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Support thread for ladies who have had 3+ failed IVF cycles

We were so so shocked and completely over the moon for it to work twice! Did not expect it at all!
Thanks Dov! how are u doing? x

Well today i have felt spaced out an just odd. I am defo feeling pregnant! its the same feeling i had with my other 2 pregnancies and even tho they were ectopic im sure the preg hormones are just the same?
Now when i was out today, i purchased 2 pregnancy tests and as dh is now going to be working away Thur-Sun i am wondering.... shall i test tomorrow in the hope of seeing a faint BFP?? My OTD is Sat and tomorrow i will be 10dpt3dt so what do i do? i am not a fan of early poas BUT, I have a strong feeling and also i want dh to be here so we can celebrate together before he goes to work? xxx
Sarah, I am so over the moon and delighted. I think you should listen to your gut - yes, HCG is the same hormone, just doesn't rise as quickly with an ectopic pregnancy!!
If you are 13dpo tomorrow, I would go for it!! I got my BFP at 11dpo on a DIGI!! Much less sensitive than the FRERs ...
I just can't wait to finally hear good news from you Sweetie! :dust::dust::dust: :kiss:
Ah thanks honey xx If you tested that early on a digital and got a positive i am gonna test tomorrow as i bought those early detection tests that can be used 4 days before a missed period ;) OMG can't believe im so confident that i am going to test tomorrow!! even if i see 2 lines, i wont believe it after all this time! xxx
It was the only time I tested *lol* it was the day of my first Beta (at my clinic they do them at 6dp5dt and 9dp5dt) and DH kept on saying he was concerned about my swollen belly (which came from the OHSS that had flared up again) - so I thought "what the xxxx" and tested *lol* It was kind of incredible, driving to the clinic for my blood test, knowing what I knew and with a huge grin on my face :D ... It was a bittersweet day, because an Aunt (distant) had died and was being buried that day in Budapest. Normally, I would have been there to pay my respects - so while I was driving to the clinic, I had this huge grin on my face - that was then wiped off my face as I thought of my cousin and family going to the funeral and being sad - and then I had tears rolling down my cheeks, wondering where the fairness in the world is, that I am allowed to be so happy, while they are all so sad ....
Aww how wonderful! my clinic does not do beta's so it all relies on the pregnancy test! getting excited now! xxx
AQ Omg I am so excited/nervous for you! I truly want this to happen for you! If your clinic doesn't do betas then how do they know things are progressing as they should? Do they just do the hpt and make you wait for 6 week u/s? Eek! I'll have to hop on here when I get up in the morning to see your wonderful news!! Just out of curiosity what does chuff mean? I'm probably stupid but we don't use that word here : )
Aww thank you Peachy! Yes i do the hpt on OTD, call them with result and they book me in for a scan 3wks later. Eeeeek. Chuff is anglo-slang for snatch, vagina... lol. Where u hear that? not heard that word for ages! ha x
Omg I had no idea it meant that! On a thread I was on someone said they were chuffed about something. They must not have known what it is either : )
Haha chuffed in that context (adjective rather than noun) means pleased! Us English confusing everyone!

Good luck for tomorrow AQ, keeping everything crossed. Not posted on this thread for a while but been stalking and so hope this is it for you. Xx
peachy- haha yes as Captain explained, 'chuffed' means happy ;) x

Captain- Ah thank you! how are things going? x
Everything going very well for me thanks AQ. Was told to quit ivf in July after 6 failed cycles and told 10% chance if conceiving naturally or via ivf so to save our money. Was given clomid as a consolation - 'it can't hurt' and it worked first month, still early days but scan at 8 weeks all looked on track so keeping hopeful that this might turn out well.

X will be on tomorrow to hear your news! 🙏🙏🙏
:wohoo: captain - fantastic news! :) :happydance:

Funny - I thought of "dead-chuffed" right away and didn't even think of the other meaning *lol*
:wohoo: captain - fantastic news! :) :happydance:

Funny - I thought of "dead-chuffed" right away and didn't even think of the other meaning *lol*

I actually thought about it as 'chuffin' hell' at first when I read the question! AQ you obviously have foofs on the brain :haha:
AQ ... I am soooo beyond excited for you!!! I have been reading along daily, but just haven't posted in awhile. I will be anxiously awaiting the good news tomorrow!!! You deserve every bit of happiness!!! Please keep us updated!!! Xoxox
Aww thanks for all support ladies <3 means the world an dont know how i would of got thru all this without you an hope to god i have happy news to share tomorrow! x

Captain- LMAO! just rem as kids we called our lady bits a 'chuff'! hahaha. x
AQ - just want to say I am so happy you feel this way and definitely looking out for your good news tomorrow. :hugs::hugs:

Bub not long now - be prepared for sore breast and sleepless nights not sure if you already have that now! It is all worth it but boy it will be hard hard work!!
AQ.... Sending up a special prayer for you tonight from Chambersburg Pennsylvania . May this be the close of one difficult chapter, and the beginning of the best one yet. We are all rooting for you!! It's in God's hands, and I have no doubt that the best is yet to come!! Much love!!

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