****Summer Cupcakes Bump Buddies ~ 8 BABY GIRLS & 4 BABY BOYS BORN ****

There really is not much time left now till baby, I just can't wait!

MIL said she would come round and look after Amber whilst I go in to hospital, she said she didn't mind what time of day or night it is, so that's really nice.

Is everyone all sorted for baby now? I don't think there is anything left that I need to get now :) My pram is being delivered next week, I so can't wait to have a play!
By the way thanks for all your posts about my awful night last night. I see mw in another week so I'll mention it all to her.

As for being ready .... Pretty much. Still need to order my changing bag through my sister (i'll sort that tomorrow) and buy a baby monitor. There a few little bits to get but I think I'll pack my hospital bag this week. So a small bag with the birthing and baby essentials first. Then think about / write a list for extra case for longer stay.

Can't wait to get the cot up next and get everything out of the boxes. I'd say that'll be in 2 weeks during half term.

hey there - sorry i havent been on for ages, i can see i have a lot to catch up on and will try and get through all the posts tomorrow :)
i havent really felt like being online too much as havent been feeling great but now I am more mobile and starting to feel like myself again thankfully... i am still on twice daily injections and will be for 3 months after the baby arrives and guess they will monitor my blood and the clot to ensure I dont come off the drugs too soon.
I have found out that i am definitely not allowed an epidural so if I have to have a c section then it will have to be under GA which I was very dissapointed about so I am hoping that this transverse baby moves in the next few weeks otherwise neither me or DH will see the birth of our first baby :(
also it rules out an epidural if i have a natural delivery! i have been told i will be allowed another drug instead called remitphentanon (? spelling prob wrong) which apparently is quite good and is an opiate based drug...
anyhow - our cot was delivered yesterday and our pram is arriving on tuesday so think we are pretty much there - just a a few more hospital bag bits to get and then will be packing that next weekend - when is everyone else packing their bag?
hope you are all well and will catch up on all the posts asap
Great to hear from you Flybee. The most important thing is that you and baby are well looked after. Poor you tho with all those injections.

I of course didn't realise that u can't have an epidural if you have a water birth. At my hospital you have to book the one pool they have two hours in advance as it takes that long to fill. So I think it'll be baths for me at home first and I'll have to forget the pool!
is anyone considering natural childbirth? I've decided I'm going to try my best to go without any sort of meds. I'm not exactly opposed to them, OH and I are definitely keeping an open mind, i'd just much rather make it through on my own. we'll see! my hospital doesn't do water births, nor do any hospitals anywhere near me. we don't have childbirth centers or anything like that. options are extremely limited. but i had my childbirth class yesterday and took a tour of the women's center in the hospital and it's really nice. i do of course have a private bathroom in my room, so i'm thinking about bringing a bathing suit for OH and myself in case I'd like to sit in the shower and run the warm water over my belly and back.

i've started gathering things (mostly toiletries) for my hospital bag, but haven't put it together yet. i'm not quite sure what all i'm going to pack yet since the hospital provides everything i'll need for baby i'm probably only packing a going home outfit in 2 sizes for her (in case she's big!) def going to have snacks and stuff for after delivery in case it's late at night and the cafeteria is closed lol i'm not sure if i had told you guys or not, but i went and bought a HUGE vera bradley tote to use as my hospital bag. i LOVE it! i'll attach a photo. :)


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Flybee great to hear from you! I was wondering how you were getting on. My baby is transverse too but I have a feeling she'll move or she may have moved already.. I really hope your LO moves too so you don't have to go under GA :kiss:

Ashley, i'm going to try for a natural delivery this time - I had nothing last time, not even paracetomal - until 6 hours into labour where i begged for epidural!! so i want to try for natural this time around, but i'm definitely not ruling out epidural if I can't hack it. The only thing that puts me off is for me, the epidural injection was really painful and long and I absolutely hated it - just that the after effects were amazing! We'll see!

My hospital has 8 birthing pools - this is a pic of the birthing centre, its newly built and has double beds so your OH can be with you on the bed!!

We've got most things for baby now - the cot and changing unit are up, her clothes are all in it. We're waiting for our custom made mattress and fitted sheets to arrive. Have our pram and baby monitor too. Just waiting to see what we get for the baby shower before we buy anything else.

Hope everyone has a good day xx


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wow Lilly that looks fab! I'm gonna look online now and see if there's a birthing type specialised place near me. The thought of a hospital environment isn't so nice.
Glad your feeling better Flybee, sorry to hear about the epidural, hopefully lo will turn fx'd! I hope you feel totally better soon!

Starglow glad you had a good but long day at your class, sounds like you had a good time and picked up some useful info.

Ashley I am hoping to go for as long as I can without pain relief and if I can manage without that would be great but I'm being realistic and keeping an open mind and I am not objective against any pain relief should I feel I need it, you just do not know how you will cope. Nice bag btw love the colours.

Lilly that birth room is lovely, I take it you will be in a room like that, wish we had something similar.

We have pretty much everything also, what we need is: some blankets, cotbed bedding, sheets for moses basket, newborn hats. The cot bed bedding we are waiting for after birth as we know of dh's sister is giving us vouchers to go towards getting it and maybe someone else may get us some too as it is expensive :wacko:

Hope everyone has a good day x
.... and thats a no lol. I have one option and thats the hospital. However it's 2 mins in the car from me which is useful for getting there but also hubby can pop home if he needs to etc. Plus it has great reviews. I can't wait to do the tour on the 4th June. But one birthing pool isn't enough really. Wouldn't want to pin my hopes on a waterbirth and then feel let down or frustrated.

One thing i learnt yesterday is that you and hubby are pretty much left alone at the hospital in the first stages up to 7cm ish. I like the idea of this as we can just focus on relaxing, breathing through the contractions and massage etc. I just hope we both remain calm and chilled out.

on another note....... the mil told hubby last night that she can have the blanket,she's bought for the baby, embroidered with her name on the way to the airport. They'll do it for her in 10 mins while she waits lol!!!!! this prompted me to tell hubby it sounds like the minute he tells her i'm in hospital that she thinks she'll be on the first plane out!!!!! No way on earth. I told him (and again I'll tell her) that i don't want anyone here while I'm in hospital and i want the 3 of us to come home and at least have 2 days to ourselves to get settled in. I will point out to her also that my own family are holding back coming over so she can visit first. I hope she appreciates this. (it's only 'cause if she had her way she'd be at the hospital with us from the start......ewwwwww). Heart of gold but drives me nuts. Plus i hope she isn't staying too long...a few days fingers crossed. And the sil is coming with her. That's 4 adults and a baby in a 2 bed appartment!
Well I 'm hoping to get one of those rooms - london hospitals are overrun and its first come first served!! Depends on how many ladies go into labour same time as me :haha:

Starglow have to agree with you, i wouldn't want too many people around just after i'd given birth. We're also in a 2 bed and although my mom will be here (used to be a midwife, I want her at the birth too!) my sister wants to come up with my mom but I don't want her to. I know it sound selfish but there'll be way too many people cramped in here and I just want DH and my mom.
Luckily MIL is only coming up first weekend after birth I think..

Right girls, i'm off to Oxford Street to hit Primarni and M&S for "labour wear" !!!
Just took this now - pic of my Bugaboo Bee Pram with Cath Kidston changing bag!! Girly or what!


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Enjoy shopping hun. Nice pram and changing bag. I can't decide on which bag to go for and I need to hurry up as sister wants to order it. X
Looks lovely Lilly - nice and girly :flower: Have a good shop! Hope you find what you need x

Starglow hmm I don't think I'd be happy people staying so soon after birth either so I'm sure your mil will understand. I would like my mum to be at the birth and quite happy for dad although I know he won't be fussed about being in the room but we are only allowed 2 birth partners, but dad can wait at our house and keep the dog company/walk him, need to discuss this as they may not want to be there but knowing mum she will :D
Flybee, good to hear form you! Hope you are ok xx

Ashley, nice bag!

Lilly, very girly pram! I'll take a picture of mine when I get it.

As for drugs, I coped last time with just a bit of gas and air, but prefered to be without it. Will try that again this time. I hoping for a speedy labour as last time was 3.5 hours.
Remember thoug, the drugs are there if you need them, I wouldn't rule them out completely as nobody got an award for a drug free labour x

Got the dentist this morning for a check up as it free! Also got to pop to the doctors as I have another stye that's really sore.
Might pop to my mums and get the rest of babys things out of her attic.
Have a good day all xx
hello girls im back! jack has had chicken pox for the last week so have been catering for his every need! :lol:

got my hypno birthing cd the other day and put it straight onto my mp3! its fab i was so relaxed i nearly fell asleep! also i have ordered my tens machine and that will be here when i reach 37 weeks! i think im going to start taking my RLT tablets today and epo aswell! got the mw on wednesday and if baby hasnt moved then im off for a scan! TBH im not sure how he is lying as it changes everyday but i have had no kicks in the rib area so im guessing he is transverse ! will catch up super soon! hope you are all ok xxxxx
well girls I decided not to brave oxford street today, it started spitting with rain and couldn't be bothered! instead went down the road to budgens and rinsed them of cleaning products - my nesting has really kicked in lately!
Also went into hardware store for a few items.. OMG does anyone else just LOVE the smell of hardware stores?! New car/bicycle tyres are doing it for me big time at the moment.

Ashley forgot to say nice bag!

Hch Hi! Hope your little man is on the mend. You've inspired me to get the hypnobirthing cd. My MW app is tmrw and we'll see if little one has turned. i get big rolling movements just under my ribs now and kicks, fluttery feelings really down low, feels like she's kicking my crotch and bladder and it hurts! - I hope this doesn't mean she's breech!

Ailey I agree, if I need drugs I'll have them! Only downfall is I'll have to move from the lush birthing centre onto the labour ward if I do need an epidural. I hate the feeling of being nauseated so won't want any gas & air and my hospital don't do pethidine anymore, they do diamorphine - neither of which appeal to me. I absolutely hate the feeling of being 'out of it'... I wasn't one of those teenagers who ever got stoned! :haha:
Hi ladies!

Lots to catch up on!

Lolley- I made it to Primark and bought some pj's/underwear for after birth that I'm prepared to throw away if it gets ruined :) The store was bigger than I expected it to be!

Foxforce- thanks for the offer to test your sugar! :hugs: But I think I'll have a check over on the main board to see what other's have gotten, before you have to go pricking yourself :)

Ashley- love the bag!! I'm also hoping for a natural birth. I've told the mw/consultant that I want the option of an epidural available, but I'm hoping that I won't need it (or that I can hold out until it's too late :haha:)

Starglow- I don't remember if I commented before, but I'm glad your awful symptoms went away and that you and hubby learned a lot at the class. I've not signed up for any...

Flybee- I was thinking about you this week as well! I'm so glad to hear that you're getting a bit more mobile, I can't imagine how hard this must all be! I'll also be keeping fx'd that your LO turns the right direction!

Lilly- love the pram/bag :) Hope you get to make a trip out again another time for labour wear when the weather is better!

Ailey- what things for baby are you getting from your mom's? Is it stuff you used before with Amber? Nice that you have stuff stored away!

hch- good luck at the mw! I also got RL tea last week and keep trying to convince myself to make some (I'm strangely hesitant... it just makes everything seem so real!)
oh yea... and this morning I had to be at the hospital for the GTT to test my sugar (since LO is so big). Afterwards I had an appointment and another scan with the consultant.

The sugar results were available by the time I had the appointment and turned out fine! Although LO is measuring 37 weeks in body, 36 weeks in head, and 35 weeks in legs (although since DH and I are somewhat shorter than average, she said that was fine). Blood pressure has been slowly rising at each appointment but still within "normal" range (normally it's 110/70... today it was 140/80). Although the consultant said that I should expect to make it to 40 weeks before they'll try any inductions etc, so now I'm keeping my fingers crossed that LO makes his appearance before he gets TOO big (they estimate that he's close to 6lbs already!). Next appointment in 2 more weeks...

And we have our follow up 3D scan this Wednesday :happydance:
Itsychik, I have the bouncy chair and playmat in my mums attic that I had from Amber. It went to neice inbetween too, so it's done the rounds but still in excellent condition.
Also need my little suitcase to take to hospital.
They are stored there because my house is tiny with storage or attic space. She only lives 15 mins away so it's not too far.
Glad all went well isty, my blood pressure was on the high side last time. Mine too is normally around 110/68, but last time was 134/78 but the midwife said it was fine and is normal for it to go up at this stage in pregnancy.

I have my midwife appointment tomorrow morning :)

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