Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Well after having grand intentions to post in this thread next month, I can just annouce that I have got a huge BFP this morning (cycle no 13 of TTC).

I haven't really had many symptoms but I'll share anyway just in case it helps someone.

1dpo-8dpo - nothing at all of any note.
9dpo - felt a bit nauseous after eating lunch and dinner. Very gassy
10dpo - very gassy. No CM which is normal for me
11dpo - very gassy. No CM which is normal for me
12dpo - less gassy. CM a little watery but not much of it
13dpo - nothing
14dpo - nothing
15dpo (1 day late for AF) - tired, watery cm. knickers feel kind of damp somehow, feeling nauseous on and off. Slightly tender nipples and boobs under arms, but this is normal. Suddenly had diarrhoea which i had
16dpo (2 days late for AF) - tired (slept in late which I never do), watery cm and damp feeling knickers. Feeling nauseous on and off. Slightly tender nipples and boobs under armpits. Tested as AF was late. Glaring BFP on FRER within 10 seconds of testing and with 3MU.

Yayyyyyyy :happydance:
1-4dpo headaches
5 dpo headache bloated Lots of cm
6 dpo headache bloated lots of cm
7 dpo headache bloated cramping
8 dpo headache congestion sore throat
9 dpo headache congestion sore throat bloated fatigue
10 dpo headache congestion sore throat bloated fatigue
11 dpo terrible AF like cramps congestion low bbt feeling pretty out
Thanks for all the wishes and congrats to all the BFPs :happydance:

Gl for the next cycle who all were not able to make it this month...:hugs:
0dpo - sore/tender boobs, EWCM & bad ovulation pains
1dpo - sore boobs & light cramps
2dpo - sore boobs
3dpo - sore boobs
4dpo - sore boobs, light cramps & spotting
5dpo - sore boobs (uncomfortable to sleep), stuffy nose at bedtime & bloated
6dpo - sore boobs (pain increased), increased appetite, sore throat in morning & bloated
7dpo - sore boobs, bloated & light cramps after :sex: , waking up at 6.30am needing to go toilet, increased appetite.
8dpo - sore boobs, increased appetite, bloated, waking up at 6.30am needing to go toilet straight away, irritated/moody.
9dpo - sore boobs, went up a cup size and breasts feel full and heavy, bloated, moody, waking up at 6.30am needing to go toilet.
10dpo - boobs super senitive and feel huge! Bloated really bad, weird tinges/cramps, emotional, craved nachos then felt sick halfway through eating them.

I hope these symptoms are not just in my head. Praying for BFP!!!
I am out. :(

Two minutes before midnight I saw pink CM, but it was the beginning of AF. At least I can track a regular cycle now, but I am really let down.

We BDed so much in the fertile days. All my friends have toddlers or kids in school, and they all were pregnant as soon as they decided to try.
The roller coaster and two weeks wondering really suck too.
Lastly, that was it for a 2013 baby.
Sorry, as I said, I am really let down.
lmp- feb 9 and my cycle is usually 26 days but sometimes 28..
Today is 5dpo

1dpo- nothing really
2dpo- wanted chocolate m&m's real bad! Lol, runny nose (just the right nostril) strange....- started feeling like i was getting sick but didnt feel bad- just the symptoms. Cramping on left side
3dpo- still have congestion...sleepy/tired
4dpo- tired/sleepy, congestion, bb's sore...maybe just my nipples, it's hard to tell. Really thirsty (idk if thats because i cant breathe through my nose and i am breathing through my mouth instead...)
5dpo- dont really have an appetite, except wanting chocolate chip cookies. Face is breaking out, nipples sore and hard most of the time, congestion, tired, gassy

not too sure how to edit my original post showed up....1 day late, but none the less she's here!!
Tww is killing me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im going to wait until 3/3 to test....that makes it 11dpo....that's a start right??!?!?!?!?! Good luck ladies!!
I am out. :(

Two minutes before midnight I saw pink CM, but it was the beginning of AF. At least I can track a regular cycle now, but I am really let down.

We BDed so much in the fertile days. All my friends have toddlers or kids in school, and they all were pregnant as soon as they decided to try.
The roller coaster and two weeks wondering really suck too.
Lastly, that was it for a 2013 baby.
Sorry, as I said, I am really let down.

Sorry AF showed up. I think it gets harder every month. I'm due AF tomorrow and my head is done in with this TWW. I'm the same all my friends either got pregnant without trying or just when they decided.

Thank you, JasperGold. Good luck to you.
It is funny how soothing commiserating posts online can be, but it really does help a little. If I only had RL people to relate to I'd have a harder time feeling normal about the disappointment and not so quickly conceiving.
I am not completely positive which day I ovulated but I think it may have been on March 3rd...

4DPO- BBS sore, slight cramps
5DPO- BBS sore, slight cramping, stuffy nose
6DPO- BBS even more sore with slight nipple tenderness, very tired, a little nausea, dreamed I had a baby, gassy (surprised myself and my husband with a "man" burp), stuffy nose, a little lower back pain

7DPO- BBS are killing me, very tired (could be the time change but I went to bed early), frequent urination, slight cramping, twinge by belly button, feeling bloated, headache, vivid dreams, runny nose

8DPO- Still extremely sore BBS, A little CM this morning, a little pain in lower right Abdomen.

9DPO- BBS are sore, nipples are more sensitive but mostly to touch, lower abdomen was achy (not really crampy but just different) a little CM, a little diarrhea but could be from last nights pot roast, I am craving the red meat! Stuffy nose every morning when I wake up and runny throughout the day.

10DPO- first symptom this morning was dizziness! A little nausea until I ate something. Of course the BBS are still hurting like crazy!

11DPO-tired, just feel off, sinus pressure, craving tea (not sure what this is about but I have been craving tea lately), Boobs and nipples are out of control hurting, they feel a bit firmer. Tested this morning (a few days early) it was negative.

13DPO- woke up feeling like AF is on her way, achey abdomen which usually mean AF is right around the corner... no CM, BBS are killing me and I am exhausted.

I am grateful for this community and this thread!

AF started spotting today... dissappointed.
Sorry AF showed Albany and Lauren. I really hope that you see those bfp's soon :hugs:
Hi ladies, I am new here, and am 10dpo today -

My DH and I have very little chance getting PG on our own due to male factor infertility, but we're still trying! This cycle, which is cycle #13 TTC #1, we really gave it our all, and BD'd a lot around O day. Should be due for AF on Tuesday 3/12 and will test that morning.

1-4 dpo - nothing really

5 dpo - runny nose, extremely chapped lips, no matter how much chapstick I used.

6 dpo - woke up with sore throat and swollen glands and post-nasal drop feeling - felt really "run down" and lathargic all day. in evening around 8pm, had random diarrhea even though I hadn't eaten anything that would've caused it

7 dpo - woke up with post nasal drip again and irritated throat, though I feel much better during the day, still having bouts of lethargy. highest temp that morning of 98.46. no sore boobs

8 dpo - temp dip to 97.99, woke feeling more like myself, but still with a scratchy throat, twinges in uterine area, but I wouldnt call them cramps. no sore boobs.

9 dpo - temp back up to 98.18, woke up feeling stuffy and sneezy , runny nose all day, energy level OK though, throat still a bit scratchy. @dinner time, took a bath, and afterwards went pee, and saw pink cm on the tp when I wiped, just the one time, then nothing. checked cervix, clean finger, no sign of AF, closed cervix. became more lethargic, sneezy and had more of cold as the night went on.

10 dpo - temp up higher to 98.26, feeling miserable with head cold still, now ear pain in both ears. continued mild pinchy cramps on and off - very brief not like AF. cervix still closed. tested this afternoon with FRER at 3pm after 3 hour hold, BFN. AF due in 2 more days.

11 dpo - temp came back down to 97.97 this morning, starting to feel out - have that heavy feeling in uterine area like AF is on her way. Still have head cold/sneezing/ear pain. Sharp pains just to the left and behind my belly button

12 dpo - tested this morning, BFN - AF showed up about 20 minutes after I tested!

Oh well, I have my first appointment with the DR. to begin the IVF process tonight!
Hi ladies, I am new here, and am 10dpo today -

My DH and I have very little chance getting PG on our own due to male factor infertility, but we're still trying! This cycle, which is cycle #13 TTC #1, we really gave it our all, and BD'd a lot around O day. Should be due for AF on Tuesday 3/12 and will test that morning.

1-4 dpo - nothing really

5 dpo - runny nose, extremely chapped lips, no matter how much chapstick I used.

6 dpo - woke up with sore throat and swollen glands and post-nasal drop feeling - felt really "run down" and lathargic all day. in evening around 8pm, had random diarrhea even though I hadn't eaten anything that would've caused it

7 dpo - woke up with post nasal drip again and irritated throat, though I feel much better during the day, still having bouts of lethargy. highest temp that morning of 98.46. no sore boobs

8 dpo - temp dip to 97.99, woke feeling more like myself, but still with a scratchy throat, twinges in uterine area, but I wouldnt call them cramps. no sore boobs.

9 dpo - temp back up to 98.18, woke up feeling stuffy and sneezy , runny nose all day, energy level OK though, throat still a bit scratchy. @dinner time, took a bath, and afterwards went pee, and saw pink cm on the tp when I wiped, just the one time, then nothing. checked cervix, clean finger, no sign of AF, closed cervix. became more lethargic, sneezy and had more of cold as the night went on.

10 dpo - temp up higher to 98.26, feeling miserable with head cold still, now ear pain in both ears. continued mild pinchy cramps on and off - very brief not like AF. cervix still closed. tested this afternoon with FRER at 3pm after 3 hour hold, BFN. AF due in 2 more days.

...IVF initial appointment with DR on Tuesday 3/12 - same day AF is due! would be awesome if I could cancel that appointment.

Good luck! I hope you get your miracle!
0dpo - sore/tender boobs, EWCM & bad ovulation pains
1dpo - sore boobs & light cramps
2dpo - sore boobs
3dpo - sore boobs
4dpo - sore boobs, light cramps & spotting
5dpo - sore boobs (uncomfortable to sleep), stuffy nose at bedtime & bloated
6dpo - sore boobs (pain increased), increased appetite, sore throat in morning & bloated
7dpo - sore boobs, bloated & light cramps after :sex: , waking up at 6.30am needing to go toilet, increased appetite.
8dpo - sore boobs, increased appetite, bloated, waking up at 6.30am needing to go toilet straight away, irritated/moody.
9dpo - sore boobs, went up a cup size and breasts feel full and heavy, bloated, moody, waking up at 6.30am needing to go toilet.
10dpo - boobs super senitive and feel huge! Bloated really bad, weird tinges/cramps, emotional, craved nachos then felt sick halfway through eating them.

I hope these symptoms are not just in my head. Praying for BFP!!!

11dpo - sore boobs (STILL!), bloated, ate a piece of toast halfway through tasted like fish, ate an icy pole halfway through tasted like dirt, nauseous between 7am - 2pm but starving by 3pm & weird tinges/cramps.
Wow there's been a few BFP's since I've been on last so congratulations to all you girls who got them :)... and best of luck to the rest of you this month lots of baby dust to you all

:dust: :dust:
I am not completely positive which day I ovulated but I think it may have been on March 3rd...

4DPO- BBS sore, slight cramps
5DPO- BBS sore, slight cramping, stuffy nose
6DPO- BBS even more sore with slight nipple tenderness, very tired, a little nausea, dreamed I had a baby, gassy (surprised myself and my husband with a "man" burp), stuffy nose, a little lower back pain
7DPO- BBS are killing me, very tired (could be the time change but I went to bed early), frequent urination, slight cramping, twinge by belly button, feeling bloated, headache, vivid dreams, runny nose

still a few more days to go...

I'm having the very same thing with the exhaustion. I went to bed early for time change, too, to compensate. I was exhausted yesterday all day long, and this morning I really would just like to go back to bed!!

Crossing my fingers for you SO hard!!!
March 10: possible o day
1 dpo: some cramps and feeling weepy. Light tension headache.
2 dpo: lower abdominal discomfort and lower backache. Creamy cm plus diarrhoea. Tension headache.
3 dpo: Some cm, creamy on knickers (sorry for tmi). Felt very cold. Tension headache.
4 dpo: cold, feel like I'm falling sick. Little cm today. Some lower backache on the left side. Headache.
5 dpo: bbt was 99 degree Fahrenheit and generally feeling run down. Very little sticky cm

6 dpo: slightly constipated. Weepy. Pulling sensation on right briefly in the evening
7 dpo: weepy. Pulling sensation on right as yesterday briefly in the evening
8 dpo: Hpt negative. Weepy. Felt like sleeping early. BBT low. Increased sex drive
9 dpo: weepy. Slept early. BBT low. Increased sex drive

10 dpo: temp low. Feeling sleepy
11 dpo: evening had cramps AF style and cm through the day
12 dpo: weepy. Really bad gas (sorry for tmi but its really smelly!)
13 dpo: bbt following same pattern as last month. Hate waiting for AF. Super Weepy
14 dpo: super weepy. Slight boob soreness.

15 dpo: felt this am that AF will arrive soon. My luteal phase is 16 days according to FF. boobs bit sore
16 dpo: talk about being weepy. I've found myself tearing when dh leaves for work. Sore boobs

Expecting AF 26th march
For me being weepy is something that starts a week-ten day before AF shows so...
AND AF cramps start about 5-6 days in advance!
As I write this I'm 5 DPO I haven't charted/payed attention to my cycles before, so I don't have much to compare to what is "normal" for me, but I would think that sore bbs is a LP symptom with or without AF.

This time around I had sore bbs around O, but now it's gone :shrug:

I have spell of nausea, but that too I can chalk up to the Progesterone in the LP.

I have twinges in my uterus...but she's a organ living with the constant tides of hormones so why wouldn't she make herself known throughout the cycle :hi:

My pelvic bone feels a bit...weird - like it's sore (I remember having this feeling when I was carrying my older kids, but that was waaaaay out in the pregnancy and I had problem walking because my pelvic area was so loose to prepare for birth), so to think that is something else but just plain weird is stupid, but it's :sulk:

Also 4 DPO blood when brushing teeth...that never happens

And...weird one, my cervix I have a tilted cervix to begin with, but now it's like there is a 2 cm reach before getting to the tip. Difficult to explain...

6 DPO Dip in my BBT and "pin pricks" in my uterus. Continued at 7 DPO too.

7 DPO positive BOAS...waiting to confirm. Pin pricks, rather than cramps in uterus

8 DPO more pin prix

9 DPO Pin prix and twinge by the belly button, frequent urination

10 DPO Skin break outs - feeling like AF is coming. Noticed pee on tp is very yellow (haven't eaten anything out of the ordinary)

11 DPO a nasty evap making me angry/sad. Feeling dizzy in PM

12 DPO spotting when checking cp...she's coming.. =/

13 DPO still spotting...when I say spotting, I mean tanned coloured creamy cm...still no pissin' AF and temp keep dipping.

Anyway, that's about it - I will update as I go along on my way to AF/BFP and will turn the colour of the text accordingly.

GL to all you ladies out there :flower:
I'm having the very same thing with the exhaustion. I went to bed early for time change, too, to compensate. I was exhausted yesterday all day long, and this morning I really would just like to go back to bed!!

Crossing my fingers for you SO hard!!![/QUOTE]

I slept until 10 this morning, guess it was like sleeping until 9 but seriously I was shocked! Hoping for your BFP too!!!!!!!
well ladies, after 11 days of being late and seeing so many bfns i finally got AF this morning and I've never been happier to see her !!! I cant wait until im on the tww again so i can come back and post my dpo. Good luck to those testing soon and for all of us starting again fingerx :)

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