Support thread for ladies who have had 3+ failed IVF cycles

Bubu and unlucky- i can imagine what you mean. It just seems like something so close yet so far away, which im sure you all understand. I feel very optimistic now but as we get closer i will no doubt feel anxious and emotional again. Hope this rollercoaster comes to a stop asap ;) Thanks ladies x

Hi to all the gang.

Claire- How are you doing?? x

AFM- Well ladies we have booked our consultation today to get the ball rolling for our 4th cycle! we see the specialist on 12th Aug! omg i am so excited and nervous! We are having the appt in Aug and starting treatment end of Sep now!! we need to get our viral bloods up to date so going to ask my GP to send us for them on the NHS to save £400 or its a huge extra amount we had not budgeted for as im aware our virals will be out of date as last ones were in 2011?? xxx
Hello ladies I have been following this thread for a bit as I have had my own continued failures. I am truly inspired by your strength. So happy for you ladies that have finally gotten your bfp's and pray for the ladies still working towards them. I thought going in to this I would do a cycle and have a baby. Boy was I wrong : ).

AQ it has been quite a while but I am so happy to see you are able to start again. When I read your post I did a little "woot woot"! Hoping/praying this is the lucky cycle for us both :hugs:
Sarah - wow, that is a lot of money for the tests!! What viral bloods are they doing? (For each of my tries, they took blood to test for HIV, hepatitis and a bunch of other things! So I have been very thoroughly tested over the past few years *lol*). Soooo excited that the ball is starting to roll again and I have my fingers very tightly crossed for you! xxx

Hi Peachy :howdy: I am sorry that you have had to make your way here - however being here, you will find that the ladies are super supportive!! Don't we all think that (when reading success stories of first tries ... hell, on my 2012 group - a group of us still chatting and supporting each other, though mainly on FB now - I was one of the few who had to have try after try after try after try ... one girl is now pregnant with her second, a FET from one IVF that took right away last time too).
Lovely to see that you have two frosties from your try and can't wait to hear how the testing goes in 6 days! :hugs2: Fingers crossed for you :) :dust::dust::dust:
Hello ladies I have been following this thread for a bit as I have had my own continued failures. I am truly inspired by your strength. So happy for you ladies that have finally gotten your bfp's and pray for the ladies still working towards them. I thought going in to this I would do a cycle and have a baby. Boy was I wrong : ).

AQ it has been quite a while but I am so happy to see you are able to start again. When I read your post I did a little "woot woot"! Hoping/praying this is the lucky cycle for us both :hugs:

Hoping and praying for he best outcome ever!
Sending you best wishes and lots of baby dusts!:dust::dust:
Hi ladies

Sorry I've been AWOL I have been reading all the wonderful news from you all. I'm so happy for you all with bumps and AQ with your pending bump!! (do you like the positivity!!!)

I've been seeing a new clinic in London (I know a long way to go but their results are just far better than anything up here so for my last go with my eggs I need to try it or I will always wonder).

So had consult in Jan, they did full immune panel as they were 98% sure I have an immune issue due to my thyroid plus the mc. Plus they did a sperm frag test. I do have an immune problem which they can treat when I cycle plus hubby had a higher frag issue so both been on specific vits for 3 mths and hubby was retested in May his sperm frag was 33% now down to 18% so we are cycling on my July period! Scared and cannot tell you how much it is going to cos with accommodation plus the immune treatment but it will be well worth it. I have to be down in London for 2-3 weeks cos you are monitored everyday bloods and scans every 2 days initially then can be daily depending on how you go.

This is like Bootcamp Ivf I'm told so very scared and a tad excited at the same time!

Wish me luck ladies cos I think I'm going to need all the help I can get.

I will keep you updated with the highlights as and when and keep reading your updates.

Lots of love and baby dust to us all xxxxx
MrsE :hugs2:
That does sound so promising!!
Will they be doing IMSI this cycle, do you know? It does sound scary and exciting and I am so happy you are getting the opportunity to try it!
All fingers (mine + Pünktchen's) are crossed for you, sending you huge :hugs: and an enormous sprinkling of :dust::dust::dust: :kiss:
Morning Ladies

Welcome Peachy :hi: How you holding up? not long now til OTD, will you be testing early? :hugs:

Bubmaci & Dovkav, how are you and bumps doing? Any up and coming scan? :hugs:

Unlucky, Wohoo! Not long left for you how are you holding up? Hope you are enjoying your last weeks at work :happydance:

AQ, Great news about appointment on 12th Aug got everything crossed for you :hugs:

MrsE, Great news about results with DH's sperm and also about being able to pin point you have immune issues at least you have a plan in place now and hopefully will get you that all important BFP! Looking forward to your updates :hugs:

AFM, Have my WTF appointment on 19th August after delaying it for so long but still not going ahead with FET till end of the year but want to make sure everything is sorted so when i decide to go ahead everything is sorted and can start straight away! DH has now finished his chemo and hospital has confirmed a German donor is willing to donate the stem cells which is a 10/12 match for DH which is great news but they have plans for the first couple of weeks of August so Transplant will be delayed till end of August/beginning of Sept so will be waiting till DH is recovering from transplant before doing FET but at least we have a plan! xx
Sandy that's amazing news and I'm so happy your hubby has got stem cell donor that's huge!!!

Good luck with the stem cell op (I'm assuming it will be an op?). Everything feels so much better when you have a plan doesn't it. Also you have lots of things to focus on so time will pass so quickly.

Bub - thanks for your reply. The clinic don't use IMSI because they haven't personally seen any difference in success rates compared with Ivf or ICSI so probably we will have ICSI again. Dreading the steroids but this place specialises in implantation and immune issues. They also have higher success with over 40's too. The clinic is the same as where rod Stewart and penny Lancaster went to for their child apparently. So hope it works for us.

It's a personal decision but before I give up on my eggs I want to give this place a try. They are known as the clinic where everyone says it's their last shot! But I won't care if it delivers our precious baby.

Thanks ladies you are always so supportive xx
Sandy what did they say at you appointment ? Did they give you any % of success for your FET in Nov ? It is great that you guys have a plan and know when things are all going to happen. Also good news about the donor stem cells :hugs::hugs:

MrsE75 - wishing you all the best for the upcoming cycle. I think it is great you are trying somewhere different. After our three cycle failures we also tried somewhere with better stats and it worked. Really hope it al goes all to plan this time!!!

My sister gave birth to a baby girl today :happydance::happydance:
She had a tough time and ended having a emergency C-section.
AFM I am doing good everything is back on schedule.
MrsE, Thanks, The stem cell transplant is as simple as having a blood transfusion he is on a IV drip for a couple of hours and that's it. The lengthy process is the recovery as before they do the transplant they kill of DH's immune system so once the transplant is complete his body needs to take the donor cells and create a new immune system but they complications that can happen are his body rejects it and can be as serious as attacking his organs and causing organ failure but this is the extreme! So fx'd everything goes as good as it has so far DH is a fighter and doesn't give up easily :hugs:

Unlucky, I haven't had my WTF yet its on the 19th August. Congratulations on becoming an Auntie! It must be great to have you and your sister having babies so close to each other :hugs: xx
Thanks so much for the well wishes ladies!

Bubu you are so far along! Have you found out the babies gender or do you want a surprise?

Dovkav YAY for being out of the tri! Can you feel baby move yet or is it still too early?

Sandy that is amazing about finding a donor. When I am all done with this craziness I plan on being put on the bone marrow registry. A friend of mine did and he ended up being a donor. It's something so easy to do but so many of us don't even think about it. It's also wonderful that you have frozen embryos. Even though mine ended in a MC from a trisomy my fet was the only one that wanted to stick around. I have been wondering if that's the only way I can get pregnant as maybe all the meds from my fresh transfers are too much so I thank God I was able to have 2 make it to freeze this time. Fresh cycles are so damn draining anyways.
Sandy - I am so excited, that you are finally getting your WTF meeting! And still sending out prayers for DH's recovery + then for the transplant. Really glad that you have a donor from here and I so very much hope, that you both will then be able to put this nightmare behind you ... and look forward to having a successful FET and BFP :kiss:

MrsE - I totally get your approach and personally probably wouldn't do it any other way either. It was also our philosophy : at least we won't have left any stone unturned and anything untried. I had only asked about the IMSI because of your status (and the two tries in your siggy) ... The clinic does sound really good!!! Fingers crossed :)

Peachy ... 3 more days :) :) :dust::dust::dust:
Yes, we do know the gender :) We are having a little boy :)

... Sandy, to answer your question - I did have one last week, yes (totally forgot to update here, because I wrote quite long posts in my journal and updated a couple of other threads). It was the big anatomy scan and we were delighted that everything was just perfect! Got some lovely pictures (I love that place! DH was able to watch everything on his own screen!!) - the scan was so good, that my risk for trisomies (which had gone down beautifully after my NT scan - started out quite high because of my age!) went down by another 50%.

The pictures (I have heaps and heaps more ... hard being selective ;) are of:
1) Baby P's incredible thighs and calves ...
2) a lovely 3D profile piccie
3) My, what biceps!!
4) A hand waving
and 5) my bump picture from this week (taken Monday) when I started the 22nd week.

On Saturday we also went for our first bout of baby shopping (ordered cupboard, dresser - with changer on top - and crib for the nursery. That takes 8 weeks to be delivered. We ordered the pram - takes 12 weeks - and the car seat - ready for pick up - BabyBay, so that the baby can sleep next to us for the first few months - really cool, it is open on the side of the bed and I can just reach over to calm him / pick him up for feeding - and a playpen for downstairs). Made it all very real - not that the daily hiccups and little movements don't. I have been feeling him since the 18th week, then a couple of weeks later, DH could feel him from outside and on Sunday I figured, if we can feel him from the outside, then I should be able to see something. So I lay there, staring at my belly ... and there it was :) Where he kicked, I saw my belly protrude a little more <3 :)

On Tuesday, we picked up the new family car (had ordered it the day before we got the BFP - swapped mine for it) - it is the new Mazda 6 estate (looks very snazzy with lots of room) :) Driving to Budapest this afternoon, because my Aunt is there from Cyprus visiting my Grandma - and I would like to see both (haven't seen Grandma since Christmas) - plus break the car in ... driving back on Sunday :)


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Peachy :Thinking of you! Did you test?

MrsE, I am glad you found some issues and they'll be fixed. We were unexplained. All my tests were perfect, except low vitD. I took a double dose for 3 month and we got BFP.

Sandy,I hope and pray for the smooth your hubby's recovery from the transplant in September.

Here is my 1st tri baby bump growing photos I took them strickly before breakfast cos it doubles in size after the meal.
Do you see the difference?
I havn't seen any dr. for 6 weeks, all my pregnancy symptoms are gone. I worry a little bit. I am weaning off aspirin and progesterone. It's very crucial time right now.
Growing belly is my hope that baby is kicking strong
Bubu huge congrats on a baby boy! How exciting you are so lucky!

Dovkav Yay for the little bump! You're just a tiny little thing aren't you!

Yes ladies I started testing at 6dp3dt and got a very faint positive. I have been using frer and while they got darker from that but since haven't gotten darker at all. I am hoping for the best but have prepared myself for the worst and I thank God every day that no matter what happens this cycle I have 2 frozen babies waiting for me. I think it gets to a point where you just expect the worst as the inevitable. Beta is tomorrow but unfortunately my clinic will not tell results until after second beta which is Wed. I understand their theory behind but it still bothers me because I want to know anyways : ). I guess I'm lucky they don't make me wait long though as tomorrow I am 10dp3dt. I know some ladies have to wait a couple weeks.
Bub - great photos :happydance::happydance:

Peachy - a positive sounds promising wish you all the best for Wednesday praying that you get a fantastic beta :hugs::hugs:

Dovkav - definitely can see a bump there - welcome to the best trimester - enjoy every moment. You going to organise a baby moon before your third trimester?

AFM - I have 8.5 weeks to go 4.5 weeks left of work - counting down and getting quite scare and excited!
Unlucky, time rushed so fast, isn't! Your countdown is here! I am so excited for you!
You are right! I do feel the best in this tri, I am enjoying every minute of it!
I was worried a bit, all my preg. symptoms had gone, but I think only positive I am just a lucky one!

Thank you peachy! Listen to this. Youtube marked my baby bump videos as age restricted. (some nudity)

Peachy, thinking and praying for you. Wishing you the best today! You so deserve it!
Dovkav & Bubumaci great pics :happydance:

Peachy, Good luck for today look forward to seeing your results. Have you tested again? :hugs:

Unlucky, Yay not long now :hugs: xx
Wow, Jo, only 8,5 weeks ... It has just sped by!

Peachy ... *ON TENTERHOOKS HERE* :) :dust::dust:

Sandy, how are you and DH doing? :hugs2:
We are doing good, enjoying having DH home for a long period of time and feel like we are able to plan things and get on with life as normal for a while anyway. xx
Ahhh - glad that you are able to enjoy each other and feel normal! :)

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