Stopped BCP & TTC! Whos with me?!

I really enjoyed the first two books but was not nearly as interested in the third book, which is why I'm not in such a huge rush to see this movie. I don't really want to go see Star Wars with a huge rush of people either, but I also know that the longer I wait to see it the more likely it is that someone will spoil it for me. I'm not typically worried about spoilers, generally I'm open to them, but I have a very strong love for Star Wars and I want to go in to it without any pre ideas except what I've seen in officially released trailers. :haha: I'm a little obsessive with my SciFi. :)
Hello Ladies!

Angel5000- Ouch! Hope your doing ok and good luck with the renovation.

Flueky88- Thanks! I had a pretty good weekend did a whole lot of nothing. Lol hoping you will O soon I know how annoying that can be.

Today AF came rearing her ugly head. Lol although I am slightly disappointed its only the first cycle and now that It has actually came I can better track my cycles this go around. My PMS was a horrible this cycle so I hope they get better, It could have also been because my body was trying to regulate. only good thing is AF came on time so it seems I am right back to my 27/28 day cycle. When I was off BC I was extremely regular so It seems It has gotten right back to that.

Hope you ladies are doing ok!
Hehe, its okay Angel :) I used to like going yo movies opening weekend, well, some of them. I went to a couple midnight releases. I'm just getting too old lol nah I've just gained more patience in some things and lost in others.

Elle.T. I love weekends of nothing. I tend to play video games and just relax. I need another relaxing weekend. Although, I can't complain, I've not been busy like angel. Well, I'm glad you got an answer and your cycle was regular. You are one cycle closer to a bfp! :)

Nothing really to update for me, I'm in follicular phase limbo. Anyways, have a great night guys!

Oh, AJangel, how was your beta?

ABmommy, thinking of you too
Angel- glad to hear you're making progress on the house! Sorry to hear you've gotten hurt tho. Be careful! Gotta wear some tough work boots next time. Steel toes!

Oh boy outta my element here talking about movies I've never seen or not even been slightly interested in! Harry Potter anyone?! Lol. We hardly go to the movies anymore. I'm an old woman and like to be in bed semi early plus nothing we want to see has come out recently. But this weekend we're going to the casino for our first Christmas as a married couple- instead of exchanging gifts we decided to go out and have a fun time together and give each other the gift of our company and love. Gifts are overrated in my book. It's about the love and family time. So I'm excited about that. Plus Saturday is cd10 for me so time to start that every other day bd'ing! Perfect night to kick it off away from home.

Ajangel I hope things are progressing well for you!
Flueky any signs of O yet?
Elle- sucks getting AF but at least you know your cycle is regular after coming off bc! Fx for this cycle for you!
ABMommy - I love Harry Potter!! It's been awhile but definitely one of my more loved book/movie series.
Welp.It seems like AF has come and gone. Anyone else experience this? It came about 2 PM this afternoon and it was very light and dark?? (TMI) and now its pretty much gone.

Anyone else experience this?
Flueky- are you still doing the vitex? Is your new job stressing you out? I wonder why o is delayed! Are you still temping?

Angel- oh I'm glad you are up to date on your tetanus! I hope your foot is feeling better!

ABMommy- are you staying the night at the casino?? How fun!

Elle-hmm could just be your body adjusting.. I would take a pregnancy test just to be sure!

Afm, my doc called today my HCG went from 31 to 225 and progesterone 9.4 to 18.2 (on the progesterone supp) in 72 hours. I'm sooooo relieved! Still no symptoms other than no appetite and more sleepy. I don't even have sore boobs!
Welp.It seems like AF has come and gone. Anyone else experience this? It came about 2 PM this afternoon and it was very light and dark?? (TMI) and now its pretty much gone.

Anyone else experience this?

I had a similar experience a couple months ago. AF came, was light flow but very dark, a few hours later it was gone. The next day I had some bleeding, but really light and then nothing after that. It was basically a 2 day AF, if that. I had thought at the time it was a fluke, maybe a heavy implantation bleeding, but it happened to be my actual AF. So weird.

Have you taken a test just to be sure ?

Is this your first cycle off bcp? Could also be your body regulating from BCP. I had a couple odd periods after bcp too
Thanks ladies. It's seems to come back today a little heavier so it probably is AF just lighter than usually. It is my first once off BC so maybe that's why. I took a pregnancy test this morning and it was a BFN so I'm pretty sure it's not implantation at this point.
If it's your first off BC then I'm sure that it's just a little odd. Since I've stopped BC my periods are lighter and shorter than they were when I was on BC. Very very odd (since I got onto BC in the first place for very heavy painful periods), but I can't complain about a light AF. ;)
ABmommy, it's okay about liking different movies. I love harry potter. Movies and books. It was hard to read the moodiness of harry in order of the phoenix. I think that was the moody one. That sounds lovely (your weekend). I really could care less about presents this year. I don't feel my normal Christmas spirit. I really think it's because I'm not getting what I want most (a baby). Oh well, I'll get over it.

AJangel, your numbers sound great. Yes, I'm still taking vitex and my acne is pretty cear (a few pimples but nothing like it was before vitex). I am still temping. Temps go up and down even though I'm temping same time, before getting up, etc. I feel like its just the stress of the job. I'm going to decrease my vitex as suggested on bottle soon. So maybe that'll help.

Angel and Elle.T. Hope you are doing well. Also, my first AF was really light and short after stopping the pill.

Sorry I've been MIA and feeling a bit down.
I'm so sorry you're feeling down Flukey. I truly believe everything happens for a reason though. I know it's still hard though especially when you want something so bad. Did your ob gyn ever say at what point you should see her again? Maybe you could go get a massage or manicure or something like that to help you de stress? Or even acupuncture! I was doing weekly acupuncture and it helped my anxiety and stress so much.

I'm also not in my usual Christmas spirit but it's because I'm sad not having my mom here for this Christmas. Next week is also my birthday.

ABMommy, Angel and elle- hope you guys are having a good week!
Hi ladies. I've been avoiding checking in because i'm having a horrible week. Early this week a friend of ours (the one who has been helping us with the property we are fixing, and who planned to rent it from us when itw as done) messaged me asking me to give him details regarding a situation he had heard I had witnessed (regarding his wife having a rather public make out session in a bar with a perfect stranger). Unfortunately I HAD seen that occur, and against my better judgement went ahead and told him what I had seen. mostly because i knew this was the 4th man she's cheating on him with, he already know about the other 3, and shes' been abusing him for years. He swore if he found out about another he'd leave her, and he begged me to give him the information so that he could make a legitimate decision.

Needless to say he thanked me, told me he was writing up divorce papers. Next thing I Know I'm being accused of trying to steal him and bieng accused of sleeping with him (by the wife) and then a few hours later the friend calls my husband to tell him that he's decided to forgive his wife, give her another chance, and that his wife has banned him from speaking to me ever again because of this situation. I'm immediately blocked on both his and her phone, and all social media.

Of course, he proceeds to think that we will still rent the property to him. My husband has been avoiding talking to him for a few days while we figure out what we are going to do, and finally yesterday asks him how he thinks that's going to work when he's banned from speaking to me. And the ******* has the gall to tell my husband taht "well the property is really in your name and your brothers, so she isn't really the owner anyway. So we can just communicate with you. I don't see why we have to get her involved at all". yeah, wrong thing to say to DH. And me.

Argument ensues and he conceeds that if, as the landlord, I wanted or needed to contact him, I could be permitted to do so via email. Or a house landline. Yeah, my husband decided that was not adequate. So we told him to return his keys to my brother in law and that we won't be renting to him anymore.

Unfortunately now we don't have a plumber to finish teh work on the house, and we suddenly have to pay back a bunch of things that he had purchased for repairs. Of course, he tried to tell us we have to pay him for the washer/dryer/stove he bought and we said absolutely not because we told him NOT to buy those in the first place and it's not our fault he decided he wanted a brand new one instead of the ones we were providing.

Anyway, we are sort of stuck in a bind and are now several thousand dollars in the whole over a house we aren't sure we can finish. My husband never wanted to fix the place in teh first place, he always wanted to just sell it for whatever little e could get and now we're both very frustrated and very hurt. I've spent most of this week in tears.
AJangel, my gyn acted like she believed I would be pregnant before my next appt in May. As far as destressing I may have to look into acupuncture. Getting my nails done isn't too good, I chip the polish away lol I guess I'm a little neurotic. A massage is nice that would be good too :) happy early birthday. I'm sorry you wont get to spend it or Christmas with your mom. Sometimes holidays ate hard thinking of ones lost. :hugs:

Angel, wow, it is so hard to decide to tell someone about cheating because they don't believe you or worse in your case. I'm so sorry he is acting like that. I will pray he will come to his senses. That witch must have him wrapped around her fingers so tight. :hugs: For you too.

I wanted go say that my SIL had to have a Csection last night. Both SIL and her baby boy are doing fine. I held him for a bit last night. It makes me happy and sad. I will try to relax more and pray for peace until it is my time to be pregnant. Well, I hope we all have a better weekend! :)
Well ladies seems like all of our weeks aren't going so well. I have been absent from here as I, too, am feeling down this week. My sister texted me and said she had a dream that I announced I was pregnant on Christmas. I told her no. Which is disappointing because I did want to announce it on Christmas but can't really do that if I'm not pregnant. Also DH keeps saying "I want a baby we're ready are you pregnant yet". Breaks my heart.

I'm so sorry we're all going thru our own rough patches. Especially because it's Christmas time and it's supposed to be fun and happiness. But instead we're all down n frustrated about things. Also I was looking forward to DH and i's casino night (yes we're staying the night I saw someone asked) and tonight he said "oh we're still doing that?" Like now he doesn't want to go? Ugh.

I love all of you ladies. I'm sorry I've been an awful internet friend lately but I promise to try and be better so I can be here for each and every one of you. Hugs to all.
Hey Ladies.

Sorry I have been MIA like some of you I have also had a rough week. I didnt get a job I really thought I had in the bag and with the Holidays and my Husbands Birthday next week money has been super tight. Trying to stay on the positive side after all its Just money. lol

My AF was horrible for about 2 days lots of cramping and pain which makes me so glad I work from home and don't have to put on a smile and suck it up go into an office. I am still kinda bummed about this cycle being a bust especially since DH said that me being pregnant would be the best birthday present ever. Its so sweet but it makes me sad I can't make it happen. Now im just trying to prepare for the holidays and started temping and brought some OPKs so hopefully I can track my cycle better and that I Ovulate this month.

Angel5000- That sucks I cant believe he would act like that after he practically begged for the info. It seems they both deserve each other if he continues to keep taking her back than blaming anyone trying to help!

ABmommy & Flueky88 Sucks you guys arent in the Holiday spirit it can be hard sometimes, I completely get it. Hopefully as it get closer maybe things will be a little better.
Hi ladies. Sorry we are all having rough weeks! :(

Flueky - Thanks. Yeah, worse in my case because he believes me, but decided to basically throw me under the bus, do whatever she wants, and then think that we would continue to let him (and crazy wife) move into our property. So glad that your SIL is doing good. It's such a bittersweet moment for you, I'm sure, but :hugs: our time will come. :)

ABMommy - :hugs: I feel like we all need a hug this week :)

Elle - Exactly my point! He begged for the info, and then acted like a crazy person. Ugh. Sorry to hear you didn't get the job. :( But the work from home part is nice when it comes to dealing with the craziness of AF. :) There are many days i wish I Could do that. Unfortunately, teaching doesn't really work that way. :haha:
I could of swore I replied. Maybe I dreamed I did. LOL.

ABmommy, sorry to hear about being down about things. Could you explain how things work to your DH? Also, I hope he changes his mind. I think you two going out and having fun would be wonderful. :hugs: Completely understandable, we all have lives and thus is a very busy time of year. I usually always read in mornings but don't have time to respond until evening.

Elle.T. Sorry you didn't get the job. That stinks. I hate applying and interviewing for jobs anyways. Sorry you can't give him that christmas/birthday gift. :hugs:

Angel, I'm so sorry he's being like that. I don't understand people sometimes. :hugs: Yes our time will come.

AFM, finally over my pity party. Showings some fertile signs so please pray or keep me in your thoughts that I O soon. Today is CD31. I saw nephew again last night. I think seeing him has helped give me hope. My hope to have a baby. I hope everyone has a great weekend to make up for crappy week.
Angel- ugh what a mess!! You'd think he would be thankful that you told him. I hope it all gets sorted out soon.. He sounds so childish.

ABMommy I agree with Flukey maybe you could explain to your DH that we only have a 20% chance of conceiving each cycle even with perfect timing? I had told my husband that and it helped because then he didn't worry or get sad.. I would get frustrated that it wasn't happening and then he would remind me of that statistic which helped. I hope you got to go to the casino after all!

Elle- so sorry about your job. Maybe a better one will come along soon!

Flukey- I'm praying for you!! And praying that this is your cycle too!

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