Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Congrats, Teacup! I am over the moon excited for you ! :)

Thanks MiniMuffins! The news still hasn't quite sunk in, I will probably feel more at ease once I have had confirmation from the doc! Hoping this bean stays! Really excited! :cloud9:

Good luck! I hope this is also your month! xx
Guess who's back?

Well once again I'm here ... I will only give the last few days because that is when the symptoms started.

13 DPO: gassy and a little tired
14 DPO: more gas, tired and slightly sore breasts.
15 DPO: AF is a no show, Horrid cramping, feeling sick, tired and hungry. gassy
16 DPO: Still no sign of af, Woke up hungry and really having to use the rest room, gassy, CP seems medium soft and high. cramping on and off.
Hoping for a GREEN!!!

3 DPO- intermittent cramping
5 DPO- pinching sharp feeling , very vivid dreams
6 DPO- Vivid strange dreams, EWCM
7DPO- Vivid dreams, going #2 a lot (sorry), fatigue
8DPO- increased appetite, vivid dreams
9 DPO- very nauseas all night, very hungry, heavy BB's :bfn:
10 DPO- Very hungry, fatigue, heavy BB's:bfn:
11 DPO- decided not to test today because all the BFN's make me sad :nope:
BUT I had dry cm in the morning then the whole day I had very thick white cm...hopefully a good sign! Left sided cramping as well, very hungry, intermittent nausea

AF isn't due until Tuesday! Hoping for a miracle!!
Guess who's back?

Well once again I'm here ... I will only give the last few days because that is when the symptoms started.

13 DPO: gassy and a little tired
14 DPO: more gas, tired and slightly sore breasts.
15 DPO: AF is a no show, Horrid cramping, feeling sick, tired and hungry. gassy
16 DPO: Still no sign of af, Woke up hungry and really having to use the rest room, gassy, CP seems medium soft and high. cramping on and off.

New thing... I might have implantation bleeding... started out bright red and went brown and now has stopped for about 4 hours now. Could be the witch though just taking her time... This has happened before in the past but it didn't stop for this long. I will know more in the AM. I have a feeling that this post too shall turn red. :cry:
Hi Ladies... here I go again...

1DPO: full tender BBs, EWCM

2DPO: AF type cramps, full tender BBs, BD'd at night

3DPO: full tender BBs, EWCM

4DP0: full tender BBs, bloody nose?, thirsty, dry/scratchy throat

5DPO: full tender BBs, throbbing twinge on right side, gassy, moody, BD'd at night

6DPO: full tender BBs, gassy, a little nauseous, moody/annoyed with DH, twinges on right side, heartburn...

7DPO: early morning heartburn, full tender BBs, cramp/pulling on left side, "bubbly guts", more heartburn at night.

8DPO: pulling on left side, BBs still full but not as tender - nips still tender, though, wet CM, AF type cramps.

9DPO: woke up feeling gassy and full, sore nips and slightly tender BBs, twinges and cramps on right side, bloated, feels like I could get AF, full/empty feeling in stomach (I always feel this, so I don't have high hopes), leg pain, peeing a lot.

10DPO: twinge on right side, headache, tired, sore nips and slightly tender BBs, gassy, wet cm, moody and annoyed with DH

11DPO: (so far) gassy/bubbly guts, twinges on lower right and leg, BBs a little tender with sore nips, very emotional

This is very on par to what I usually have each month, so my hopes aren't very high at all. This was also the first month we've tried using pre-seed. We're TTC #1 - this is our 6th cycle trying...

12DPO: Bubbly guts in the morning, tested: BFN, heartburn, left side twinge, wet/creamy CM, right side back pain, BBs full and very slightly tender, nips sensitive, bloated
cd 09 16th August - BD - very light opk
cd 10 17th August - BD - very light opk
cd 11 18th August - slightly darker opk
cd 12 19th August - a few slight twinges in abdomen - light opk
cd 13 20th August - EWCM Faint line on opk in pm.
cd 14 21st August - BD faint line opk
cd 15 22nd August - BD faint line opk, slightly darker line opk in evening.
cd 16 23rd August - Fertile CM. (unable to opk test due to being away)
cd 17 24th August - BD. Very positive opk! Fertile CM. Slight twinges in lower abdomen. Tender boobs.
cd 18 25th August - BD. Ovulation! Lighter opk. Tender boobs.
cd 19 1 dpo Monday 26th August - BD. Tender boobs
cd 20 2 dpo Tuesday 27th August - Tender boobs, feel firmer.
cd 21 3 dpo Wednesday 28th August - still tender boobs, feeling firmer.
cd 22 4 dpo Thursday 29th August - Vivid scary dreams! Felt cold while in bed at night.
cd 23 5 dpo Friday 30th August - Woke up feeling a little yucky and had an uncomfortable back feeling. vivid dreams last night.
cd 24 6 dpo Saturday 31st August - Up for a wee often in the night, didn't sleep too well, very thirsty throughout night too. Tender boobs.
cd 25 7 dpo Sunday 1st September - Tender boobs. Slightly irritable in the evening. Very thirsty at night again. Vivid dreams. Needed to get up for a wee often in the night.
cd 26 8 dpo Monday 2nd September - Thirsty again last night and vivid dreams again, slightly disturbed sleep. Awoke feeling a little depressed. Boobs very tender. Not much motivation today.
cd 27 9 dpo Tuesday 3rd September - boobs feel tender and feel slightly heavier when getting out of bed etc. Vivid dreams last night and thirsty again. Also up for a wee more often.
cd 28 10 dpo Wednesday 4th September - strange pains going through left boob in the morning. Boobs still very tender. Vivid dreams last night and thirsty again.
cd29 11 dpo tested on our first wedding anniversary and got a BFP! couldn't believe it! Hubby was convinced I was pregnant, he had said my boobs were much bigger. Boobs feel fuller and have odd pains zipping through them, didn't sleep well last night again!

Congrats Teacup!!! That's awesome that you got the BFP on your first anniversary!!! :thumbup: Thanks too for sharing your symptoms!
I'm going to join in here too since I'm in my TWW and should be testing pretty soon...

Ovulation day: woke up after a vivid dream (about my deceased mom!) and hot flashes, clear CM, BD- used pre-seed. Had a short twinge of pelvic cramp/pain to left side- felt during BD.
1DPO: clear CM, twinge of L side pelvic cramp/pain, BD- used pre-seed
2DPO: clear CM decreased, L-mid-R pelvic twinges of pain felt throughout the day, BD- used pre-seed
3DPO: woke up wits slightly sore/sensitive nipples, breast tenderness. BD- used pre-seed
4-5DPO: headache, breast sensitivity and tenderness
7DPO: sticky CM
9DPO: sore boobs
10DPO: short episode of back pain, short twinges of pelvic pain, sore boobs
11DPO: mild cramping, sore boobs

Really praying I get a BFP when I test! :dust:
Well, let me try:

O - 5th Sept
1dpo - sore boobs, cramping, a bit swallowed belly.
2dpo - sore breasts, very sleepy.
3dpo - just 3 dpo but I have slight cramps, very sore boobs, and I feel strange and wet down there. The sensation is the same as when AF is coming. At night - unpleasant feeling when going for a wee. I am weeing often. All day a bit blocked nose.
4dpo - slightly sensitive nipples. Still uncomfortable when going to wee. Very, very tired (probably because of the work). Streching pain on the left sight (O was there - mine opinion). Felt cramps the same as when AF is coming. Wet feeling all day. Creamy discharge. Several spots on my face. Cervix open ;(. Stuffy nose.
5fpo - still feel as AF is coming but it is too early for it. Feel very wet down there. Slightly sore nipples but very heavy and bigger boobs. Dizziness, nausea, headache, backache, desire for chocolate - all PMS ;(. Cervix high and open. Getting hungry very fast. Stuffy nose.
6dpo - Slightly sore nipples. Slight cramps as when AF is coming. Shooting strong pain in my left boob close to the nipple. Stuffy nose.
7dpo - Woke up in the middle of the night. Went to the toilet. After that felt hot then cold. Could not sleep. Woke very tired. Headache, painful boobs. Sometimes pulling in my ovaries and my bellybutton. Blocked nose. Itchy feeling down there. Uncomfortable when going to wee. Nipples quite sensitive when showering. Creamy discharge. Cervix high and open.
8dpo - Slightly sore boobs. Slight feeling as AF is coming. Just for a minute I had a sharp pain in my left ovary and the pain went down through my uterus and I think I could feel it in my left leg ;(. Still have this strange itchy, tickling, poking feeling down there - the same as when AF is coming but this time earlier. Probably I can expect in 5 days to be here ;(. Uncomfortable when going to wee. Stuffy nose. Running nose. BD - felt it very strange, rather painful.
9dpo - BFN this morning. Earlier backache in the lower part at the right side. Stuffy nose. Slightly sensitive nipples. Slightly sensitive boobs. Still uncomfortable when going to wee. Itchy tummy.
10dpo - Woke up and felt pain in the tummy. Slightly sore nipples. Slightly sore boobs. Slight cramps. The same feeling as when AF is coming. Stuffy nose.
11dpo - Slightly sensitive nipples. Slightly sensitive boobs. Boobs hard and fool. When I got up slight cramps as AF is coming. Woke up with blocked nose.
12dpo - Woke up through the night to go to the toilet. Fell asleep again and my husband woke me up, I was screaming in my dream. Nightmares all night. Slightly sore boobs. Woke up with blocked nose. At night started coughing.
13dpo - Slightly sensitive nipples. Slightly sensitive boobs. Woke up with blocked nose. Slight cramps.
14dpo - Slightly sensitive nipples. Slightly sensitive boobs. Slight cramps. Blocked nose. Dizziness. Feel AF is coming. Slight backache. AF showed up about 12.00 p.m.
It is going to be one very nasty and painful AF ;(.
2DPO - woke up smelling Pillsbury Grands Buttermilk flaky biscuits! :) I was looking for them to bake for dinner last night but apparently we didn't have any so I settled for crescent rolls instead. However I woke up smelling the biscuits for some reason!
3DPO - vivid dreams & frequent urination
4DPO - gassy & lots of tugging/pulling sensations near the left ovary
5DPO - tugging/pulling sensations continue on in the lower abdomen
cd 09 16th August - BD - very light opk
cd 10 17th August - BD - very light opk
cd 11 18th August - slightly darker opk
cd 12 19th August - a few slight twinges in abdomen - light opk
cd 13 20th August - EWCM Faint line on opk in pm.
cd 14 21st August - BD faint line opk
cd 15 22nd August - BD faint line opk, slightly darker line opk in evening.
cd 16 23rd August - Fertile CM. (unable to opk test due to being away)
cd 17 24th August - BD. Very positive opk! Fertile CM. Slight twinges in lower abdomen. Tender boobs.
cd 18 25th August - BD. Ovulation! Lighter opk. Tender boobs.
cd 19 1 dpo Monday 26th August - BD. Tender boobs
cd 20 2 dpo Tuesday 27th August - Tender boobs, feel firmer.
cd 21 3 dpo Wednesday 28th August - still tender boobs, feeling firmer.
cd 22 4 dpo Thursday 29th August - Vivid scary dreams! Felt cold while in bed at night.
cd 23 5 dpo Friday 30th August - Woke up feeling a little yucky and had an uncomfortable back feeling. vivid dreams last night.
cd 24 6 dpo Saturday 31st August - Up for a wee often in the night, didn't sleep too well, very thirsty throughout night too. Tender boobs.
cd 25 7 dpo Sunday 1st September - Tender boobs. Slightly irritable in the evening. Very thirsty at night again. Vivid dreams. Needed to get up for a wee often in the night.
cd 26 8 dpo Monday 2nd September - Thirsty again last night and vivid dreams again, slightly disturbed sleep. Awoke feeling a little depressed. Boobs very tender. Not much motivation today.
cd 27 9 dpo Tuesday 3rd September - boobs feel tender and feel slightly heavier when getting out of bed etc. Vivid dreams last night and thirsty again. Also up for a wee more often.
cd 28 10 dpo Wednesday 4th September - strange pains going through left boob in the morning. Boobs still very tender. Vivid dreams last night and thirsty again.
cd29 11 dpo tested on our first wedding anniversary and got a BFP! couldn't believe it! Hubby was convinced I was pregnant, he had said my boobs were much bigger. Boobs feel fuller and have odd pains zipping through them, didn't sleep well last night again!

Wow Congrats :flower:
BFP on first wedding anniversary is simply awesome. :thumbup:

Congrats! I remember having those zipping boob pains when I was pg with DS, healthy and happy nine months to you :) I love this thread!

Just got my BFP at 10dpo, here were my symtoms:

1dpo thirsty, headaches
2dpo thirsty, headaches
3dpo thirsty, headaches, bright red light flow
4dpo thirsty, bright red spotting
5dpo thirsty, brown spotting
6dpo brown spotting
7dpo red spotting, new feelings in (.)(.)
8dpo brown spotting, faint faint barely there ic line
9dpo red spotting, faint faint barely there ic line, one bout of nausea,
10dpo bfp clearblu digi!:happydance:
Hi, am new to this and have been stalking this forum all morning it's super.

We have been TTC for only a month so I know it is early days. I also stopped BC on the day AF arrived in August, so my symptons could be withdrawing from the pill.

I have been dizzy, moody, crying, exhausted.-also symptons of stopping BC.

Extremely painful cramping at about 9/10 DPO

At 12DPO got a BFN so am trying to wait for AF patiently now which can take a long time after stopping BC.

Now 16 DPO, no AF - prob becasue have just stopped the pill but can't help but hope. Will prob get as soon as I have posted but that's ok can start trying again :).

Just got my BFP at 10dpo, here were my symtoms:

1dpo thirsty, headaches
2dpo thirsty, headaches
3dpo thirsty, headaches, bright red light flow
4dpo thirsty, bright red spotting
5dpo thirsty, brown spotting
6dpo brown spotting
7dpo red spotting, new feelings in (.)(.)
8dpo brown spotting, faint faint barely there ic line
9dpo red spotting, faint faint barely there ic line, one bout of nausea,
10dpo bfp clearblu digi!:happydance:

Congrats!!! Wow, interesting you had a flow during your DPOs! Do you think that was implantation bleeding?
Hope you ladies don't mind me joining in..

1dpo - no symptoms
2dpo - slight cramping (pinching/tightness in abdomen). No cm at all.
3dpo - still getting subtle cramps and tightness, feeling slightly sick (lots of salvia). No cm at all. Felt sick after lunch - I didn't eat much more then I usually do (but not my usual lunch)
4dpo - Cramps have eased up and abdomen not feeling tight. Tiny bit of dry cm. Still lots of salvia and feel slightly sick. I seem to be getting full on less food? Cravings lots of healthy foods - eggs, avocado etc. EXTREMELY TIRED!
5dpo - not feeling sick now. Salvia normal. Bit of dry cm. no cramps.
6dpo - Feeling pretty normal now. Dry Cm. still seem to be getting fuller much easier than normal.
7dpo - mild cramping. Dry cm. (got impatient and tried test - bfn)
8dpo -
9dpo -
10dpo -
11dpo -
12dpo -
13dpo -
14dpo- (will do final test & then just wait for af if no bfp)
And here's mine....

I actually don't know when I ovulated. My period tracker app says it should've been 31 Aug. my cycles are irregular, see, ranging from 30-37 days or so. But I have a feeling I ovulated on 29 Aug. Can't explain why really. But I'm gonna document below based on 29 aug.

0 DPO: nothing
1 DPO: fatigue
2 DPO: heavy boobs, backache and fatigue
3 DPO: heavy boobs
4 DPO: heavy boobs (tested BFN)
5 DPO: heavy boobs
6 DPO: sore boobs
7 DPO: sore boobs, nausea & fatigue (tested BFN)
8 DPO: sore boobs, nausea & fatigue (tested BFN)
9 DPO: heavy boobs, nausea, fatigue & lower backache
10 DPO (today): heavy boobs

Weird! But will keep posting :-)

Will test again at 12 or 13 DPO!
Love this thread:happydance:

I will update daily, but so far...

1dpo: Woke up with a stuffy nose, sleepy earlier than usual, fell asleep before 8 when I am usually up past 10.

2dpo: Hot flash in the middle of the night. Headache when I woke up, slight soreness in my throat, creamy cm when I wiped.

3dpo: Tossing and turning last night, woke up tired. Face is breaking out.

4dpo: Vivid dream last night, woke up with a stiff back. Bloated tummy. Slight nausea after I eat anything.

5dpo: Trouble sleeping, thirsty, stuffy nose, mild cramping. Constipation.

6dpo: Stuffy nose. Tummy is sore as if I had been doing sit ups or something.

7dpo: Nothing really, feeling out for this month. Checked cervix yesterday, low and soft with lots of creamy cm.

8dpo: I have a dull pain low on my left side between my pelvic area and my lower uterus. For the past week my left arm and wrist have been very numb and sometimes painful, not sure what to think of it, this never happens to me. Carpal tunnel?

9dpo: Dull pelvic pain continues as well as numb arm and wrist. Woke up with heavy and sore breasts and a sore back. Very tired, took a nap during the day, and af type cramps for a little bit today. Had a bd session with dh, spots of blood on toilet paper after when I wiped, went away though.

10dpo: Sore, stiff back, can hardly turn my head :( nausea after I eat, on and off slight cramping. Thirsty. A little bit of snot like cm (could be left overs from yesterday's bd session). Tired in the morning after waking up and during the day.

11dpo: All of the above plus a stuffy nose. Had af type cramps and felt like she was starting, ran to bathroom prepared for her but nothing but creamy cm.

12dpo: No symptoms at all to report. If af kept her schedule from last month then I am 3 days late. If she sticks with my average, then I have 3 more days until she is due.

13dpo: Thirst continues and af type cramps on and off. Keep feeling like she will start any minute, but when I go to the bathroom and wipe there is only creamy white cm.

14dpo: Random bouts of cramps come and go, feel like af but stronger and last just a short time. Constant thirst, can drink water all day and still be thirsty. Still creamy cm. Testing tomorrow morning.

15dpo: Tested today with fmu :bfp:

Finally got my first bfp after ttc for over a year, finding out I had a large fibroid, and then having it removed in June!
Love this thread:happydance:

I will update daily, but so far...

1dpo: Woke up with a stuffy nose, sleepy earlier than usual, fell asleep before 8 when I am usually up past 10.

2dpo: Hot flash in the middle of the night. Headache when I woke up, slight soreness in my throat, creamy cm when I wiped.

3dpo: Tossing and turning last night, woke up tired. Face is breaking out.

4dpo: Vivid dream last night, woke up with a stiff back. Bloated tummy. Slight nausea after I eat anything.

5dpo: Trouble sleeping, thirsty, stuffy nose, mild cramping. Constipation.

6dpo: Stuffy nose. Tummy is sore as if I had been doing sit ups or something.

7dpo: Nothing really, feeling out for this month. Checked cervix yesterday, low and soft with lots of creamy cm.

8dpo: I have a dull pain low on my left side between my pelvic area and my lower uterus. For the past week my left arm and wrist have been very numb and sometimes painful, not sure what to think of it, this never happens to me. Carpal tunnel?

9dpo: Dull pelvic pain continues as well as numb arm and wrist. Woke up with heavy and sore breasts and a sore back. Very tired, took a nap during the day, and af type cramps for a little bit today. Had a bd session with dh, spots of blood on toilet paper after when I wiped, went away though.

10dpo: Sore, stiff back, can hardly turn my head :( nausea after I eat, on and off slight cramping. Thirsty. A little bit of snot like cm (could be left overs from yesterday's bd session). Tired in the morning after waking up and during the day.

11dpo: All of the above plus a stuffy nose. Had af type cramps and felt like she was starting, ran to bathroom prepared for her but nothing but creamy cm.

12dpo: No symptoms at all to report. If af kept her schedule from last month then I am 3 days late. If she sticks with my average, then I have 3 more days until she is due.

13dpo: Thirst continues and af type cramps on and off. Keep feeling like she will start any minute, but when I go to the bathroom and wipe there is only creamy white cm.

14dpo: Random bouts of cramps come and go, feel like af but stronger and last just a short time. Constant thirst, can drink water all day and still be thirsty. Still creamy cm. Testing tomorrow morning.

15dpo: Tested today with fmu :bfp:

Finally got my first bfp after ttc for over a year, finding out I had a large fibroid, and then having it removed in June!

Congrats!!!! H&H 9 months!!! :hugs:

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