Stopped BCP & TTC! Whos with me?!

Hi Guys,

So here's the line porn you ordered! I didn't take pictures until later, so the lines may have darkened... but they were quite dark last night. I didn't test again today, but will tomorrow AM.

I called my OB's office this morning and you're right, they calculated based on LMP even though I said I didn't O until like day 30-something. The receptionist said that's just how they do it... So according to them I'm already almost 7 weeks... INSANITY. While they adjust my due date and weeks when I go in? They wanted to see me between 8-10 weeks, so my appointment is June 9.

But what do I do until then!? They didn't mention anything about getting a blood test to confirm. Should I have asked? I sort of want to wait at least a week to make sure I don't get my period (chemical pregnancy is a huge risk right now, right?).

In the mean time, I'm totally freaked. I have been drinking coffee and even had a glass of wine on Saturday night. Drank decaf today and that was pretty rough... but not sure. Also what else is a no-no now... I need like a resource that will give me a list. Don't want to do anything wrong?!

I literally had to tell my co-teacher that I left something in my car to go call the OB so I was rushed/flustered. Should I call back to ask more questions? Does my DH come to that first appointment-- she mentioned an ultrasound?

Also, not sure how long I'll be able to go without telling my co-teacher. We literally spend every waking minute together. And she has 3 kids and knows that kids are in our near future, so she'll probably be on to me pretty quick. I also wonder when I'll have to tell my principal-- my June 9th appointment is during one of our exit service days-- after the kids are gone but we still need to be there. So I feel like I'll have to tell her why I have to leave school for a bit...

Thanks for the support guys! :flower:


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Gorgeous lines!!! They will readjust your due date when they do your scan on June 9th. My OB appointment is June 9th too! :D

There isn't much you can do between now and then. They probably won't do blood test if they didn't offer it and as this is your first cycle trying (right?) then they have no reason to suspect that there are any problems.

Chemical pregnancy is a risk right now, but I think that once you get past about a week past your positive test then you are past what is called a chemical and anything that happens after that would be a MC. However since your doctor is calling you 7w, then even if you period showed, they would call it a MC and not a chemical. Not that any of that would make iet any better, it's all semantics.

Your lines are REALLY dark for 13DPO. That's GOOD! Chemicals typically never get very dark lines. This is a good sign that you are producing good amounts of hcg. If you're paranoid like me, keep testing every few days to see if they darken (but yours are already pretty dark). just be careful of the "hook effect".

Don't freak. The coffee and wine cannot have affected teh baby this early. It's only been implanted a few days and until close to 7-8 weeks it isn't even tapped into your blood stream, so your little one is safe.

I still drink coffee and some caffeine. That's a personal choice. I cannot handle high school kids without it! :wacko: But I limit to less than 200mg a day, which studies show is still a perfectly safe level. IT's when you get >4-5 cups a day that you have risks.

I recommend downloading the Ovia app if you can. It has a medication and food guide that lets you look up any food/medicine to see if it's safe, and will give you daily articles you can read, and little interesting tidbits about baby's progress. Plus you can set it up to determine your progress base on ovulation date or LMP, which will give you a little more accurate idea.

DH can come to the first appointment or not. I would bring him. I bring DH to all mine when he can get off work but I've told him that o matter what he WILL come to my first OB appointment.

I told my math team and the teacher across the hall from me (she's incredibly perceptive, and also our Union rep - so a good person to let know) at 5 weeks (which was only a week after my positive test). I couldn't hide it because i had too many doctor appointments and was overly exhausted. I told my principal about the same time, because I'm out of sick leave and had to take a lot of time off. They canNOT penalize you for pregnancy, and I strongly believe in being up front and honest about this kind of thing in our line of work because it has such a huge impact on our jobs. It's not like an office where we can just go on maternity leave and it's not big deal. Maternity leave for a teacher is huge, and takes a LOT of preplanning.

What do you teach btw? I can't remember if you mentioned it before.

PS: I'm incredibly jealous that June 9th is an exit day for you.... We still have students through June 16!

Congratulations!! Enjoy this! :D I'm so excited for you!

OMG< we're like bump buddies!!! :D :D You're only about 3 weeks behind me!! :D :D
Hey ladies, just been lurking.

Faye- congrats!!! They may do a scan to measure baby and may change your due date based on baby's size. You may want to call back and ask again if there will be one. My DH didn't come to my first appt as it was just initial stuff- but I didn't have a scan otherwise he would've been there. Don't worry about the wine and such that you've drank. I got wasted the weekend before I got my BFP and things are so far great. I would get something for nausea incase you have morning (or all day) sickness. Sucking on jolly ranchers helps me. There's lists all over google that will tell you what to avoid, and what to eat more of. Start a prenatal if you haven't already. Be prepared for feeling exhausted for a few weeks.
ooh jolly ranchers is a great idea! I bought several bags of the Wint-o-Green Lifesaver mints and they have done wonders for me on the days that I do have nausea (I've been lucky enough that it's been pretty sparse)
I have to have a jolly rancher every morning :( especially in the shower or well, yah, I get sick. I can't wait to be past this stage.
Faye- I would just find out if they'll do a dating ultrasound at your first appt- actually I would request one! I have my DH come with me whenever there's an ultrasound but I don't have him come if there's not.

Don't stress!! The only big things my doc said was no lunch meat unless it's heated, cut down on caffeine, take prenatals, no ibuprofen and don't take any meds or supplements without checking safety, ummmm I think that's it. My morning (well all day) sickness hit me around 6.5 weeks so enjoy no symptoms while you can! Or maybe you'll get lucky and not have any sickness :) exercise is ok, sex is ok, hmmm what else? I love the pregnancy apps that tell you development, fertility friend actually has a pregnancy tracker which is really interesting. It's really just a waiting game I've learned, so just enjoy it and don't stress :) oh and telling work is a personal choice- I personally didn't tell my boss or any coworkers until 12.5 weeks. I would say I had to leave for an appt and leave it at that. But by 12 weeks it was getting fishy why I had so many appointments haha! We did tell family around 8 weeks but I didn't want to tell anyone from work until later. But it's totally your choice on when you're comfortable!
Faye fantastic bfp :)

AJangel, honestly, I was scupper depressed. I had to work the weekend as well. I'm feeling better today though. I'm just plan on checking in periodically. We are going to Disney at the end of summer so I'm going with ntnp to take away stress and I do kinda want to ride that rockin rollercoaster. So if no pregnancy no problem. If I'm pregnant well that's okay too. I guess I want to distance myself a bit from ttc for now. If AF would have came on time, I wouldn't have been as heart broken. I'm a survivor though. I wish nothing but the best for each and every one of you :hugs:
Flukey- I'm so glad you're feeling better today but am sad that you are feeling depressed. You deserve to get a BFP, and I know you will!! But you've been waiting so long it's just not fair. I think that's a good idea about ntnp for your vacation, that'll be so much fun!! We went to a water park last year and it was a blast!
Just a thought-has your doc or you thought about a SA for your hubby? That way you could rule out any potential issues on his end? Totally your choice but just a thought!
OMG Huge congrats!!!! :thumbup::happydance:

Thats so awesome!

Well guys... just tested. First with a FRER and then with CB (not digital) because I was afraid of false positive. Both were pretty blaring positives. Holy crap-ola.

I am IN SHOCK right now. As is my husband. We are excited, but in a bit of disbelief...!

Don't even know what my next steps are supposed to be.... Like literally. Do I order more pregnancy tests? Call the doctor? Start researching all the things I'm supposed to not eat/drink now. AHHHHHH!!!!!!!
awww Im sorry hopefully things will get better, we did the whole ntnp thing for our vacation and it took so much stress off of me. Now that I am back I can focus on ttc, but Its so much more of a relaxed experience now than it was before. Hopefully this little break will make things easier. :hugs:

Faye fantastic bfp :)

AJangel, honestly, I was scupper depressed. I had to work the weekend as well. I'm feeling better today though. I'm just plan on checking in periodically. We are going to Disney at the end of summer so I'm going with ntnp to take away stress and I do kinda want to ride that rockin rollercoaster. So if no pregnancy no problem. If I'm pregnant well that's okay too. I guess I want to distance myself a bit from ttc for now. If AF would have came on time, I wouldn't have been as heart broken. I'm a survivor though. I wish nothing but the best for each and every one of you :hugs:
As for me my opks are all over the place, I took one last night that was darker (but definitely not a +) and than this morning it was much lighter. supposed to be O'ing tomorrow and I do feel a bit of cramping on my left side so I guess I should take that as a sign. havent been checking for EWCM because we have been using the pre-seed and well that complicates things a bit. Planning on taking another test tonight and in the am and hopefully one will be a positive. We have been :sex: everyday since this is my fertile window and using the preseed so Im hopeful.

How is everyone else?
Wow guys, thanks for all the support and helpful information!

Feel like the past few days have been quite a blur! I'm still in a bit of a state of shock and just keeping thinking that this is crazy! And I’m sort of in this strange state right now— I don’t really “feel” pregnant— minus a few occasional twinges and increased appetite, so it's hard to process. I guess for now I will just keep testing every other day for piece of mind. I bought some Wondfos to use. When do symptoms tend to kick in!? I keep waiting for the nausea to start!

I ended up telling my co-teacher (I teach kindergarten, btw!) yesterday after school. I was feeling a little funny and just decided that I wanted her to know… we are in the same classroom and are together every waking moment! First of all, I felt super sketchy all day… I even pretended that I’d left something in the car to go call my OB. And I also felt like if anything goes wrong or I’m not feeling well, I need her to know. She has three children herself and battled a lot of fertility issues, so I think she would have been on to my pretty quickly! Not planning on telling any other coworkers for awhile unless I have to…

I also think (and don’t think I’m crazy), that I may be switching my June 9th appointment and switching OBGYNs in general. I was freaking out about it last night and was very upset. Basically, I realized that I will have to tell my principal if I go on the 9th (due to the exit day meetings) and I’d just prefer not to do that this early. Plus all my coworkers will wonder where I’m going… Just not optimal. So I called to change the appointment and the receptionist was SO rude.

Basically, I love my actual doctor but her practice is horrible. Getting an appointment is difficult, receptionists are plain rude and she is always running way late. So I got a recommendation from a few friends— they recommended different doctors in the same practice. I called this morning and the receptionist was very nice and said they’d try to squeeze me in for my 8-10 week appointment and she'd get back to me.

Angel, I am also going to continue drinking coffee in small amounts— at least until the school year ends. I tried going without on Monday and was not a happy camper. And I downloaded the Ovia app— even though it made me nervous— but it’s great!

Flueky: Your attitude is incredible. I admire you! :flower:
I'm definitely getting irritable and emotional. I lost it on my 6th period today (last class of the day). Snapped and flipped out on them a little. They were acting like a bunch of a$$es. to put it into perspective, these are the kids that last week when I missed a day of work for a stomach bug actually had the balls to ask another teacher "Seriously, how many days are they going to let her keep missing before they are going to fire her? Should she even be allowed to have a job anymore?"

All my other class periods expressed concern and when I came back have been asking me if I am okay ( a few kids hav edceided I have cancer because I'm gone os much lately). But this period is horrible, and the kids act like some of the worst behaved students I have worked with in 10 years. I had kids in gangs in inner city Dallas that were easier to handle. These kids are smug, self-righteous, entitled (white) kids and it makes me so angry that they honestly think things should just be handed to them. These are the same kids who will refuse to take notes and spend all class on their phones and then actually demand that I reteach them the entire lesson later because they "didn't feel like listening that day" (which I refuse to do, I'm not paid to be a private tutor).

Sorry. Major rant. Teenagers are assholes sometimes.

Flueky :hugs:

ElleT - how far along are you in your cycle?

Faye - doesn't sound crazy at all! In fact, if the receptionist is rude, then definitely change OBs. you don't need to deal with that kind of hassle and rudeness when you're dealing iwth everything else involved in pregnancy!

I think I'll try to cut out coffee once the school year is over. Or at least I'll drink decaf. I like my morning cup, but decaf during summer will at least give me the same morning routine without the caffeine.
Whoa Angel that sounds super rough. It really sucks you have to deal with such entitled kids that act that way. At least the school year is almost over.

I am currently on CD16 in still have not had a postive OPK which is really annoying since the last few months I would usually have one by now. I did spot EWCM last night a few hrs after I took an OPK so going to test again in a few hrs. Thinking I might be O'ing today fingers crossed. Anyways im great my and DH have been having lots of fun practicing. lol

Gagirl- Have you gotten a positive yet?
Whoa Angel that sounds super rough. It really sucks you have to deal with such entitled kids that act that way. At least the school year is almost over.

I am currently on CD16 in still have not had a postive OPK which is really annoying since the last few months I would usually have one by now. I did spot EWCM last night a few hrs after I took an OPK so going to test again in a few hrs. Thinking I might be O'ing today fingers crossed. Anyways im great my and DH have been having lots of fun practicing. lol

Gagirl- Have you gotten a positive yet?

No and the line was almost non existent yesterday so I'm thinking I missed it.. I've decided to just have a whatever attitude. Next month my dh asked me not to chart at all if we aren't pregnant month and I agreed.. We are just going to let it happen.

Honestly inside I'm hoping this is our month since father's day is next month and I want us to celebrate it and enjoy it and not dwell on the fact this is our first father's day without my fil.
I almost completely forgot about Fathers day! Lol your right that would be an awesome fathers day gift.

I applaud you ladies who chart and temp because I just dont have the patience to do so. Im trying to take a much more laxed approach because I suffer from anxiety and I feel that it would make me super anxious but I can understand how it helps confirm ovulation.

As for me still no positive but I am almost sure I did O since I had lost of EWCM today. I used my last test today and don't want to buy anymore unless AF shows up. I probably just missed the surge. :dohh: But I still feel good about my chances this month.

No and the line was almost non existent yesterday so I'm thinking I missed it.. I've decided to just have a whatever attitude. Next month my dh asked me not to chart at all if we aren't pregnant month and I agreed.. We are just going to let it happen.

Honestly inside I'm hoping this is our month since father's day is next month and I want us to celebrate it and enjoy it and not dwell on the fact this is our first father's day without my fil.
Just wanted to wish everyone well. Good luck future testers :)
Thanks Gagrlinpitt. I've been up and down. Mostly, down. I'm feeling better today, I think it's from impending weekend and time with DH. I've been praying a lot at night and I've noticed God hasn't left me. I was talking with patient and her DH and they uplifted my spirit. Then I left and heard a song, ah, I can't remember it's name, but it's message was to keep going don't let people stop you from your goals. It was special to me and I felt God's warmth :) so I think I'm on the road up. Anyways how are you?

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