Stopped BCP & TTC! Whos with me?!

I think that this week the full moon + week before break = craziness.

We had a 2 hour delay start today after a completely unexpected snow fall last night. It wasn't much, just enough that our rural areas (and hills) were too slippery for buses. Our district is pretty spread out and has a lot of rural and hill areas outside of the town and those areas can be really dangerous with any amount of snow or ice. So 2 hour start. We were supposed to have the big winter assembly today for "winter wishes" (an amazing program our leadership kids put together that grants kids all kinds of "wishes" from something as small as a coffee, to as big as a piano!!). The assembly is the grand finale of the whole week of wishes, but after a 2 hour delay admin didn't want to add another 1 hour assembly to our already very shortened schedule (50 minute classes were sudden 35 minutes today) so we postponed it until tomorrow (which is already early release so tomorrow's classes will be 20 minutes long! :wacko: )

On top of a crazy 2 hour delay that we weren't expecting, we had a girl fight break out in my hallway today, just a few feet from my classroom. Then at lunch I had to call the office because kids were trying to climb onto the ice/snow covered roofs of the walkways to get something down they had thrown up there (stupid freshmen).

And then when my 6th period students (last class of the day) arrive they are all freaking out, asking me if I'm okay and how the baby is. I was really confused until someone explained that the rumor going around was that I was the one who broke up the fight (wasn't me, was the teacher one door down, she just got there before I did because it was outside her door) and they had heard that I dove into the middle to break it up and got punched in the gut! These kids were in an uproar about it, and were talking about seriously going after the girls who were in the fight! :dohh: :wacko: I mean, super sweet that they were that concerned about me (17 year olds aren't always known for being caring) but a little overboard. These kids had me last year though too so they're a little protective.

And to top it off, there were a group of freshmen being loud and messing around in the hall at the end of 6th who had snuck out of class where a sub was teaching and when I yelled at them to go back to class they blatantly ignored me, one kid was on his phone on a phone call (definitely not allowed), and so I headed down the hall and most of them went back to class but 3 of them bolted out the door and took off 10 minutes before the final bell (truancy). Unfortunately I don't know the freshmen and the sub didn't know who left. :dohh:

all in all, it was an INSANE day!
Angel that day sounds insane! I hope that today is much less eventful.
Had my 37 week appointment yesterday. Baby is head down and facing the right way. They did group b strep test and doctor says it looks like there's a 50/50 chance I could have baby before end of the month. :wacko: on the ther hand SE also said there's a chance I could end up a week late. :dohh: lol so I'm no where different than I was. But lots of BH lately and getting more frequent! So keeping FX she shows up soon. I just want to meet my LO.

Fluent - how are you doing? MS treating you ok?
Angel, baby girl is teasing you about the deductible hehe. More Braxton hicks sounds promising :)

I'm doing much better. No vomitting since Wednesday last week I think. I'm in that hungry every couple hours period now. I haven't slept well the past 2 nights though. I think being excited dad is arriving from Wisconsin today :happydance: I'm so thrilled he'll be down when we announce.

Anybody have any special Christmas plans? Just going to spend time with family for us and of course the announcement.

I wish you all a merry Christmas:)

Oh and newly chained we were together while ttc and like to keep in touch no matter what stage we are in.

Oh Ajangel I bet you are so excited for LOS first Christmas!
Flueky - For sure! :haha: I'm also really hoping that she comes before the first so I have a good reason not to go back for the first week of January. lol! Doctor did tell me yesterday that if I do go back she doesn't recommend I go more than a day or two since I'm getting close.

So glad you are feeling better! Not vomiting is helpful! I don't think I ever reached the "hungry every couple hours" period. I completely lost my appetite, not even from nausea or anything, I just wasn't hungry. :dohh:

That's so exciting your dad is coming down and he'll be there for the announcement! Are you doing anything special for the announcement?

We don't have anything special planned. my mom is coming up today or tomorrow and then it'll just be us and my sister (who lives own the road) for xmas. My sister's step kids are with their mom through Christmas this year, so they'll be here on Monday. We're doing Christmas dinner on christmas anyway but will do kids' gifts on Monday after they get here.
Ladies I'm so sorry that I've been so MIA lately.

Angel I cannot believe this is it and she is almost here.. I'm so excited to hear your birthing story..

Fluek I'm so glad the vomiting is gone. I vomited three random times this week but other than one other time that's all I've had.. So I'm very thankful.

I'm so excited your dad will be in town. How do you plan on telling them??

AFM, its been crazy. Construction is finally finished on my father in law's house that we are moving into it. It'll be rough not having him here for Christmas this year.. Can't believe it's been 8 months since he passed away...

We will also be telling family this weekend as well
I got a onzie for my four month old nephew that says "my aunt has my cousin in the oven" and I got a pacifier charm for my mother in law for hey Pandora bracelet. I'm hoping this cheers everyone up, my husband's grandmother had pneumonia there weeks ago and yesterday my mother in law fell and riped all her tendons off her foot so it'll be an interesting Holiday to say the least..
Angel I'd imagine it would be hard going back after this break too. Oddly enough about my hungry episodes, I'm not gaining weight. Sometimes I eat pure junk, like a cheeseburger happy meal :blush:

We went to walgreens and chose the baby announcement themed card. It's a special Christmas one that says "best Christmas present ever" and has an ornament shape where you put photo. We used the ultrasound photo and added baby "___" due July 2017.

Gag glad the sickness seems better. 11 weeks was the start of the improvement. I know it'll be hard but I know it'll be a special Christmas none the less. Hope everyone feels better too.
Hi guys!!

Angel- I keep popping in here to see if you delivered yet, haha!! Any day now!! Wow you did score some awesome deals on your registry, that's awesome. Is your due date on winter break? Thsts great you get these next 2 weeks off and can rest! How does maternity leave work with being a teacher?

Flukey- awwwww your baby is so cute! Could you see it wiggling? When is your next US? Thsts such a cute idea to announce. I'm glad you're feeling better too. I had horrible morning sickness from 6-9 weeks then it tapered off so I think by 13 of 14 weeks it was gone, I hope yours goes away soon. I also didn't gain anything till around 16 weeks I think.

Gag- I'm so glad you're doing well!! You also have such a cute way of announcing. When is your next US?

AFM, I've just been busy with work! I talked to my boss about cutting back to 32hrs/week and it was a no go :( she is going to let me go to 36 and do 4 8 hour shifts and one 4 which is better than nothing and at least the 4 hour shift is going to be flexible so I will probably do like 6am to 10am or something. I'm just majorly struggling with mom guilt and leaving him! My LO is doing good though, he's teething which is making him really clingy and chewing on everything. I don't mind holding him all the time when I'm home but I feel bad for his babysitters lol
Aj- I'm sure pacing baby is so difficult.

I have to talk to the doctor about scheduling my NT scan... That will be in the next few weeks.
AJANGEL, I could see arms wiggling some on 2d then once 3d came lil jedi covered it's eyes and didn't want to move. I'm assuming my next ultrasound will be the Thursday before valentine's day. I have appt the 12th next month but too early for gender scan. They offered me triple screen test. Do you think I should do it. I'm so undecided. Oh and I'm glad I'm not only one who hadn't gained at this point. I'm sorry 32 hrs a week was a no go. I wish we could just stay home and take care of lil ones. Hope he pulls through teething.

I think I'll try to sleep some more
My contractions are now coming a lot more often, but are still too irregular to consider labor. However, they are getting stronger and starting to be a little more on the painful side than just uncomfortable. Thinking about taking a long walk today and tomorrow to see if I can't trigger things to get moving. :haha:

I just made up some essential oil blends to take to the hospital, some lavender (to help keep me calm) and some peppermint (to help with pain, nausea, and to help give some energy).

Gagrl - That's great that the construction is finished! It's so hard to have to wait for construction to be done! When do you move in?

I love the onesie Idea for your nephew! That's adorable!

Flueky - awww that's an adorable card idea! I love it! As for the triple screen test - my OB's suggestion was this: if the results of the test could affect your decision on the outcome of your pregnancy (in other words if there is a chance you would terminate for certain severe genetic abnormalities - she was referring especially to things like Ta-Sach's and stuff like that) then get the earliest one they offer. If the results would not affect your decision regarding the pregnancy, then she said to wait until the big 20 week anatomy scan and at that point if something looked abnormal then they would/could run the tests. DH and I decided not to get the tests, BUT we had also had extensive genetic scans done on us by our specialist so we knew what risk factors the baby had and there wasn't anything high risk for baby. If there had been I would have been more likely to get the test just to know.

Ajangel - I'm hoping she comes soon! My sister said that based on what I was describing the last two days it sounds exactly like what she was going through the few days before she went into labor. Keeping FX she shows soon! My due date is about two weeks after we return from winter break. I had originally arranged to work one week after break, but I'm not sure I'm up for that now. :haha: If I don't go back that week then I will need to use up sick leave for those days because my mat leave dates are already filed so regardless of when I stop working, my mat leave will be Jan 7 - April 3rd.

So being a teacher makes mat leave really tricky. I have the right to use FMLA, so I can take up to 12 weeks of leave, but teachers do not get paid leave. Any pay I get will come from whatever sick days I have built up. Unfortunately because I'm relatively new to this state (and sick days don't transfer state to state), and last year I had a lot of appointments that happened during work hours during first tri, I only have the sick leave that I get for this year. I'm looking at about 12 days of paid leave that I can use. FMLA protects me so that my job will continue my medical and other benefits while I'm on leave, but I still have a premium that usually comes out of my paycheck. Without a paycheck I will owe the school the cost of that monthly premium (which they basically say they'll take all of it out of my first full paycheck back to work - OR I can use enough sick days each month just to cover that).

We have a "long term sub" who si covering my classes, but I still am trying to provide lesson plans and stuff for her because she won't know what to teach otherwise. She knows the topic but not our curriculum so while I can technically say "do whatever" because I don't get paid for those 12 weeks, I will be returning and don't want to come back to a mess so I'm trying to make up 3 months worth of plans in advance. Sometimes I wish I Had a "regular" office type job where they could just hire a temp to replace me and it wouldn't be an issue. The real trick will be returning from mat leave and having the ability to pump when I need to because I cannot just a take a break or leave my classroom - it's going to be a little tricky to manage.

Sorry to hear that your boss won't let you cut down to 32 hours, but at least you've got the 4 hour flexible shift so you can work that out. I haven't even had her yet and I suspect I'll have some serious mom-guilt over going back to work. Part of that is why I'm hoping she comes early because every day she's early is an extra day I get before I go back to work.
Angel, you are almost full term!!! Thanks about advice on testing. We have decided not to as it won't affect any decision. Plus SIL mentioned her insurance wouldn't pay for it so she paid like $700.

Announcement went great!! All but FIL and his wife cried but they are already grandparents. They were still thrilled though. Anyways hope everyone had a great holiday.
Follow up doctor appointment today. I was seeing one of the associates in the office because my doctor is on break this week. She came in, took one look at me and said "are you still working?" I explained that I'm a teacher so I'm on xmas break but that I'm supposed to go back next week and she said "umm, no. I don't want you going back to work. You look exhausted, and you need rest, and you just told me you're already on break and look like this. You need to rest and sleep before you go into labor."

So, I'm officially on Mat leave now. I'm kind of relieved to have a fully valid reason not to go back to work next week.

Of course she followed that with, baby could come any day or in 3 weeks. :dohh: So, joy.... I'm just hoping she comes sooner than later! I want to meet my LO. I'm so anxious to finally get to HOLD her!

Flueky - You're welcome. That's crazy that the tests were $700 for your SIL! So much money just to run some tests! I think DH and I ended up paying $300 EACH for our genetic testing, because the company that our specialist clinic used wasn't approved by our insurance and we didn't know that we should have checked in advanced. but in the end we were glad we did it because we knew what our own genetic history is. But, that's definitely why I checked my insurance first about testing baby and they would have paid for the one test but not the other. It was a hard decision for me not to test only because I like to be informed but I also didn't want to stress about it.

So glad that your announcement went well!! So very exciting!

Our holiday was good, relatively low key, which was nice. Now we are just on "baby wait" mode. :haha:
Ahhh angel so close!! I keep checking to see a birth announcement!

Flukey- so glad the announcement went well. What did your DH say when you told him for the first time? Ive been meaning to ask.

Afm, my LO is 5 months old! Time sure is flying. He is such a sweetheart. He has his first cold but is still smiling and laughing despite the coughing and stuffy nose. I think it bothers me more than him!
I wish I had a birth announcement! I'm SO OVER THIS! :haha:

I can't believe your LO is already 5 months! It seems like you just gave birth a few days ago! Wow, so exciting! :hugs:
Baby Melody was born yesterday, At 1:51pm!!!! She was 7lb 2oz. I'm thankful she is a great nurser already and seems to latch on really well. Unfortunately when I decided I wanted an epidural they gave me one but it didn't take properly so I ended up being numb ONLY in my left leg, left side and left part of my back. Which meant I felt EVERYTHING during the last bit of contractions and the pushing. :wacko:

it was really intense, especially since I went in at 330am with contractions, and was 3cm dilated, was 4cm by 430 but by 930 still at 4. Then my water broke on its own and in just two hours I went from 4 to 10cm! Thedoctor almost didn't make it in! But they kept me from pushing for the last 15 mins or so until she got there.

Overall, I'm exhausted but should be discharged this evening if all baby tests come back well at her 24hr check in a couple hours. :)


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Sorry ladies had a crazy work week and then we got 5.5 inches of snow.

Ajangel he was in bed while tested and I was like, "Come here!! Do you see the 2nd line?!" He replied he saw it but was a bit faint. Was worried about the chemical in July. But once he saw the color darken over several minutes he was happy but also a lil worried about future. Glad LO is handling the cold well, hate he got sick in the first place.

Angel, yay!!! Baby melody is here!! Sorry labor was rough though. So happy for you :)
Angel- congratulations!! I love the name- that was one of my choices if we had a girl! She's beautiful. I'm so glad your labor was so quick!! How are you feeling? Is breastfeeding going well?

Flukey- that's so sweet, I basically told my husband the same way. Do you have a little bump yet?

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