Good morning ladies, and happy Friday! Anyone have any fun weekend plans ahead of them?
I know just what you mean about laying around afterwards! I always do for about 15-20 minutes, even though I know the viable ones are really well on their way by that point so there's not much point to it. I hate the leakage though, it drives me crazy as I just want all of them to stay put! But I also hate that "swampy" feeling down there so I go to the bathroom as soon as my 15-20 minutes is over. Plus I get worried about getting a UTI if I don't go, so I always make sure that I do...even if it is after my silly little waiting time.
Hi, Twinkie and Jessica! Nice to see you dropping in to say hi.

Jessica, sorry that you're not feeling well! I hope it goes away soon, or at least gets easier.
Charmed, how are you doing?
Charlie, sorry that you're feeling that AF is on it's way! FX that she stays away!
Patience, temping is totally like the night before Christmas for me too! Right after O I get so excited to see what my temps are going to do the next morning, it's ridiculous! I sometimes even have dreams about it. I swear, I'm out of control!