I thought I had updated here yesterday but apparently I missed this group! Sorry!
We went in completely sure we were having a boy but we are joining team PINK!! We were so positive it was a boy that when the tech said Girl I was like "wait, are you sure??", and she confirmed twice.
The whole time during the scan she NEVER stopped moving, kicking and rolling around, playing with the cord (which gave the tech trouble whenever she tried to get a picture of the cord

), and every time DH was like "you seriously can't feel that?!" Pretty amazing how much she's moving and I feel nothing.
Elle - I'm so glad you've got a move date and everything worked out. That sounds like things wll be a lot better and you save up for a decent place. Happy (belated) birthday!
Crazy how they had that kind of a "mixed message" though, seriously. I wonder if the nurse that called you originally was trying to push more than she was supposed to about hte weight thing, rather than simply telling you it could be an issue. And, for that matter, I wonder if she wasn't supposed to go into all that detail yet. I only say that because usually they still want to do all the tests and such first and make sure that hormones or something isn't the issue before talking about weight.
My suggestion (feel free not to take it!!! just my thoughts) is to go ahead with the day 3 testing and the HSG. You're still trying naturally, just checking hormones and checking that the uterus is "clear". If my doctor had allowed me to do hormone testing at 6 months like I requested I would have found out my low progesterone after the first MC, and i very possibly wouldn't have had the second, or had to go so long TTC, since they are 99% sure all mine were due to low progesterone. You don't have to do any fertility treatments after testing if you choose not to, it simply lets you know if there is something preventable or not. After you get your test results back (there are a lot during that cycle) then you always decide to continue naturally, you just have more information about your body.
Of course I'm a math teacher with a very math/science based brain so I'm always for anything that gets more information.