Twinkie!!!!! YAYAYAYAY! So excited!!! Congrats!
Well ladies, The Dr visit went as well as I could expect it to. I love my dr, she is awesome, honest and totally on board with helping me get my BFP!
We talked about my cycles being 42 Days long and about the 32 day cycle I had before this last one (81 DAYS). She doesn't like that I kept getting Positive OPK this last cycle and no period (without the provera). She also said it was odd that I was actually ovulating with a 42day cycle for so long, she expected me to have a few months of longer cycles but not as many as I have had. so she Took my blood today to get all the tests done. I go on on July 23rd to do another blood test for progesterone to see if I actually Ovulated, if not then I will go on again on the 1st. If nothing then she is going to start me on Clomid. She was willing to give it to me now if I really wanted to (she was encouraging the testing first), but I told her I wanted to find out what on earth is going on first. Since I only have 1 of 3 symptoms that would alert for PCOS she isn't worried about that being the issue right now. She and I also talked about my weight issue, which could be the entire problem that is preventing my cycles from being normal ( if all blood works comes back as good). So I am ( I have already lost 5.5 lbs) continuing my weight loss journey.
Talked to the DH and he is going on a diet too (not that he needs one, but to help me stay on track). He's happy I decided to go a head and find out if my hormones are all good before starting any meds.
Well that is about it, i'm trying to stay positive because, hey maybe it is just my weight and nothing else! Considering I never had any issues when I was at a normal weight, we are pretty sure that is what it is.
I hope everyone else I well!! I skimmed the thread before posting, but I don't remember everything that I read now that I have typed all of this! lol.
Welcome new ladies!