Oh Ash

I so wish there were something I could say, or do to make you feel better. I was once outcasted by my family because they didn't agree with my life. 2 years of no contact. It was so hard, but there was nothing I could do or say. My family is racist, and my kiddies are half black. After being upset for so long, I finally decided that it was sooooo their loss. They came around eventually, but I was left out of everything. Now I try to just not hold a grudge for being mistreated. I feel like the better person.
So did your doctor say that you weren't ovulating because if weight? It is a factor, and it will be a long hard road, but YOU CAN get to a healthy weight. I completely understand emotional eating/ binging, but you must decide that other things will provide you with so much more satisfaction. So much easier said. I know. But at the end of the day I know for a fact you'd be happier having spent an hour in the gym, and that's a promise.
Do you have any friends that have the same goals in mind? Put your heads together and work out a plan. Accountability goes a long way with any type of addiction wether its food, or drugs, or simply having that person meeting at the gym, or having lunch. You can do this!! I have complete faith in you.