Stopped BCP & TTC! Whos with me?!

Gagirl- Yea my RE told me that you don't need to wait but that it may take some time after a MC. My period after the MC was REALLY Really heavy and when I went in for the US she said the lining of my uterus was still kind of thick and it would probably take another cycle or so to shed everything. I know this isn't true for everyone and some get Pg right after a MC. I would go to your GYN to get an US and blood test to check your levels just to be sure. FX for both of us though and all the other ladies!!!
Hey ladies. Been quiet in here. Just popping in for a quick update. I'll be 26 weeks tomorrow. Crazy how fast things are flying -- officially in double digits today! 99 days left! Give or take. The hardwood floor is being refinished tmrw in the nursery. Very excited for that, so then this weekend we can get the furniture all set up :)

I hope everyone else is doing well and have a great week!
ABmommy- Wow time is flying! that must be so exciting to be setting up the nursery.

afm-nothing much going on, I should be ovulating today(got a positive opk last night) we have been being the last few days so we shall see. I am hopeful but not trying to get my hopes up at the same time. We are starting to pack and get our things together, we may try to down size and sell our furniture and buy new furniture once we find a place.

hope everyone else is doing ok!
Elle.. Good, now here's to hoping you'll catch that eggie...

AFM, I have done no charting or temping this month.. I'm thinking I just ovulated because I've had very fertile cm.. We bd every other day pretty much and just hoping this is it for us. My Boobs are really sore today so I'm thinking lp has begun.
ABmommy - so exciting!

Elle - Good luck!! Hopefully getting things packed and moved will go smoothly too. :)

Gagrl - Keeping FX for you!

AFM - 20 weeks! :D :happydance: half way there. :)
Sorry I haven't replied in a while ladies! Have been super busy these past couple weeks and we're currently on vacation. We're in Wyoming visiting family and celebrating my grandparents 60th anniversary.

Glad to see you ladies are all doing well still. I won't individually reply to anyone right now just because I'm using my phone to reply and it's a lot harder to look back at messages on.

AFM - currently CD95! Crazy.
I finally called my doctor and he said to schedule an appointment and come in and we'll try to look at getting some further testing done. Woohoo! Can't wait for that to happen. Sick of no periods. Can't believe that's a thing I'm saying when I used to say I wish I never it one hahaha.
I have my doctors appointment in a weeks time, next Wednesday so I'll be a few days after CD100, around CD102 I think on the day of my appointment.

Im just trying to stay positive and just have fun on our vacation.

I have a question. Has anyone ever taken gummy prenatal vitamins?? I hate taking medicine in general, and prenatal vitamins are huge as I have a hard time swallowing pills. Since I'm in the USA they have them (Canada doesn't) so I'm wondering if it would be beneficial to pick some gummy prenatal vitamins up while we're down here. I do realize they aren't packed will all the vitamins of a regular prenatal vitamin though. So is that a good or a bad thing?
Sorry I haven't replied in a while ladies! Have been super busy these past couple weeks and we're currently on vacation. We're in Wyoming visiting family and celebrating my grandparents 60th anniversary.

Glad to see you ladies are all doing well still. I won't individually reply to anyone right now just because I'm using my phone to reply and it's a lot harder to look back at messages on.

AFM - currently CD95! Crazy.
I finally called my doctor and he said to schedule an appointment and come in and we'll try to look at getting some further testing done. Woohoo! Can't wait for that to happen. Sick of no periods. Can't believe that's a thing I'm saying when I used to say I wish I never it one hahaha.
I have my doctors appointment in a weeks time, next Wednesday so I'll be a few days after CD100, around CD102 I think on the day of my appointment.

Im just trying to stay positive and just have fun on our vacation.

I have a question. Has anyone ever taken gummy prenatal vitamins?? I hate taking medicine in general, and prenatal vitamins are huge as I have a hard time swallowing pills. Since I'm in the USA they have them (Canada doesn't) so I'm wondering if it would be beneficial to pick some gummy prenatal vitamins up while we're down here. I do realize they aren't packed will all the vitamins of a regular prenatal vitamin though. So is that a good or a bad thing?

I actually take the smarty pants gummy vitamins because they have methlyfolate in then and not folic acid which I need because I'm mthfr positive. They have dha in them as well.
Mozzarella - I'm so glad they're having you go in for testing! That's great. I take gummy prenatals. Like Gagrl, I am positive for MTHFR so I try to take ones that don't have folic acid but have the pure form of methylfolate instead, and so I take SmartyPants vitamins. They have a lot in them including Omega3s and all that and have everything except iron that other prenatals have, so as a result they require more than the "normal" gummy vitamins: 6 gummies a day. But they aren't bad to take.

I buy mine from Amazon though and have them shipped. Just easier than trying to find some.
I take gummy vitamins, I can't swallow a regular multi, too big.

So I am 8DPO...we DTD two times during our fertile window. It came early because I just came off BC so not sure when to expect my period. I am assuming Thursday even though it will only be CD24. As far as symptoms, I'm not too sure...I kind of feel like I normally do. I get on and off bloating depending on diet, and I've been bloating pretty bad the last week. But around 4-5DPO I had really bad back cramps like o get before my period. Now, it was the week to get my classroom set up and I've been working 10+ hour days every day so that may have had something to do with it.

And today I thought I saw the tiniest spot of blood when I wiped. I am not such a good symptom spotter, everything always just feels the same as I always do depending on what I've eaten and how much work I've done throughout the day.
Symphony - Honestly I had no symptoms until around week 5/6. I got a very faint BFP at 10DPO and up until probably 15DPO I had no symptoms. Even then my only symptom was dry mouth. It was another week or so after that when I started getting any other symptoms. So don't worry too much about that. And if this is a cycle that is soon after stopping BCP you could have a couple odd cycles before you regulate (or you could be one of the lucky ones that regulate asap).

What do you teach btw? I'm high school math. Teachers officially go back Wednesday next week but I picked up my keys this week and will spend most of next week getting my classroom ready.
Mozz- I take gummy vitamins as well, regular prenatals are a bit to much for me to swallow. I am glad you are finally able to go get tested. hope you get some answers soon.

Symphony- I try not to symptom spot, there were some months I was SURE I was pg and wasn't the cycle I got a bfp I had barely any symptoms besides some cramping. So I just try to wait out the dreaded tww by keeping myself busy so I dont think about it much.

gagrl- I just did opks and havent really paid much attention to things. no checking cm or anything and trying not to symptom spot. only thing I've noticed is sore boobs which I can't help but notice.

afm- in the tww, just trying to keep busy. we've begun packing and organizing and trying to spend lots of time alone together. I'm excited about our wedding anniversary, we are going to go stay in the same hotel we spent our wedding night in and have a nice dinner out.
Mozz- I take gummy vitamins as well, regular prenatals are a bit to much for me to swallow. I am glad you are finally able to go get tested. hope you get some answers soon.

Symphony- I try not to symptom spot, there were some months I was SURE I was pg and wasn't the cycle I got a bfp I had barely any symptoms besides some cramping. So I just try to wait out the dreaded tww by keeping myself busy so I dont think about it much.

gagrl- I just did opks and havent really paid much attention to things. no checking cm or anything and trying not to symptom spot. only thing I've noticed is sore boobs which I can't help but notice.

afm- in the tww, just trying to keep busy. we've begun packing and organizing and trying to spend lots of time alone together. I'm excited about our wedding anniversary, we are going to go stay in the same hotel we spent our wedding night in and have a nice dinner out.
Aww Elle that will be great.. Enjoy it. I just started getting sore boobs but that happens every month.

AFM, I honestly have just been focusing on swimming three to four days a week and Working on me. I'll be 32 on Monday and we will be going to Florida next weekend to see my parents that I hadn't seen since Christmas. I'm overjoyed about this trip because I'm taking my dh to Disney for his first time, he's never even been to Florida before.

If I was symptom spotting I have so many but a bunch are also my pre AF symptoms too so I'm not even going down that road... Sore boobs, stuffy nose, nauseated, acid reflux, bloating, my ankles swelled yesterday and the day before, constipation, and I feel like my pee smells weird again.. But I honestly don't want to even go down that thought path unless I'm over a week late.. So for now I'm just going to enjoy my last couple of days being 31.
Sounds like you guys are doing well. :hugs:

Today we went to the zoo with my sister and her kids. After 7 hours walking around the zoo though my back hurts, my feet hurt and I'm ready to drop into bed. And then DH convinced me to stop at FRY's because he really needed a new keyboard and the kind he likes is hard to find anywhere else. Since the zoo we went to was the Seattle zoo (over an hour away, rather than the closer zoo, because this one is better) and since Fry's is close to the zoo I agreed (because I don't want to drive up that way again :haha: ).

Anyway, while we were there, DH found a foot massager and bought it for me. <3 I'm sitting here now with my feet in a heated, vibrating, bubbling massager and it feels so good.
Symphony - Honestly I had no symptoms until around week 5/6. I got a very faint BFP at 10DPO and up until probably 15DPO I had no symptoms. Even then my only symptom was dry mouth. It was another week or so after that when I started getting any other symptoms. So don't worry too much about that. And if this is a cycle that is soon after stopping BCP you could have a couple odd cycles before you regulate (or you could be one of the lucky ones that regulate asap).

What do you teach btw? I'm high school math. Teachers officially go back Wednesday next week but I picked up my keys this week and will spend most of next week getting my classroom ready.

I am teaching first grade this year. :) So excited, it has been my dream for a long time. I taught 6th last year which was my first year teaching and had a rough time of it. This is going to be a much better year, can't wait for my first day with kids tomorrow.

10DPO today, tested negative this morning. Was at my SILs baby shower yesterday and got to see my niece so that was nice. They announced the name, Brody. I think maybe because I knew a horse named that, I'm not a huge fan, but it's better than what they were thinking before which was Huck. He will be here end of October and I will be an aunt for the second time. :)
First grade huh? Wow! I could not do that. I'll stick with my high schoolers. :haha: I'm so impressed with the elementary school teachers.

I'm with you on the name Brody, but you're right it is better than Huck. lol.
I'm with you! I've been off of BC for a couple of months now.. Had reg AF last month, but late this month.. Frustrating because I want to think positive that it's a good sign, but you just never know! Baby Dust to all!
How's everyone doing???

afm- 8 almost 9 dpo, I'm itching to testhe tested at 7dpo to early and of course it was a BFN. trying to hold out another day or two..I really do hate the tww..Lol I have seen at least 3 pregnancy announcements this week and while I am happy for them I am ready for it to be OUR time already. I was doing so good this cycle with being calm and not thinking about it but now that I am close to af's expected arrival it's almost all I can think about. Lol
I'm doing alright myself, but students come back in 2 days and I'm definitely not feeling ready! Went to the gym this morning and now working up the energy to go to the school and finish my work. Blah.

Elle - Good luck!! The TWW sucks. :(
Ah first grade! That's awesome. I'm working with two kids this year (til Christmas anyways). A little girl in kindergarten and a gentlemen in grade 8. Split up between morning and afternoon. It'll be so interesting to make the leap each day from dressup to science and that kinda thing. (Just generalizing haha, but quite the difference in age and skills of kids obviously haha).

Symphony, That's so interesting that your SIL and brother want to name their girl a boys name. I find both Brody and Huck quite masculine.

Elle - oh boy. You have strength to handle waiting to test. If it was me I'd be trying to test everyday! FX for you this cycle. I hope this cycle is your cycle!

Angel - what do you teach again? I have forgotten.
Our kids started full day this past Friday (and then we had a long weekend this weekend) so that's been interesting.

AFM, my doctor gave me a referral to get a pelvic ultrasound done. He also gave me a prescription for provera. Should I be waiting till after ultrasound to start taking the pills? He never really seemed to mention.

I kind of feel like waiting till after I get the results back invade somehow there's a little bean inside of me and I have no idea. But at the same time I'm like ... There's probably not one at all haha
I'm just glad my doctor is finally starting to want to figure things out!!
I'm like CD106 right now :(
Symphony, That's so interesting that your SIL and brother want to name their girl a boys name. I find both Brody and Huck quite masculine.

Oh no that's for their little boy due at the end of October. They have a little girl already, she will be 4 this year. I feel quite a bit behind my brother with him having two almost and me just starting. He's only 2 years older than me.

I am on CD5 today. Only had a 3 day period which wasn't too bad. Will start taking OPKs in the next couple of days since I got a positive at CD9 last cycle. I'm thinking though that was because I didn't have a period last time and this time won't be as early. Either way, just hoping to do a lot of BDing to catch the egg this time. Fingers crossed!

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