stomach related and went away with some Tums. Who knew stomach/heartburn could hurt so badly? I assume it's from the clomid since I've never had that pain before. Nurse said fried foods don't help, which is what I had for dinner. Don't know if it matters but I swallowed all 3 pills at once instead of my usual one at a time. Maybe they clumped together. I hope Tums doesn't interfere with the positive effects of clomid. Anyone know about that?

Going to start OPKs tomorrow. Can't wait for my CD10 scan to find out where I'm at for my second IUI.
Hi everyone!!!

Bubbles - what a pain waiting, we appear to do more waiting in the ttc game than anything else!!

wbee, your symptoms sound so good! My scan is in 13 days!!! They are doing crazy dating at the hospital, like they scanned me 5 days after mc and therefore know I wasn't pregnant then, so they are taking my LMP from the day after that!! They are currently dating me 6 days behind my ticker, so I have to wait until I am at least 8 by THEIR dating before they will scan to avoid needless worry. Although I want scanning I totally understand.

Jelly, hope you got home safe and sound lol!! How drunk was hubbster? did you get to jump him again when he got in?

Florida, yeah its crazy on first tri board, I'm scared to say anything!! Everything is taken out of context and God forbid that you have your own opinion!! I hope all goes amazingly on Wednesday, we'll all be thinking of you.

Finding, I wish POETS day was as romantic as that, it stands for 'p*ss off early, tomorrow's Saturday' haha. Your scare sounds a bit traumatic, maybe take the tablets one at a time next time just in case. 4 days until your scan! Hope you get good news.

Hello to all newbie's! Welcome to the nicest thread on the board!!

Well, here the symptoms have hit well and truly. I can't keep my eyes open, if I'm not eating I feel rank, I'm grumpy as hell (poor OH and DSS!!). Getting some AF type pains for the past couple of days on and off but I'm telling myself that is everything stretching.

I actually referred to my pregnancy as 'a baby' the other day. Felt very strange, as I have told myself I won't refer to a 'baby' until its confirmed. I started out eating so healthily, as I felt fine with no symptoms. Now about the only thing I fancy is toast, or cheese on toast!

I'm rooting for a flood of BFP's this month guys!! How awesome would that be!!!
I'm at work, so will try to get a proper reply in later.

I have been having awful low back/uterine pain/aches. Started last night and is continuing today. It feels like I'm about to start my period any moment but ten days early is unheard of for me. I also had a temp drop this morning and I'm anxious to see what tomorrow's will be (implantation?).

I'm really feeling good about this cycle, but of course I say that each time :lol:
Mum, sorry you have to wait longer for a scan, how silly. At least it's close! I can't wait for you to get to see what's going on in there!

Finding, taking those pills all at the same time vs singlely wouldn't make any difference unless you spaced the pills out by an hour or more. Also, calcium antacids shouldn't affect anything at all. I'm sorry you had such awful heartburn. I think I've read that that is a pretty common symptom? I hope everything comes together perfectly this cycle for you :) .

Florida, I'm happy to have you stick around.

New symptoms to add: more clumsy than usual (big sign last time) and forgetting simple things. In fact, Tom had to come jump my car because I forgot to turn off my lights this morning (though, I really don't remember even turning them on.. so strange). These two things where 2 of 3 signs I can remember last time (the 3rd was vibrations in lower right side a few days before a positive). I might have frequent urination, but it's hard to say. Also the headaches are continuing, and while I've hardly had any headaches in my live, none were ever like this. These are so strange, like someone is poking my head with sharp electricity. It ranges from painful enough to stop what I'm doing to small twinges that I can deal with.

My temp dropped a bit this morning, but it's still pretty high above my coverline so I'm not terribly concerned. Apparently it's normal to drop a bit 5-8 dpo? Hoping it goes back up tomorrow.. and maybe this will even be the start of a triphasic shift? (a third tier or temperatures, higher than the first days of post-O temps, usually indicative of pregnancy, but not always). I've decided I'm going to test on Monday, at 8 dpo. I'm thinking that if these awful cramps are a result of implantation then I could show a positive on Monday! (though, it took a week after, what I assume were, implantation cramps last pregnancy to get a positive)

At the edge of my seat, as usual :lol:
scan done today ladies and I am in utter disbelief. I went from Wednesday a tech saying only a gestational sac seen to today sunday everything in place bub had a hb of 116 which they said is ok because im only 6 weeks 1 day which matches my long cycles!! I never saw or heard the hb for the other pregnancies. im over the moon ladies!! thanks for riding this roller coaster with me
Florida, that's amazing news! I'm over the moon for you myself!!

Been quiet in here. How is everyone?

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