Gagrlin - I just have a GP. I think my doctor will refer me to a obgyn or RE for further testing.
And that's awesome that you have a supportive sister whose been in your shoes before.
I was going to say the same stuff that she did. (But I often worry how people will take things especially since I don't know how people will react on BnB and I don't want to hurt anyone.) My SIL had a miscarriage as well and we thought the same thing. There's a reason why it didn't work. Our bodies sometimes just know that it's not the right one.
Elle - I live in Canada so I think our health insurance just covers obgyn and stuff.. just like GP's. (Or free health care I mean)
That sounds like such a good time! So glad your wedding day of coordinating went well! It's always so awesome to find a job that you enjoy and love! Do you plan on doing a lot more of it?
Ajangel - well after researching stuff people can feel baby movements reported as early as 13 weeks. (Especially if it's a second child or someone is reallllly in tune with their body). Which is crazy and I didn't think was possible that early but apparently it is. Just depends on the person. I've also read a lot about provera. I think that's probably going to be the way to go. Hopefully. I'm so tired of not being able to TTC. 3 months is a long time to wait haha. And I'm a very impatient person.
Angel - awe! That would be such a cute way to carry on from your previous announcement! And such a neat idea! I'm sure your niece would love to be part of it since she's so curious as to when your baby will come out! Little kids are so funny that way. That's awesome that your looking forward to either gender!
Thanks! I know. I'm just trying to play devils advocate here and try to give situations as to why I get weird feelings and no period hahah. Sigh.
I know! If I was to be pregnant at any time during this cycle. They'd I guess just have to go off measurements of the baby wouldn't they?
Flueky - yes. I'm probably not pregnant. But soooo hopeful haha.
I tested maybe like Thursday last week. Test was negative (hpt) and then test again last night (again negative). So I have no idea.
I keep feeling like one of these days I'll get my period. I just never do.
That's exciting your temp is high! FX it stays high. If you wait 18dpo that's some good self control! I'd be testing like day before my period and every day after haha.
It's just so frustrating for myself because I told my husband that I needed to get off the pill sooner so that my cycles could regulate out. And we really wanted to start trying so that our kid would be close in age to my brothers and his sisters. But so far. No luck. And just like I figured my cycles would be out of whack. And I get mad at DH sometimes because I'm like ... If I had just got off sooner I feel like we wouldn't be in this situation. And I felt like he was always the one to only get a say and we had to follow what he wanted. (Which was to wait to get off BFP because he was afraid we'd conceive right away). Some days I'm just like see. If we had just listened to me .. Gah.
And I think now he's realizing that oh yeah. Maybe I should listen to my wife whose right about things 95% of the time
