Hello, I am new to these forums and would love to join your conversation. My hubby and I have been together for 8 years, married 4 years and we suffered a miscarriage when we were both 18 (we're 24 now). Once we got married at 20, we decided to not really try but not prevent getting preggers either. Went on for 4 years like that and absolutely nothing!
So about 6 months ago I got back on the nuvaring to try and even out my cycles, thinking that was the problem since I'm a little off sometimes. Well I took it out on Sept. 13th so we could TTC again and never put one back in. So this is my first cycle off BC.
Well on Oct. 1st (CD18 counting from my withdrawal bleed) I started spotting...and it hasn't stopped yet. I am now going on day 12 of bleeding. I called my gyn this past Friday to ask about the bleeding and she was no help at all. She told me to wait it out through the weekend and see if it gets worse and take a HPT on Monday to see if it's positive. BTW, I was supposed to start my AF yesterday and that's when I got cramps from hell and started to bleed a little more. Still not AF worthy though... So I'm going to call them back tomorrow and request an appointment to get everything checked out (blood work, ultrasound, pap, the works) because this is just not normal! I've been driving myself crazy reading all these horror stories of women taking their nuvaring out and spotting for up to 6 months!! The last time I was on the nuvaring, I forgot to put one back in and got pregnant on the first cycle (which resulted in the MC). I'm so tired of this, and I can't TTC if I'm bleeding all the time!!
I'm just so glad I found a place to vent and I've read the majority of this thread already and y'all are so supportive of each other...it made me comfortable enough to come forward with my problem. I know my hubby is probably tired of listening to me talk about this all the time, even though he's too much of a gentleman to say it to my face.