Hi all, I'm new to the forum and am looking forward to this journey along with everyone else! After lots of discussions, DH and I have just decided it's time to start TTC. I have been on low dose birth control pills for 11 years. I am currently mid-pack and want to finish the pack before quitting in hopes of not completely messing up my cycle. I have done a ton of looking online trying to find out what side effects I'll have when I stop taking the pills. I have unfortunately stumbled upon some horror scenarios where some women have had very irregular periods for several months, up to a year after quitting. I would like to start trying as soon as my next cycle is completed, but I'm worried about having very irregular periods. I'm looking for information on others experiences...how long until you got your first period after quitting, was it regular, irregular? and so on. Any insights would be greatly appreciated.
I had a HIDEOUS time coming off of a low-estrogen pill in May, my body is still trying to regulate. Like others, the first month I SWORE I was pregnant - I was so, so sick. Heartburn, nausea, headaches, dizzy, gas..
The first few months my cycles were fairly normal - 26 days, 36 days, 24 days, then BAM... 67 days, 42 days. So, there's just no rhyme or reason to the body figuring it out.
My emotions have been all over the place, I have had HORRIBLE acne (worse than ever in my life) and I've gained weight, despite eating healthy and exercise.
So, just be prepared - you could be one of the lucky women who transition easily, or one of the less fortunate.
Because of the irregularity, I have no idea if I've ovulated, but this cycle, my doctor is finally going to test to figure it out. And if I haven't, on to Clomid for me.
Good luck dear!