Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Redlemonade: So sorry to hear dear :hugs: sometimes you just have to do what is least stressful to you. Best of luck.
CD5 bfn showed low circle
CD6 bd (dtd) no opk test
CD7 bd (dtd) no opk test
CD8 clp (cute little positive) showed flashy smiley bd (dtd) with a condom to hold out for solid face(go y's!)
CD 9 am clp flashy face again
CD 9 pm clp flashy face again no BD today
CD 10 FMU (7am) BFP solid smiley!!
CD 10 Oday?! (7 pm -12 am) extremely bad cramps/ pain on left sided3.5 in southeast of belly button
CD 10 (11pm) BD doggie for boy- felt bruised when he hit cervix - would have stopped if wasn't TTC

DPO 1: still cramps not as bad- DH gone to FD to work. No bd
DPO 2: no cramps opk negative (low circle) BD anyways nipples painful when pinched or pressed upon- sensitive the rest of time.
DPO 3: light cramps twinge feelings in uteral area. Nipples extremely painful BD just for the heck of it- gas pains
DPO 4: no cramps yet nips still a little sensitive, bbs feel fuller. Gassy. Exhausted tonight. CM creamy
DPO 5: discrediting All symptoms from today because of horrible stomach bug. Ewe!!!
DPO 6: still recovering from virus but had horrible backache all day long. Went to bed at 8pm
DPO 7: woke up with nauseous feeling in stomach not throwing up though and faded later in am. CM still creamy BFN on Frer
DPO 8: No real symptoms today besides bi**hiness.... DH and DDs can attest. :/ PMS?!?
Thoughts anyone? CM still creamy BFN on 10 miu

So... little disheartened today. A lot of women I know and have been chatting with are getting their positives. I am SUPER happy for them, especially since I know the love a child can bring and most of them don't. I literally smile everytime I see someone got their BFP. I hold no resentment or bitterness towards them! I just want my own too. I have taken countless tests sometimes 2-3 times a day with nothing. I know it is early, I just am starting to doubt as my symptoms are proofing to be more like PMS...... B***hyness and all. I find out more and more information about my own body each day. I now LOVE charting! I know my cervix a little better and DH seriously thinks I am crazy. ;)

I keep squinting and tweaking pictures of my tests hoping for something... NOTHING. Then today, I had a POSITIVE RESULT 2 minutes after peeing- bright dark pink!!!! Showed hubby. He confirmed it and literally two seconds later it faded away before our eyes.... Was a negative test. :(

So yeah that's where I am, moody and stuck with Big Fat Negatives. I was originally on this journey not expecting at all to conceive the first cycle, but who am I kidding?!? What woman on earth tries to make a baby and stays happy when the tests continue to show negative.

GAHHH... Sorry for ranting. Love you all- wish everyone best of luck with FMU tomorrow!!
Tested this morning at 10dpo with a faint line. Not a squinter, but faint. It was definitely pink. Not sure what to think about it though bc I tested yesterday at 9dpo and not even a hint of a line! So....I have been holding my pee since's 10:10am now. Gonna hold for as long as I can now, and retest with an IC again. If there is another line, I have FRER and digitals under the sink. Geez I wish I would have saved that pee! :haha:

Anyone else ever have a negative, then a positive the next day? Right now I am not sure if I can trust the test!
Tested this morning at 10dpo with a faint line. Not a squinter, but faint. It was definitely pink. Not sure what to think about it though bc I tested yesterday at 9dpo and not even a hint of a line! So....I have been holding my pee since's 10:10am now. Gonna hold for as long as I can now, and retest with an IC again. If there is another line, I have FRER and digitals under the sink. Geez I wish I would have saved that pee! :haha:

Anyone else ever have a negative, then a positive the next day? Right now I am not sure if I can trust the test!

Yes, I have! When I was pregnant with my first daughter I was testing, testing, testing and getting nothing, like normal. Finally, the day before my period was due (14dpo), I tested with a really cheap HPT that I'd purchased in bulk from Ebay using FMU...nothing. Later that day I started to feel really tired and noticed that I was not spotting, like I normally did a few days before my period so I dug the last test out of the trash (about 7 hours later), and there was a line, but clearly it was wayyyyy too late to consider it accurate. We decided that I would test the next day if AF didn't show by the time I finished with work. Well, it didn't I tested around 2p.m. using a First Response Test and got my :bfp: immediately! Congratulations to you! :happydance:
I'm remaining cautiously hopefully about the whole thing. I took my FRER from earlier apart. I could see the line much more clearly. I also took another IC without holding my pee, and there was still a line, but REALLY faint on that one. Here are some pics of those 2 tests.

Let me know what you think!

And here are a couple with some little black notches to help you find the line:
Alright i'll play

march 19th was o day... had ovulation pain and creamy/sticky em
20th - 1dpo .... cramps and alot of CM
21st - 2dpo... cramps/well more like pressure and gas and still alot of CM
22nd - 3dpo... pressure all over...some crams on the lower left of my abdomen...sore bbs and alot of CM till afternoon like 2pm time...its gone now..still having alot of pressure
23rd -4dpo... had an obgyn appt and was given medicine, can't count any symptoms this day or the next BC the meds give me the metallic taste and cramps
24th- 5dpo - So i yesterday i didnt really have any cramps..of course i took my last meds today, but oddly i didn't have any cramps till this evening a very sharp pain at the very lower part of my abdomen, went away after like 20 or so mins but is gone and only hurts when i move alot..tom i can symptom spot yay! lol
25th - 6dpo - on and off cramps left to right side, some quick pains under my arms, peeing maybe a lil more, tightness in my stomach, every poke on my stomach hurts, not sure what's going on anymore, and creamy white cm, temp dip this morning, ready for tom!
26th- 7dpo- Temp about the same, weird empty feeling still...very yellow pee?? and creamy sticky CM. I'm not getting my hopes up but just trying to patiently wait.
27th -8dpo - temp still up, dizzy runny nose, smelling a lot is smells, sore throat, cramps after going up stairs, thought I seen a bfp line, second guessing myself, wet down there. While laying in bed right now I smell latex condoms, haven't had one of those in here in a while lol ??
28th thru the 1st of april- 9dpo - 13dpo - not much going on...some cramps here and there, on the 1st really strong AF type cramps...cept i normally break out and thats how i know AF is coming cause my face looks horrible...but nothing so far, Face is super clean and smooth. Nothing down there cept creamy CM, have thought AF arrived a few times but nothing. Really hot and sweaty at night time. Really now 100 percent sure this is our month, ATM i am about 50/50...Guess we shall see, not testing till friday!

When AF was 2 days late i started spotting which i never do and i started the next day...weird. but hey i'm ready for next month!! Going to BD BD BD BD!! lol

due for AF April 9th 2013
Praying that witch stays home!
I'm feeling more hope, ladies! On top of all my other symptoms, the one thing I was concerned about seems to be getting better! My cm was almost non-existent and weird, but now it''s becoming more creamy white and more plentiful! I feel so much hope! I test in the morning! Cross your fingers and pray for me! <3 Lot's of :dust: and :hugs: to all those testing tomorrow and over the weekend! <3
LoveSanrio- I see lines on both!!! I am sure that you will get stronger lines on future test. Yes, they are light but you got TWO lines on two different brands of tests in the same day....there's something to that. Be encouraged and please keep us posted.
Gohan- Best wishes to you tomorrow. I really hope that you get your BFP and turn your post to green!
I found this post and found it super informative. I love how she broke this down for all of you (us!!!) that AREN'T getting BFP at 10 dpo.

hCG doubles every 48 hours. You can have a level of 1 - 5 in a non pregnant state.

Implantation could belater than you think.

If a woman implants at 8dpo, with a 'non pregnant' hCG level of 1 [Which is totally normal] it would rise as follows

8dpo - 1miu hcg
10dpo - 2miu
12dpo - 4miu
14dpo [Day AF is typically due] - 8miu
16dpo - 16miu

So this lady wouldn't finnd out until 15dpo on a very senstive 10miu pregnancy test, superdrug own or possibly asda own. Obviously if she implants LATER than 8dpo [which is normal] she will find out even later.

Now, Take a lady who implants at 8dpo, But has a'Non pregnant' hCG level of 5. Hers looks like this;

8dpo - 5miu
10dpo- 10miu - Could find out here on superdrug own, internet cheapie
12dpo - 20miu - Could find out here with freedom cheapie strip/most poundland tests and asda own]
14dpo - 40miu [day period is typically due] Most tests would pick it up here

So, This lady, Even though implantation is on the same say for both ladies, Can find out MUCH sooner. Now, If this lady were to implant at 6dpo she could potentially find out at just 8dpo. But if the first lady were to implant at 12dpo, She would find out even later, Even if they have the same cycle and OV days!

I've been looking for this post for ages because I am desperately clutching at straws lol! So interesting, fingers crossed it's true because I may have implanted just yesterday which would mean I wouldn't get a BFP for another 3 days or so!
Well mine was ok.... spent the day shopping with family yesterday and had HORRIBLE pains that lasted literally minutes and then went away. I looked and DH and said that was really odd.

Went and bought more pg tests because I am obsessed. LOL I have been taking two a day since 8DPO. With both of my girls I found out on a Sunday before AF was due. Not very confident this cycle though because if you go look at my chart my temp dropped from

8DPO- 98.13
9DPO- 98.03
10DPO- 97.93

(slightly decreasing so figured AF was on her way)

This AM got up at 5 to take my temp it went back up to 98.23 (WHAT IS WITH ME AND 3'S????)

Took a test a 5am cuz I had to pee... Seen a very very faint line- figured it was evap and went back to bed.
Got up at 9 and figured WTH, I heard SMU works better sometimes, let's try once more and be done for the day.... WHAT DO YOU KNOW?!?! shot from the toilet at post test 30 seconds.... and then again in the bathroom wth different backrounds :) ALL within 2 minutes

SO 11DPO on a Sunday just like with my girls...... :) SO I went back and edited my chart and turned it GREEN!!!!
Congratulations!! Great lines for so early xx

Well mine was ok.... spent the day shopping with family yesterday and had HORRIBLE pains that lasted literally minutes and then went away. I looked and DH and said that was really odd.

Went and bought more pg tests because I am obsessed. LOL I have been taking two a day since 8DPO. With both of my girls I found out on a Sunday before AF was due. Not very confident this cycle though because if you go look at my chart my temp dropped from

8DPO- 98.13
9DPO- 98.03
10DPO- 97.93

(slightly decreasing so figured AF was on her way)

This AM got up at 5 to take my temp it went back up to 98.23 (WHAT IS WITH ME AND 3'S????)

Took a test a 5am cuz I had to pee... Seen a very very faint line- figured it was evap and went back to bed.
Got up at 9 and figured WTH, I heard SMU works better sometimes, let's try once more and be done for the day.... WHAT DO YOU KNOW?!?! shot from the toilet at post test 30 seconds.... and then again in the bathroom wth different backrounds :) ALL within 2 minutes

SO 11DPO on a Sunday just like with my girls...... :) SO I went back and edited my chart and turned it GREEN!!!!
Hey ladies, I don't really symptom spot so not sure on the dpo. I am on my fourth month of clomid. Had a mid cycle ultrasound which had 11 eggs two which were of size. I am 11dpo today with super sore boobs under my arm pits. I've had some weird twinges and cramps on and off throughout the tww. I am testing tomorrow morning.
Hey ladies, I don't really symptom spot so not sure on the dpo. I am on my fourth month of clomid. Had a mid cycle ultrasound which had 11 eggs two which were of size. I am 11dpo today with super sore boobs under my arm pits. I've had some weird twinges and cramps on and off throughout the tww. I am testing tomorrow morning.

Good luck hun! That was the FIRST thing I noticed with my last baby. Sore bbs under the armpits! Let us know how it goes!

Congrats to everyone with a BFP!!

So as for me, AF was due today, and she is a no show! I peed in a cup to test this morning, and then noticed I have no tests left!! UGH! I'm going to run out and stock up on like, 4 different brands tomorrow afternoon, and probably take them all! That is, if AF is still an no show. I didnt temp this month, so I cant say for sure when I O'd, but I always have a temp rise the day after my first positive OPK. I did have one thing different happen this cycle though. I had my first positive OPK, but the next day I had a blaring positive OPK. I should still go by the first positive, right? I have NEVER had a blaring positive before, only a test line as dark as the control line. Does this mean I might have O'd later? Anyone ele have this happen to them and O on the same day as their blaring positive?

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