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Support thread for ladies who have had 3+ failed IVF cycles

Good luck Bub, you will be pupo very soon :wohoo: xx
Puh ... am back :)

I am over the moon to announce, that I have two perfect blasts on board (A- is the grade they were given)! I couldn't believe it when the doctor said that we had two such perfect embababies to transfer! One is still going (was a Morula today) and if it keeps going, could be frozen tomorrow.

Thank you for your prayers ladies! Please, if you can, keep going ... first beta is in 6 days xxx <3
Congrats bub you are PUPO with twins!:happydance

That is awesome that they are perfect grading. Now you can relax and enjoy the fact that your two little embries are safe at home. Wow your beta is really fast I am with you in relation to testing too scare.

I was thinking of swyping dropping by my old accupuncture place tommorrow but not sure if they have any availability. I think the best time to have it is after the ransfer. bub was it painful today? rest up and hope you get god news on sunday :dust::dust::dust::dust:
Thank you :hugs:
Acupuncture was OK today ... couple of spots hurt, but that passed quickly. She asked that I make an appointment tomorrow - so I will be getting jabbed tomorrow again ... but if that'll make these bubbas burrow, nestle and stick, then I will do anything!!

It can't hurt to see if they can fit you in somewhere! Give them a call?
Andrea- wonderful news! congrats on being pupo with twins!! so happy for you an pray this cycle brings your baby or babies x

Jo- TONS of luck for tomorrow! x

Hi to all the gang. Still nothing to contribute other than good luck wishes and support xxx
So happy after one and a half hours I am finally pupo with one. They choice the hatching one rather than the expanded one but happy it was still alive. My beta is not until 23 dec hence if it doesn't work I will get my period by then.

Bub when is your beta?

Thanks sarah for the encouragement. Hope we get our bfp before xmas!!:hugs:
Yay Jo! Wow - you had a hatching and expanding blast? That is fantastic!!! Congratulations on being PUPO - I am so excited for you!! :)

My first blood test is this coming Sunday *nervous* :hugs:


And a big :howdy: to everyone :)
Hi Bub,

I have been told that baby dancing around the time of your transfer helps to reduce your chance of having a miscarriage. Have you heard this before ?

Can't believe your beta is so soon? Let me know if you have any symptoms??

So hard to wait this out I just want to know but too scare as well if it doesn't work I know I will be devastated. This is the first blast I have ever transferred!!
Hey Jo!

Really? I have read that it is OK to DTD - but it is unadvisable for the woman to orgasm until the heartbeat has been seen. I hadn't heard that it helps reduce the chances of miscarrying - and to be honest, I wouldn't know why it should!

I am desperately trying not to SS - I have been feeling calm and happy, relaxed ... anything I do feel, I am trying not to think "could be it". For the past two days I have had pressure in my abdomen, my BBT shot up this morning and last night I dreamt that I received a super high HCG beta result. But I am just so used to hoping and then getting knocked down again when it doesn't work, that I am terrified to allow myself to hope. I really do have a good feeling about this time - but I daren't - if you know what I mean? In August, when it briefly worked, it was about this time (or perhaps one day later) that my breasts starting being super sore (waking me up) for a couple of days ... not having anything like that this time round... So I really don't want to think about it ... I am enjoying feeling the pressure in my abdomen, imagining that it's my baby/babies burrowing in ... but at the same time, trying not to hope (does that make sense)?

I have also been trying to send positive, warm thoughts to my abdomen, trying to funnel energy there, like egging them on to implant *lol*

It is hard waiting, wondering, has this worked - but the fact of the matter is, it's out of our hands ... try not thinking about how you will feel if it hasn't worked. Try to feel optimistic and positive ... you will deal with the results when you get them. In the meantime, enjoy being PUPO :)
Hi Ladies :howdy: - how is everybody today?

I was really upset when I woke up this morning - had another really vivid dream, but not as nice as yesterday's (where I dreamt that on Sunday we got super high HCG values) ... I dreamt that some doctors (no people I know) were telling us that there is no way we will ever be able to have a biological child of our own :(
Yep Bub totally understand. My husband was going what should we name it if we have a boy. Half of me is excited and wanted to participate but half of me wanted to just not jinx it. It is so hard to put your hopes up too much right?

The progesterone is definitely working with you with the vivid dreams and high temps. I always dream hence there is no difference. I have never had a dream where I have a live baby. There was once I had a baby but it stopped breathing so sad and scary :cry:

Wow your beta is so soon ! Very exciting I think we only have one 12 days after my transfer hence day17. I am confident that if it doesn't work my period should come right?

It is finally weekend again which is good so tire of work. What is everyone doing?
Hi Ladies

So sorry to hear you are both not having very good dreams, but PMA all the way I've got everything crossed for both of you. As they say good things happen to those that wait and I think all us IVFer's have waited long enough!!!!! Looking forward to hearing your results :wohoo:

AFM nothing new to report just! I'm away with DH at the weekend for christmas shopping and some well overdue TLC, got a family christmas to look forward to my newphew's 1st so looking forward to that then start cycle on 11th Jan and fx'd I'll be where you guys are in no time :hugs: xx
Yes, it is very hard not to hope too much.
It is not that rare that I dream - I haven't dreamt much recently, at least, not that I remembered. These two were unbelievably vivid! It's amazing how we "believe" our dreams, that they are so realistic and how they can affect us emotionally!

Well - are you taking progesterone? If you are, then that would most likely prevent your period from coming - so I don't know if you would just get your period if you aren't pregnant... But we are thinking positively, right? :)

Tonight we are going to a friend's for winter-bbq, tomorrow a friend of ours is coming over for our annual "Love Actually" pre-Christmas watching session and on Sunday, well - in the morning I go for my beta.... *nervous*

How 'bout everybody else?
Hello ladies!

Bubumaci, IVF buddy!
Praying and hoping for good news on Sunday!
I really hope our embies will snuggle in and stay for 9 happy months!

I am 2dpo2dt I am not on the bed rest. Doing everything what feels right. We Even BD this cycle, hopefully spermies will help the embie mature. I beleave that orgasm only helps!
The day of ET I felt tiny uterine contraction
A day later a lit more activity around uterus.
These uterine contractions I had with failed IVF. Feeling pesimistic today.
Yesterday I did an HCG shot Brevactid and will do 2 more this week. It should help implantation. Dr. google said that HCG after ET helps with immunity response. Also on the drug slip I read that HCG helps to increase sperm quality!!!
Also pregnancy rate increases when HCG hormone is administered to the uterus before ET.

Hi Dovkav!
Congratulations on being PUPO :) I had to have Brevactid injected - both on the day of ER and ET ... and I had to inject Decapeptyl (which I also used for my trigger shot) one day past ET. I wasn't sure what the Brevactid was for - but if it is supposed to aid implantation then *wohoo* :) Not quite sure how they went about interuterine injections - I just had a normal subcutane jab ...

As long as you feel comfortable with what you are doing, I think that is what is important.

A little sprinkling of :dust::dust::dust: for everybody :)

You enjoy your weekend Sandy, that sounds lovely, a weekend away with TLC :)
Sandy - have fun with DH & sending you heaps of :dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust: in advance for January !

Is this Christmas shopping all for you ?

Dovkav congrats on being PUPO. My RE told us baby dancing around the time of transfer is good as well hence we listened and followed hopefully it makes a difference!! We have the same beta !!!

Bub so excited for you beta tomorrow. Sending you heaps of :dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:. Be sure to update us as soon as you can with your good news.

AFM - 3days post transfer and no symptoms but hopefully too early.

Don't know if you guys know the company classic escapes but if they ever approach you just say no thanks my buddy has been scam before I don't want to be part of it. It is a timeshare thing currently trying to get my money back but it will be a long process.
Andrea- It is natural to panic after so many fails but everything sounds great so far so keep the faith and i have everything crossed for you. Best of luck for your 1st beta tomorrow x

Jo- Congrats on being pupo! sounds like a fab lil embie you have in there! everything crossed that you get a wonderful Xmas gift this year x

Dovkav- Congrats on being pupo! lots of luck x

Hi to all the gang x

What i wanted to know is, does anyone know of a clinic abroad(as will be cheaper than UK) that offers DE as a backup incase my own eggs end up crap again? we want to have 1 more attempt with my own eggs but dont want to waste the cycle if the same thing happens and we end up with 1 embie of low grading, so would be good if we could use a clinic that has a egg bank attached so it wouldnt matter about synchronizing cycles with donor etc?? obviously we are praying we get a decent embie from my own egg but we cant afford to keep wasting money and need a plan B xxx
I have been researching online about 'tandem ivf' and that is the way we are going to go later next year :) iv emailed 2 clinics in Cyprus to find out more. Basically i would go through a whole IVF cycle, as would the egg donor and once my eggs and hers are collected and fertilised with my husbands sperm, they would decide what is best to do. If somehow we managed 2 great embies from my eggs, we would freeze the DE and transfer my 2. If we got no embies or one poor quality, we would be able to use the DE. Its a good system that gives us much higher chances and also we can have 1 of my eggs and 1 DE transferred. Obviously if one resulted in a live birth we would then have the option of maternity testing for medical reasons. I think its going to give us the hope we need :) xxx
AQ I know in my clinic they have back up donor eggs frozen I don't think they really do tandem cycles as it's quite difficult to get the timing right. Your also looking at it being quite expensive as it's 2 lots of meds, 2 egg collections etc. I know I have seen it done but not sure where xxx
Hi Everyone. Well, I have been really down all day ... because - they refuse to make a statement. The blood values are positive again - like in August (a tick lower than in August), at 6,8 (at 6dp5dt) - and they are saying, because I had an HCG jab, they cannot say - and I have to wait until the next Beta, which is in three days. My E2 is very high, I think, at 2.561,00 pg/ml. Progesterone is 26 ng/ml.

I feel like it's history happening all over again, except that in August I was excited when I saw that I had 7,1. This time, I felt like my heart was breaking. I know I am not out ... I really felt like we would have good results today, esp. since my breasts started hurting this morning - the early waking... I've been tearful most of the day. I have no explanation for the constant pressure in my abdomen :( My doctor and acupuncturist had both confirmed to me, that by the blood testing date, the HCG from the shots (due to the low level) would be out of my system ... I just don't know what to think any more.

Thank you all for your prayers <3

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