Hey Ladies! So sorry that I've been MIA. I've kinda just stopped replying on here because I've just been so down about everything (not being pregnant yet, and not having a period), and life got crazy too.
Gagrlin - CONGRATS! FX this is a very sticky bean! SO exciting

Glad your numbers doubled!
Flueky - That will be wonderful if you're able to hear the HB!

I always thought you couldn't hear it til about 8 weeks, but is it possible to hear it before then?
AFM - Well, I've just been waiting for my gyn appt to hurry up and come (near christmas). Life's been really crazy, and somewhat in a good and bad way. My husband took a job that is 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off, and it's 9 hours away. It's extremely lonely being home for two weeks by myself, and my anxiety gets the best of me sometimes. My husband has been my rock, and my comforter for when I get anxiety, and he's what grounds me in the midst of it. Now that he's gone, I'm struggling sometimes to find ways to deal with it, and spend most of my days at home by myself. (the house is just so gosh darn quiet when there's only me in it). Although I have managed to keep the house really clean, and the dishes done. On the other hand, my cooking has gone down hahaha. When you're a "bachlorette" for two weeks, cooking doesn't seem as amazing anymore. It's just doesn't seem worth it to cook lovely meals for just yourself. So I have been eating a lot of soup lately haha.
Also I've had something extremely weird happen, as most of you might remember my doctor "diagnosed" or thinks my symptoms and lack of period, and cysts in my ovaries are matching to that of PCOS. I haven't had a period since the end of may. It's been a long time. Then randomly, almost two weeks ago now, I started spotting. So I've been really confused. It's still going on. It's not been a flow, because nothings landed on a liner, but everytime I wipe I get some blood here and there mixed in with CM. So I called my doctor, explained what's happened, and he's said its nothing serious, but to come in and see him and we booked an appt for Friday. So who knows what this is. I have had some cramping off and on too.
Is it possible that this could mean I was pregnant, or that i've been ovulating, or that maybe it's a period, but my body doesn't know how to have a proper one? Like I'm just so confused. Hopefully my doctor can speculate as to what is going on.
So that's been my life so far.