Faye I never worried about drinking in TWW. The stress of TWW alone is enough. And doctor told me if was safe up intol day AF is due. .
I received news that on Sunday a friend of mine passed away. She was 7 weeks pregnant and had an ectopic pregnancy. Was rushed to the hospital and died on the table.I haven't talked to her in years but se was so full of life, late
20s. I'm in shock.
I of course freaked out even tho I know mine if ectopic. And then ordered DH to get me more FRERs.now I'm even more anxious to have my U/S Tuesday
The only good part is my test line is crazy dark now.
Thanks Gagrlinpitt. If it was it would be so ironic because this was our first month "ttc" last year. I thought I'd have a 28 day cycle and it would be so easy to get pregnantwow I was in for a suprise.
Ajangel, I hope you are right, I had a nice recovery. I actually dreamt my temp was high last night. I had to turn my touch lamp on to read display to make sure I didn't. On call nights aren't usually like that. I have just had terrible luck with mine. DH says they til I'm on call. I think the 3rd US are awesome when you are further along. I'm anxious to see you LO but he needs to bake longer
Faye, I'd say go ahead and have a drink. It's not attached to your blood stream yetgood luck remaining calm during tww. I've had low expectations this cycle too and honestly the tww has been easy. I've not even thought about testing unless someone asked and I'm not even sure I wasn't to test until late.
Elle.T. I usually am good internally on the cm department but externally is a different story. I like preseed
Okay now to read next page
Faye I hear ya. I have late O too and it sucks waiting. I'd say your cycles will get at least a little shorter. Your temps are looking awesome so far
Gagrlinpitt I know it's so hard realizing that is not how it really works. There are a few that get pregnant first cycle but that's pretty rare.
Hope everyone has a great Sunday to finish off the weekend![]()
Could also be implantation dip..You too, Flueky! I'm hoping to have a very productive Sunday over here!
Freaking out a bit because my temp dropped a bunch this morning (still above cover line, but still). Of course, now I'm reading about low progesterone levels and feeling very anxious as I seem to have some of the symptoms.... could this be another lingering effect of going off the pill?
Hoping this morning was just a fluke...
Gagrlinpitt thank youyou are starting opks tomorrow right?
Faye yes the first one is certainly a learning experience. Also, FF has the article about "implantation " dip vs estrogen surge. I love their tid bits.
AJangel, testing.....hmm... I'm thinking when I'm late. So next Saturday. I would like DH to be home when I test and I'm not testing at 345 a.m. way too early. Oh I'm glad you've got your ticker![]()