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Support thread for ladies who have had 3+ failed IVF cycles

Oh Sarah, I am so so very pleased for you! Fabulous news! Really excited (and have a couple of tears pricking my eyes for you) :) :) xoxoxoxo
Now grow, little embies, grow :dust::dust::dust:
That's fantastic news AQ! Really really pleased for you and so glad you stood your ground with the doc about the stims.

Sending you lots of babydust for the transfer x
Thanks heaven!
What a great news! You'll be a PUPO! Yayyyy!
Wishing you all the best for your transfer. Your incubator is way better for 2dt! Turned on and ready for it!
Would you transfer two?
I keep praying for you every day.
Thank you!
Yes if both embies make it to transfer we will be having both transferred ;) please god let them keep growing nicely and be ready for mummy on Sunday <3 xxx
AQ I am so happy for you!! I held my breath a little getting on here to see your news! Now everything better turn out perfect because I can't take this kind of stress : ) :dance: :dust:
Ah thank you! it was a highly stressful morning until the call came! i am breath a sigh of relief now and hopefully relax a little xxx
Hi Sarah & Bugs,

I remember you guys from our Liverpool IVF thread a few years ago & just wanted to say that Bugs I'm so so pleased to see that you are expecting & Sarah I'm really chuffed for you to have your little embies & will keep everything crossed for you.

Best of luck guys :flower:
Ah thank you Lisa! lovely to see you and i cannot believe your LO is almost 2?! where has the time gone!! x

Well ladies, Not long now until our precious embies are transferred! cannot wait until tomorrow, knowing they are with their mother were they should be xxx
Oh tell me about it, I can't believe how fast everything flies by!

I'll be thinking of you tomorrow :hugs:
Everything will be crossed for you tomorrow, Sweetie! Hope both embies are doing well and that they get comfy in your womb for the long haul! :) :dust::dust::dust:
well ladies i am pupo with twins! transfer went very smoothly, the embryologist said our embies are 8 cells each with no fragmentation and excellent quality! Had to sign some papers to say i have been told there is a high chance of twins. OTD is the 4th Oct so let the 2ww madness commence! lol. I am gonna relax and read my magazine and my dad is doing me a roast dinner later so lazy day for me xxx
Amazing news Sarah, Now stay calm and give those embies the best chance to snuggle in xxx
Sarah, that is the best news I've had for a while!! Fabulous! 8 cells and no fragmentation on day 3 is incredible, wonderful .. :wohoo: I am so very happy for you, so excited ...
And don't forget to do a daily 30 mins or so of relaxation, breathing in the warm, golden light, to all parts of your body, then concentrating on your womb, on your little embies, sending positive, warm thoughts with the golden light, accepting them into your uterus, breathing in through your nose, out through your mouth, concentrating on your breathing, then on your little ones in your uterus, sending them thoughts of love and welcoming - and if there are any thoughts of fear or nervousness, listening to them, accepting them and then sending them away to be replaced by calmness, relaxed feelings of warmth and love :)

Can't wait for the 4th October :) :kiss: :dust::dust::dust:
Ahhhh congrats & the 4th October is a very lucky day (Islas birthday) I really hope you have great news then :flower:
Just thought I would write an update from my Journal - copied :)

Good Evening Ladies,

Today, I received the photos from last weekend's photoshoot! :cloud9: We received 103 photos - I have uploaded a selection and am posting the link. Please let me know, if you are able to look at the photos there :)

DH arrived back on Friday, so it has been really lovely having him back home. And to be honest, I am starting to freak out at the concept of Baby P. being here in around 6 weeks! If he shows earlier, than even less than that - and if he is induced on his due date (3rd November), then not much longer than that!! :baby:

Other than that, I am feeling great ... bit like a heffalump, but great nonetheless :) Have been having some Braxton Hicks (always thought they were Baby P. pressing against the side - but read today, that they are probably Braxton Hicks), which are not painful, but at times a little uncomfortable. Nights I tend to wake up every couple of hours to go to the loo - but that's not a big deal. I sleep on my sides, but recently compared myself a bit to a tortoise on its back and struggling to get back on its feet, when I am rolling from one side to the other :D :haha:

Here, the link to the Dropbox, where I have uploaded the selection of photos. We will be doing another photo shoot on the 11th October (on the 10th, we are celebrating our anniversary - last one just the two of us - at the location we got married; eating dinner there and staying the night) and then the next day, we will have another session, this time also with DH :cloud9: - can't imagine a nicer, more special place, to have our maternity shots taken! <3

Babybump Photoshoot 13.09.2014
AQ that is the most amazing news! I honestly couldn't be happier for you both! For how long you've waited getting twins would be a remarkable end and beginning to your journey!
Oh my this is excellent news! AQ are these the best quality embryos you have had. This is so exciting. Rest up and let yourself be pampered by family!
Lisa- Aww how lovely! well i hope to be sharing wonderful news on Isla's special day x

Andrea- OMG the photo's are beautiful! <3 cannot wait to have a bump like that x

Peachy- Thank you and yes twins would be double blessing although obviously we will be delighted as long as we get one <3 How are you doing? x

Jo- Yes best quality we have ever had and we have never had 2 before :D x

AFM- Slept so well last night! feel very calm today and will be for rest of this week. Its as i approach OTD next week that i will start to lose it! haha xxx

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