Support thread for ladies who have had 3+ failed IVF cycles

Dovkav - Sounds like you have a plan in place fx'd you get some good results :hugs:

Bubmaci - How you doing? xx
Dovkav - that is good that you are getting it tested. At least then, you will have certainty! The morphology sounds good, the motility too. Good luck for Monday!

Sandy, I am doing OK, thanks. Just back from the dentist, had my teeth cleaned and general check-up done. Everything OK there :) (Don't know why, but I am still so proud not to have any fillings ... at 38 :D). Can't wait to see Pünktchen again next Friday! I keep praying, that it's growing as it should. Can feel the top of my uterus above my pubic bone and I am seriously bloated (since it's not baby yet). Even if I suck my tummy in, there is a bump and it is firm *lol*
Other than that, feeling fine, thank you. Have the odd moment of queasiness, but then I just need to nibble on something and I am OK. The tiredness hasn't got better yet, but I am fine with that. So all in all, this pregnancy is being very kind to me :dance:

How are you feeling? We keep asking (I keep asking), how DH is doing - but how are you doing? xxx
Dovkav I am happy for you that you did the test and proved your RE wrong. So what is your next steps?

Sandy the treatment that your husband have to go through sounds horrible but it also sounds promising. Hopefully his body is receptive to the donor cells and he can go on producing good cells on his own. Pray that everything goes smoothly. That is tough that he has to go back to work? Are they understanding ? how much time is he going to take off for the treatment or does it just depends how he goes?:hugs::hugs: to you can't imagine want you going through.

Bub that is something to be thankful for no fillings!!!
So ladies, after 2 test cancelations, lots of thinking and debating we did a sperm dna test. Thanks to you all for pushing me to do it!
Before writing here I wanted to ask you girls, what should we do this month. IUI, IVF or natural TTC.
I think I made up my mind -natural cycle IVF

The sperm results should be in 2-3 weeks. I have an appointment on Friday for u/s on CD8. Possible ER on Monday or Tuesday.
My dr. wants us to wait till the results. She doesn't have a treatment for a high fragm sperm anyways. We are doing for our own peace and mind. However, If we do IVF and we get lucky than we did dna test for nothing...
His morfology improved from 5% to 19% last month. Motility improved from20% to 30%. He is on the normal range. I think we need to do IVF and hope that the sperm is still in good shape for this April cycle.
This time during IVF I'll ask my dr. to test my hormones during egg retrieval and after embryo transfer. Maybe I need extra help for my TWW.

Unlucky, how far are you along? Do you know a gender?

Bub, no fillings! Great! You must have good genes. I don't eat candies and sweets so I hope I won't have any more fillings and (2)crowns...I am "Lucky" we have a bad gene paradontosis from my both sides my mom's and my dad's.

Sandy, how is your day?
Dovkav, with the improvement with DH's sperm over the last couple of months i think you have nothing to lose by doing a natural IVF. I would say go for it!

AFM, Nothing new to report DH is doing good and will be going back in for 3rd treatment on Thursday.

Unlucky as for DH's work they are totally understanding and it was DH's choice to go back to work as he wanted a bit of normality to things and was sick of sitting in the house doing nothing when he felt fine. xx
Dovkav, that is great that you feel comfortable that you are getting the DNA-fragmentation tested. My personal opinion would be to wait until you get the results! If the fragmentation is high, you would be putting yourself through what might be unnecessary surgery, because with the high fragmentation, a different approach might be required. If you have taken the step to get tested, then I would just give yourself a break this month instead of rushing into it again. Morphology + motility say nothing about the sperm's genetic structure. And if everything is OK, then you can just go for it again the following month.
I also find it a bit strange, that your Dr. has you bouncing between IUIs and IVF! What is your diagnosis?
To me, it would make more sense to a) wait until you have the results and see whether you are facing an issue there and then b) if you are, to have a medicated IVF cycle with IMSI (potentially even with a TESE, since some studies have shown, that the DNA-Fragmentation happens at a later stage and that sperm retrieved in a TESE show lower levels of fragmentation).
I think you would be giving yourself a break (I think you do put yourselves under a lot of pressure), you would have more certainty as to what you are facing and finally - this all costs money!
I know you just want to forge on ahead and finally get there - but sometimes, it does help to take a break and a step back <3

Fingers crossed for the 3rd treatment on Thursday, Sandy! :)

AFM - only a few more days before I get to see Pünktchen again ... praying so hard that he/she is developing as he/she should and that everything is OK. I think it is... uterus is definitely growing away. It just gets really scary when you read accounts of people with missed miscarriages around the time I am now ... on the one hand, it is fantastic having practically no symptoms (just terribly terribly tired and peeing frequently, also in the night) because I can really enjoy the pregnancy... on the other hand, there are no signs that Pünktchen is OK...
Hi ladies, hope it is ok to join you all. We have had 2 previous failed cycles and my ET for my 3rd cycle was cancelled in November due to my blood pressure being very high and having a bleed in theatre at the time of ER.
We have 2 x day 3 (6cell) eggs frozen and 1 x 2BB blastocyst frozen on day 6. I have had 2 embryos transferred each time in my previous failed cycles (day2 and day 5 transfers). I am due for embryo transfer next week but my clinic are advising we transfer the single day6 blast as they do not want to risk a twin preg on account of my blood pressure.
I am really struggling emotionally with the whole business and at this moment cannot imagine being successful with one never mind 2 babies!!! It just seems like a bit of a backward step only putting one back?
Any thoughts on what you would do? I have been really upset this morning and just feel like it will never work for us :cry:
Hi Sweetie :hugs::howdy:
I totally get how you are feeling. AC is such a tough journey, often having to face hurdles, getting past them, only to be faced by more.
As you can see from my signature, we had to do through ICSI 6 times and have 9 transfers, because finally succeeding - and each time it was a failure, having to question whether or not we would ever get there...
It is very difficult, but I would trust your clinic... What I certainly would do in your place, check out why your blood pressure is high! Get yourself fully checked out, make sure that everything is OK. I firmly believe that any additional stress will affect the outcome of the tries and it is important that you be in a good shape both physically and mentally.
We are here for you - if you have any questions, please ask and we will try to answer / advise ... sometimes, it really takes a lot of patience and more patience for us to get there. The sad truth is, that it often is a question of luck, as to when it works. In natural cycles, it may often happen that an egg gets fertilised, but that because of genetic defects, it won't develop further and it won't come to pregnancy or perhaps a chemical ... it happens more commonly than you would think - even for healthy couples. So just as many couples have to keep trying for a year or so, often we have to try more than once or twice or thrice for that miracle baby to nestle down in our uterus. Thing that makes it more difficult for us, I think, is that we know we are transferring a potential baby ... and that makes it all the more devastating each time it doesn't work.

Keep your head up, Bluebell (love that name :)), and keep plodding forward patiently. If you feel you don't trust your doctors or your clinic - then maybe find a different one. It is so important that you are being treated by people whom you can trust ... they are getting a whole heap of money for it, so you should feel that you are in good hands :hugs2:
Thanks bub. Have been stalking this thread so know what a difficult time you have been through. Congrats on your BFP:flower: . I think you are right, ultimately it is all in the hands of the gods. I will maybe ask the embryologist to give me a call to discuss it. I think the pressure and expectation just gets worse with every cycle :nope:
Bluebell, I agree with Bubumaci and trust your clinic not sure where in the world you are but with NHS in England they will only transfer 1 blastocyst due to the increased rate of it being successful. PMA all the way. Keep us updated xx
Bluebell, welcome!:hi:
I would transfer one at a time too. Your high blood pressure may put you on the higher risk of preeclampsia. First of all you need to know the reason of your high blood pressure.
1. genetic
2. kidney problems
3. high intake of salt(eating lots of processed food)
4. overweight
5. stress

You have to treat the cause of it.
I hope and pray your frosty will snuggle in sweet and cozy.
Pease let us know how are you doing.
We are here for you:flower:
Bubumaci, thank you for your time and advice.:hugs:
I do go through lots of pressure. April is our 9th month of our intense fertility screenings and treatments. WE didn't ttc naturally at all. I would had a baby any minute now if our first IVF was successful.:cry:
WE did natural cycle IVFs w/o success. Then, I needed to know if my tubes are open. It was our choice to flush the tubes, and do IUIs.
When I came to my RE in the first consulatation, she adviced me to do lap, IUI or IVF. My husband and I are running this fertility game, my dr. does what we want and we are grateful for that. We do pay private, so we don't have limitation.
I am just angry with my dr. that she didn't stress on my hubby's sperm. It was not great at all. His morfology was (untere werte.)Only last month it was on the normal range. I really want to take advantage of his good morfology and go for a natural cycle IVF this month. Maybe his problem is gone, he is healed, maybe we need to grab that chance and run!
My ER is a joke. I don't even take a painkiller. However, It is a big risk of complications.
For IVFs he saved up for 2 days, for dna fragm for 4 days, his sperm may have more damage cos of longer time spent in the testicles. Is the test will be accurate?
My clinic performs a testicular biopsy.

It is such a beautiful time of the year. Blooming trees and flowers. I am in such uplifting mood and positive thoughts.
I am going for it, bubu and I need your blessings.
I hope and pray I choose a good decision to do a natural cycle IVF in April.
Dovkav, even tho Bubumaci gave you great advice and has obviously had loads of experience in this and is an IVF guru but you have to go with your heart and do what you feel is best.

For me I've always waited at least 2 to 3 months between cycles and this time obviously taking more like 6 months break but that is what is right for me and what i felt was best.

I'm sure we are all behind you 100% with your decision and have got everything crossed that this is the one! :hugs: xx
Sweetie (Dovkav), Sandy is right - you have to do what is right for you!! Your gut might be telling you that the time is right. I remember I couldn't wait to try and try and try. Then last year, July/August, I really wanted to go ahead - even though my RE didn't want to do the transfer, because he thought my progesterone was too high - but I was desperate too, just having lost Mama in May, I believed it would work. It was our best try at that time and ended in ... a chemical.
Sometimes, you do just have to do what you feel is right - and if that time is now, then go for it :) :hugs: (If our first-third ICSIs had been successful, my Mother would have still met her Grandchild *sniff* & my Grandmother, her Greatgrandchild... But now, she and my Grandmother are my guardian angels and have sent me this little miracle). I totally know how you feel!!
Concerning the saving up of sperm - our clinic has always said Karenzzeit of 3 days (I think it is 3-5 days), so I really don't think that 4 days for the DNA Fragmentation will affect the test in any negative way, I don't think you need to worry about that.

I will be keeping all fingers and toes crossed for you! Our weather is really beautiful, the sun is shining, the flowers are starting to show themselves, plants are starting to bloom ... lots of positive feelings and new life out there :) (Just so you know, the day I went in for my transfer, on February 15th, it was a gorgeous day - and I wrote to my DH "today is the perfect day to get pregnant") :) :)
Please don't think that I wanted to talk you out of anything, I just wrote my thoughts - but you should always always trust in your thoughts and feelings above anything else. If you feel this way, and weren't to try ... you would always wonder!! :flower:
Thank you ladies! I would fall apart w/o you!

Bubumaci, I am so sorry about your mother and grandmother loss. I know our love ones are guiding us and helping us every day...
My father in law told us few weeks before his death that we'll get pregnant soon. I know his spirit is flying around us and blessing us...
We stood next to his grave and we were talking that we could of done better for him. Suddenly, black bird flew down from the tree and brushed my hubby's ears with his wings, flew on the other grave and sang very loud and passionate. My hubby even made a movie of this bird. So my hubby looked at the grave: 6 year old boy was resting here. My hubby understood what the bird meant(it's dad's message): I passed away 92, and this boy was only 6 years old. Stop blaming yourself and live in peace....
IN 2011 the bird flew in my mom's window. At the similar time two birds flew in our apartment. One bird sat on the little house it was my hubby's grandfather's little decorative house. He loved birds very much. I think he send us a message too.
My dad fell of the roof and broke his leg. Days later
my father in law passed out in the kitchen and my hubby resuscitated him. So we didn't go to a big planned trip to Sovietsk with a motorhome.

I think we do need to be more connected to nature and read the messages from our love ones.

Sandy, it was a big day for your hubby. How is he feeling?
Wow dovkav that is a lovely sorry and believe our loved ones are looking down on us. My mother in law passed away a year and a half ago 5 months after our wedding we were so glad she was able to be there for our wedding but hoped to give her a grandchild but that wasn't meant to be and sure she is looking down on us and it will be our turn soon enough.

Yeah dh goes in today for his 3rd round of chemo but after this one we are half way through so keeping positive xx
That really is so moving, Dovkav! And I also do believe in signs from nature! We are part of nature, but due to how society works, we are not so much in touch with the signs and signals we get - which is a shame!

Sandy, that must be a bit of a relief to have made it half-way through? And I am so glad that DH is coping so well with the chemo, I am sure it can't be easy! Fingers crossed that things keep going smoothly and then that the stem transplant is a huge success and that he recovers well from it!! xxx
Hi All

I am just catching up on the last few days. I have been working late everyday due to year end. It isn't over yet but today is a rest day.

In the last few weeks someone at work long term girlfriend just was told that she had stomach cancer not sure what stage but quite bad. This has really put perspective into our team really this could happen to everyone. After having our baby I really don't want to be working these hours anymore what to enjoy what God has given me and help those around.

Sandy hope your husband is handling the treatment well. Is he resting at home or still going to work ? I like how you are so patient and I really hope it all pays out at the end. :hugs::hugs:

dovkav - I am currently 19 weeks and having a girl. Hope to feel her kick any time now.
I am in awe of your determination and your spirit. I am glad your RE takes into account your decision. Really do hope whatever your decision is it works for you. Unfortunately for us we have to be patient and wait for our luck!!!Even now it makes me sad when girls says that they got pregnant with their third really easily when we have to go through so much to even have any hope of a family. Re-charge and I wish you all the best for your next cycle.

Bub hope everything is going well with you -enjoying being pregnant
WE went to U/s on Friday. The follicle is on the R side 16.8mm on CD8. ER is on Monday.
I asked my dr about his morfology during dna sperm analysis and I was so sad to know his morfology dropped to 5% again. I feel crushed and cheated. I did my HCG shot yesterday and ER is tomorrow. I have thoughts to cancel IVF and do another IUI.

My hubby drank a lot yesterday. He wants to have sex today. This is crazy cos tomorrow he needs to provide his sample. It is not a good idea. His volume will be too low.

Unlucky, baby girl! What a great choice of clothes, colors and fashion you can pick! Did you buy any pritty stuff?

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