Hi ladies! I'm quickly becoming obsessed in this TWW! So glad to have found you all in this thread to symptom spot with!
Quick background: we were NTNP this month but BD'd the day before & day I O'd this month. We were waiting til June to "officially" start TTC #2. We already have a beautiful 2 year old DD!
O day: cramps
1-3 DPO: nothing
4 DPO: backache, bloated, constipation, cramps, very slightly tender breasts, queasy, & increased cervical fluid (like right before AF)
5 DPO: cramps, increased cervical fluid, tender breasts, and a single shooting vaginal pain (like I used to get often later on when PG with my DD)
6 DPO - Sobbed at my daughter's first dance recital! Backache, increased cervical fluid, & feeling queasy
7 DPO - Backache, constipation, & fatigue (OMG - eyes burning, wanted to fall asleep at work, got in bed super early, didn't want to do ANYTHING!)
8 DPO - Backache, cramps, fatigue (same extreme as before), gassy, REALLY bad indigestion - I'm talking acid up & down my throat all day, pretty bad nausea this morning that popped up here & there again throughout the day, tender nips & breasts, breasts feel full, & increased cervical fluid.
Still not convinced I'm pregnant, but after all those "symptoms" if I get a BFN this month I'm REALLY going to try not to symptom spot next cycle!
9 DPO - fatigue, cramps, tender breasts, backache, queasy
10 DPO - WHOA HELLO TENDER BREASTS lol. What I thought was tender before is nothing compared to today! This is def out of the ordinary! Also still have fatigue, cramps, backache, & feeling a bit queasy from time to time. Becoming weepy really easily, too. Starting to believe this might actually be my month!!!
11 DPO: tender breasts, minor cramping, MASSIVE headache, creamy cm, fatigue, backache, and still queasy from time to time. Not very hungry - appetite is def down. And my chart went triphasic!

check it out!
12 DPO: backache, bloated, constipation, AF type cramping, fatigue, little bit of nausea (especially in the AM), slightly tender breasts, increased cervical fluid. Chart no longer considered triphasic

(see FF chart above)
13 DPO: backache, cramps, fatigue, frequent urination, gassy, headache, slightly tender breasts. Chart temp back up again (see FF chart above)
14 DPO: backache, AF type cramps, slightly dizzy upon waking, headache, very slightly tender breasts. Chart temp back down again (see FF chart above)
15 DPO: backache, AF type cramps, slight (short lived) nausea in morning. CM is super creamy & a bit thick (sorry, TMI). Chart temp down another tenth (see FF chart above). Really feeling down & like I'm out...
2 more days til testing. Not due for AF til June 18th... Thanks for reading!