Beagle I think that's a neat idea, having your husband do the test. Wouldn't it be amazing to have him tell YOU, "We're pregnant!!"
Michelle, that's strange that they don't seem to want to improve his count. Just from googling I've done in the past, those numbers seem on the low end...maybe not enough to be considered infertile, but definitely not "great for insemination." Geez. I think there should be a policy that only people who have dealt with infertility should be able to work in the RE's office. Ok, not really, but they should do some training on how emotionally taxing this is and learn to be a little more understanding of what we're going through! At least you know IVF is your next step!
Jen, hope the BCP treat you ok. I was on them for years and never had trouble, but I know they're rough on some people.
I'm doing fine. Today is 5dpIUI. No symptoms yet, but I know it's early. Other than a few pinches and cramps but nothing major. This TWW just dragging by like I knew it would! I have been trying to do all the "warm womb" things and have been doing really well. But I never realized how much I enjoy cold drinks. I'm not one to chomp on ice all the time...I don't mind water out of the tap. But not being able to have ice is making me crave an ice water! Especially since my sweet hubby got me an awesome ice maker for our anniversary a few months ago that makes nugget ice (like at Sonic, if you have those in your area) which I love!!
I also haven't been drinking any caffeine or alcohol, and been fine. Even though my OBGYN told me a cup of coffee (which is all I ever have anyway) is fine, even through pregnancy. But reading some of the natural healing/traditional medicine stuff it seems like no stimulants is the better way to go. I was really craving a cup of coffee this morning so I had one, but I think one cup in a week certainly won't hurt anything.