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Support thread for ladies who have had 3+ failed IVF cycles

Hello everyone!

Just wanted to send some positive vibes to you all for the new week! (Nothing new to report from me ... Nephew is due since yesterday, so I guess any day now... did heaps of shopping for the little guy in Florida...).

Tomorrow I will be going for the first u/s and b/w since I started stimming - see whether I have to start injecting Orgalutran tomorrow as well, or whether I have to wait another day.
I am praying that this cycle my progesterone stays down enough for us to be able to do a fresh transfer! We agreed with the doctor that this time around, if he felt that the progesterone is too high, that we won't do a transfer.

Thanks for the positive vibes. I thought high progesterone is good? Why is it bad for transfer? All the best the journey now starts!! :dust::dust:

Had my first blood test and scan. lining 6mm and there see 4 follicles at however no dominant one yet. Going in tomorrow for just a blood test - will ask when they think my transfer with be.
In the luteal phase, high progesterone is good, because it "protects" pregnancy until the placenta can produce its own (is produced by the corpus luteum after ovulation). Pro = for / supporting & Gest = gestation.
However, if the levels go too high prior to ovulation, it may cause the lining to mature too early, which can negatively impact implantation.

Doctor said that he has all intentions of doing a fresh transfer and a close eye will be kept on the progesterone. He doesn't want me injecting the antagnist GnHR until tomorrow. Next u/s + b/w are on Saturday morning and it is almost definite that I will be triggering on Saturday, at the latest Sunday (so most likely ER on Monday, latest Tuesday). Lining he said looked very good.

If you have no dominant follicle yet, I don't think they will be able to tell you transfer date - but perhaps the bloodwork will give more information :) What CD are you? I look forward to hearing that one is dominant :)


Hi everyone :hugs:
Just popping on to say hello. Nothing new to report here.

Africa- i know exactly how you feel about getting up and going through the motions. I do try and shake myself out of it and try and remind myself of all the things that i do have. I was three days late this month, i really thought i was one of the miracles for a few days. It has been so long though like you it feels like something that happens to everyone else.

Hope everyone else is good x x x
Jo- I am sorry to hear you lost your dad so young too. Life sucks sometimes :( Glad your scan went well and your lining is nice and thick and hope u get some dominant follicles soon, and this cycle is the one x

Andrea- So glad all going well so far and not long until egg collection! whoop whoop. Everything crossed for you x

Cvaeh- I am sorry we are going through this. Its awful. I truly hope you get your miracle too x

To all the ladies that still have all their 'bits'... my friend who ttc for 8yrs and went through 4 cycles of IVF, finally got success on her last cycle and had her DD who is now one and today she announced she was 3mths pregnant NATURALLY! So if you have the 'equipment' miracles can and do happen so don't lose all hope. She honestly thought she would never be a mum and now baby no.2 on the way with no IVF either ;) i know its rare but it DOES happen. xxx
Thanks Sarah for the lovely story. I really hope that miracles does happen but I keep thinking it will never happen to me though.

Cvaeh I sorry you didn't get your miracle. I too long that a miracle would happen every time I ovulate naturally. Dreaming is for free right !

:dust::dust::dust::dust::dust: to everyone hope those who can get your natural miracle.

No real update except the nurse did say I am not close to ovulation hence probably have to wait another two more weeks.
Ladies i have now lost almost 60lbs in weight and got my BMI to under 30! such a achievement for me as i have struggled with comfort eating so much! i have gone down 4 clothes sizes and i am so much fitter :mad:) im soooo happy. Still a way to go but i am more than half way to target xxx
AQ - wowozzzzzers that's is such an amazing achievement fantastic and so happy for you. Congratulations!!!! I am on a diet and fitness and I was happy I've lost a stone or 14lbs in the last 3.5 wks but your weight loss has blown me out the water!! How long did that take you?

I've got another stone/14 ins to lose but ideally I want to lose another 20lbs and Christmas is coming!! Oh dear that's going to be a challenge!!
Sarah - that is a fantastic achievement!! Congratulations!

Just got on the scales this morning and was dismayed - OK, so I am stuffing hormones into myself and it does happen every time - the scales showed nearly 2 kg more! It is really tough, each time I stim, I swell up and look like a whale and afterwards, the water doesn't go away, it converts to fat - so since I started last year, I have "swelled" quite a bit.

But I know I am doing this all for a reason and even though I am not happy with looking like pressed sausage in anything I put on (haven't restocked my wardrobe - still have the stuff I wore before I started stimming ... in fact, still have my stuff from about a decade ago! - I keep hoping that I will lose it all again and don't want to start spending money on clothes) ... but if the rainbow miracle is the result - then I will do anything!!

:hugs: to you ladies out there :)
Jo, how long are your cycles normally?

Hmmm last cycle my o day was day 20 but I think any time from day 17 to day 20 I think. I hope that is not bad!! The only thing is they are making me take a blood test every two days :( Tomorrow is my third one!

How many days have you been stimming ? when is your first US?

Sarah amazing I am too a sucker for good food and anything sweet !!! I would like to lose another 10 pounds still but find it so hard. You have inspired me back to the gym tomorrow :flower:
And what CD are you now?

Today is my 7th day stimming. First u/s + b/w was two days ago, on the 5th day. I started injecting the antagonist yesterday. Saturday, day 9 (CD11) I have my next u/s and blood work and will most likely be triggering. At the latest, on Sunday, the doctor said. So ER either Monday / Tuesday next week. Still keeping my finger crossed that progesterone stays down, so we can do a fresh transfer. Wednesday, so CD7, it was the lowest that it has been since I have been getting the treatment, when compared to all the other CD7s / stimming 5s - so I am hopeful that maybe the chinese medicine and the acupuncture are supporting that too?? He also said that my lining was looking very good. :) :)
And what CD are you now?

Today is my 7th day stimming. First u/s + b/w was two days ago, on the 5th day. I started injecting the antagonist yesterday. Saturday, day 9 (CD11) I have my next u/s and blood work and will most likely be triggering. At the latest, on Sunday, the doctor said. So ER either Monday / Tuesday next week. Still keeping my finger crossed that progesterone stays down, so we can do a fresh transfer. Wednesday, so CD7, it was the lowest that it has been since I have been getting the treatment, when compared to all the other CD7s / stimming 5s - so I am hopeful that maybe the chinese medicine and the acupuncture are supporting that too?? He also said that my lining was looking very good. :) :)

Well I am 14 days now however I don't think I will ovulate until Wednesday next week. We may be the exact same timing next factor into my Wednesday is your Tuesday ehh ?? how exciting. How many follicles did you see last scan ? Was lining a problem for you in the past? what level does your RE want to see your progesterone at ?

Natural is very relaxing but I wish I ovulate soon !!!
Ah, OK.
Well, you are 10 hours ahead of me (you're NSW, right?). So if I have my ER Monday morning, it would still be your Monday, just your evening :) Or if my ER is on Tuesday morning, then it will be your Tuesday evening :) But yes, more or less the same time :) Do you usually O around CD 19?

On Tuesday, I didn't get an exact count. I saw 3-4 larger antral follies on my right ovary. My left ovary tends to hide for the u/s, so we saw a few follies, but I didn't get a count. They were all still quite small, around 5-6mm. But I will know tomorrow morning where I am.
My lining has always been very good, never had an issue with it.
I am not sure of the exact value, but I think they want it under 1,8 a couple of days before ER (certainly under 2). In July, I was at 2,3.
Last time, CD7 was 1,00 ... CD 11 was 1,10 ... and CD 12 was 2,3!! And they had me triggering CD13.
My blood test on Tuesday showed me at 0,59 - so quite a bit lower than last round (which also was the highest I had been, I looked at all my CD7 results) - but this week's is the lowest I have ever been, so I hope that is a good sign :)
Thanks ladies. I am glad i have my weight under control now. Iv lost 3 stone 4lb since end of May this year and the rest came off slowly from 2010.

Sad news ladies. My marriage is over. My husband and i have been issues for a long time and his lack of support lately has been soul destroying, plus many other factors i would rather not go into but sadly this has resulted in our marriage being over and he is going to start looking for somewhere to live next week. I am devastated and obviously takes away any chance of me being a mummy too. My life is not what i thought it would be. I am so sad, but cannot live with no support anymore and his attitude is just awful. Nobody else is involved. No affairs etc, just me being worn down with emotional trauma.
I wish every one of you the best of luck and i will pop in now and again to check on your progress. Good luck ladies and i am so heartbroken i won't be joining you any longer on this journey xxxxx
It is looking good so far for you then bub. Hopefully you get to see heaps of good quality follicles at your next scan and your progesterone levels stay down!! Are you feeling any sign effects yet? how often do you go for acupuncture now? How many embryos will you be transferring?

Wishing you heaps of :dust::dust::dust:i

No signs of O yet hence I think I will be O close to day 19 or 20 consistent to last month.

Went parasailing yesterday and dh got sick how romantic haha
:wacko: Just booked a nice 5 course degustation for new years eve - being positive so we can celebrate if we have a reason too!!
Sarah I am so sorry to hear this, I think sometimes infertility makes you hang onto things because the fear of what you are losing is too great. But you know what I'm sure your future holds great things for you and I'm certain you'll be back on these boards fighting for your dream.

Much love and stay strong xxxx
Oh Sarah, I am desperately sorry for you!!! That is so heartbreaking :( I have no other words, really I am so sad for you! :( :( Much love and strength to you xxx

@ Jo - scan today went OK - he wants me to stim for two more days instead of triggering tonight (Saturday) - the follies hadn't reached the size he wants (we have around 11 - ranging from 5 mms to just under 20 mms - so I am already feeling quite sore and as though my abdomen is full of golf balls). So triggering Monday night, ER on Wednesday and transfer on Monday 9th. Acupuncture is weekly and we will be transferring 2 embies.

I'm sorry to hear that DH got sick on your romantic parasailing trip :( Hope he has fully recovered now!
AQ sweetheart I'm so incredibly sorry it has come to this. I know things were not great after one of your cycles and you were trying to get back on track I'm just sorry the track didn't take you to where you planned. Nothing anyone can say to you other than I'm sure that there is a greater plan for you and a greater purpose. Never know with the new body may come a new relationship in the future. Whatever you do I wish you lots of luck, take courage from your experiences and make life count it's what your mum would have wanted for you I'm sure. Big hugs xxx
Hi Sarah,

heaps and heaps of :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
So sorry to hear this news !!! Relationships are hard at the best of times and after all these trials of infertility it just doesn't seems fair. I really really hope you have a good support group over there - close friends and family. Whatever your future holds whether reconciliation with your husband or something else I wish you get some peace and happiness as soon as possible.

Bub - I don't have the best of news - my blood work shows that my estrogen levels are too low hence may have to cancel this cycle if it doesn't improve in two days time.

It sounds like your cycle is going well !Have you gain any weight from all the golf balls ? ha-ha how is your hormone levels going ?
Wishing you all the :dust::dust::dust::dust:
Thanks about dh - he is quite sad about the possible delay of the cycle just the waiting is killing us!!

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