Stopping BCP to TTC***Updates & Progress/Noted Changes Since Stopping BCP***24BFPs***

Cd2 here :) I'm excited to actually try this cycle! :dust: to you Charlie
Hi curiousowl,

From your chart it doesn't look as though you o'd.

I had progesterone in tablet from to induce a period after I o'd (and conceived! ). I have been tapering it off instead of stopping abruptly - so far so good. (I stopped completely yesterday).
6dpo here, not much to note outside of some pinching in the left ovary area. Fx'd for all of us!
Good luck to the ladies in the 2ww, I'm going to the UK on Friday and I want to hear some good news from you! :)

Coincidentally my trip will bring me back to my hubby on cd14, I've never been so glad to ov cd23 :haha: but starting next cycle I will get on the fertilitea which has proven to knock my ov back to cd16-18, I like to think my body does things on its own but it doesn't so I'll force it a bit :D

Looks like you're going to so great without the progesterone Wtbam :) that's really great! Must feel good to stop taking stuff but scary too. When is your next scan?
I haven't had a scan yet, as in the UK they don't normally scan until 12 weeks! I am paying privately for an early one next tuesday (I will be 7 weeks and 5 days). It is £75 but will be totally worth it if it gives me peace of mind (going to be a nervous wreck in the run up though!!).

I had a little blip last night - yesterday (2nd day no progesterone) I had a drop in BBT (not to below the coverline but it was still enough to spook me). All day I was on the watch for spotting, and in the evening (sorry TMI) after a bowel movement I had a little bit of blood - scariest thing ever.

I checked my cervix, it was closed, and the CM I brought down after checking had no blood in it. Sleepless night - woke up convinced I was going to be bleeding, to my BBT back up to normal, and absolutely no blood when wiping or checking my cervix.

I wonder if this was co-incidental, or whether it was because I stopped the progesterone? I had no spotting or BBT drop tapering from 15mg per day to 10mg per day, or 10mg to 5mg per day, it is weird I had it going from 5mg to nothing.

I hope it was just my body levelling itself out. So please keep your fingers crossed for me!
Totally worth paying for :) your body was probably being lazy and realised it needed to pick up the slack :) strange that it'd only react after stopping totally though.

I looked into acupuncture but here it's 60-80 pounds a session plus you get "forced" to buy whatever herbs they push on you "to increase the potency of the process" might be nice but I don't like the hidden costs so I'll probably ask again how much it'll be with the herbs. I want to take the fertilitea as the vitex in it did wonders for me but I know they'd be all sour if i refuse to buy it :/ only 2 months before I get checked out by the dr it'd be nice to succeed before being pumped with drugs.
Yes.... I was taking Vitex, 1000mg per day in tablet form. I don't know how much it did for me but I was a bit worried after getting my BFP (it says not safe in pregnancy on the tub) but also, didn't want to stop cold turkey. For a few weeks I carried on taking it, and now I am taking 1000mg once every two days (if I could split the tablets into 500mg I would do but unfortunately I can't). So far so good....
wtbam-I agree with patience, your body just had to realize it needed to pick up the slack.

patience- I just want to send some :hugs: your way, I feel like I'm sensing a lot of stress (not that it isn't warranted of course). Hope you have a fun trip and then lots of fun with your hubby for the following week up to O!! I know next to nothing about supplements/meds so I don't have much input there, sorry :(

ASM-today's 7dpo had a "super duper squinter" as I've decided to call it, but more so after the test dried. This is exactly what happened last cycle on 7dpo, with a good thin line at 8 & 9, so right now I'm not getting my hopes up at all and waiting to see what the next few days bring (secretly hoping of course though). If it's another chem, I think I'll try to take a more relaxed approach next month, everything is really starting to wear on me.
Fingers crossed for you Twinkie! I hope this is it for you.
I'm on my 6th cycle too, so maybe 6 is the lucky number!!
Hello ladies!

I'm new and just wanted to get in on this discussion. I was on birth control pills for 10 years and stopped about a year ago because they were causing migraines. We decided to not prevent a pregnancy, but not actively try either. My periods were very regular at first and then I decided to take Vitex to try to stabilize my hormones and my cycles grew to 50+ days!! I'm off of Vitex now and my cycles are about 28-30 days.

We are now trying to conceive and have been for about 3-4 months. Right now, I'm about a week post-ovulation and just waiting until it's time to take a test (but of course I've already taken two tests like an obsessive psycho :)

I'm experiencing some strange symptoms that are hopefully pregnancy related! I read about people wondering if symptoms like these are pregnancy related, but then there is no follow-up to know if they were or not! So frustrating. Anyway, for the last two days I have had a very large amount of CM, which is not normal for me at all. I had the usual CM upon ovulation, then it stopped, and now it's back. I'm also having weird belly discomfort. I'm not feeling sore breasts or nausea, so maybe I'm making more of it than I should be...haha like I've done the past few months, each time NOT being preggo :)

I'm looking forward to getting support and supporting others through these discussions!

Welcome Tierra! I've seen that anything different than normal is a good sign. CM is not always the best indicator, but believe increased cm is a good sign in most instances!
Thanks for the hugs :) could definitely use one right now, I'm in an awful mood, people complaining about pregnancy stuff has killed my spirit today. I must remember to be mindful of what others are going through if i ever find myself in their shoes.
Anyone here take B complex vitamins and experience any weird side effects? I have some stomach cramping (probably non related) but also have been noticing tingly/numbness feeling in my legs when i sit down. SO wierd!
That is about what I pay over here Patienceiav. That is frustrating that they “force” you to purchase the herbs. I have just had my 5th session with my acupuncturist. In another month or two I will start the herbs if nothing has really happened.

The first thing your acupuncturist should do is talk to you about diet and lifestyle. Arguably that plays a bigger role than herbs.

Im up to CD 19, Hoping I O’ed on CD17. Waiting for another day or two with high temps before I get too excited haha.

My fingers are crossed for you twinkie2. Hopefully your “super duper squinter” turns into a good line in the next day or two.
I take them, but I don't think I've had any side affects from it. But I also am very crampy throughout my cycle I feel like lately, so not really sure.
Welcome Tierra! Symptom spotting is the worst! I'm gonna have to convince myself to wait until a missed period to test this cycle...

I hope your squinter turns to a BFP Twinkie! You should post a picture of tomorrow's results! :)

Linds: I take a B50 time-released vitamin every morning since stopping the pill. Only side effect I get from it is bright yellow urine! haha but I read it's because our body doesn't/can't absorb all the B vitamins so we excrete the leftovers...

Good luck patience!

FX'd Steph!

Nice to see you are doing well Wtbam!

Whew! So many comments today! hahaha
Will do, but I'm guessing it's nothing that will show in the photo, but so strongly hoping! Is it sad that I in the early morning hours I dream about poas'ing and taking my temp!
Nope! Sometimes I dream that I've taken my temp when really I haven't and then sleep past my "usual time" for taking it...
A belated welcome Tierra :) i think there's a little guideline on the first post to introduce yourself a bit, what pill you were on, months ttc etc :) if you want to!

Anyways good to have another friendly face, god luck :flower:

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