Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Here's the update.

I'm here again after a month break.

Yesterday was my O day April 20th. And we only were able to dtd once. We tried to do it twice yesterday on the day I O'ed but it didn't end up happening.
I'm really hoping that the one time we did do it yesterday gets us our BFP.
1- dpo -- bloated, sleepy, pulling cramping, cm drying up
2- dpo -- bloated, sleepy, pulling cramping, in the mood, increased appetite
3- dpo-- sleepy, vivid dreams, increased cm, cp mid- high and soft, horny. 😍😳
4-dpo-- sleepy, vivid dreams and no cm
5-dpo-- sleepy, vivid dreams and no cm, headache, low grade fever 100-101.
6-dpo-- sleepy, vivid dreams, headache, gassy, crampy
7-dpo-- nausea, headache, vivid dreams,crampy, sleepy, thighs felt like pins and needles
8-dpo-- intense headache, abs feel like I've done a thousand sit ups, nausea, vivid dreams, sore throat, sleepy ( did a test with fmu and it was a bfn. Of course I know that it's still pretty early. Will test again in morning tomorrow. If I get another bfn, I will wait until AF should be here. )
9-dpo- nausea on and off, took a test on looked like a vvvf bfp attached a picture but I will retest tomorrow in the morning. But the rest of symptoms have gone. CP is high, soft, closed.
10-dpo- crampy, gassy, bloated, on and off nausea, dizziness. Bad headache
11-dpo- really bad dizziness all day, crampy, gassy, nausea only when in the car. Headache, when I was going to bed my lower abs kinda felt like a burning sensation, I was very sleepy but hard to get to sleep. Also was waking up way earlier than normal.
12-dpo -- Tested and got a BFP
Congrats thorpedo!! I got my BFP yesterday so right there with you!
So newbie to all this forum stuff here so bear with me! I found this thread and think it is great it has really helped distract me from my own thoughts about TTC and enjoy seeing other woman get their BFP. Joined so I could get involved.

A bit about me, I am 38, 39 later this year my DH has just turned 36.

Starting TTC Feb 2015, so over 12 months, I am on cycle 14!!!

Went for tests, had the lot, all okay apparently (with us both). I did not ovulate for the first few months TTC due to the impact of coming of BC. I have had the implant for the last 9 years. In Dec 2016 I was told that I had ovulated, had a few CD21 tests since then and again they confirm ovulation. So even though been trying for 14 cycles, I believe for 9 of those months I was not ovulating. Consultant has given me another 6 months to catch naturally or straight off for IVF.

I am going out of my mind right now, I am slap back in the middle of my TWW and just want to know...ahhh it is on my mind constantly and I cannot focus on anything else at my cycle details are. My cycle has settled down to a 27-29 day cycle. I normally start seeing a positive opk on CD13 with a positive on CD14 as well, then negative CD15, and AF has consistently arrive 13-14 days later. However this month I did not get a positive until CD18 and only on CD18. I am now on CD27. I would normally expect AF any time but according to FF my late ovulation will push my AF back till next week CD33. I have of course already poas and it was of course a BFN!

I don't want to say I have had any symptoms, I have felt nothing that I haven't felt or had before. I have had a sore throat on and off for a few days with the odd feeling of ear ache but I put that down to hayfever! Last night i felt the sharpest pain in my tummy, low and middle. It was like someone had stabbed me with a long sharp needle. it took my breath away. It almost made me cry out in shock when it arrived, but it was gone as quickly as it arrived and i could the cry in my throat....nothing since then really.....

All i know is that i so want to me a mum, I pray that god will hear me and grant me the gift of a happy healthy child. I have my fingers crossed for us all and hope we all receive the gift of a child.

Thanks for listening!
Hi liveinhope, welcome :hugs: I know exactly how you feel. It took us over a year to conceive our first child. It's so disheartening seeing those bfn's every month and wondering 'why isn't this happening? It should be easier' I was temping, using opk's, using preseed, symptom spotting, the lot. It was so stressful. Then one day I thought 'I give up, maybe it's not meant to be'. So I stopped symptom spotting like crazy, stopped using the preseed, stopped charting my temps but most of all i stopped stressing. I stopped and just focused on me and made time for myself. I caught up with friends, did some regular exercise, then bam, that same month that I 'gave up' and relaxed I conceived. I am almost certain the stress of tracking everything and getting bfn's every month was the very thing that stopped me conceiving for so long.

So my advice would be, given that all your tests are clear, is to take some time to focus on you. Keep using opk's if that helps you pinpoint ovulation and keep bd'ing. But try and find something that you enjoy that you can focus your attention on. That way it'll keep you busy and take your mind off TTC. Who knows, it may just be stress that is blocking your efforts at TTC.

Take care and good luck.
Thanks Jelly Bean, I up to about page 70 of this thread and have seen your struggle, so thank you for your kind words. I don't particularly feel stressed, I know it will all work out in the end, one way or the other and I will be fine. I am strong and will get through anything (even though there is of course the odd breakdown on the way lol). Strangely I had followed your advice before even reading your reply! I have just booked a hair appointment, a nail appointment, pedicure and manicure and booked a night away in a lovely hotel in Yorkshire for our anniversary next weekend. Decided I had not really treated me or us, to anything 'nice' in a while. It has all been about LIFE.....

I will just keep my hopes alive that this is my month (please). As my username says live in hope (it can't all be bad).

On a symptom note, only for the purposes of recording this stuff so I can track things. Just been to the toilet and there was some CM on the TP. It was a glob of thick yellow tinged sticky CM. I have never seen this CM before. I am normally dry around now. Only have CM when I check internally, never see CM any other way! So whether a symptom or not, it is NEW :haha:
Just wanted to update.

Took a test yesterday and there was a clear faint positive, enough for me to show DH who saw it as well.

According to FF I am CD30 today. My normal cycle is 28 days however I ovulated late this cycle. For the last 6 cycles I have ovulated on CD13-14, with a +opk to support. This month I ovulated CD18, again confirmed by a +opk. Because of this late ovulation FF changed my af due date to CD33. So technically not late! Took a FRER on 11 dpo night vvf bfp, fmu 12 dpo, faint bfp but can be seen. Negative on digital which doesn't really surprise me. faint+ on a asda test this morning (13dpo). Praying this line gets darker and darker as my AF doesn't arrive!

Still in shock I think, not sure i believe it yet. When i see the word 'pregnant' on a digital will be when i start to believe this is happening.

Baby dust to you all.:dust:
So then took another FRER this morning and I think the line is darker. Not as dark as I would hope for 14dpo but going in the right direction. Still getting really rubbish results with IC. I am still noting my symptoms and when this is confirmed (and I begin to believe it) then i will list my dpo and symptoms.

Wish me luck!:cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:


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So then took another FRER this morning and I think the line is darker. Not as dark as I would hope for 14dpo but going in the right direction. Still getting really rubbish results with IC. I am still noting my symptoms and when this is confirmed (and I begin to believe it) then i will list my dpo and symptoms.

Wish me luck!:cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:
It looks to me like a BFP. Congratulations!!!!
Congrats on all the BFP's ladies!!!:baby: Wishing you all a happy and healthy 9mos!

So I am not new on here, but it has been quite a while since I have been on here... I have been "trying" off and on for about a year and a half or so. And I'm feeling kinda lucky this cycle, so lets see how it goes... BD:sex: about 24hrs before O

1-4dpo: High sex drive, creamy cm/dry
5dpo: Felt cold all day, and saw some very light spotting when checking CP in afternoon. (This is what sparked my interest! I had implantation bleeding with my last pregnancy. It wasn't quite this early but it has gotten me excited!)
6dpo: some light cramps and light nausea in am, spotting has stopped :happydance: I can't help but be excited, and I just have a feeling that I am pregnant! Guess only time will tell...
7dpo: slight sore throat, been a bit hungry ( but that's not uncommon for me post O) Gonna test today, I know its really early but I just can't help myself!:haha: =BFN Oh and I have been getting some strange hot flashes the last 2-3 days...
8dpo: Feeling kinda down and out... Saw some spotting when checking CP today. Bummed, probably out for this cycle.
9dpo: had a really hard time sleeping last night, kept getting hot then I would kick off the blankets and get really cold.
Update then the digital test I took this morning said all I needed to hear..PREGNANT!! :happydance::cloud9:

As soon as I can I will upload the test and give a detailed dpo account. Just waiting to hear from my GP re an appointment. Whoop Whoop

Baby dust to all......
So those of you that have been reading this thread will see my earlier updates. I have the joy of going green!

I have been TTC since Feb 2015, so around 13 months. Came off the implant after 9 years and before that years of on and off BC, from the pill to the injection. I firmly believe that hormonal contraception effected my cycle dramatically and is the reason it has taken me so long to get pregnant. I know there are people who have been trying longer than us and please know that my prayers are with you and I wish each and everyone of you baby dust.

So when I came of BC i really had trouble with my cycle. I would spot throughout and that spotting could be as heavy as a period, then my period would also arrive on top of that. Some months I only had a few days of no bleeding. Went to GP, they ran some tests and advised me that they thought I had PCOS and my tests showed that I was not ovulating at all!!!!!!!!!! I thought my workd would fall apart, I cried and cried. GP told me, lose some weight, it was the most positive thing I could do to help my chance. So at 37 I took up running, followed a great NHS app. Still running to this day, only 3 times a week. I cover about 10k a week. I followed a low GI diet and the weight started to come off. I lost 1 and half stone, still need to lose some more but have much better BMI now. It is under 30, so only classed as overweight now not obese (horrid term!).

My cycle started to regularize. My bloods were showing ovulation. I had a lap and dye and all was clear, DH SA all healthy, excellent numbers.

My cycle for last 5 months settled to 28 days, normally ovulated around CD13/14 and had an LP of 13/14 days. I used cheap internet OPK's to check for LH surge. Once you see a positive you know what you are looking for. it has to be as dark or darker than control line.

So this cycle

CD1 - late on 09/04 (it is husbands birthday tomorrow tried to keep it together, was so disappointed at the arrival of AF, failed and had a melt down the next day!
CD1-CD4 - AF
Started OPK at Day 12,
CD12 - negative opk
CD13 - negative opk - BD anyway
CD14 - EWCM, negative OPK (was fully expecting it to be positive) BD just in case
CD15 - CD16 negative OPK still, not had a positive, thought it was all going wrong again!! very down.
CD17 - abundant EWCM, clear positive on opk, BD.
CD18 - BD. FF noted ovulated on today...4 days later than normal
1DPO - 6DPO nothing of note.
7 DPO - woke up with that stracthy throat feeling of a cold coming told DH that I was getting a cold. Blcoked nose, then runny nose.
8DPO - had af type cramps in the evening, felt like AF was coming early. Later on in the evening i was watching TC with my DH, suddenly i felt this stab in my tummy, it was painful and sharp. But as soon as it came it went away. I was about to cry out in pain but because it went as quickly as it came I was able to catch the cry in my throat. throat still sore, really feel like the cold is coming to get me. Nose still running
9DPO - back ache, like I have never had before. In the afternoon I noted a glob of yellow tinged, stringy stick CM on the TP, never seen this CM before! Intrigued by this. Still have a sore throat, think I am drinking more.
10 DPO - strong AF pains again for about an hour. Thought AF was here. Then they went away. Again the same CM. Took a internet cheapie, swear I see a faint line but not convinced in anyway and don't want to ask anyone else. Still no cold, but have symptoms of cold, think it might be hayfever, take tablet.
11 DPO - no real symptoms, felt fine, pulling sensations in my stomach oh and I am so thirsty, it is unquenchable. Drinking litres of fluid, peeing every 30 minutes, can't hold wee to get a good test sample. Throat still sore but do not feel like a cold is coming. mHad a nose bleed in the morning when I blew my nose.
12 DPO - BFP on FRER, showed DH, he sees it. Negative on digital (too early)
13 DPO - BFP on FRER - line darker.
16 DPO - BFP on digital

We did it, early days but so far I feel great. It can happen. I do not think I ever had PCOS, i think it was all to do with coming off the pill. But it happened eventually. Because of my age my consultant was only going to give me 6 more months to catch naturally or else IVF it was. He told me this at my last appointment which was on CD12 of this cycle. Who would have thought that I would pregnant that same cycle!

Thank you for listening, all the best to you all.


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Hi girls,
I commented a month ago cos I was driving myself insane symptom spottin! I was also 2 weeks late! I was adamant I was pregnant but all the tests were BFN! I went to the gp and she told me to chill! I was monitoring everything (even things she didn't know about). She said I clearly looked stressed and that's why I wasnt on my period! She told me to stop monitorin and just enjoy trying to have a baby, be thankful you have someone in your life who you want to have a baby with, it's precious. I realised she was right so stopped looking on these forums, stopped monitoring everything! Anyway period was due last week, did a test and BFN! I was devastated thinking 'well I'm chilled this month so why hasn't it happened?!" Went and spent a fortune on a fertility monitor kit. It arrived yesterday but as in due my period haven't opened it. Anyway no period still, just done a test and its BFP!!!!! Did 2 more and both BFP!!!!! I'm in shock!

Anyway thought I would mention it here, just to say try not to get so stressed about it. All this monitoring temp at same time daily and plotting when you have sex is a nightmare! My first month of not doing it and I'm pregnant (omg sounds so weird! It hasn't sunk in and I have to go to work now and wait to tell hubby tonight!!!)

So anyway that's my story. Symptom wise this month I did find I was nackered one day and I had implantation bleeding 2 weeks ago, also thought my boobs were sore but that was a few days. Also had really bad constipation (I know yuk! But I found it weird cos normal I have the opposite problem leading up to my period- sorry!) also had a burning pain near the ovary area and that was different from pms (I have pain there for pms but normally dull ache not a burning sharp pain, again it only lasted a few days and no symptoms at all now which is why I'm surprised!) At the time k thought it was all in my head cos I am BAD for symptom spotting, but clearly not!

Lots of love xx
Sorry also another point, when I got the BFN I think I was around 15 dpo. I didn't do any more until today, today in around 20 dpo. I don't know if it would have shown sooner but I wanted to mention it because I remember scrawling the Internet last month trying to find the latest dpo someone had turned a bfn into a BFP. So thought I'd mention it in case anyone else is going insane lookin For it.

Thanks xx
Congrats to you too liveinhope... It's crazy isn't it! Still sinking in. Bought a clear blue digital and it says 1-2 weeks so still early! Happy 9 months to you too! Xx
Congrats on all the BFP's ladies!!!:baby: Wishing you all a happy and healthy 9mos!

So I am not new on here, but it has been quite a while since I have been on here... I have been "trying" off and on for about a year and a half or so. And I'm feeling kinda lucky this cycle, so lets see how it goes... BD:sex: about 24hrs before O

1-4dpo: High sex drive, creamy cm/dry
5dpo: Felt cold all day, and saw some very light spotting when checking CP in afternoon. (This is what sparked my interest! I had implantation bleeding with my last pregnancy. It wasn't quite this early but it has gotten me excited!)
6dpo: some light cramps and light nausea in am, spotting has stopped :happydance: I can't help but be excited, and I just have a feeling that I am pregnant! Guess only time will tell...
7dpo: slight sore throat, been a bit hungry ( but that's not uncommon for me post O) Gonna test today, I know its really early but I just can't help myself!:haha: =BFN Oh and I have been getting some strange hot flashes the last 2-3 days...
8dpo: Feeling kinda down and out... Saw some spotting when checking CP today. Bummed, probably out for this cycle.
9dpo: had a really hard time sleeping last night, kept getting hot then I would kick off the blankets and get really cold. Noticed some spotting while checking CP on my lunch break, figured I was out but took my hpt anyways and I can't believe my eyes! I see a light pink fuzzy line?! I almost don't believe it, like maybe its an evap? Gonna test again after work to see if I get another one or if its just a fluke... FX:happydance:
10dpo: more spotting, more fuzzy pink lines... I think these might just be really cheap tests. Sleeping has been restless.
11dpo: Due AF today or tomorrow, more spotting, more fuzzy pink lines, slight cramps, breasts tender. lines starting to be less fuzzy.
12dpo: Spotting has stopped:happydance:, sleeping still kinda restless, feeling tired earlier than normal. Going to buy some better pregnancy tests at the store today! Can't belive AF hasn't come, I just knew this was my month!
Hello friends....I remember when I first started ttc#1 I had joined bnb. My lo is 3. Although we had not planned this but I feel this is my cycle. Although I am keeping fingers crossed but let's see. During my 1st pregnancy I had no symptoms. I ovulated early on thursday 5th, we had dd on 1st Sunday. Today I am10dpo . I have been feeling tired and grumpy. Got cold 3 days ago. Sometimes while cooking i cant stand certain smell..feel nauseous. Aparg from that I am fine. Today I feel the urge to visit the loo frequent.

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