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Support thread for ladies who have had 3+ failed IVF cycles

Bugs and Africa- we have looked into donor abroad but i would only go for a clinic that had links with a local clinic just coz i am such a stress head. We looked into the clinic Mr kingsland is linked with in Cyprus and it works out a similar price to doing it here. I know they use younger donors and their success rates are higher but if i am stressed out with not being at home think it will be less successful for me. Also they have said we can ask if they are proven or not when we get a match and can choose to go with them or not.

Lucie- hope things get back to normal for you.

I had to laugh today as one of my class in complete innocence put his hand on my tummy and said hello little baby. If only he knew how much i would love that to be true. X x x x
Cvaeh- I know what you mean. I think the main drawback for me is that ED here is not anonymous and if we did take that route i would not want it this way. Let me know how u get on x

Hi to all the gang xxx
Hi ladies so sorry I've been missing I got a sickness bug started earlier hours of Saturday. Let's just say I lost 8lbs or 4kg in one weekend!

Still not eating anywhere near properly or feel hungry so is kick started my pre festive diet!

I've also invested in a personal trainer twice a week for 2 months to get my weight down and fitter for a cycle next year. I figure if I can get down to about 1.5-2st loss then after that I can maintain myself until we can afford to cycle. I just need the kick up the bum and my prob isn't eating less or better I only every lose weight with gym work cos of my thyroid issues.

I've thought about donor eggs but not ready for that just yet. But I would also go abroad for it cos of the issue of donors being able to find out later in life. Personally I wouldn't want that. I would also prob go to Spain cos I have olive skin and go very tanned. People always mistake me for Spanish or Italian with my dark features.

Glad we all seem to be doing ok who is the next to cycle?
Hi ladies so sorry I've been missing I got a sickness bug started earlier hours of Saturday. Let's just say I lost 8lbs or 4kg in one weekend!

Still not eating anywhere near properly or feel hungry so is kick started my pre festive diet!

I've also invested in a personal trainer twice a week for 2 months to get my weight down and fitter for a cycle next year. I figure if I can get down to about 1.5-2st loss then after that I can maintain myself until we can afford to cycle. I just need the kick up the bum and my prob isn't eating less or better I only every lose weight with gym work cos of my thyroid issues.

I've thought about donor eggs but not ready for that just yet. But I would also go abroad for it cos of the issue of donors being able to find out later in life. Personally I wouldn't want that. I would also prob go to Spain cos I have olive skin and go very tanned. People always mistake me for Spanish or Italian with my dark features.

Glad we all seem to be doing ok who is the next to cycle?

MrsE75, I hope you are feeling better at least you lost weight when you are sick usually I gain for some reason although I don't eat too much !! How is your personal trainer?

I am waiting for my period to come so we can then count down to my frozen embryo transfer. I know it is coming because my temperature is so low. Yes I know I am sad I made DH try this month although the chances are so low!!! I haven't ovulated naturally for ages hence I thought just give it a go obviously waste of time!!!

How is everyone's weekend going?
Hello everyone :wave:
Well - back from vacation ... back to work *sniff*. Vacation was lovely and the time just flew by ... I could have stayed for so much longer *grin*

@ Lucie ... Hi :wave: I am sure I remember you from the IVF-May 2012 and onwards thread? I am so sorry that you have had to make your way here - although I am sure you will also feel as snug as a bug in a rug with this gang :hugs:

AFM - just made an "emergency" appointment for a quick scratch "biopsy" (in "" because it won't be sent in, just need the scratch before next stimming session) and am going in tomorrow morning. Have a sneaking suspicion that after having had crazy long cycles since April, AF is coming too early this time around. Will start stimming on CD3... kind of apprehensive, as I really need some good news this year, after the awful 2013 I've had. DH's nephew is due to come 24th ... (well, I guess he is my nephew too) so that, plus it being Mama's "birthday" today ... feeling a bit emotional...

I feel this thread needs a good sprinkling:


Welcome back Bub, how was the holiday? What was he highlight?
Love your work with the sprinkling.

Definitely need a bit of luck. My RE called today and told him he made a mistake and we were suppose to have a endometrial disruption last month. He told me he suggest we go ahead with the FET as the endometrial disruption is all experimental and 90% of the success just rest on the embryo. I just don't get it how can a RE make such a big mistake. I called them last month to make an appointment he told his receptionist to tell me to call in one months time. Today he tells me we should have done it last month. He makes me mad!!

Anyway need to start thinking positive hope this transfer works.
Hi Ladies

Just thought I'd pop in to say hello, been stalking but not posting as nothing new to report here. Sounds like a few of you ladies will be starting your next cycle very soon. Look forward to getting updates on these. Hope you are all well :hugs: xx
The holiday was lovely, thank you!
I guess there were several highlights (2x Disney Parks, 1x Cirque du Soleil, 1x Universal, 1x Kennedy Space Center) - but for me, the highlight was meeting my cousin's three children (one just turned 9, the next turns 7 in January and the youngest turns 4 in February) ... we babysat James (smallest) one several times, played with him in the pool - and it really was lovely, finally meeting her children. I don't get to see my cousin that often, but we are very close and she was my Matron of Honour at our wedding (and I read at hers back in 2000). And spending time with my Uncle (who did come over to Budapest and we were together when my Mother died in May) and Aunt. It was so good being with family! Here in Germany, I am alone (well, DH + his family, but that's not the same) - my Father and his folks are in England, Stepdad is in Budapest, Grandma (Mama's Mum) is in Budapest ... Aunt + Uncle in Cyprus, Uncle + Family in New Zealand, in South Africa .... need I say more? So I was like a sponge, trying to absorb having family around me.

That's really bad, that they got it wrong with the disruption (which is what I'm having done). I had one in March before my April FET and one in June before my July stimming cycle - our RE really wanted us to do it, he believes that there is a strong correlation between the scratch and the implantation success ... but your RE is right, it is still experimental and pretty much all is up to the embryo, hormone levels and lining. Don't let your head hang - just believe :) :)

Hi Sandy,

Good to hear from you? How are things going with you? How are the acupuncture treatment going?

Bub so glad you have a great holiday - I love Disney land and theme parks. That is great that you can remain close to your relatives even though you are don't live close by. Was it hard to babysit the 4 year old? Must be heaps active? Family time is so important I am glad you could soak up the love.

It sounds like our RE thinks like. I guess we had an option to go ahead or not but with my endometriosis I thought better go ahead with the transfer + I kind of like the idea that we have a chance to be pregnant at xmas.

When is your next disruption ? Does it hurt ?
Hi Sandy,

Good to hear from you? How are things going with you? How are the acupuncture treatment going?

I'm good enjoying the break from IVF and looking forward to Xmas. I'm loving the acupuncture having a treatment a week which is lovely. Got some not so nice tea to drink tho!!!!!!!

I've got my Fx'd for you to be pregnant for Xmas what an amazing present that would be!!!!!! I do believe things happen for a reason :hugs: xx
Hey Jo :)

Well, Uncle and Aunt (so Grandpa + Grandma) were there two - but we just mainly kept him occupied + played. In between, he was allowed to watch a kiddies programme and he would also fall asleep in the swivel chair. He loved it when we played with him in the pool :) DH is called Flo - and when James (kiddo) would arrive, he would yell "BubuFlo" and nothing else was of interest to him :D In the pool I started doing the "motorboat" with him ... also lifting out of the pool and whirling him around. After that he would shout "make my feet cold" :)

It was fun and very active - but he was also able to go in his room and play with lego + occupy himself too :)

I had the scratch biopsy today. The first time in March really hurt - in July I barely felt it and today it did hurt for a bit, but was over very quickly.

Picked up all my medicine today at the pharmacy - so come AF and three days in I start stabbing the belly again ...

Hey Sandy - I am doing the acupuncture too :) Has been fortnightly, but now that we are "going again" weekly - and I get to drink the tea too *lol*

My hopes are for good Christmas news too ... something good has to happen in 2013, doesn't it?

:dust: and :hugs: to you all
Hi All,

Today has been traumatising!! The train that I was on hit a guy and the train next to us dragged the body a few metres. The train was stopped and we were kicked out. When I got out I looked where everyone was pointing at and you see a pair of legs under the train!

Couldn't believe I saw part of the dead body!!

Anyway hoping all my bad luck is out of the way. First blood test and scan in 4 days time.

Has anyone had a natural FET before? What should I expect?

Hope everyone is well :hugs::dust::dust: To all
Oh Jo, I am so sorry you had that experience! It is very traumatising and I can't bear to think how the train drivers are! Or the families of the man :(

I have never had a natural FET. For my FETs we always monitored when I ovulated, then a day later the embies were thawed and four days after that transferred (and I started the progesterone after ovulation and carried on until the second beta).

A lady on my IVF/ICSI thread had a natural FET and basically, she monitored at home using OPKs when she ovulated and then based on that, the embies were thawed and then transferred and she had no additional medication. Not sure if that is how the natural FET always works, but that is how she explained it.

Are you having a natural FET?

Well, AF trundled in yesterday, so I popped to the endicrinologist this morning to have blood drawn (to make sure they have the blood test results before I start stimming) and tomorrow morning I start the belly-jabbing again... Please keep fingers and toes crossed for me :)

:howdy: and :dust::dust::dust: to everyone.
Yep keeping everything cross for us both!!!

I am going to have a blood test this coming Monday so your Tuesday hence will ask all my questions then. We were suppose to have a debrief from our RE however because he stuffed up the disruption I am just doing whatever the nurses tells me.

I am seriously going crazy though -I keep thinking of the both scenarios in my head over and over. 1) ofcourse being pregnant and how exciting it would be 2) how sad I would be if it is another BFN. Am I going mad?
3) identical twins and then I am done haha no more internal scans etc ok getting ahead of myself here.

Going parasailing tomorrow celebrating 9 years of marriage - keeping the distraction so time goes faster :hugs::hugs: to all
Actually, you're ahead of me Jo, so when you are getting your blood test on Monday, it will still be Sunday here ;) Or if it is Monday afternoon, then it will be the early hours of Monday :)

Will you be transferring two? It would be pretty amazing, if one of the eggies splits and you get identical twins! Otherwise, and you to get pregnant with twins, then you will most likely be looking at fraternal twins (i.e. twins from two separately fertilised eggs, as opposed to identical twins coming from one egg that has split into two) :)

Sweetie, you are not going mad. I have been playing millions of scenarios in my head too! By this time next month, I will will either be over the moon, or just utterly disappointed by the hand dealt me by fate. Being the positive beings we are : we can look forward to being over the moon, right? :)

Congratulations on 9 years of marriage :) Enjoy the parasailing (I would be too chicken) :)
Yes first blood test this Monday hence your Sunday. I ovulate late though so I think we maybe about the same time when we actually transfer. :flower:

We are only allowed to transfer one per my RE and in most cases I wouldn't be happy with this however given this is our last try I would like to prolong the hope for some more time before taking drastic measures.

Yep how cool would it be it the embrie splits and we are both pregnant with identical twins?? Lucky dreaming is for free right and it keeps us going. Yesterday yet another person asked me whether wanted kids my answer it all depends on God

What you doing this weekend? Parasailing may get cancel due to the bad weather but hoping it doesn't get cancel
Andrea- Welcome back and i am glad you had a lovely holiday and enjoyed spending time with your family :) x

Jo- Wishing you tons of luck for your FET! got no advice regards that cos we never got any frosties on any of our cycles so its a strong lil embie! ;) So sorry you witnessed such a distressing event. How very sad x

Sandy- Nice to see you pop in. I am similar to you. I don't post very often as nothing to contribute really but nice to see others due to start their next cycles. Just wish i had a start date too but all depends on money sadly x

Hi to Bugs, Cvaeh, MrsE and all the gang x

AFM- I have felt really down the past fews days as learnt that my friends 13yr old niece is 7mths pregnant!?! seems even kids i held as babies are getting preg before me and its really upset me. As time goes on i am seeing pregnancy and babies as things that only ever happen to other woman and not something that is ever going to happen for me which sounds bleak but its how i feel. xxx
Andrea- Welcome back and i am glad you had a lovely holiday and enjoyed spending time with your family :) x

Jo- Wishing you tons of luck for your FET! got no advice regards that cos we never got any frosties on any of our cycles so its a strong lil embie! ;) So sorry you witnessed such a distressing event. How very sad x

Sandy- Nice to see you pop in. I am similar to you. I don't post very often as nothing to contribute really but nice to see others due to start their next cycles. Just wish i had a start date too but all depends on money sadly x

Hi to Bugs, Cvaeh, MrsE and all the gang x

AFM- I have felt really down the past fews days as learnt that my friends 13yr old niece is 7mths pregnant!?! seems even kids i held as babies are getting preg before me and its really upset me. As time goes on i am seeing pregnancy and babies as things that only ever happen to other woman and not something that is ever going to happen for me which sounds bleak but its how i feel. xxx

Hi Sarah :hugs::hugs:,

I totally understand how you feel. Life just doesn't feel fair. Can't believe she got pregnant at 13 years she is still a child and probably doesn't understand what is going on however this would make her grow up too fast and may also have bad implications for he future.

Today I went for a walk and I just started crying. :cry::cry: I couldn't help it - I was just thinking of all my friends and how they all have pretty much completed their families already. At lunch today my mum couldn't stop talking about my sister. 'She expects you to get her flowers for her graduation since you are not going' 'She is coming back on the 5th December to see the specialist, I wonder what they going to check do you know ' 'She is really stressed at the moment I hope she is ok being pregnant and all'

Really I know she is pregnant and I am not so can you just leave me alone. Mothers they just don't know when to shut up sometimes so I had to tell her simply - I don't know and I don't care

Tomorrow will be my first scan and blood test. Hope the lining is okay and we don't have another month cancel. Going shopping now really want to get the xmas presents done before the mad rush.
Jo- Big hugs xx Its sucks all of this! when is god going to grant our hearts desire?! i was lucky with my mum as she always said the right things as she knew how i felt having ttc for 10yrs to have me. God i miss her. I could cope better when she was alive. Life is bloody unfair! lets hope that 2014 see's us happy cos i don't know about anyone else but i have got to the point where i go through the motions. I get up, dressed, go to work, put a happy face on, try to do the same for my dad and my hubby but inside i am just broken and empty. xxx
Jo- Big hugs xx Its sucks all of this! when is god going to grant our hearts desire?! i was lucky with my mum as she always said the right things as she knew how i felt having ttc for 10yrs to have me. God i miss her. I could cope better when she was alive. Life is bloody unfair! lets hope that 2014 see's us happy cos i don't know about anyone else but i have got to the point where i go through the motions. I get up, dressed, go to work, put a happy face on, try to do the same for my dad and my hubby but inside i am just broken and empty. xxx

I know if only we knew when it would happen we can safe guard our emotions. Sarah so sad that you no longer have you mum around, I guess I can relate as I lost my dad when I was in year 12. Losing someone that really loves you so early really does hurt heaps!!

Definitely know what you are talking about I am so not motivated at work and when you catch up with friends and they go what have you been up to? I would go noting much so old because basically nothing has changed no new job no family and no holiday. Everything has gone into the 5 ivf cycles :cry::cry:

How was you weekend? Are you feeling better ?

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