****Summer Cupcakes Bump Buddies ~ 8 BABY GIRLS & 4 BABY BOYS BORN ****

Morning all :)

My funny hubby got up this morning telling me we should do the NCT anti-natel course in May. This is due to a male friend of his saying how great it was. So we've applied. I think the fact he wants to do it is a good thing. The breathing, relaxation, massage, breast feeding help and what to do with newborn at home has to be a benefit. I looked Into this locally ages ago and it was pricey and over 8 sessions. This is 20 min drive from us £150 - 2 full Sunday's 10-4, a Thursday evening 8-10 and a reunion morning In august. The dates suit us too and I'd be finished with 4 weeks Till due date.

How is everyone? Hopefully a quiet thread is a sign of a good weekend.

Had a great day yesterday. Hubby got a new footie top, got me a footie hoody (only thing that fit through pregnancy and after ) and baby girl got her first footie baby grow lol! Cute! I had energy actually. We parked really close as we told them I was heavily pregnant, went for a stroll,shopping, lunch and match. Came home to dinner and film. Was in bed at 11pm. All this not working is great lol!

Well after a packed day yesterday and with energy, today we test drove a car we're probably buying, had a lovely stroll and went for dinner. Omg I was so tired, got home at 4pm and straight to bed for a two hour sleep! Still very tired. Weird!

Plus........ Ouch. My spotty chin is just crazy. Anyone know any tricks to clearing them. Every day there's more and more. I use simple face wash but it's not working :(
I've been getting extremely tired as well! Friday night I was asleep by 10, I woke up on Saturday morning at 9 and went back to bed for a nap at 11 and didn't get up until 2 pm!

not sure what to do about spots - i've been battling acne since a week before my bfp and it hasn't cleared at all. hopefully it goes away after i deliver - i miss my face!! :(

I've just registered for childbirth class. It's free from my hospital and covers sign and stages of labor, breathing and relaxation skills for labor and birth, the importance of the labor coach, and medical interventions including C-sections. We have the option of registering for a 4 - week course (2 hours, one day a week) or a one day "intensive" class from 9 am - 5 pm. We're doing the one day because I don't see the point in dragging it out for 4 weeks.
Morning all

Hope you all had great weekends, I think it feels better when the weather is good. Shame to be working when the weather is supposed to stay nice :(

I managed to get the clothes all put away in the drawers but haven't washed them yet as no Fairy softener but I guess the nearer to baby been born they are washed the fresher they will smell.

Everyone at work telling me how big bump is this morning, I think it's because I have a fitted coral vest top on which seems to show it off more.

Mama glad to see you got a good buy with your pram :thumbup:

I'm not feeling too bad on the tiredness front yet. I think on the spot/acne front I think just to try cleanse more frequently with something like tea tree oil based products as they are a natural antiseptic, I get odd ones around my chin and dab on the tea tree oil which usually clears them.

Have a good day everyone.
Thanks girls re spots. I do look after my skin but eewwww I feel yucky with spots. Ah well it's not for ever.
I'm stuck in all day waiting for a delivery of our dishwasher. Aw bliss at last lol. So this is my excuse to stay in all day, do a bit of cleaning up here and there, do my work schedule and chill out with my feet up. Dont know how I'm going to cope back at work next week.

Yeah my bump has got bigger this weekend. Noticed last night. Finding clothes a bit easier now my bump is bigger.

Oh gosh not long to go now till our due dates!
morning everyone!

I had a great weekend, hope you all did too! we visited friends up in birmingham, actually got a TAN!! It was such lovely weather. Supposed to be nice all week and we have the week off as its my SIL's very small wedding on thursday, staying up in the cotswolds from tuesday - friday - THEN Kai comes back on Fri!!! woohooo!! I'm SO excited to see him, been missing him like CRAZY.

Re spots, I know you can't do anything too harsh while pregnant, as Foxforce suggested - tea tree oil, simple cleansing - and don't prod or pick them. I know this sounds crazy but have you tried toothpaste on them at night? I used to do that and it really worked.

I have the opposite, usually I have spots around my chin, hormonal ones - but during this pregnancy they have cleared right up, i'm actually dreading going back to my 'normal' skin when this baby's out! Good skin and hair is one of the pro's of this pregnancy for me - I think its all going to go to pot when she's out though.

I really want to get our house ready for Bean... still not ordered the changing table or shelves, want a moses basket now, need to put the cot up. Hopefully we'll do this in the next couple of weeks. its hard because our flat's so small, we need to store some big item furniture (such as my dressing table, which i will now have to do without!) so organising that to be moved is the biggest mission so far.

We've also been back and forth re her name. We've cancelled out Ivy Grace - I know everyone loved it but the more and more I see people's names on here and meet people - it seems that Grace is an EXTREMLEY common second name, even our close friends have called their daughter Edie Grace - waaaayyy too similar. Yes its pretty, but it seems like a generic second name to me now, and doesn't mean anything to us personally. I really really love Ivy Lila - I just need to get DH around!! he's 50% at the moment. I think it's unusual and I love that Lila is close to Lilly (my name) and also quite bohemian and beautiful.

I might wait til i'm in labour then i'm sure he'll let me have my way!! :haha:
Ivy lila is lovely hun :) awwwwww!

Yep done the toothpaste thing lol. I use simple face wash and sometimes a simple mask just on my chin before a shower. Should be able to have a makeup free day today staying in which may do some good. Should up my water too. I have spots on my back now too my hubby informed me lol. Nice!

Well if it makes you feel any better I found spots on my BUM!! :haha:

And as for getting our homes ready ..... We have everything still in boxes or hidden away lol. I aim to set everything up one month before my due date so it's ready for when my then 6 month old niece arrives. It's getting harder to get housework done with decreasing amount of energy. I've actually got a fair bit done already today. Dishwasher has arrived but my plumber has just said he can't fit us in till after Easter :( boo. I just have to look at it for now lol!
Glad you had a good weekend Lilly sounds like you will have a lovely week off too, the weather is supposed to last into next week by all accounts :icecream: I love Ivy Lila very bohemian like you said

Sorry your plumber can't be accomadating Starglow gutting as I'm sure you can't wait to use it now :(

I di mean to say last week, Lloyds Pharmacy have an offer on Bio Oil at the moment or did last week, I got a big bottle for £13, well £11 as had an extra coupon from last week Sunday paper, so worth stocking up for those that use it :thumbup:
Oh yes I meant to say about the bio oil. I couldn't believe it was half price! Good stuff.

Afternoon all,

Like Lilly, I used to get hormonal spots but those have gone since my BFP. My normally combination to oily skin is very dry now and I wonder if it will go back to normal after birth.

@Lilly, your chosen names are beautiful! Hope you get your way!
Lilly - I love Ivy Lila! I really liked the name Grace as a middle name too, but my OH didn't like it. He's the one that picked Emily - he said it just popped into his head one day and I went along with it. Middle names are never used or said and neither of us had any name that held significant meaning. So basically I chose the first name and he agreed, he chose the middle name and I agreed!

Starglow - how exciting it must be to be getting a dishwasher! I can't live without a dishwasher, mine broke once and I honestly had no idea how to keep up with all the dishes!

Only about 3 weeks left of school!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to be done with it and be able to focus on getting the house ready for my little girl! :)
Spent a good 4 hours sorting my teaching schedule out. The last 2 weeks before maternity leave are pretty light due to me working so much last term. I'll stick with it for now and week by week I'll slowly pull extra lessons in to lighten my hours even more. No way I can finish up end of May tho. I'll pace myself and if it's too much I'll deal with it. The first 3 weeks back are fairly heavy but I'll take it easy. Dreading it! (even tho i love my job but I've just got much more tired these days). Loving my time off.

Yes I don't know how I've been living without a dishwasher. Always had one for years but never got one where I live now nearly 5 years. Hubby has done the plumbing, just drilling the holes now which is proving more difficult. He's determined we're using this dishwasher tonight. Crappy plumber!!!!!! Even a second plumber said he'd pop round for a quote and didn't bother showing up! The state of my kitchen!!!!!! Lol

Oooohhhhhh my bump feels heavy tonight.

Evening all! Busy weekend. Well and truely pooped now!

Walked round a bootsale yesterday for near on 3 hours, but got some great bargains!

Today I met up with some friends and their girls, one has a baby girl who is 7 weeks old, just beautiful! We took the little'uns to the beach and they had a great time, but now I'm knackered.

Near time to go back to work :( but only for a day and then I have four days off.
hi girls sorry i havent been about much! im just so tired and have started having a baby hour during the day! i painted my hall and stairs the other day and have been so tired since then! i think it took it out of me! OH has been poorly we thought he had hand foot and mouth disease so i rang the hospital and they wanted him to be checked out asap for me and baby and him but more so they could figure out if they needed me to come in and be checked over! turns out he has had a severe allergic reaction to his antibiotics he looks awful! i feel so sorry for him as at first he was contained to the bedroom incase it was h f and m! such a relief to know it isnt anything that can affect me and bubs! googling is very bad for you! hope every one is well! im going to read everyones posts to see how you all are xxx
Aw hch your poor hubby! We all seem to be more tired than usual so perhaps it's the norm for a lot if people arcthis stage of pregnancy.
Weird to think we are now 'heavily' pregnant lol. I'm having to pace myself hun and take breaks all over the place.

Hope your hubby is ok. Glad you and bump are fine x

Wow 30 weeks . . . . . Congrats to those who are today :happydance:

Happy 30 weeks to you hch, sorry to hear about your dh having a bad reaction, relief it isn't h,f&m.

Starglow hope you managed to get a cycle out of your dishwasher, we don't have one, use one at work where we really need it having so many staff!

Ailey how nice it must have been at the beach yesterday, living in the middle of the country it takes a good 1hr and 30 min drive to get to a beach which could be worse I suppose.

I haven't slept too well last two nights :( not sure if it's my hayfever, my mouth was so dry last night but couldn't be bothered getting up for a drink!! :blush: I hope today is less boring at work today, didn't have much to do yesterday.

Hope you all have good days :flower:
Foxforce ........... It's taking me ages these days to get comfy at first when I'm trying to go to sleep. I toss and turn from side to side for ages, usually having to get up for a wee. But when I do get to sleep luckily I'm sleeping through till the morning.

(yep dishwasher is working lol,,,,, bliss. I'll stop going on about it now lol)

I have the day to myself today so need to do a food shop, housework and paperwork sorting. Oh and rearrange my flipping kitchen cupboards now we've lost one for dishwasher. I'd much rather go have a nose around baby shops but I'll hold out till hubby is off.

Lilly I read your thread about baby being spine to spine. Do they usually tell you if this is the case? I don't get rib kicks either. (lol I'll probably get them now I've said that).

Have a great day everyone xxxxx

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