Support thread for ladies who have had 3+ failed IVF cycles

Dovkav that's so funny YouTube did that!

Unlucky that amazing! Why do you call yourself unlucky?

I have my second in a couple hours and will get my results by 3 o clock so I know some of you will be sleeping but I'll post them anyways. I know this sounds terrible but with my fet my betas were amazing but at u/s the yolk say was enlarged so they suspected something was wrong even though heartbeat was good. I get the whole one day at a time thing but I have to believe even in successful, everything is going right cycles the worry never ends. I am a worrier anyways. A friend recently asked me if stress affected ivf and I said well I don't think so or none of us would ever get babies : )
All fingers and toes crossed for you Peachy! I will keep an eye out for your post :)

I also believe in "believing" and staying positive. It is very hard not to worry and I think it is part of being a parent - which for us begins at conception. During pregnancy, there is the worry of something going wrong ... and well once the child is here - that is just the fate of a parent ;) But you mustn't let it drive you crazy.

Stress is not good for any type of pregnancy, so best to avoid or minimise anyway :)
Beta from Monday 10dp3dt was 115 and today's at 12dp3dt is 384. I will have an early u/s to make sure it's not ectopic around 5 1/2 weeks and have beta a couple days before that to make sure levels are even high enough to see anything. I already love whoever is in there and hope to God this time they stay..
Congratulations peachy hope this one is a sticky bean xxxxxxxxx
Yay Peachy!!!! :wohoo: :kiss: I think those numbers sound great. Congratulations Sweetie! (I specially came on to check your results!)

Night night and very sweet dreams :)
Thank you Sandy I hope with all my heart it's my time. I hope yours comes this fall as well :flower:

Bubu thank you for checking back. I don't know that numbers mean a whole lot but I was very pleased with the 2 day progression. It's just a real long waiting game isn't it : )
Well, I think they are great and the doubling times are really good!! (27-28 hours) :) It is a long waiting game, but think positive thoughts, have positive feelings, channel them towards your little bean/beans and don't let any negativity in. I have found that really important :hugs2:
Peachy- WOW! Huge congrats! lovely to see u with us and with such special news xxx

Dov- Aww that is a cute lil bump! congrats x

Bubu- LOVE the scan pics! amazing! congrats on being team blue! x

Sandy- WONDERFUL news regards your hubby and glad u are able to plan ahead x

MrsE- Oooh all sounds very promising! best of luck and keep us updated. This next cycle we are doing is also the last cycle with my own eggs so praying we get our miracle too x

Unlucky- Glad all is going well and its going soooo fast! x

Hi to all the gang xxx

AFM- I am just counting down the days to our consultant appt so we can be pencilled in to start our 4th cycle end of Sep/beg of Oct depending on AF showing on time. lol. DH has started working nights again so me an my dad are off to Scotland tomorrow for a long weekend of sightseeing, eating an drinking. My last treat before we have to save the remainder of the IVF cash and then my lovely dad is helping with the rest ;) feel so lucky to be given another chance an pray it brings us our baby xxx
That's so great Sarah! Enjoy your weekend in Scotland :) :kiss:
peachy your beta is fantastic, you did all your best. Now you need to wait and let the little bean grow!
Hi.. Know so many of the names having trailered on here for a year from my first go to today, which I'm pretty sure is my third failed transfer.. I'm devastated.. I know the pain will go away eventually as it has before but I am wondering if I'm now at the end of my ivf pursuit. I don't know if I can do this again but the reality of rolling over and accepting my infertility is also one of the hardest things I'll ever have to do...
Peachy :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: so happy for you your betas are great !! Enjoy this journey - pray that everything continues to go well for you.

Sandy happy that everything is going well for you and your husband :hugs:

Bub you are right behind me -have you started buying baby boy clothes etc?

Sarah I really hope you get your miracle this time :hugs::hugs:

hopefulx2 sorry did I miss something what happened? how come you are pretty sure it is your 3rd failed transferred? :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hi Hopeful,
Oh, Sweetie, I am sorry you are feeling so down! And I totally feel with you and know what you are going through!!
What makes you think that this try has failed? Are there any reasons (other than financial perhaps) to make you give up at #3? (As you can see from my signature, we had 6 ICSIs and 9 transfers before our success - needless to say, it was a very very hard, stony journey, but I am so glad that we hadn't got to the point yet when we were giving up ... we were close!! I had said, that since I will be 40 next year, if it hasn't worked by the end of the year, we are stopping ... first try this year brought us our little miracle) ...

May I ask what your diagnosis is? Having to accept the cards that nature has dealt us is so very very difficult (in our case, I had to also try to comfort my husband, who is the infertile one, because he knew how much I wanted to children and felt broken / damaged) and it is so very unfair!

Do you have any other options to become a parent? (If it is you, perhaps with donor eggs ... if it is your husband, perhaps with donor sperm ... adoption .. fostering?)...

Hey Jo - no, we haven't gone down the clothes-shopping route yet (actually, just updated my journal - link in my signature - with our latest shopping results ... on Saturday). We bought a few things while picking up the car seat and the pram (which had originally had 12 weeks delivery, but was surprisingly there when we went to pick up the car seat!!) - a bumper for the crib, some covers for the mattresses (for the crib + the BabyBay), a mobile for the playpen, and a very sweet outfit for sleeping in ... :)
Hi girls!

Peachy, congratulations on your BFP!! I'm sure you still can't believe it!

Dovkav and Bubu, I love the pics, especially the waving hand!

AQ, hope you enjoyed your time in Scotland!

Hopeful, I'm so sorry to hear how you're feeling, please don't give up hope tho, so many of the girls on here have finally gotten their bfp's after years of trying, I have no doubt that we'll be the same eventually.

Sandy, so please your hubby has a donor lined up. Thank God for people who sign onto the register. DH is on the register after a friend of his battled with Hodgkin's lymphoma for many years. Fingers crossed you'll be on the other side with a beautiful miracle on the way this time next year.

Unlucky, so glad things are progressing well for u, so exciting!

MrsE, your plan sounds like it makes perfect sense, throw everything at it. I'm kinda at that stage too but just not sure yet how to move forward.

Afm, I've started seeing a woman called Ruthellen Logan, she's championing her own method of maya massage coupled with diet, vitamins and acupressure/reflexology treatments. I've started on zita west vitamins, and am going back for maya massage sessions. Apparently my uterus is retroverted and lying to the right, so she's gonna try to correct it. She's also certain I have an immune issue so I have an emdometrial biospy booked for NK cells and am trying to figure out if my GP can run level 1 immunes. Can anyone tell me what I need to get tested for level 1?

Hope I didn't miss anyone, sorry for such a long post! xo
Morning ladies

Peachy, Has the news sank in yet? How you doing, when is your first scan?

Bubumaci, Unlucky & Dovkav, hope those little ones are growing nicely :hugs:

AQ, Twinkle & MrsE Hope you are doing well, Sounds like everyone is starting to get a plan in place.

Hopeful, How are you? Have you have the definite result that this cycle hasn't worked? As Twinkle has said a lot of ladies on this thread have been through a lot and ended with there miracle and i am still in hope that it will happen for me also and not ready to give up yet. You have got to go with how you are feeling as to whether to continue with IVF as it is hard.

AFM, Things are going good so far DH is starting to feel as normal as can be after all the treatment and is back to work full time at the moment which is doing him good to get out the house and back to normality but still taking it easy. He had a PET/CT scan yesterday so will get those results plus MRI scan results next Tuesday to see how the chemo has worked and if any radiotherapy is required before the transplant.

Going away for a week on 19th July so looking forward to that, and have WTF appointment in 6 weeks time xx
Twinkle just to say that my GP is very good and when I had tier 1 immunes done he managed to get a couple done for me. However I would say that they came back normal so we didn't think anything was wrong. Only now I've had the full Chicago bloods done have they found my immune issue. So just a word of caution cos level 1s can be normal but you may have immune issues if that makes sense. I had my NK cells tested through the Chicago blood test too but don't have that issue at the moment but who knows once I get pumped with drugs what happens!?! So at least my next cycle I will know cos they retest your mini immunes a few times during stimm and 2ww to see if they flare up.

This time in 2 weeks I should be starting - I'm terrified if I'm honest I don't think I can handle Ivf Bootcamp to come away with nothing but that's not going to happen is it girls!!! I need to keep positive but scared to be going again.

Baby dust to us all on our continuing journeys xxx
Twinkle - I'm afraid I can't give you details on what gets tested - the team just had the tests run for me ... But MrsE has given you good advice :hugs2:

Sandy - that's great that DH is feeling so much better! I do hope this upward curve continues, you have been through far too much already! All our fingers and toes are crossed that the results come back favourably and that he doesn't need even further treatment before the transplant!
Where are you going for on your week away? I hope you have a lovely, lovely trip!! And that'll make the time until your WTF appointment just fly by!! :kiss:

MrsE : IVF-Bootcamp does sound daunting, but they will take really good care of you there and I am sending out wishes to the Universe for your little miracle! :hugs:
Yes PMA all the way, It's hard not to think about the negatives but it will happen :hugs: xx
Bubu won't you be having a baby shower?

AQ I'm so excited for you to get started! It seems as if everyone on the old thread is far along or has had their babies so it's time for us to as well!

Hopeful it can be so hard can't it? Unfortunately if we don't keep trying we won't get what we want most. Fortunately though if we can hang in there the vast majority of us will get what we so long for. I hope you can hang in there too :hugs:

Twinkle does she know you have immune issues just by looking at you? I had the endo biopsy done this time and I'm glad you reminded me because I never even got any results from it. I hope they figure out what's going on for you.

MrsE your you're amazing for really doing everything you can!

Sandy Yay for hubby going back to work! It must feel great to him to have things a little back to normal. I hope those tests bring the good news you deserve and need.

Afm I have another beta tomorrow. If it's good I will have an u/s early next week. I am 5 weeks today and would like to hold off as long as possible (I'd just worry more if they can't see a heartbeat even though in my head I'd know it would be too early : ) ) but they insist I do it because my history of ectopics. Just taking things one very long day at a time : )
Peachy gosh we go through hell to get pregnant and then the worry doesn't stop esp for us ladies who have had miscarriages or eptopics. I think it's natural to worry ahead of a scan. When I got pregnant I had all symptoms so went into 6wks scan not worrying at all but hey presto a sac but no heartbeat I nearly died cos it was so unexpected. So now I think we all just expect the worst possible to try and prepare but then you want to be positive it will work. It's so hard so give yourself a break, try and keep busy doing nice things and I'm sure the scan will be fine.

Good luck to you.

Sandy - so happy for you and hubby with him back a work it must almost feel like it never happened!?! I know you still have a way to go but wishing you and he a great few weeks ahead for the results. Xxx

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