****Summer Cupcakes Bump Buddies ~ 8 BABY GIRLS & 4 BABY BOYS BORN ****

right have caught up on my lunch break :)

Lilly - sorry about your nose bleeds, hope they are too much of a nightmare.
how long till kai comes back now? you must be missing him heaps hugs
sorry to hear about your mum and your row with DH. Men can be idiots sometimes, esp when had a few drinks, i dont think you were unreasonable at all, I would have been the same, glad you have made up though

Everyone who had appointments - glad they all went well...
I had my MW app last weds and it was annoying - she was retired and had popped into clinic to see someone and got roped into working as they were busy! She seemed in a hurry and i had to ask if I was measuring right for my dates and also what position the baby was in!! Grrrr - baby is laying sideways which is very uncomfy as has its head up in my ribs permanently or sticking out the side of my body!

Lolley - as per my previous post the GP was crap re: hip / pelvic pain - she has referred me to a physio but told me it was a long wait!! I only have 10.5 weeks left!!
I hope you arent too sore and uncomfy with the SPD
I also have a low lying placenta and am getting re-scanned at 32 weeks so not long now and cant wait to LO again

Foxforce - my ribs are always hurting either from being kicked or headbutted!

hch - nice bump and I also want to nap every afternoon but dont ever manage to but always wake up early as well and am shattered at the moment!

ashley - sorry to hear you are having a tough time, hope things get better for you, hugs

starglow - fab piccies of the scan - absolutely amazing and so cute sucking her thumb
it was very interesting watching the is breast best doc last night it was part of the bringing up britan series on bbc3 going to try watch them all!! .. was interesting covered a few things but did seem very negative at the start it did show both sides though the people who didnt even want to try it, the people who tried and gave up and the people who tried and stuck with it i found it interesting anyway.. dunno if anyone watched another cherry doc she did called cherry has a baby but there was a woman she met there who was adamant she wasnt going to breast feed didnt even want to hear about it... well she did breast feed... for 11 months!! ... amazing how it can change you when baby is here

so in relation to that what are everyones plans r.e breast and bottle feeding... im not for or against any personally i think both mother and baby need to be happy!... im going to try hard to breastfeed i know its not going to be easy but im going to give it a good go and see whats its like for us :)

il look up that other programme you watched lolley sounds interesting!!

im 29 weeks today... just one week left till 30 weeks!!.. 30 weeks seems really scary??!
Flybee :hugs: sorry your in pain/discomfort with your pelvis, great you get to be re scanned at 32 weeks, not long now till you see lo!!
I was told lo was lying with head down last week and I can totally tell it still is, I have figured that when my tummy stretches and feels very hard that must be lo's shoulder like it has turned on it's side :shrug: feet are in my ribs and tickles lower down will be the hands and arms, nice to know what's moving where :D

Lolley I missed that documentary also on midwifes tut, I shall look for it next monday if you have series linked it to catch the rest, thanks. Enjoy your next couple of days especially your beautiful bump day :flower: and hope your spd has settled for you

Everyone commenting today on my bump, like I have grown alot overnight, that or it's that I have a white t-shirt on that's emphasizing it! Also it's much cooler today out 10 degrees but I feel like its 20 degrees, I think I have hit the feeling warm stage!

Happy 29 weeks Strawberry x
Hi ladies!

Flybee, I'm sorry you've been in such discomfort :( I can only imagine how awful that must be!

I miss all the U.K. programs... but they had one Monday night here in NL called "birth stories" and it took place all over the U.K. and I was secretly hoping it would be OBEM with just a Dutch title... but nope. I actually didn't think it was that interesting, but it got my hopes up!

Strawberry- Happy 29 weeks! Now you also have a "squash" :)

I don't know how it works in the U.K., but in the Netherlands after you have a baby you are provided with a sort of nurse who comes to your home the day you come home from the hospital and every day afterwards for 8 days total (6 hours a day). They help with stuff at home (like, preparing breakfast/lunch, helping clean up and do laundry at home) but also with the baby (helping with breast or bottle feeding, helping new mothers with giving baby a bath, taking care of the naval, etc). This morning I had an appointment with the organization that provides this (the sent a lady to my home to meet me) and she gave me LOADS of information. When I told her that we didn't have this in the U.S. she was appalled... so I was curious whether there's somthing similar in the U.K.?

I also have a growth scan next week (on Tuesday!) so we'll get more pics and get to see our LO as well :) Looking forward to it...
Flybee hope you're ok hun. Sounds very painful. :( sending hugs.

Strawberry I must watch that programme on iplayer. I am going to give breast feeding my best shot and if it doesn't happen I'm not going to beat myself up about it. I'll do what's best for baby at the time.

I'm almost done with my shopping list. Got all sorts like giant thick maternity pads for after birth, disposable nipple pads (ewwww), larger knickers at last, 3 tops ( 3for 2) at mamas and papas ( their clothes are really fitting me now thank goodness)...... The list goes on
but still to get:
Changing bag
Play mat ( not in a rush)
Cotton wool & pampers sensitive wipes
Olive oil for first few hospital wipes
Nighties for hospital ...... I never wear pj's or nighties. Just want a couple of cheap ones but primarks aren't great. Anyone have any suggestions? Need buttons for feeding (hopefully)

Feels great to get organised. Xxx
Strawberry I just watched that programme. Eek! All a bit heavy but real life I suppose. I enjoyed her last show actually when she was pregnant and seeing other expecting mums in varios situations. I think this show just outlines how very important it is that if we need breast feeding help to ask for it. I'm gonna find out where my local support would be. X
hey everyone. I haven't watched the programme on breastfeeding but will on iplayer when I get the chance.

i breastfed Kai for 9 months as I personally found it very easy, i think my nipples are geared towards feeding, ie they stick out a lot (sorry TMI!!) but i know plenty of women including my own mother and best friend, who both found it really hard. I actually think it has a lot to do with the size of your breast, what your nipple is like too - My mom had inverted nipples and found it extremely difficult but she did persevere.

I don't think i'll BF for that long again though, as unfortunately i really need to get back to work, and believe me expressing milk is a mission and painful!! well, for me anyway. I definitely couldn't feed AND express every day.

I really want to ask about supplementing BF with formula, which i might do after a couple of months.. has anyone heard if this would be ok? I want to give Bean a formula night feed so that DH can feed her too and i've also heard this makes them sleep better during the night!! I don't want to confuse her though between bottle and boob!
I intend to breastfeed for as long as possible.

I started with Amber, I did 2 weeks exclusive breast feeding, then 2 weeks combined feeding, then stopped. I found it difficult and didn't have much support from HV's. I couldn't express anything at all, I tried several pumps too...hence why I gave in to formula when it got difficult and Amber got so demanding.

This time I hope it is more successful.
just watched half of the breastfeeding programme, (have to go to work now) oh my god those poor women - if I was a first time mom i'd be a bit put off! Granted i've only seen the first half. I feel really lucky that i found it easy, i hope that I do again - its been 8 years after all since i did it!!

Ailey i know what you mean about expressing, you just try for soooo long with hardly anything to show for it. i'm going to get an electric pump this time for the times when i do have to express - last time i had a hand held one and it was totally rubbish.
Morning ladies

Hmm not sure I should watch the bf programme now, I do intend to bf but I know this may be difficult after seeing my friend struggling with it, I don't think I could struggle as long as she did with sore bleeding nipples and a hungry hungry baby that doesn't seem to fill, sometimes she was feeding for hours a day :wacko: Dh is supportive of what I want to do but wants to be involved.
I saw my best friend really struggle with BF, she wasn't sleeping, wasn't making enough milk, baby was starving. I was the one convincing her to go on the bottle! I don't know how i could've coped with bleeding and cracked nipples! Luckily that was the one easy road I had, as Kai had acute ACUTE colic for the first 6 months - if I had him on top of BF problems I would've gone insane!
I think it's best to have back up formula so at least the baby gets fed if there are problems. My sister had massive problems breast feeding. It was so painful for her and her baby was so small and wasn't feeding enough. She found the electric pump good so at least for the first few weeks her lo had breast milk from a bottle. She went through hell with pain and guilt. That programme says the first 3 days it's important to breast feed (in hospital most likely). So I'll give it a go and hope it works well.

I must look into pumps. I think u can hire the industrial ones from your hospital. I must ask. If not I'll buy an electric one with two pumps so you can do two breasts at once.

I'm feeling loads better but still can't shift this cough.

Looking forward to getting my hair done today. It takes so long tho but it's a good excuse to completely chill out and get pampered.

It's funny now I really look pregnant ... The looks people give you when you're out and about. Very strange. People just stare. Think I'll start staring back lol. I just ignore it.

Hope everyone is doing well. Have a great day.

Hugs xxxxxx
Re: breastfeeding... this is something I've always wanted to do. But after deciding I don't really like being pregnant (which I thought I would LOVE!) I've not quite set my hopes as high as I initially had them for bf'ing. I want to try, and I really want it to work, but I'm more open-minded about the fact that it might not go as I expect. DH thinks it'd be great if LO can be bf'd for 6 months, but he's also open to the fact that it may not work as we plan and is supportive of whatever decision I make.

Starglow- enjoy getting your hair done :)
Hi ladies, I haven't watched the breast feeding show but I would like to breastfeed exclusively for as long as possible. I'm staying home until LO is 9 months, so should be able to manage until then. I've got an electric breast pump, so hoping to pump when I return to work so that she can stay on breast milk then move to cows milk at 12 months.

I went to the GP today re my 28 week blood work. My iron is low, so I'm getting a prescription. They also took more blood to do more detailed tests to check vitamin b12 and other levels. I guess this is why I've been feeling tired, dizzy and out of breath at times.
Starglow I'm with you on the people staring, they just stare at your tummy or talk to your tummy, I do ignore it but some days you just want to say something back, I read a thread on some people getting negative comments which I think is awful, I would definately say something then! Enjoy your hair appointment x

I am holding out on getting a pump until I see how I get on, I have read very good things about the Medela Swing pump but it approx £100 so you need to know you will use it if spending so much.

Mama at least you know why you felt the way you felt, hopefully the iron tablets will perk you up, hope your other levels are all good.
Mama afrika, I have low Iron too. I don't know if I've noticed much difference after taking the tablets apart from them turning my poo black!!
I know foxforce. It's crazy!

Aw itsychik it's a shame you're not enjoying your pregnancy. The tiredness is a killer for me but over-all I'm enjoying it. I'm glad my bump is a proper bump now and that it's obvious I'm pregnant and not just a fat lump lol. I love the way my hubby is all soppy over bump and when I need looking after he'll help me. (he's not the soppy type at all btw)

My boobs have gone such a stance shape and have dropped a bit!

I've got used to my under the bump jeans now and they're really comfy.
I'm still over-eating which is so silly. I eat healthy food but just too much of it!

Better finish the housework off and get to my hair appointment.

Back later x
@ Starglow- I actually haven't had any problem with tiredness at all (one of the few symptoms I've avoided!) but it's hard to enjoy the nausea/vomiting, back/hip/rib pain, heart burn, bleeding gums/nose, numbness and uncomfortability when trying to sleep...I'm WAY excited about almost getting to meet LO, but I could do without everything that comes with it :) We will DEFINITELY be waiting a long time before having another one... and if that pregnancy is anything like this one then it will absolutely be our last. Baby + maternity leave are really the only benefits of being pregnant... IMO!

Ah well... just 9 - 12 weeks to go!
I totally understand itsychik. The heartburn and lack of sleep is such mare.

I feel more like myself now back to my usual summer blonde :) hubby is taking bump pictures soon yay! So I'll post them when they're done. :) kinda hard to pose with bump lol.

Lovely day so far. Bump pics, dinner and chill out to come x

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