Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Already on to the next tww...

1 DPO: Nothing really, just a bit of a mood drop
2 DPO: Still nothing, woke up feeling warm, mood ok
3 DPO: mood swing, some mild pain on right side, woke up feeling warm
4 DPO: Mood swing
5 DPO: Nothing
6 DPO: Some pain/discomfort on right side, slightly sore nipples, inreased libido, sticky/watery cm, cp - HSC, fatigue
7 DPO: Some pain in right bb, sticky/watery cm, cp - HSC feels flat, pain on right side, BFN
8 DPO: Same pain in right bb, itchy/sensitive nipples, sticky/watery cm, cp - HFC, BFN
9 DPO: Temp pretty level for this LP, should drop tomorrow, counting myself out and already preparing for the next cycle, BFN
10 DPO: Temp drop right on schedule. Alright AF...happy new year to me...let's just get this over with...

Update: I poas because I just wanted to be sure before going out to celebrate new years tonight. I was certain it would be a BFN...but lo and behold a vvf line appeard. So I pulled out another brand and again a vvf. So I pulled out a third brand and yet again a vvf line. I flipped out and then ran to the store for some epts and a digital. I've been skeptical and not wanting to let the words leave my mouth just in case I'm wrong, but I ept was pretty clear...I have my BFP!!!

Looking back, the only big difference from other cycles was my CM. it usually goes sticky, tacky about half way through my LP...but this time it was watery, which I had never seen before. Watery and clear, but not slippery like during my fertile window. I noted it as watery/sticky since it wasn't slippery but really it wasn't very sticky at all. I just wasn't sure how to classify it. It is still the same now a few days after my BFP. All the other crazy symptoms that I used to think meant I was pg were completely absent.

We did two things differently this cycle: 1) I stayed horizontal for 5-10 minutes before getting up to clean off. Nothing fancy. No legs in the air or pillows under hips. 2) I cut out alcohol during my FP since this is the phase in which the egg develops and alcohol has been shown to affect egg quality. Could be coincidental, but if not hope it helps!
I posted my first cycle in this thread last month but unfortunately it ended in a :bfn: but here I am on cycle #2!!! Will update each day!

CD 11 - + opk

CD 12 - O day!!

1-4dpo - cramps

5dpo - cramps, fatigue, cold symptoms, dizziness, headache, backache, gas

6dpo - cold completely gone (weird), constant feeling that AF is literally moments away, cramps, fatigue, headache, backache, gas

7dpo - still feel like AF is seconds away from starting, very dry cm, cramps cramps CRAMPS!, fatigue, headache, backache, gas, increase in appetite

8dpo - lots of cramping, cm is back (was a little worried by that), random moments of nausea but nothing major, backache, gas, increase in appetite

9dpo - MERRY CHRISTMAS! Cramps, backache, bloating, gas, acne, :bfn:

10dpo - creamy cm, cramps, so nauseous at a family Christmas game night I almost threw up several times, fatigue, backache, bloating, gas, :bfn:

11dpo - cramps, major fatigue, backache, cold symptoms, :bfn:

12dpo - no symptoms really... Had what I thought was a BFN but looked at it later and saw the faintest hint of a line but couldn't get a picture of it. All of my symptoms are completely gone today though. However, my nipples are slightly more sensitive. Areolas look a little puffy but not dark and nipple looks dark purple. No cramps, no fatigue, no backaches or headaches, no gas, no bloating, no nausea, no acne. Checked CP and it was high, soft, and closed. Checked cm and it was creamy and sticky.

Baby dust, ladies!! :dust:
I'm currently on cd35 and believe to be 16dpo
AF is now 3 days late
Took FRER this morning came back BFN
I feel pg have lots of creamy cm, cervix high soft and closed, been feeling very tiered and dizzy,
Been ttc for 4 months since having implant out and not getting anywhere.
Has anyone got BFP after having BFN at 16 dpo
This is driving me a bit crazy. OH is upset that nothing has happened yet
Finally back in the tww**I believe I ovulated yesterday on cd14 which is early for me!! I've had horrible ovulation pains for the past few days but they seem to have dissappeared today. Had a pos opk 2 days ago and a temp rise this morning so here we go!

1dpo. Temp rise, skin break out, tender boobs, slight ibs stomach cramps but no attack, tender ovaries.

2dpo. Temp rise, tender boobs, very very tired, feel achy and weak, feel hot and cold at same time like I'm coming down with something, sugar crashes.

3dpo. Big temp spike this morning probably due to me waking up in the night. Ff has put Crosshairs on my chart**tender boobs, constipated, ewcm on tp, increased thirst.

4dpo. Temp rose this morning I can't believe how high it is! Boobs feel less tender today, mild af cramps for about 10 minutes this morning, wasted a test silly me, wasnt expecting a positive but had a itch i needed to scratch. Bfn. Ewcm on tp again, I think that's a bad sign. Cervix is low firm and closed, thighs are aching and inside of my pelvis is aching on both sides

5dpo. Slight temp drop. Heavy af cramps all through the night and into the day along with backache. Gas. Sore throat. Tight chest. Constipated, cramps easing off in the pm, ibs attack and diarrhea in the afternoon

6dpo. Slight temp rise, woke up starving, very *windy*, tender boobs, slight af cramps.

7dpo. Ibs attack and diarrhea in the early hours of the morning. Temp rise this morning to 37.01! But I'm coming down with a cold so might be that, sore throat, tight chest, feeling hot all day probably due to cold, tender boobs, bfn.

8dpo. Temp stayed the same this morning. Sore throat, tight chest, runny nose, sore boobs, headache, slight af cramps, massive sugar crash needed chocolate ASAP, bfn.

9dpo. Temp drop this morning although I did take it 2 hours earlier and then adjusted it. Swollen sinuses, runny nose, sore throat, horrible af cramps, I know I'm not pregnant, skin break out, tender boobs, bfn

10dpo. Slight temp rise, woke up with serious af cramps, af will be here in full force by the end of the day, headache, very tired, still full of cold. Af cramps gone by early afternoon, sugar crashing/starving all day, no sign of af (yet), skins not been as oily as it normally is past few days, keep feeling like I'm going to faint, tender boobs, bfn

11dpo. Temp drop, af due today, did a ic with fmu and it was bfn. Took 3 tests today and I swear I see squinters on them but not showing well on camera. No sign of af, fingers crossed, tender boobs, ibs cramps late afternoon but no attack

12dpo. Another temp drop, still getting squinters on hpt but no different to the last few days so it's a bfn, no sign of af *yet* but slight af cramps. End of the day now and still no af, had cramps all day which is not normal for me as I always cramp heavy the day of full flow af not before. So I'm expecting af to be here by morning. Merry Christmas!!

13dpo. Temp dropped, put a tampon in overnight as had bad af cramps, af arrived this morning! Cd1 for me
I can't believe I'm doing this. I just started ttc and my AF symptoms are pretty much early pregnancy symptoms. I feel pretty strongly against symptom spotting for that reason. Oh well, I'm only doing this because of day 6dpo. Here's to thinking positive!

O day: Suspect I O'd late night or early the next day due to opk lines. Crossing fingers for a girl so no BD.

1dpo: Just excitement and hopefulness.

2dpo: Still excited! C'mon spermies and eggie, do your thing.

3dpo: craaaaaamps! But it was just indigestion, not a symptom.

4dpo: My left ovary "hurts" but this is normal for me. A twinge really.

5dpo: A little nauseous today. It's Christmas and I had a lot of cookies.

6dpo: ouch! A pulling sensation in my uterus. This is unusual. Told my hubby I'm either pregnant or making things up. Arch my back.. Yup, there it is, I'm not making it up. Took a test, BFN but I knew I was flushing money down the drain. Still a little nauseous but I'm still plowing through dozens of cookies too.

7dpo: Zilch so far. Even that pulling feeling disappeared. All the cookies are gone and no more bellyache.

8dpo: Nothing out of the ordinary. Slight cramp on the left.

9dpo: Some mild cramps and boobs are starting to hurt a little. Feels like PMS.

10dpo: Mild cramp until mid morning and then they disappeared. Boobs are still a little tender. BFN. Don't think much of symptoms this early but I was still hopeful until today.

11dpo: Ever so slight spotting. :( AF is knocking.

Aaaannnd it's cd1.
First cycle NTNP #1 :) Been waiting to post here.

1DPO: creamy cm.

2DPO: Sharp cramps at bladder/uterus for about 20min. Could very well be my bladder acting up again, so I've mentally ruled this one out due to it only being 2dpo.
A blob of cloudy EWCM (had days of true EWCM leading up to estimated O date).

3DPO: creamy cm

4-6DPO: on holiday so didn't symptom-spot.

7DPO: Bbs discomfort, more so in morning. Light nausea late evening.

8DPO: Bbs discomfort, hurts in morning. Vivid nightmares. Dull ache at lower abdomen.

9DPO: Bbs discomfort. Gastric/acid reflux in morning. Dull ache at lower abdomen.

10DPO: Bbs discomfort, but less so during the day. Vivid dreams.
No dull aches, heartburn or nausea.

11DPO: Less painful bbs. Light nausea and general tiredness all day. Gassy with heartburn after meals (been holiday-binging). Vivid dreams and disrupted sleep.

12DPO: Acid reflux and fatigue. Puked a little after breakfast. Feels like I'm coming down with a bug rather than pregnancy nausea. Yellow stringy/snotty cm. Bbs no longer hurt.

13DPO: Woke up with a sore throat. Mild heartburn. Increased cm. Diarrhoea, very gassy. In calm mood with no other symptoms today.

14DPO: Nausea and light-headedness all day (I had little sleep and I've had this kind of nausea before when I was fatigued). A pimple popping up.
Major increase in drive today.

15DPO: On-off bbs discomfort + acid reflux again. Cm feels wet. More acne. Muscles aching. A bit gassy and diarrhoea continues. Stuffy nose and mild sore throat.
No nausea or fatigue (slept well).

16DPO: Started spotting and progressing to AF. Diarrhoea, muscle aches and increased cm.
So I posted a few days ago, but haven't really gotten a response . My symptoms are becoming more and more apparent.

6DPO- twingy cramps left/right side
7DPO- same
8DPO- Nausea, continued pains
9DPO- nausea, acid reflux (never had before) increased urination, continued pains
10DPO- hungry all the time, but nausea in the morning, pains there but barely noticeable, heartburn
11DPO tired all the time, nausea, left side pains
12dpo, very nauseous. Pains have subsided, sore BBS
13dpo (today) woke up at 4am and immediately threw up, still nauseous this morning, sore BBS

AF due on 1/2/16 . wanting to test now, but no test. Tried to test yesterday and dropped it in the toilet :(
Already on to the next tww...

1 DPO: Nothing really, just a bit of a mood drop
2 DPO: Still nothing, woke up feeling warm, mood ok
3 DPO: mood swing, some mild pain on right side, woke up feeling warm
4 DPO: Mood swing
5 DPO: Nothing
6 DPO: Some pain/discomfort on right side, slightly sore nipples, inreased libido, sticky/watery cm, cp - HSC, fatigue
7 DPO: Some pain in right bb, sticky/watery cm, cp - HSC feels flat, pain on right side, BFN
8 DPO: Same pain in right bb, itchy/sensitive nipples, sticky/watery cm, cp - HFC, BFN
9 DPO: Temp pretty level for this LP, should drop tomorrow, counting myself out and already preparing for the next cycle, BFN
10 DPO: Temp drop right on schedule. Alright AF...happy new year to me...let's just get this over with...

Update: I poas because I just wanted to be sure before going out to celebrate new years tonight. I was certain it would be a BFN...but lo and behold a vvf line appeard. So I pulled out another brand and again a vvf. So I pulled out a third brand and yet again a vvf line. I flipped out and then ran to the store for some epts and a digital. I've been skeptical and not wanting to let the words leave my mouth just in case I'm wrong, but I ept was pretty clear...I have my BFP!!!

Looking back, the only big difference from other cycles was my CM. it usually goes sticky, tacky about half way through my LP...but this time it was watery, which I had never seen before. Watery and clear, but not slippery like during my fertile window. I noted it as watery/sticky since it wasn't slippery but really it wasn't very sticky at all. I just wasn't sure how to classify it. It is still the same now a few days after my BFP. All the other crazy symptoms that I used to think meant I was pg were completely absent.

We did two things differently this cycle: 1) I stayed horizontal for 5-10 minutes before getting up to clean off. Nothing fancy. No legs in the air or pillows under hips. 2) I cut out alcohol during my FP since this is the phase in which the egg develops and alcohol has been shown to affect egg quality. Could be coincidental, but if not hope it helps!

Congratulations!!! I've been away from the boards for a few weeks over Christmas so only just seen this. So happy for you! X
So I posted a few days ago, but haven't really gotten a response . My symptoms are becoming more and more apparent.

6DPO- twingy cramps left/right side
7DPO- same
8DPO- Nausea, continued pains
9DPO- nausea, acid reflux (never had before) increased urination, continued pains
10DPO- hungry all the time, but nausea in the morning, pains there but barely noticeable, heartburn
11DPO tired all the time, nausea, left side pains
12dpo, very nauseous. Pains have subsided, sore BBS
13dpo (today) woke up at 4am and immediately threw up, still nauseous this morning, sore BBS

AF due on 1/2/16 . wanting to test now, but no test. Tried to test yesterday and dropped it in the toilet :(

Waited a couple extra days to make sure! BFP
Congrats Cara! I was going to say that the fatigue and nausea really set in for me at 11 DPO too! I tested at 10 :)
Hi ladies!:flower:

First time posting here. TTC our third baby :), first cycle for us and i currently have a 29 day cycle length with a 14 day luteal phase.

I'm 26 hubby is 27 and we have two DDs aged 4 and almost 2 :kiss:

*~Let us begin!~*

AF: dec 10 2015

CD15: Christmas eve! peak cb digi opk! EWCM and an upset stomach, cervix is SHOW.

*O* CD16: Christmas day! Cm creamy, bloated, left side of belly feels tight. Cervix is lower, harder and closed.

1dpo: sticky cm, no symptoms to note.

2dpo: no symptoms.

3dpo: right and left ovarian twinges. i bf'd dd2 until july 2015, my milk
has gone thick and sticky? before O it was white and thin.

4dpo: Heartburn, what the? i don't get heartburn lol. right ovarian twinges, tired, boobs sore on sides.

5dpo: same as yesterday.

6dpo: runny/stuffy nose, feeling hot, heartburn, cramping on right side, gassy and bloated.

7dpo: feeling hot and a little nauseous, heartburn in pm, uterine heaviness and tightenings. Very nauseous from 10pm.

8dpo: nausea in am, frequent bm, belly button tugging left side, nausea in pm, upset stomach after dinner, softer cervix, milky cm, heartburn, Letdown feeling in boobs.
Hubby ate strawberry icecream on the couch while we were watching a movie, the smell made me want to puke :haha:

9dpo: sore throat, completely out of the blue! frequent bm, shooting pains in boobs, cramping, vaginal walls are swollen?

10dpo: dull ache right ovary, shooting pains in boobs, frequent bm, heartburn, sensitive nips, vaginal walls still swollen.

11dpo: Cervix high, med and closed. Sensitive nips, dull ache in ovaries both sides. sides of boobs feel like they are getting worse. sore throat is gone? tired. Ache alternating between left and right sides all day. gurgly stomach.

AF due on the 8th of jan 16.

Overall? feeling pretty positive :thumbup:
Now the sore boobs are setting in for me! I feel like their gonna explode! Im 19 dpo I think!
Here we go cycle #4. I got a positive opk on cd13, back to negative on cd14. I'm on cd15 now, I put a false temp in for tomorrow on ff (I used the same temp as I got today) and it gave me crosshairs on cd13 the day I got my pos opk. I'm sure I ovulated yesterday on cd14 though as I I've had o pains for the past few days but yesterday they were the strongest. But I'll go by what ff says so today I'm 2dpo. Here are my symptoms.

1dpo. Tender ovaries, tender boobs

2dpo. Tender boobs, tired

3dpo. Temp rise, graduated to crosshairs! Tender boobs, so tired but that's down to not sleeping well the past few nights, skin break out on chin, aches in the uterus area in the pm whilst sat relaxing

4dpo. Slight temp drop, pinches, twinges and pressure in uterus, woke up with a slight sore throat, tender boobs on the sides, constipated, sore stomach muscles like I've done a lot of sit ups but I haven't! Lower back pains, random quick shooting pains in uterus area

5dpo. Had a good sleep last night for once, temp rise, sore boobs, cervix low firm and closed, constipated, sore tummy muscles, stitch like pain on right side all day

6dpo. Temp dropped quite a bit, tender boobs, bloated, heartburn after dinner couldn't eat much

7dpo. Temp rise, sore boobs, cervix high medium and slightly open might sounds strange but my cervix seems to be pointing the wrong way like it's moved?? It's not done that before but can't say if it's a sign or not, cramps in pm, squinter on ic?!

8dpo. Slight temp rise but had a rubbish nights sleep, did ic with fmu bfn, sore boobs, constipated, done more tests all bfn, boobs less tender maybe failed implantation? Heartburn

9dpo. Temp rise, tender boobs but not as sore as before :( feel cold and can't warm up, dull aches in uterus, bfn

10dpo. Temp same as yesterday but took half hour earlier, sore boobs, still constipated which is unusual for me I've normally had a ibs attack by now but that could be down to the iron tablets I've started taking, cervix low firm and closed, bfn, sharp shooting pains in uterus

11dpo. Temp rise, sore boobs, feel a little bit sick, headache, tight chest, tired, ff says chart went 'possibly triphasic' on cd21 (8dpo), bfn :(

12dpo. Temp drop, diarrhea, crap nights sleep, sore boobs, bfn

13dpo. Temp drop, af due today can feel her about to make her entrance! Back ache, af cramps, feeling low, sore boobs, very *windy*, lots of creamy cm keep thinking af has arrived, diarrhea, very tired, squinter on test

14dpo. Massive temp drop just waiting for af now, tender bobs have gone, lower back ache, cervix still high but firm and slightly open, headache, fatigue, tender boobs returning in the pm, increased cm, bfn, checked cervix at 9.30pm and saw red blood! Cd1.
I'm gonna join on here too!

I'm 29, ttc #2 and this is my first cycle.

Cycles tend to be 27/28 days long.
DTD on cd10 and cd11. Ovulated (I think) cd14. Annoying we couldn't DTD anymore this cycle due to work hours. However, my other half insists he has SAS trained sperm who carry survival kits and maps, so hopefully some were strong enough to swim the distance! Haha

1dpo. No symptoms

2dpo. Feel like I have more saliva than usual.
I wasn't going to do this this cycle but I have everything noted down in my phone, so here it is! 3rd cycle TTC#1. 28 day cycle, normally o cd13.

1 DPO - creamy but stretchy cm, strong o pains both sides, skin break out.
2 DPO - creamy but stretchy cm, mild twinges in bbs, bloated, tired, light cramps PM.
3 DPO - creamy but stretchy cm, vivid dreams, bloated, tickle on left of uterus.
4 DPO - watery cm, didn't sleep well, twinges in bbs, o pains? (Bit odd)
5 DPO - watery cm, tired, hungry, vivid dreams, skin break out again!
6 DPO - creamy cm, vivid dreams, lt cramps on and off, tired, skin break out.
7 DPO - creamy cm, lt cramps on and off, nausea from midday.
8 DPO - sticky cm, sharp pains on left, bloated, irritated.
9 DPO - creamy cm, bbs hurt a tiny bit on sides, cramps on left, bloated, nausea, skin break out.
10 DPO - creamy cm, vivid preggo dream, strong nausea am, bbs hurt a little bit, BFN.
11 DPO - creamy cm, lt nausea after eating, bbs hurt a little bit, vivid dream. Then:bfp:Faint on IC but strong on FRER! Woop finally get to go green!!

I haven't felt much difference this cycle. The only things are my skin broke out terribly, I was tired during the week after o (am fine now), and my bbs don't hurt much. Normally they hurt a lot more. Good luck and :dust:to all.
I wasn't going to do this this cycle but I have everything noted down in my phone, so here it is! 3rd cycle TTC#1. 28 day cycle, normally o cd13.

1 DPO - creamy but stretchy cm, strong o pains both sides, skin break out.
2 DPO - creamy but stretchy cm, mild twinges in bbs, bloated, tired, light cramps PM.
3 DPO - creamy but stretchy cm, vivid dreams, bloated, tickle on left of uterus.
4 DPO - watery cm, didn't sleep well, twinges in bbs, o pains? (Bit odd)
5 DPO - watery cm, tired, hungry, vivid dreams, skin break out again!
6 DPO - creamy cm, vivid dreams, lt cramps on and off, tired, skin break out.
7 DPO - creamy cm, lt cramps on and off, nausea from midday.
8 DPO - sticky cm, sharp pains on left, bloated, irritated.
9 DPO - creamy cm, bbs hurt a tiny bit on sides, cramps on left, bloated, nausea, skin break out.
10 DPO - creamy cm, vivid preggo dream, strong nausea am, bbs hurt a little bit, BFN.
11 DPO - creamy cm, lt nausea after eating, bbs hurt a little bit, vivid dream. Then:bfp:Faint on IC but strong on FRER! Woop finally get to go green!!

I haven't felt much difference this cycle. The only things are my skin broke out terribly, I was tired during the week after o (am fine now), and my bbs don't hurt much. Normally they hurt a lot more. Good luck and :dust:to all.

Congrats! So happy for you! Come join the September Snugglers :)
I'm 24 years old. My last period was 12/19/2015. My period for the past year has always been irregular but has never gone past 20 days. I was late taking the pill a couple days since my last period and based off of what I've researched my ovulation would have been around 12/25/2015 which ironically was when I last had unprotected sex (not knowing when I ovulate). My breasts seem bigger to me and were pretty sore for a few days around New Years. My nipples seem to be bigger but haven't changed color and my nipples are sensitive all the time lately and are harder more often than not. I've had some abdominal cramping as well. I haven't ever been one to have cramping or tender breasts when PMS hits. I usually only get a sore back. In addition, I've been checking my cervix for the past week and for 4 days it was almost too high to touch and so I couldn't tell if it was soft, hard, open or closed. Today it dropped to about medium and is soft and feels open to me. I've never had children and my fiancé and I aren't trying right now (want to wait till after the wedding). I read that the cervix is generally closed if pregnant and is generally only open when menstrating and when ovulating and is only soft when ovulating or pregnant. I should have started my period today and didn't. I took a pregnancy test today and it was negative. I'm not sure what to think. I've read a few comments about how long it took to get a positive result. I'm just trying to get thoughts on the situation. Any and all comments are welcome. Thank you!
Just to give some hope. The month I got my last BFP absolutely nothing was different. Was very shocked to get a BFP when I tested at 11dpo! Only thing diff on 11dpo when I came to test I had tons and tons of EWCM. Good luck everyone :flower:
I'm gonna join on here too!

I'm 29, ttc #2 and this is my first cycle.

Cycles tend to be 27/28 days long.
DTD on cd10 and cd11. Ovulated (I think) cd14. Annoying we couldn't DTD anymore this cycle due to work hours. However, my other half insists he has SAS trained sperm who carry survival kits and maps, so hopefully some were strong enough to swim the distance! Haha

1dpo. No symptoms

2dpo. Feel like I have more saliva than usual.

3dpo. Nothing

4dpo. Nothing

5dpo. Sore throat.
I hope this will give some ladies hope.

We only DTD once, 4 days before ovulation.

1dpo - 7dpo - nothing notable
8 dpo - one wipe of very light brown CM
9dpo - bloated, constipated (extremely), cramps, gassy, headache.
10 dpo - bloated, constipated (extremely), cramps, gassy, one wipe of yellowy browny cm.
11dpo - constipation, cramps, headache, nausea
12 dpo - nothing notable, still having cm.
13 dpo - really tired, cramps sleeping in until 11am, and having pregnancy dreams. Stuffy nose too!
14dpo - same as above, tired, bloated, extra hungry, cramps.
15dpo - NEGATIVE ON CB DIGITAL. Still sleeping in until 11am, still got cm (creamy/watery), cramps, still bloated and extra hungry.
16dpo - grumpy, tired, cramps, hungry, bloated - no longer constipated though.
17 dpo - Really bad cramps last night. I thought AF would be here today. BFP on IC!

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