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Support thread for ladies who have had 3+ failed IVF cycles

Sarah, So so sorry to hear your news, the whole infertility process is a strain on even the strongest relationships :hugs: I'm with the other ladies whatever your future holds i'm sure you will find happiness and strength and hopefull one day in the very near future join the TTC world again. :hug:

Unlucky, Got my fx'd for you and hoping your levels increase so you don't have to cancel your cycle :hugs:

Bub, sounds like things are going good so far not long now for ER how exciting can't wait to here how many eggs you get :happydance:

Hope the rest of you ladies are doing well and starting to get into the christmas spirit. :xmas6:

Nothing new to report for me just got a weekend in Manchetser planned in 2 weeks to see the christmas market and finish christmas shopping :happydance: xx
Oh, Jo - I hope that your levels even out so that you don't have to cancel. But if you do (and I know it is hard) have to wait for the next cycle, take comfort in knowing that you haven't "wasted" a try. I do know how tough it is to have to postpone, really I do. But I am also sure that if you were to go ahead and the hormones etc. are not optimal - and it doesn't work - you will feel worse. My fingers are crossed that it does still work out for this cycle!!! :dust:

Maybe that is why it doesn't look like you are close to ovulation? If your E2 isn't rising that quickly, then your follies won't be maturing that quickly? But why can't they just adjust - if you are having a longer cycle this time? Or is it because the clinic will be closed over Christmas and any other time, it wouldn't matter?

AFM - u/s and b/w today went well. Looks like we have 10 perfect follies, lining looks perfect and my b/w is showing nice levels of everything too .. progesterone seems to be behaving itself :) So I have to inject the trigger shots tonight, at 11pm and again at midnight. ER appointment is 8:30 Wednesday morning (well, that's when I have to be there ... the ER itself will be later (have to get prepped etc.).

I guess now I have to start praying that our fertilisation rate is good. Until our last try, our fertilisation rates were amazing (considering the fact that DH has barely anything for them to pick from) - but our embryos were the best ever last time. I really hope that they fertilise nicely and -more than anything else - develop well this time! *pray*

Sandy - sounds like a nice plan :) We went to a Christmas market yesterday (actually at the location we were married) and the weather was just gorgeous - so that was a nice little outing :)
Thanks Sandy and Bub for the encouragement.

I emailed my RE today and he said we won't be cancelling they just have to pump some meds into me. :happydance: I just don't understand how the nurse got the wrong information though !!

Sandy how much Christmas shopping do you need to do? I always get side track and buy things for myself haha

Bub 10 follicles is great - good luck for your ER tomorrow pray for 10 matured good quality eggs and good quality sperms. :spermy: I Pray that you get an excellent fertilisation report !! This thread need some good news Bub and it will begin with you :hugs: Why do you need two trigger though? When is your beta ?
That's great news that you won't be cancelling Jo! Sounds promising :)

Hmm, I need to start on the Christmas shopping too *grin*

So... now long now, just one more sleep and then ER it is. Starting to feel quite sore, so I will be glad to have them retrieved. I really hope that they are all nice and mature and that the fertilisation report is good :)
It depends on what stimming protocol you are on. For the first three, I was on the standard antagonist report, triggering with 10.000 units of Predalon. In July, they put me on the Fischer-Scheme and had me triggering with Decapeptyl - and for whatever reason, it is split into two jabs, 1 hour apart. I also have to have an injection of Brevactid (HCG) the day of ER and the day of ET, as well as one more shot of Decapeptyl the day after transfer ...
Thanks Sandy and Bub for the encouragement.

I emailed my RE today and he said we won't be cancelling they just have to pump some meds into me. :happydance: I just don't understand how the nurse got the wrong information though !!

Sandy how much Christmas shopping do you need to do? I always get side track and buy things for myself haha

Great news that they won't be cancelling :wohoo: It's annoying that the nurse got the information wrong :dohh:

I don't have much christmas shopping to do it's more of a christmas present to me and DH and spoil ourselves :blush: xx
Hi Ladies!

Sorry for not posting yesterday! I was pretty sore and by the evening in quite a lot of pain. ER went very well - we retrieved 13 eggs. Unfortunately, DH's SA was very poor - practically no swimmers and what was there was not moving. So doctor suggested he give a second sample (even though we have 5 frozen straws). DH was totally upset and depressed...

But just now I received the results and am happy to announce, that of the 13 eggs, 11 were mature and 9 fertilised :happydance: Don't yet know whether it was the second sample, or whether that is from the frozen swimmers - but now I am just praying that our 9 develop nicely in the embryscope, so that we have some beautiful embybabies to transfer on Monday! :)
OMG Andrea what AMAZING news!! i pray this is your time and all looks positive so why not!? ;) x

Hi to all the gang x

AFM- Well after what has been a week from hell, my DH and i have finally sat down and talked things through(he lacks communication skills most of the time) and we are going to give our marriage another chance. The love is still there but we are drowning in sorrow and somehow need to stop letting this thing take us over. So we are going to enjoy the festivities and then from Jan we will be saving hard for another shot at getting our baby. Thank you all for supportive messages and i feel so much better. I think it was the wake up call we needed and i pray 2014 is kinder to us xxx
Sarah, that is wonderful news that you have been able to talk it out! TTC with all these issues is incredibly difficult and can take its toll on the best of marriages! It is very difficult to continue being supportive of each other, when there is so much hurt ... and when you feel you need all the energy just to keep going.
I hope that you really will be able to keep the good communication going! Make sure you look after each other ... give each other tiny gifts - show the love ... go out ... we mustn't let ourselves be consumed.

Thank you for your prayers! Our retrieval and fertilisation reports in the past have always been really good ... the trouble is with the development of the embryos. So I am praying that they are snug as a bug in a rug in the embryoscope and developing well! Monday is not that far away ... Please keep fingers crossed for them :)

:dust::dust::dust: and hugs all around :) :hugs:
Sarah this is wonderful news. Was praying for reconciliation between you and your husband. When you, are hurting so much we forget to appreciate what we have and focus on what we dont have. Have a great Christmas with dh and enjoy the gift of each other company.

Andrea bub hehe fantastic news nine embries. Dont tell me they dont give any updates on the progress? Are you still doing accupuncture?

AFM going for yet another blood test but I think my hormones are going up. Getting heaps of mucus hopefully ovulate on the w eekend and transfer next week. Sister had her 11 weeks scan and everything was fine :happydance

We all need alot of hugs today
Well, I could call the lab to ask. I might do that on day three, to see how they are doing. But they won't contact me. In the past, I haven't known anything until I am in the room for transfer. Guess it doesn't really help worrying even more..

Glad to read that things are moving forward for you ��

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Andrea- Thank you and yes it is so hard to remain strong after so much heartbreak but i guess we just live in hope don't we. I pray all goes well for us all, esp you as you are nearing being pupo and hopefully pregnant x

Jo- Hope your blood results are ok and wish you lots of luck too. Glad everything is well with your sis but know it must be hard for you so big ((hugs)) x

Hi to Clare, Heather, Sandy and all the gang and hope those in the UK are safe with these terrible floods and winds we are having. New brighton which is not far from us is terribly flooded but luckily nobody was hurt xxx
Bub, you have heaps of patience I would definately ask day three get my expectations in check. How are you feeling now?

Today a big scare where my mum fell unconscious.she is okay now but it was nerve breaking!!!:cry:

Sarah how are things with the husband? Hopefully this incident has brought you closer. You dont know how much you love them til they are gone.:hugs:

AFM I finally ovulated today day 21. Transfer will be this coming wednesday. Two days behind you bub. Hopefully we can be pupo and pregnant together
Jo- Things are much better thank you. Looking forward to Christmas and a fresh new year with hopefully some luck along the way :) how are you feeling? excited about Wed? x

Andrea- Lots of luck for a smooth transfer tomorrow! let us know how it goes. x

Hi to all the gang. I went out last night on works Xmas night out and omg have i suffered today! i am getting too old! haha. Praying that next Christmas i cant drink cos im pregnant :) trying to be positive even though its so hard xxx
Heyho :)

Well... I didn't get my guts up enough to ring yesterday, but DH did. Three embies were a bit slow and behind, but 6 were right on track - so I promptly burst into tears! :)

Of course that hasn't stopped me being mega nervous today, worrying about how they are ... but I guess I will just have to wait until tomorrow now (transfer is at 4 pm).

Jo - looking forward to hearing about your transfer on Wednesday (that's great that you ovulated!!)... I would love nothing more than to have you as a bump buddy! :) xx I am sorry to hear about your Mum - is she OK now??

Sarah - Glad you enjoyed the Xmas do!! *hehe* ... and I pray for you that you will not be drinking next Christmas :) :) xxx
Andrea- That is AMAZING news! wow. We have only ever had 1 embryo on each cycle so if we were lucky enough to get 2 next time i would be over the moon but 6 is FAB! made up for you x
Thank you Sarah! I guess the reason I am still so tentative is because our retrieval and fertilisation rates so far have been really great ... just by the day of transfer, the embryo quality hasn't been good in the past (several "many-cells", a few Morulae and one or two blasts - beginning blasts, not well-advanced ones). In August at transfer, I was blown away that we had two beautiful blasts... and we know what happened there.

But I was beyond excited to hear yesterday, that 6 were actually on track for day 3 development yesterday :happydance: I am praying, that tomorrow I will have some beautiful embybabies for transfer...

:dust::dust::dust: for this thread :)
Amazing Bub you have 6 good quality embryos!!! I never even got 6 embryos from all 5 of my cycles. Really hope tomorrow goes well Bub, you must feel relieved that there are so many on track and dividing!!

I can't believe that we are just one day apart :flower::flower:

Are you going to do a hpt before you beta ? When is your beta date as well ?

:dust::dust::dust::dust::dust: can't have enough of these
:) Thank you Jo! Yep, that is why I burst into tears on Saturday when I heard... I have just been praying so hard and keeping my fingers crossed, that they all keep going :) A lot can happen in two days ;) But not long now ... a few hours and I will know. At 14:40 my time I have acupuncture and then at 4pm the transfer (usually ends up being quite a bit later, never punctual) - but today I will know, today I will have them in me :)

No, I won't do an HPT before my beta. They do Betas at my clinic at 6dp5dt and the follow-up at 9dp5dt - so on Sunday I will already be having the blood test.

It has to work, right? I mean - here are our statistics so far :

June 2012. Retrieved 14, 12 mature, 11 fertilised (6 frozen day 1)... 2 transferred - slightly raised HCG, but BFN
July 2012 - FET#1 - thawed three, transferred 2 ... BFN
August 2012 - FET#2 - thawed three, transferred 3 ... BFN
September 2012 - Retrieved 11, 10 mature, 7 fertilised (2 frozen day 1) ... 2 transferred - BFN
October 2012 - FET#3 - thawed two, transferred 2 ... BFN
February 2013 - Retrieved 23, 18 mature, 15 fertilised (10 frozen day 1, 5 taken to day 6 - 2 blasts frozen) OHSS no transfer
April 2013 - FET#4 - thawed 10 ... day of transfer thawed one blast - transferred 3 ... slightly raised HCG, BFN
July 2013 - Retrieved 12, 10 mature, 4 fertilised - transferred two perfect blasts ... raised HCG ... but went back down again - Chemical.

So - as you can see, (I know, I sound really ungrateful) we have had lots of eggies fertilise, but for some reason, they just don't develop well :(
But you are all right ... it only takes one ... if only one (or two *grin*) could make it ... *praying so hard* ...

You all understand - when there have been so many failures, how heartbreaking it is ... how scary it is, not knowing, whether this time will work ... each time being devastated, when it doesn't ...

Could this be it? Once I am home, I will be updating you lovely ladies on how they have done and I beg of you, please pray that it / they nestle in and allow me to have my rainbow miracle!


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