Hi, ladies! Sorry I've been a little MIA...I've been reading every day but just needed to step back a little from responding; I needed to give myself time to clear my head a little. I had my 2nd set of blood work done on Thursday and now I'm just anxiously awaiting results again. FX for some good news!
So glad to hear everyone else is doing well! Charmed, that's so great that you FINALLY O'd! Wahoo!!!! And congrats on your new fur baby! So excited for you!!! Having 2 (or more, in my case

) is the best! I love it so much.
Charlie, I have everything crossed for you that this is it! I'm sure you already said (and I'm sorry for not remember right now!) but when do you go in for the blood work to see if you O'd or not? Good luck, it's so exciting! I agree that a Valentine's bpf would be so awesome!
Patience, glad you're able to relax right now in the whole "waiting for the bd marathon to start" time period of your cycle! I think that part of the cycle is always my favorite, it's so nice to relax and not have the pressure (or the obsession that comes with the last 2 weeks!)
Danna, how are you doing? Your Dr's appointment is next week, right? I sure hope you get some answers, finally!
Thank you ladies for your kind words and encouragement. It really means a lot to me! I want to join in on those big group

that you were passing out earlier, and I wanted to tell you that I love you all!

I love having you ladies to talk to!
I hope everyone has had a nice weekend so far!