Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Thanks! I'll still be stalking for all you guys.
I THINK I know when I O'd just by the presence of EWCM. We DTD on the day after only.
2 dpo- fatigue and cramps
3 dpo- fatigue and cramps
4 dpo- fatique , cramps, some queasiness and craving sweets
5 dpo- drop in milk supply (I'm breastfeeding a 10 month old) and I randomly just could not get back to sleep after nursing my daughter at 2 am. So odd! Also got some really uncomfortable cramps before bed.
6 dpo- diarrhea
7 dpo- fatique and cramps
8-13 dpo fatigue cramps sweet cravings

Tested on 13 dpo and got a bfn so I'm sure I'm out. Af hasn't shown yet and i'm 14 dpo today

I'm going to test at 12 dpo... I don't have my hopes up, and I honestly wouldn't have thought much about pregnancy but I've just been SO tired.
Hey girls! How you all doing today??
Witch finally showed her ugly fave today few hours ago. Is pretty heavy and I have lots of cramps :(
I'll be calling my REs office on Monday to know what is next. I am a little bit concerned about the weird spotting I had this cycle tho. Hope is nothing bad!
Sending you all a big :hugs:
This thread helped me so much.

Not sure when ovulation was due to opk sticks being negative, but w ewcm it should have been 5/26
Day 1-nothing
Day 2- facial acne
Day 3- strange sensation cramp in abdomen that stopped after 1 min
Day 4- morning nausea, acne(not acne prone)
Day 5- extreme sore bbs
Day 6-10- sore bbs, nausea, extreme fatigue
Day 10- + FrER and digi, CB + 1-2 wks.
BFP :happydance:
My OH went to get the swimmers checked today :happydance: we should know by tomorrow or Wednesday...We don't think anything is wrong we just wanna cover every possible avenue...I go see the dr tomorrow to see if I can get clomid...fx!
This thread helped me so much.

Not sure when ovulation was due to opk sticks being negative, but w ewcm it should have been 5/26
Day 1-nothing
Day 2- facial acne
Day 3- strange sensation cramp in abdomen that stopped after 1 min
Day 4- morning nausea, acne(not acne prone)
Day 5- extreme sore bbs
Day 6-10- sore bbs, nausea, extreme fatigue
Day 10- + FrER and digi, CB + 1-2 wks.
BFP :happydance:

congrats :happydance:
This thread helped me so much.

Not sure when ovulation was due to opk sticks being negative, but w ewcm it should have been 5/26
Day 1-nothing
Day 2- facial acne
Day 3- strange sensation cramp in abdomen that stopped after 1 min
Day 4- morning nausea, acne(not acne prone)
Day 5- extreme sore bbs
Day 6-10- sore bbs, nausea, extreme fatigue
Day 10- + FrER and digi, CB + 1-2 wks.
BFP :happydance:

Hey everyone! New to forums and on my first month ttc (though I've been stalking for awhile...). I decided to actually join in and post because it is really difficult obsessing alone!

I have kind of irregular cycles -- pretty consistently 27ish days, but every few months I'll get a 24 or 32 cycle and I don't know exactly when I ovulated but I believe it was on 28/05 (cd14), as far as the cm was telling me anyway.

1-6 dpo: not a whole lot to report
7 dpo: my bbs aren't sore (weird for me), my gums hurt though?, nauseated on and off
8-10 dpo: boobs are huge but pain free, gums and intermittent
nausea, tired/not sleeping well
11 dpo: same as above, convinced my one nip is bigger somehow, light brown cm when I checked cp (we're still getting acquainted so not sure how high/closed), checked later regular white cm

I'm sure there's more I could add, but I've been trying really, really hard not to symptom check too much and get my hopes up. Unless I'm having an off month, AF should show in 3 days.

Anyway, happy to be able to share this. Counting the days til AF has been making me crazy!! It's nice knowing I'm not alone :flower:
Hi everyone. Loving this thread so thought id join we are ttc #3 on our 6th cycle af is due Sunday 14/5.

6 dpo- fatigue, slight cramps, headache
7dpo- extreme fatigue (napped with my ds), slight nausea, sore bbs
8dpo- extreme fatigue (napped again!), extreme nausea even gagged a few times, sharp pain in bbs
9dpo- extreme fatigue, nausea, gone off food, lots of ewcm (feeling 'wet' down there like af is coming)
10dpo- I gave in and tested with a FRER, bfn of course. Now wishing I hadn't as it's completely killed all my hope for this month. Nausea not as bad, light cramping, yellowish cm, fatigue.

Good luck everyone!
So I'm embarrassed to even say that somehow I managed to read every page of this thread, but I celebrated with some of you when you got your BFPs, and felt terrible when some of you had MCs. I feel like I know everyone!

I am 30 and my husband is 33. We are TTC #1. I have never been pregnant, and this is our second cycle TTC. We decided a few days too late to start trying last month, and I just went by my EWCM to guess when I ovulated. We started on the last day I saw the EWCM, but did it like crazy the whole following week. It was our 1 year anniversary trip. :kiss::kiss::kiss:

I proceeded to drive myself absolutely insane with symptom spotting, but I sure did learn a lot about what our bodies go through. I was convinced I was pregnant, but was also relieved when AF finally showed up and we could try again. I started charting my BBT and took OPKs to pinpoint my ovulation day.

1DPO: Fatigue, Headache, started getting a scratchy throat

2DPO: Bloated, Cramps, Gassy, Headache, Heartburn, Irritable, breasts started becoming tender

3DPO: Peeing often, slight nausea, skin breaking out, tender breasts

4DPO: While I was studying, I was finally distracted from symptoms and caught myself pressing down and rubbing on the left side of my lower abdomen, because it had a sharp, pinching cramp. Got excited for a new symptom when I realized what I was doing lol. Diarrhea, gas, heartburn, boobs hurting more

(TODAY) 5DPO: Had a cramp on the left side of my back today, still have diarrhea, gas, heartburn, irritable, boobs feel like BOWLING BALLS and almost make me want to cry, they hurt so bad.

I got sore breasts last cycle a week before my period, but I've never had them hurt this much before. Makes me wonder if the presence of sperm in my body causes extra progesterone symptoms after ovulation? I'm telling myself I'm not going to be pregnant to avoid being let down, but symptom searching and reading this thread have been a great way to kill time lol. But never have I had this much pain in my boobs, and I don't know what's different this time, besides having unprotected sex 6 days in a row!
So I'm embarrassed to even say that somehow I managed to read every page of this thread, but I celebrated with some of you when you got your BFPs, and felt terrible when some of you had MCs. I feel like I know everyone!

I am 30 and my husband is 33. We are TTC #1. I have never been pregnant, and this is our second cycle TTC. We decided a few days too late to start trying last month, and I just went by my EWCM to guess when I ovulated. We started on the last day I saw the EWCM, but did it like crazy the whole following week. It was our 1 year anniversary trip. :kiss::kiss::kiss:

I proceeded to drive myself absolutely insane with symptom spotting, but I sure did learn a lot about what our bodies go through. I was convinced I was pregnant, but was also relieved when AF finally showed up and we could try again. I started charting my BBT and took OPKs to pinpoint my ovulation day.

1DPO: Fatigue, Headache, started getting a scratchy throat

2DPO: Bloated, Cramps, Gassy, Headache, Heartburn, Irritable, breasts started becoming tender

3DPO: Peeing often, slight nausea, skin breaking out, tender breasts

4DPO: While I was studying, I was finally distracted from symptoms and caught myself pressing down and rubbing on the left side of my lower abdomen, because it had a sharp, pinching cramp. Got excited for a new symptom when I realized what I was doing lol. Diarrhea, gas, heartburn, boobs hurting more

(TODAY) 5DPO: Had a cramp on the left side of my back today, still have diarrhea, gas, heartburn, irritable, boobs feel like BOWLING BALLS and almost make me want to cry, they hurt so bad.

I got sore breasts last cycle a week before my period, but I've never had them hurt this much before. Makes me wonder if the presence of sperm in my body causes extra progesterone symptoms after ovulation? I'm telling myself I'm not going to be pregnant to avoid being let down, but symptom searching and reading this thread have been a great way to kill time lol. But never have I had this much pain in my boobs, and I don't know what's different this time, besides having unprotected sex 6 days in a row!

Hey welcome and fx for ur BFP :happydance:
Alright, I'm back in for TTC#1 cycle 9... Have been kinda taking a break this cycle as far as tracking every little thing, lol! Me and the hubby took a mini weekend vacation for Memorial day, so I have been kind of slacking on charting and all that!:haha: But I kept charting just enough to know "about" when I ovulated, so I'm not out yet!

Oday: Some mild cramps, and light spotting...

1-4DPO: Didn't really pay attention to every little thing, so nothing to report:haha:
Alright, I'm back in for TTC#1 cycle 9... Have been kinda taking a break this cycle as far as tracking every little thing, lol! Me and the hubby took a mini weekend vacation for Memorial day, so I have been kind of slacking on charting and all that!:haha: But I kept charting just enough to know "about" when I ovulated, so I'm not out yet!

Oday: Some mild cramps, and light spotting...

1-4DPO: Didn't really pay attention to every little thing, so nothing to report:haha:

Welcome back :happydance:
Hi ladies! I'm quickly becoming obsessed in this TWW! So glad to have found you all in this thread to symptom spot with!

Quick background: we were NTNP this month but BD'd the day before & day I O'd this month. We were waiting til June to "officially" start TTC #2. We already have a beautiful 2 year old DD!

O day: cramps
1-3 DPO: nothing
4 DPO: backache, bloated, constipation, cramps, very slightly tender breasts, queasy, & increased cervical fluid (like right before AF)
5 DPO: cramps, increased cervical fluid, tender breasts, and a single shooting vaginal pain (like I used to get often later on when PG with my DD)
6 DPO - Sobbed at my daughter's first dance recital! Backache, increased cervical fluid, & feeling queasy
7 DPO - Backache, constipation, & fatigue (OMG - eyes burning, wanted to fall asleep at work, got in bed super early, didn't want to do ANYTHING!)
8 DPO - Backache, cramps, fatigue (same extreme as before), gassy, REALLY bad indigestion - I'm talking acid up & down my throat all day, pretty bad nausea this morning that popped up here & there again throughout the day, tender nips & breasts, breasts feel full, & increased cervical fluid.

Still not convinced I'm pregnant, but after all those "symptoms" if I get a BFN this month I'm REALLY going to try not to symptom spot next cycle!

9 DPO - fatigue, cramps, tender breasts, backache, queasy
10 DPO - WHOA HELLO TENDER BREASTS lol. What I thought was tender before is nothing compared to today! This is def out of the ordinary! Also still have fatigue, cramps, backache, & feeling a bit queasy from time to time. Becoming weepy really easily, too. Starting to believe this might actually be my month!!!

11 DPO: tender breasts, minor cramping, MASSIVE headache, creamy cm, fatigue, backache, and still queasy from time to time. Not very hungry - appetite is def down. And my chart went triphasic! :happydance: check it out!

12 DPO: backache, bloated, constipation, AF type cramping, fatigue, little bit of nausea (especially in the AM), slightly tender breasts, increased cervical fluid. Chart no longer considered triphasic :nope: (see FF chart above)

13 DPO: backache, cramps, fatigue, frequent urination, gassy, headache, slightly tender breasts. Chart temp back up again (see FF chart above)

14 DPO: backache, AF type cramps, slightly dizzy upon waking, headache, very slightly tender breasts. Chart temp back down again (see FF chart above)

15 DPO: backache, AF type cramps, slight (short lived) nausea in morning. CM is super creamy & a bit thick (sorry, TMI). Chart temp down another tenth (see FF chart above). Really feeling down & like I'm out... :nope:

2 more days til testing. Not due for AF til June 18th... Thanks for reading! :flower:
Today is 6DPO, and this morning, after a BM, I had a tiny amount of beige-y/pinky/yellowy CM after wiping. I've been pretty dry since O. It was such an odd color that I can't really describe it. I almost wish I had taken a picture LOL! So gross! It was interesting, but who knows, maybe I get that every month and just haven't noticed it before.
Hello ladies, I thought I'd read every page but then I realized there are 440 of them:haha: So I think this is an awesome thread and I'd like to join in.

So here goes:

O day - o pain on the right
1 dpo - nothing
2 dpo - bloating
3 dpo - more bloating
4 dpo - headache, fatigue, horny as hell, indigestion
5 dpo - bloating, constipation, that annoying pain on the right side and slight lower back pain, really tired, twinges in uterus, indigestion
6 dpo (today) - still having a slight pain on the right side, fatigue, slight crampy feeling in uterine area, bloating, twinges in breasts, weird sour ish metallic taste in my mouth, indigestion getting annoying everything burns my stomach
7 dpo - 6/11/15 pain in my side has diminished, breasts are feeling heavy, loads of gas and bloat, extreme fatigue, snacking like crazy, having a pinching stretching feeling in my uterus, continued indigestion, frequent urination although I haven't had much of anything to drink....
8 dpo - 6/12/15 - breast still feel heavy and are having twinges, bloat, gas, indigestion, pinches, stretching and twinges in uterus, fatigue, headache, dizziness, ever so slight nausea

9DPO -6/13/15 - headache, lower back backache, electric shock like twinges and cramping in uterus, dizziness, fatigue, slight nausea, hungry, cravings, bloated, very very very gassy, heavy feeling in breasts

10DPO - 6/14/15 - Temp dropped today by .3 degrees hope it's implantation and not a sign of AF. Headache, nausea, backache, food aversions/cravings, dizziness, :BFN: when I panicked and tested early....AF due on Wednesday. Lots of creamy white CM with some clear stretchy, Nauseated.

11DPO - 6/15/15 - Temp dropped again today to below coverline so I know AF is on the way, I've already started spotting...stupse....and two days early mind u....O well I'm off to the next round I guess....CD 1 today
I am 8DPO in my 7th cycle TTC

1-4 DPO Nothing
5- Leg Cramp at night and heartburn
6-7 DPO Bloating, Heartburn, tinges/cramps, Wet CM
8 DPO bloating went down and extreme fatigue
10-11 DPO fatigue and sore bbs
12 DPO nauseous and sore bbs

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