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Support thread for ladies who have had 3+ failed IVF cycles

AQ, great news! Congrats on being pupo!
Mine kickboxer was grade A-B and we transfer on the day3. Cramping was my first symptom from day one of the transfer and it lasted for a few weeks.
You did all you could and you are doing the right thing, relaxing.....
Hope and pray for the good news soon!

bubumaci, those are wonderful photos in the nature, you are so blessed, happy enjoy each second, cos you don't have much left. i am so excited for you! You are almost at the finish line!

It's the 4th day now and I am fighting cold. I have no fever, only congestion, headache, running nose. The good thing that I am improving and feeling better every day. My baby doesn't seem to be sick, cos he is more active then ussually. Also I had 3 Braxton Hicks contractions in 12 hours.
I have read a research about viral infections during pregnancy. Pregnant woman's immune system is lowered to prevent from body attacking unorn child. Viruses and bacteria may change the womb's enviroment and the baby may have asthma.:( My hubby had asthma when he was a child and my dad has it.
So please stay away from crowded places and eat plenty vitmins fruits and veggies and drink lots of water!
Hi ladies, how is everyone doing? x

i have had since late last night(started when i was in bed) like a 'pinching' small stabbing pain in the pelvic area and in the same position, and i had it for most of today in work and again for a hour tonight so i am praying its a good sign. Have not had it with previous cycles. I have had the cramps from the progesterone and pain in my ovaries from the EC but this is different. PLEASE GOD let it be implantation pains! xxx
AQ this is very good sign. I think I felt that as well with Annabel. At the time I thought it was in my mind but later got the good news. Hoping this is it for you!
AQ I think that sounds very promising! Keep wondering how you're holding up but don't want to nag : ). I always admire those who can hold out and not test. I have no willpower!
Thanks Unlucky and Peachy! i am feeling very positive! do i see that correctly Peachy that you got a BFP at 6dp3dt?!! didnt think the embryo completes inplanting until 7dpt? i will prob poas 2 days early but that is only due to dh working weekends and i want him to be here ;) xxx
That does sound very promising!!
It is pretty early, usually, the embryo develops to a blastocyst by day 5 after fertilisation, then starts hatching and implanting ... So a couple of days after that, you can get a positive result on the very sensitive tests. 9dpo isn't unheard of ;) .. The only time I POASd was this try and had my bfp at 11 dpo on a non-sensitive digital (which recognises HCG from 25 upwards).
Everything is crossed for you :dust::dust::dust:
Thanks Andrea. I am going to test 2 days early so dh is here for the result as he works all weekend. In one way i would be tempted to test early but did that with my first 2 cycles and just upset myself. Would rather stay in the 'pupo bubble' a bit longer? xxx
Oh, how well I remember that PUPO-bubble ... :) What dpo are you when you are testing? (I have a good feeling for you Sarah!!) xoxoxo

You know, I am still in disbelief (if you can believe that)? ... I have this huge belly, with my little man hiccoughing, rolling around inside - and almost every day, I will say to DH "I'm pregnant!!! ... There is a little baby in here!!!" ... Even though I couldn't give up, somehow, I think I had got to the point of not believing that it would work any more, after so many tries - and here we are, almost 9 months later - and still I can't believe ... does that sound nuts?! lol :)
Aww hope your feeling is right Andrea ;) i have a good feeling too but like you said, after fails, it is so, so hard to believe it could work and a actual baby could come from this??! lol. I get what you mean totally. I will be in shock for the whole 9mths too! lol. I think even when we hold our babies, we wont believe they are ours <3 At OTD i will be 13dp3dt xxx
AQ yes I did get my first positive 6dp3dt. I had already tested the trigger out and used a frer after holding my pee for as long as I could. However it was very light and I only drove myself crazy because others had seemed even lighter and I tested a bunch of times during that period before otd and always over analyzed and worried myself senseless. You are smart to hold off. I didn't have to wait so long for otd but you don't do betas do you?

Bubu I know exactly what you mean. Everyday I'm like is this finally really going to happen? I'm always worried something will go wrong. Every week further I get I hope it brings some peace but it never does : ). I have my afp test Tuesday at 17 weeks and my anomaly scan 2 weeks later at 19 weeks. So I have set that new date for myself hoping I feel better about everything after that. I still haven't told everyone about him and sometimes I want to scream it from the rooftops but I'm too afraid as of yet. Ahh well.. one day at a time : )

Ash how are you doing? I hope your consult went well I hope I didn't miss you tell I got about it...
Peachy- Yeah tbh i would not test that early as have read a lot about the line being so faint that women are not sure if its a evap or not an i dont need more stress/upset. lol. I will test a day or 2 early so dh is here for the result as he works away weekends but aside from that i am going to go slightly mad and stay away from the pee sticks ;) xxx
AQ - Congratulations on being PUPO!! Did i read earlier that you had 3 eggs collected? How did they do fert wise ect? Ive been awo; for a bit and in serious need of a catch up! xx

How is everyone else doing? xx
Hi ladies I'm currently overseas on business for a month so just nipped on to see how AQ was doing. Congratulations honey all sounds very hopefull for you. Got everything crossed for you.

I am relying on wifi connections so will pop on when I can!

Hi to everyone else and good luck with impending arrivals! Xxx
Plex- Thank you! half way through the 2ww now! yes we got 3 eggs and 2 of them fertilised and gave us our 'excellent quality' 8 cell embies to transfer <3 praying for our miracle but i am a wreck! How are u doing? x

MrsE- Thank you for popping into see how im doing! whereabouts are you? hope your ok. I am up the wall. Beyond desperate for OTD to be here but utterly terrified too which im sure u know that feeling all too well :( x
Just poking around and so incredibly happy for you AQ!!! It sounds like your whole cycle went well and I have everything crossed for you. Xo
Omg, hi Baby!! lovely to see you popping in and thank you so much! yes everything has gone perfectly this cycle. We just pray it results in our baby/babies :)
Can't believe your LO is 18mths old! i dont know where time goes. I feel i have spent a eternity on ttc boards. Lol. Time to move onto a pregnancy forum i think huh? ;) xxx
Hi ladies, hope everyone is well x

I woke up this morning with achy legs and a slight nausea feeling in my chest and thought 'omg im pregnant'?! its the exact same 'feeling' i had when i was pregnant last time!?! Please god let this be it! i am feeling that it is xxx
Hi africa!!!
I used to be on liverpool womens page on here and check in every now and again.
U have been such a huge support to so many ladies on here and your journey has been sooooo long! I truly hope with all my heart that it is your turn :)
It does sound so so Promising.
Sending an infinite sprinkling of baby dust to you!
Liking what I'm reading, Sarah, liking what I'm reading :) :)
Thanks Nici and wow, congrats on your 2nd pregnancy! you must be over the moon x

Andrea- I am feeling very hopeful! ;) x

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