Stopped BCP & TTC! Whos with me?!

Been WTT officially for 3 years and unofficially for 5. Been on BC for 5 years, since DH and I first got together. Was on Lo Loestrin Fe for almost that whole time. Loved my BC, no periods, no real side effects, it was great. I came off on month on January because my doctor got weird about renewing my script and I ovulated at around day 14 and had my period day 28. I used OPKs that month so see. Really did not enjoy having a period again so I went back on until now. I took my last pill yesterday...didn't finish the pack but on the site it says you can stop at any point during the cycle because it is a continuous low dose hormone, there is no week of placebo pills.

So today is officially CD1 of my first ever cycle TTC! I am so excited!

I already took an OPK to see what my baseline was, it's already pretty dark! I will keep checking every day to see. Who knows, maybe I'll get lucky and catch first month! :) Just wanted to join the thread, I'm so happy to be here finally.
Welcome Sarah and Symphony!!!

Syphony- My cycles went back to normal pretty much right away..hopefully your ttc journey will be short.

afm- took a FRER today at 12dpo and BFN..I think I may be out AF is due tomorrow. I am ok though, ive been doing well with the whole TTC process. I guess going to the RE put everything is perspective.
I have a teacher leadership conference this week. LONG DAYS. I'm exhausted. However, today during one of the conferences I think I started to feel baby moving for first time!!! I have a lot of intestinal issues so I am used to odd twinges in my abdomen, but this was a fluttery/twinge/poke combination feeling. And it was consistently in the same place every few minutes for about two hours! I'm thinking it was baby. At least that's what I'm going with. :cloud9:

Hi Sarah! Welcome!! Hopefully you regulate quickly! :) This is a great group of women in this thread, very informative and willing to help! :)

Symphony - Welcome!! Good luck with your cycles! Hopefully they regulate and you catch your egg quickly! :) Sounds promising!

Elle - Sorry about the bfn. :( but sounds like you're in good spirits, which is good!
I'm officially out, AF showed up this am. I called the RE to schedule my day 3 testing to have my horomone levels. I am ok though, my birthday is next week I'll be 29 and I will be able to go out and have a drink and nice dinner with DH without worry. my cycles are like clockwork now, Ovulating day 14-15, 13 day LP and AF showing up CD 27-28.

I am also having a Hgh this month I am scared though, the doctors are saying it will probably just be mild cramping however I have done some Google research and some women have said it's EXTREMELY painfull. I am hopeful it doesn't hurt that bad, will be taking pain killers before as the doctor recommended.
I'm so glad you're being optimistic about this! That's great you'll be able to have a drink without worry, that's the nice thing. :)

When you say "Hgh" do you mean the HSG? Or is this a completely different test?

If it's HSG, i had it the month we got our bfp and it wasn't as painful as women say. There was cramping, like really bad period cramps, it was painful for about 30 seconds during that part and afterwards I had some very mild cramping for the next hour or two but it wasn't horrible. I took 4 extra strength Tylonel beforehand (I could only take tylonel because of some of my other meds) and was fine.
Angel- Lol thats what I meant, thanks for the input. It's good to here personal experiences. I heard it can increase fertility even though I know that isn't the purpose. my AF cramps are pretty bad anyway so I guess I should be able to handle it.
Angel- Lol thats what I meant, thanks for the input. It's good to here personal experiences. I heard it can increase fertility even though I know that isn't the purpose. my AF cramps are pretty bad anyway so I guess I should be able to handle it.

If you already have bad AF cramps then you'll probably be fine. Good luck!

My DH SWEARS the HSG is why I'm pregnant and that if they had done an HSG on me earlier I would have been pregnant sooner. I think he's mildly delusional. Especially since we also know that my progesterone was very low and my RE was pretty sure my previous CPs were due to the low progesterone, but I'll let him keep his ideas. :haha:
I need to vent:

Just got the call back from the RE all my test came back normal but they wont be doing any further fertility treatments (Not like I need them at this point) Unless I lose 30-40 pounds. I am so hurt, angry, frustrated. I have been on the heavier side since College and although I would like to lose weight it has become difficult for me to do so. I have had everything tested and on paper it says Im healthy but Overweight. Ive tried and failed and tried and failed some more. It sucks, its basically saying your healthy but you will only have a baby unless you drop some ridiculous amount of weight.

The want to refer me to a nutritionist, Ive done all of that before my eating habits are not the issue. I eat pretty healthy, I try to exercise regularly. I don;t binge eat, I dont drink soda, I dont eat junk food. We eat fruits and veggies. We do all the things we are supposed to do I just cant seem to lose any weight. It doesn't seem fair. I am a size 16 not ginormous by any means. Its pretty much like being told the only way you will have the one thing you really want is by doing the one thing you cant seem to be able to do. UGHHHH!!!! I am going back to my PCP to see if she will perscribe me metaformin or something similar for weight loss and going to try to work out 5-6 times a week. We will continue to ttc but idk what will happen...

Full body pic of me for reference...

Elle - that's horrible!! If you have no other medical problems caused by the weight, and if you are ovulating (sometimes excess weight can prevent ovulation) then I don't think there's any excuse for them to refuse to treat or test you because of your weight. I would understand if you were overly obese or something, but you clearly are not! GORGEOUS picture by the way! Size 16 is NOT huge. I'm so furious with your RE!!
Thank you Angel. I got off the phone feeling like a massive beach whale who would never get pregnant. I knew my weight may be an issue but since I'm healthy and have regular cycles and do get positive ovulation tests I thought they would take things a bit more seriously. nope they basically told me to come back in 2-3 month once I've lost some weight. Idk if I will bother with seeking out another RE at this point we will probably just keep trying naturally since it has only been 6 cycles and of course I already got pg once. I guess since I know I'm ovulating, since it was confirmed by US we will just keep going.
That's horrible, and people much larger than you have perfectly healthy pregnancies and babies! What a horrible thing for them to say/do! You've only been trying 6 months, and had 1 CP so I don't think your weight has anything to do with it. I would definitely not go back to them EVER.

I can't remember, why did you seek out an RE this "early"? Usually doctors make us wait a year.

I say keep doing what you've been doing and see what happens. If you get close to a year and nothing yet, then seek out a different RE.

As for the weight, if you are worried have you tried using apps like My Fitness Pal? That really helps me with food logging and I sometimes realize I'm eating more than I thought I was. I struggle with weight and I really struggle to lose once i've gained. This last year I lost 10lbs (on my 5'2" frame, that was a lot and equaled out to be 2 pants sizes) but I only managed to do it because I hired a personal trainer who put me through some new workouts I wasn't familiar with and taught me how to really utilize the weights section of the gym instead of just focusing on cardio. I used her for 3-4 moths and then used the things she taught me to continue on my own (and promptly got pregnant so there goes all my hard work :haha: ). Not sure if that's an option for you but it did help me a lot. If nothing else it made me go to the gym AND she was a great motivator. Plus we talked during the workouts so I was distracted, which makes it go so much faster. :)
I only sought out an RE to see if I had any underlying conditions that caused me to have a miscarriage. Since everything seemed normal, even though I didn't get to complete my Day 3 testing so I may still need my hormone levels checked.

I've used My Fitness Pal on and off and definitely agree it works. DH is really into fitness so he can definitely help me work out and stuff. I definately want to lose weight but it's always been a struggle. I'm 5'8 so I am pretty proportional for my height but the number on the scale could be lowereally. I cried on the phone with DH last night and we both agreed we would work on losing some weight. I made an appointment with my PCP to see if she will be willing to prescribe me something to help since I have gone the traditional route for a while without much success.

I always joke with DH that I can look at a cheeseburger and gain 5 pounds. 😂😂 crazy but kinda true I eat ANYTHING kinda bad and I gain weight.
Well your RE sounds horrid. :(

Good luck with the weight loss. Sounds like you've got a great handle on it. Remember to focus on size and health, not just the number on the scale (whatever the doctors say) and don't let it drive you crazy! If your health is overall good otherwise then there is really not a big chance that your weight is stopping anything with pregnancy.
Wow, I can't believe that you've been told that Elle!
But! If you believe you can concieve (and your bodies proven, it's possible) then just keep thinking happy thoughts and do you!

As for myself,
I had period like cramps yesterday, and today.
It really felt kinda sore down there too yesterday when husband and I BD'd. I'm not exactly sure why. It was slightly uncomfortable.
Then today I wiped and there was slight brown discharge (the past few days I noticed I had like creamy white CM, not ewcm or anything, so that's been different that i've noticed in the past few months.
BUT no period, nausea on and off lately.
Sense of smell has been on and off too. Suddenly I smell something really strong, and then later i can barely smell anything.
I had a headache today (but I'm narrowing that down to the fact that I drank a coffee, and rootbeer today and not much water). So don't think that was really any other type of symptom.

If nothing happens, (I went out and bought a pack of 2 frer tests) within this next week with taking a hpt, then I'm phoning my doctor as it's been 90 days without a period. far too long for me.
Crappy thing is, I have to wait till I'm back from holidays to get any testing done (and we're gone til Aug 29, so that sucks).
I can honestly say I know the feeling. I finally found an Obgyn who although he acknowledged I could stand to lose weight he didn't push it at all and he basically was like "I'm overweight so I couldn't be upset with you..". And Elle I'm bigger than you (I'm 5'4 and 248 with a 40G chest).

I'll be honest, working in ob for five years really opened by eyes to things with TTC. I really think that stress and high cortisol are a big reason for unexplained infertility. Stress wreeks havoc on your body so much more than most people realize. I just spoke with one of my very good friends who was a bridesmaid at my wedding had six miscarriages. She was on chlomid for four years. The month she got pregnant with her daughter she had decided that she was getting off of chlomid and figured she would just worry about herself because she was tired of all the stress and everything. Low and behold she got pregnant.

This is why I've decided I'm no longer temping or charting and Im going to enjoy my husband and whatever happens will happen.
gagrl- Yup I agree stress wears on the body in alot for ways. I am definitely more relaxed now than when I first started ttc. It helps knowing I am not the only one who has struggled with this. and your not bigger than me... 😉 I'm just taller so my weight has more places to go. I wear a 38E and weigh 2something I wont post it online. Lol I think not matter your weight as long as your healthy you should be able to do whatever you want. I know they weight can sometimes be a hindrance but I don't feel it has kept me from anything.

Mozz- I get nausea and cramps and alot of the symptoms you described when I pms maybe AF is finally on her way and you can start a new cycle. I am sorry I could imagine how the long cycles suck.

AFM- going to brunch with DH today to start my bday celebrations. it is a whopping 95 degrees today and has been a heat wave here for the past 3 days. it's hot and humid! We are planning on going to Vegas in October as an anniversary celebration so will take a little break from trying for the next two cycles..try to lose some weight and just focus on our health. we plan to start trying again in November
Elle - Vegas sounds like fun! Enjoy your break! I'm hopeful that the time away will be good for you! :)

Mozzarella - The brownish discharge could be implantation or the signs that AF is finally showing. I'm hoping you get some answers soon! :hugs:

Gagrl - I hope that works for you!! :) I've heard from a lot of people that the "low stress" way works for them. I did get tired when I was TTC of hearing "if you'd just stop trying it would happen", but in my case there was a definite reason and just "not trying" wasn't going to fix my hormone problem (nor would it fix the problem that DH and I rarely have sex during the school year except on weekends because of how much I work I had between work and grad school and I tend to Ovulate mid-week, so statistically it wasn't a very likely). However, for people without a defined reason like that I do believe that stress is very likely a cause.
Elle - Vegas sounds like fun! Enjoy your break! I'm hopeful that the time away will be good for you! :)

Mozzarella - The brownish discharge could be implantation or the signs that AF is finally showing. I'm hoping you get some answers soon! :hugs:

Gagrl - I hope that works for you!! :) I've heard from a lot of people that the "low stress" way works for them. I did get tired when I was TTC of hearing "if you'd just stop trying it would happen", but in my case there was a definite reason and just "not trying" wasn't going to fix my hormone problem (nor would it fix the problem that DH and I rarely have sex during the school year except on weekends because of how much I work I had between work and grad school and I tend to Ovulate mid-week, so statistically it wasn't a very likely). However, for people without a defined reason like that I do believe that stress is very likely a cause.

Honestly we got pregnant five months of trying.. So I can't really complain. Now I just need to chill and let my body relax...
I think that's good advice.

My first CP was at 5 months of trying too. Hopefully your sticky bean will be soon! <3

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