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Support thread for ladies who have had 3+ failed IVF cycles

bubumaci, your embies are the fighters and they will make it. Hoping and praying the nymbers will rise and preggo symptoms will show up more.

africanqueen, I hope tandem IVF will work for you guys!

unlucky, beta buddies????!!! I pray and hope that our miracles will snuggle in warm and cozy for the rest 9 months. how many embies are there? Are you resting at home before the beta?

Today should be the day of implanation 4dpo2dt. I think a little cramping I felt. Also headache yesterday and today. My temps jumped up tp 37. Staying active walking a lot. And also naping every minute I have.
:dust::dust::blue: to all of us!
Bugs- That is what i would prefer. A clinic with frozen eggs. It will save us a great deal and gives us a backup plan. Do you know the costs? is it something you will do if you don't get any good enough quality embies etc? its defo what we will do as next year cannot be another year wasted with heartache. Need to increase our chances majorly. Can u inbox me all the details please x

Andrea- Things may feel a little bleak but its still sooo early. Most clinics in UK wont even accept a positive result until 12dpo at least so its early days. Hang in there and good luck x

Jo- How are u doing? x

Dov- You doing ok? hope its implantation! x

AFM- Another of my friends announced her pregnancy today and again i am happy for her but sad for me. Makes me more determined than ever to get our baby some way or another xxx
Bub, 6 days after transfer is the first day that the embryo would be producing hcg hence a small number is probably normal. I hope it continues to grow into your miracle baby.

How are you feeling do you still have that constant pressure? Hope that is a good sign.

Dovkav, I dont have any symptoms hence feeling a bit down. I know it is kind of early days but I was hoping for some spotting or special smell to confirm something is happening. I have nothing. How about you? I am going to work from home on the day of my beta which is good and you?

Sarah I think it is great that you are planning forward. Really interested to hearing all your research work.

My sister showed me her new house including the room for the nursery. That made me sad as we have a vacant room that should be a nursery but it is vacant for the last three years
Thanks Ladies. I really hate this! I spent most of the night periodically bursting into tears. This all, especially with the year I have had, is just taking too much of its toll on me. This time, I really felt so good - only to have numbers lower than in August, that ended up being a chemical (since they assured me, that the HCG injections could not be it). I was so sure I would be seeing nice high numbers yesterday. Absolutely crushed, when we got the results. Last time, they wrote "the results look quite good ...." and then listed the results. Now, I just had the table with the results (where in the past I would have been excited to see anything above 5 at this point - but in August, they wrote the additional text, that - because it was under 10, they were not sure that implantation had fully taken place - and we all know how that attempt ended) and the comment, that they couldn't make a statement.

Of course - it is better than a right out negative... And I know I oughtn't compare this cycle with the last - although, the unbelievably low levels make it very difficult...

I have always abstained from testing before the Beta - because this is exactly what I wanted to avoid - not knowing. Now I have had the first blood test, which really should give me a yay or nay - and am none the wiser. Am an emotional wreck. Am tired, because for the past 4 nights or so, I have been sleeping badly, having crazy dreams, waking early, and I really thought that this time, it would finally be different. Going through this 8 times (and particularly with all the crap this year) has sucked all my energy out of me, all my positivity - and on top of everything else, thanks to all the medication ... I look and feel like a whale. And I have NOTHING to show for all my efforts. Oh boy... the tears are threatening to come again :(

Sarah - what about that clinic in Budapest? I know they do work with DE ... perhaps they would also have the protocol you are looking for?

Dovkav, Jo - praying for implantation for you girls! :dust::dust::dust:
Andrea- I shall look into it. Thank you x So sorry your struggling so much with this 2ww. I think they get worse after each one. The emotional strain is too much. I pray this cycle brings your BFP x

How is everyone coping with Xmas round the corner? i love Christmas but also feel very sad. Miss my mum and so sad im still not even pregnant. Every year when i put our tree up i pray the next time i do it il be pregnant so saddens me its yet another year where i need to think this. We are lucky that we have lots of children in our lives but as much as im thankful for that, it can compound the sadness sometimes seeing happy families etc. I honestly pray that next Christmas see's us as mothers or mothers to be xxx
Bub, So sorry that you are going through this difficult time. Really really hope it turns out all good in the end! It is too early for the clinic to test I reckon if you follow what happen after day 5 transfer that is the first day of hcg implantation is at normal pace.

Hang in there and I hope you get the news you all dreaming and hoping for :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Sarah let us know how you go with the research definitely interested to know.

AFM- no real symptoms all due to progesterone pessaries. 6 more days to beta hence ages away and too scare to test !!
Re- Christmas ... this year is going to be particularly tough for me, since Mama just died in May. I / we (this is the first time DH is coming with me) will be in Budapest with my Grandma + Stepdad for Christmas Eve ... coming back Christmas Day to celebrate with DH's folks on Boxing Day. Then I have to work, so very stressful, as Year End.

We put our Christmas tree up weekend before last, and I put a photo of me when I was about 2 (looking up at our Christmas tree in absolute awe) on the tree, saying that it is my Christmas wish to finally be blessed with our miracle. I really had been hoping so hard, that something good has to happen this year - I can't just be pounded with negative things happening... *sorry* just feeling really sorry for myself :(
Andrea- The 1st Christmas after losing your mother is very difficult and emotional. Sadly it does'nt get much better as always that huge void around the home and in your life but i am sure your mum's spirit and memories are all around you, as mine is and they carry us through the hard times. The bond and love between a mother and daughter is truly unbreakable. I pray we get to relive it with our own daughters one day xxx
Bub how are you doing? So sorry that you lost your mother recently and you have to face infertility. Life can really be cruel. Just want to say you are not allow in suffering. I lost my father a while ago and to have me my mum had blood transfusion that made her contract a diesease which is not easily curable. She been going through treatment but the doctor may stop as she is too olds and weak.

Really hope you are some good news in your life soon
Hi girls ... nope - unfortunately I don't. HCG went up ... from 6,8 on Sunday to 8,70 today. They told me to stop taking the medication and to go in for another blood test on Friday.

I had hoped that perhaps - if the amount on Sunday was influenced by the HCG jab on transfer day, that maybe the HCG was still doubling ... but they told me the amount is too low and it is not a viable pregnancy.

Needless to say I am heartbroken, I have spent pretty much all day crying ... I am sucked dry, no energy left ...

Hope you guys have better luck <3

(Oh - and it was my paternal Grandma on May 10th, followed by my Mother on May 31st, followed by chemical in August, followed by Gallbladder operation in September ... yay for a great year)... sorry if I sound cynical. I know that there are people out there with much worse fates than mine. I am sorry to hear that your Mother has a difficult disease! :( :(
I'm so so sorry bub my heart goes out to you and DH. You have had a hell of a year I'm hoping 2014 is the year for you :hug: xx
Bub so sorry to hear this many hugs to you. Nothing we can say will take the pain away. Really hope 2014 is your year!
Andrea- I am so sorry. Life is so unfair! in the past 4yrs i have lost 2 babies, both tubes, my mumand my 2 best friends died, 3 failed IVF's, and even my dog and budgie died. I know how awful life can be and i just pray we have some joy in 2014. We are all here for you xxxx
I am so sorry ladies about 2013 unlucky and horrible year. Hope and pray that 2014 you'll gain double what have you lost.
This Decemeber I lost my relative, he called me 3 weeks ago and told me he is dying and in a week he got in coma and this week passed away.

Yesterday I was performing CPR to my father in law and the nurse was standing by and didn't help. She just told me that I am doing it too slow!!!!
Is that cruel? The dr. came and contineud for 20min but it was too late.
I have everything on video and the whole world should know about this!!
I am so sorry ladies about 2013 unlucky and horrible year. Hope and pray that 2014 you'll gain double what have you lost.
This Decemeber I lost my relative, he called me 3 weeks ago and told me he is dying and in a week he got in coma and this week passed away.

Yesterday I was performing CPR to my father in law and the nurse was standing by and didn't help. She just told me that I am doing it too slow!!!!
Is that cruel? The dr. came and contineud for 20min but it was too late.
I have everything on video and the whole world should know about this!!

This is terrible I am so sorry for your lost. How is your husband doing ?
I hate how some people just like to criticise however doesn't help!
Praying that this board have heaps of blessing in 2014 as we sure do need it!!:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Sending you heaps of :dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:
for the 23 Dec!!
Hi All,

I am so scare just saw some dark brown discharge so it seems like my AF is on the way. I am in self denial at the moment thinking it could be just the progesterone pessaries however it really is not a good sign. Either way it all ends tomorrow in tears either way !!!
Dov- Omg you have had a terrible experience! i am so sorry for your loss and you should definitely show the authorities the video! how awful x

Jo- I have everything crossed for you that tomorrow will be tears of joy x

Hi to all the gang x

AFM- Well 3 days ago i learnt 2 more women i know are pregnant and yesterday we went to our friends to take their kids gifts and our friends announced her 5th pregnancy and she is due in july. I was almost crying as she has 4 kids already, one of which is only 1yr old and this pregnancy was not planned as they had used protection?!! wtf?! life is really unfair and so bleeding ironic! i actually looked up at the heavens and said 'seriously'?!

I truly, hope and pray with every fibre of my being that 2014 brings us the joy we yearn for. Enough sadness and grief amongst us to last a lifetime so please let 2014 see us with our rainbows or at least pregnant with them by next Christmas.

Merry Christmas everyone and i wish everyone a happy and healthy 2014 xxxxx
Hi All,

Just want to let you know that my beta was positive:bfp: today at 443!!:happydance:

I couldn't stop laughing then I couldn't stop crying I know there is a long long way to go but for now I am going to be happy. Will no doubt start worrying again as last time we miscarriage at 8 weeks.

Hope everyone is making good plans for xmas

dovkav123 - good luck for tomorrow :dust::dust:

To everyone else really do hope that 2014 is your year and thanks a million for all the support to date !!
Congratulations Jo! I had a good feeling for you :) That sounds like a nice, solid beta :)

Dovkav - fingers crossed for you too! :dust:

@ Sarah - thank you!! <3 You too.
Congratulations Jo, That is a great beta. How many did you transfer as that is a high number could it be twins?

Bub, How you doing? I see on your signature that a chemaical pregnancy was confirmed :sad:

Dovkav, Fx'd for you today :hugs:

Cvaeh/Sarah, Hope you have lots to keep you busy over the christmas period and the time will be here soon for you to get your little miracles in 2014!!!!

Any other ladies on here hope your doing well and enjoying the christmas holidays :hugs: xx

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