hellooooo again....cycle # 3
took my first OPK ever clear blue digi, got a smile on CD 10 and CD 11 (March 26, 27) then a negative OPK on CD 13 (March 29)
1-4 dpo i have only experienced cramps on left side, and slight nausea and hunger at same time. Me thinks its just in my head.
5DPO - cramps on left side, strange smell in private area, more lotion cm, could not sleep good last night. anxiety attacks.
6 DPO- cramps, lotion creamy cm, nausea (but might be from eating so much Gosh i ate all day),
experienced a sharp pain in right breast for about 2 minutes
7DPO- irritable, crampy, nausea, lower backache, and alil bloated. frequent urination (might be from all the water)
8DPO- very irritable, nausea in the morning and throughout the day, gassy, boobs hurt, sore throat, and lotion cm, cp is high soft and open i think i can't really tell the open and closed thing.
9DPO - painful when having sex with hubby (cervix is low),
boobs hurt, gassy, lotion cm (but not alot), cp is low, medium, and i can't tell if its open or closed, nauseated throughout night and up til now. i don't know seems like i always have these same symptoms every month...getting discouraged.