Stopped BCP & TTC! Whos with me?!

Hey ladies just a quick check in from me... Been busy... Yesterday hubby and I celebrated our one year anniversary! (It's tomorrow, the 15th). Tonight as I was peeing before bed it burned a little (like maybe I have a uti?) but then when I wiped there was blood. Red. Not bright red, but red. When I stood up I looked in the toilet and two clots of blood/tissue were in there. I'm trying not to worry as baby girl is moving like normal as I lay down to sleep but I'm still panicked a little. I hope it's gone by morning (I put a liner on just incase). Otherwise I see my doctor Thursday so I can mention it then, but I just don't like bleeding! This is the 2nd time now in 5 weeks. Baby girl better stay put in there. Just needed to vent, hubby doesn't like to talk about it (he's not one to discuss when ppl are sick or somethings wrong with someone, makes him very upset) and I have nowhere else to turn. I'll be calling my doctor first thing when they open tomorrow.
ABMommy that definately.sounds scary. hope everything is ok, praying for you. oh and happy anniversary! Ours is next month we will be celebrating 1 year as well.
afm our situation with our landlord has gotten worse and at this point we have a mice infestion we caught 2 this week. it gives me the creeps because it is not something I have ever had to deal with before. We live in the city so a Roque mouse every now and Than isn't unusual but we have had 12 mice in 6 months!!! I cannot take it anymore and our landlord refuses to get an exterminator. when we asked her a few months back she said ok than said if she did she would need to raise the rent. which is ridiculous because she is supposed to handle these things if not what is our $1200 for?!? Basically we need to move asap I could not sleep the other night. We have decided to go live with DH parents for a while until we save up enough to get another apartment. It sucks because we love being in the city (His parents live in the suburbs) and having our own space but I cannot live with rodents and I've always been clean and have been a clean freak once we start to spot droppings months ago and no matter how clean things are they won't go away.

so we will need to cancel our trip to Vegas and pretty much just focus on saving.
Contests to both of you on your anniversary!!

Ab- how did the phone call go?? Are they getting you in???

Elle- I can totally understand not wanting to deal with a landlord like that.

AFM, not much new to report. DH and I are excited about heading down to Florida to visit my parents labor day weekend.. I miss them so much. Here's never been to FL before so I'm taking him to Disney before they get rid of the electrical parade In October..
Elle thanks and congrats to you as well! Also I wanted to say that my oldest sister is obese, and she went to a fertility clinic to help her get PG because they couldn't conceive naturally. They conceived on their first cycle. So, it's possible! Also, happy anniversary to you as well! Sorry about the landlord/apt situation. I would look into taking legal action if things get worse.

Gagrl- that'll be a fun trip! I love Disney!

I had more spotting today. Also some cramping. I called the doctors and they said just to monitor it and if it goes back to bright red then to call them back right away. I just hope everything is ok. I'm such a worrywart.
ABMommy - that sounds terrifying! :hugs: I would say you have every right to worry! I would be terrified. Keep us updated and I'll keep my fingers crossed and prayers for you!

Elle - Is there any kind of tenant protection there that if the landlord doesn't take care of pests there are repercussions? Or at least allow you to break the lease? (I don't know if that's an issue, a lot of people live out of lease after the first year or so and don't have to worry about that issue).

I'm so sorry you have to cancel your Vegas trip! But, I am with you on the pests thing! I wouldn't have been able to stay there either! Hopefully living with DH's parents goes smoothly until you can save up for a place. :hugs:
gagirl-thank you! that's awesome you get to take your DH down to Florida. I know it must be hard living away from your parents. that's pretty much the only reason we are still in NY is because both our families are here.

ABMOMMY- Yea I found it crazy because I know plenty of women way bigger than me that have children. and being that I got pregnant our fourth cycle trying and that I'm healthy otherwise I thought it shouldn't be a problem but ah well. definately try to take it easy and drink lots of water I heard that helps!

Angel- we could go to court and call 311 on her but she's older (83) and we honestly feel it will be more stressful than anything since she lives in the house with us and we think she would try to get revenge in someway. we just wanna be out it no longer feelsee like a comfortable space for us.
Elle - she lives in the house with you? So she has the same mice problems, but doesn't seem to care? That's.... just messed up and sad. I feel kind of bad for her, being that old and all, but she should be a better landlord if she's going to try to keep tenants around. :hugs: Best of luck with the move. I hope you guys can find a place soon.
Angel- Yup and the house is paid off so it's not like she still has a mortgage. she told us she starting seeing mice gave us some traps and called it a day. we live on the top floor and she lives in the basement so if we have them upstairs we know for a fact she has a lot more down there. especially since we have a cat.

We went and spoke with DHs parents and agreed in a move in date of sometime in October before the 15th. We will be out sometime the new year. I don't mind his parents and we will be in the basement so we have some sort of privacy. It's not uncommon here for people to move back in with their parents because it's soooo expensive in NYC and damn near impossible to save while paying rent. So we don't feel so bad. I am just glad to be moving out of that place and it will be nice to not be home alone while Hubby is at work, since he works overnight.
AJANGEL hope lil bub is doing great and you too.

Elle.T. I hope you get your living situation sorted because that's uncalled for.

Gagrlinpitt sorry about things. I hope you get bfp soon.

Angel 19 weeks!! Woohoo :) almost time to find out pink or blue

AFM, AF arrived today so 15dpo is now CD1. 14 day LP is awesome though. So I'm looking forward to Disney soon. I should O right before we go so I'll be distracted during tww. I'm going to drink and just have fun on the coasters while I'm there. I'm very excited and that keeps me from being safe about AF this cycle.
AJANGEL hope lil bub is doing great and you too.

Elle.T. I hope you get your living situation sorted because that's uncalled for.

Gagrlinpitt sorry about things. I hope you get bfp soon.

Angel 19 weeks!! Woohoo :) almost time to find out pink or blue

AFM, AF arrived today so 15dpo is now CD1. 14 day LP is awesome though. So I'm looking forward to Disney soon. I should O right before we go so I'll be distracted during tww. I'm going to drink and just have fun on the coasters while I'm there. I'm very excited and that keeps me from being safe about AF this cycle.

When will you be in Disney? We're going too
Tomorrow's my big day, anatomy scan! I'm a little nervous, just hoping everything comes out well and things look healthy, and so excited to find out what we're having! Hoping baby cooperates, I don't want to be Team Yellow! :haha:

Elle - I'm so glad that things are going to work out so living with DH's parents won't be too much of a hassle and you have a plan so you won't be stuck there. I can't believe your landlord chooses to live in those conditions....but I guess to each his/her own?

Flueky - Yes! we find out tomorrow! The 14 day LP is great. Sounds very healthy! Have fun at Disney! I'm excited for you! I love Disney. :)
Went from a stark negative OPK yesterday morning to a positive one this morning. Didn't think it was coming for a few more days and DH was exhausted last night so we didn't DTD. We will tonight, hopefully we can catch the egg. With this date, we BD once already during my fertile window, on Monday though. Here's hoping! Can't believe this is it! I waited so long and now it's here for real.
Good luck symphony!! The cycle we got pregnant we only BD the day of and day after the +OPK. Keeping FX
Hey Ladies!

Flueky a 14 day LP sounds awesome! Have fun at Disney.

Symphony- GL on your first cycle! Only takes once to catch the egg.

Angel can't wait til you find out the gender!

AFM- on CD9? Dont quote me on that haven't been paying much attention to my cycle thus far but I know I should be Ovulating soon. We went and spoke with DH's parents and agreed on a move in date of Early October. Sometime before the 15th and rent is due again. Honestly I feel relieved, this will give us time to save up a ton of money before we move into our new place hopefully around Jan or Feb on next year. My birthday was yesterday and I had a great time with my DH having a nice dinner and spending some time with family. Since we are not going to Vegas we will continue to ttc, definitely taking a more relaxed approach though. I got a call back from my RE asking why I did not do day 3 testing. I explained because of the message from the nurse explaining that I would not be eligible for fertility treatment because of my weight. Apparently there was some mixed messages. She explained that because of my weight fertility treatments may not be as effective but they would still be an option for me. She apologized for the confusion and wants me to come in for day 3 testing next cycle and get the HSG as well. I am not sure if we will DH kinda wants to take the natural route. I guess if we don't get pregnant again within another 4-5 months we will seek out testing.
I thought I had updated here yesterday but apparently I missed this group! Sorry!

We went in completely sure we were having a boy but we are joining team PINK!! We were so positive it was a boy that when the tech said Girl I was like "wait, are you sure??", and she confirmed twice. :haha:

The whole time during the scan she NEVER stopped moving, kicking and rolling around, playing with the cord (which gave the tech trouble whenever she tried to get a picture of the cord :haha: ), and every time DH was like "you seriously can't feel that?!" Pretty amazing how much she's moving and I feel nothing.

Elle - I'm so glad you've got a move date and everything worked out. That sounds like things wll be a lot better and you save up for a decent place. Happy (belated) birthday! <3

Crazy how they had that kind of a "mixed message" though, seriously. I wonder if the nurse that called you originally was trying to push more than she was supposed to about hte weight thing, rather than simply telling you it could be an issue. And, for that matter, I wonder if she wasn't supposed to go into all that detail yet. I only say that because usually they still want to do all the tests and such first and make sure that hormones or something isn't the issue before talking about weight.

My suggestion (feel free not to take it!!! just my thoughts) is to go ahead with the day 3 testing and the HSG. You're still trying naturally, just checking hormones and checking that the uterus is "clear". If my doctor had allowed me to do hormone testing at 6 months like I requested I would have found out my low progesterone after the first MC, and i very possibly wouldn't have had the second, or had to go so long TTC, since they are 99% sure all mine were due to low progesterone. You don't have to do any fertility treatments after testing if you choose not to, it simply lets you know if there is something preventable or not. After you get your test results back (there are a lot during that cycle) then you always decide to continue naturally, you just have more information about your body.

Of course I'm a math teacher with a very math/science based brain so I'm always for anything that gets more information. :haha:
Angel- a girl!! Congratulations!! So exciting! Is your DH excited? Do you have an anterior or posterior placenta? I had an anterior placenta and while I felt movement (especially 3rd trimester, the movements were awesome!) but having the anterior placenta made it take longer for me to feel movement in the first place and I also didn't feel everything that you see on ultrasound! So I was curious if you had the same.

Elle- that is so frustrating and annoying (and rude!) about the nurses saying different things. Was it the same nurse or different ones?

Flukey- I hope you have a wonderful trip, you deserve it!!

I've been reading everyone's posts but haven't had a chance to respond.. But I'm thinking of all of you and hope everyone is well!

Afm, tomorrow is my due date! Lol. Crazy that I have almost a 3 week old. My little guy has been having tummy issues and the doctor thinks that he can't tolerate dairy, and it's being passed on to him through my breast milk. So I've cut dairy out of my diet and am hoping it helps him!!
The tech said my placenta was at the back of the utuerus. So I think that's posterior placenta.

Sorry that your LO has some stomach issues. Hopefully cutting out dairy in your diet will help! I can't believe you already have a 3 week old! Wow!
Angel- Congrats on joining team Pink! I agree, DH isn't so keen on all the medical intervention. He wants to do things "Naturally" even though things don't always work out that way. If we don't get Pg this cycle I will go in for the day 3 testing but hold off on the HSG for now.

AJ- that sucks about the dairy, hoping the changes will help your LO. It was the nurse that called but the doctor followed up with me to see why I didn't come back. It's kinda weird the nurse would do that if she wasn't supposed to.

AFM- having baby fever over here I keep seeing pregnant women and babies recently and I just started feelings all over again. hoping that this is our month! regardless trying to take everything in stride. It would be a great anniversary present though! &#128522;
Angel- Congrats on joining team Pink! I agree, DH isn't so keen on all the medical intervention. He wants to do things "Naturally" even though things don't always work out that way. If we don't get Pg this cycle I will go in for the day 3 testing but hold off on the HSG for now.

AJ- that sucks about the dairy, hoping the changes will help your LO. It was the nurse that called but the doctor followed up with me to see why I didn't come back. It's kinda weird the nurse would do that if she wasn't supposed to.

AFM- having baby fever over here I keep seeing pregnant women and babies recently and I just started feelings all over again. hoping that this is our month! regardless trying to take everything in stride. It would be a great anniversary present though! &#128522;

I totally understand.. My nephew was born at 4:30am this morning and now I'm praying more than every this is our cycle.. Last cycle was really hard with the MC and I need good news for us.

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