Charlie I thought you were meant to take the bloods around 7dpo?
Welcome Kariss!
Unfortunately you can be told to stay away till the 1 year mark, I actually fibbed and added an extra month just to see the specialist early! I'd speak to them and see if you can get an appt

in the mean time grab some super cheap OPK's off ebay or amazon and start them whenever you're ready, it's so hard to tell when your Las real period was that you should try taking them once a day and see if you get a + to indicate ovulation! Also, it may be a lot of work but charting your temperature can be a great way to see what your body is up to, taking it first thing in the morning when you wake up, over time you'll see a pattern in before and after ovulation

a few of us chart, you could check our signatures to see! Good luck
Well so much for my bd week, it's cd12 and I've been bed ridden sick for 4 days! I haven't done any opk but I think I'll start tomorrow, I had happened to check my CP last night and it was HSO so I grabbed hubby for a quickie, luckily he was so desperate for bd as me he took it

I can only hope I'm in for an on time ov this month, I've been really bad at taking my stuff since I've been sick! I managed the red raspberry tea and the pomegranate juice but not the baby aspirin and maca (I think that will help my ov regulate and help my lining) Oh I do hope I get better asap!