TCC After Ectopic buddy needed

Hi girls

baby_love - welcome! How are things going? Has AF left the building yet? Congratulations on being a newlywed. I'm sorry that the ectopic put a blemish on your fairytale...that really sucks just a few days after you were married. :( I have every confidence that things will work out for you, as I do for everyone in this group. I also endured a week where everyone I knew seemed to be announcing much as I tried to feel happy for them, I felt sorry for myself. What are your brother's plans with the short-term girlfriend?

peachy - you must be 12DPO now???!!! WOW! I got my BFP at 12DPO...but you sound pretty strong in holding out. Have you got any pregnancy symptoms going on? Praying for you and hoping that this is your time. x

lovebot - I think you definitely caught that egg, so now it's just a waiting game! I think your chances are good, and just as good as mine were. Hang in there...the wait is torture, but the way I figured, TTC before your first AF is kind of like a 'bonus' round. I wasn't really expecting it would actually work, but it just felt better doing something rather than waiting. I was fully prepared for AF to hit and then I was going to really yeah, it's like a bonus if you get a +OPK and get to try!

decemberose - thanks for your well wishes! Yes, I am going to be playing the 'accident' card big time!!! Hope all is going OK with you.

nicky - I've never experience O pains, so I'm not sure about your pains...although since the surgery I am having a lot of twinges and dull ache on my ectopic side where the tube is gone! Even now! So I'm not sure what that's all about. But your body is probably hypersensitive since the ectopic, so maybe it will now give you a signal of O? Who knows?! Whichever way, I hope you caught the egg too!

Lucy - wow you guys are machines in the :sex: department! lol I don't think you're bragging...just honest. I go through phases of less activity and then more activity. At the moment, I'm not letting DH anywhere near me, as I don't want to jeopardise anything that is going on! My DH feels seriously ripped off at the moment as he says he didn't get a chance to "try" happened so fast again. So, yeah, he's a bit miffed!!!

Me - I have an appointment with my doctor late this afternoon. I'm guessing that she might get some blood tests ordered to check hcg, and give me a referral to my OB. But I won't really know anything as to how this pregnancy is going...not today anyway. I am going to do another first response HPT tomorrow morning for peace of mind. Hoping for a darker line.

I will pop back later to let you know what my doctors reaction is!!! (prob not for another 13-14 hours from now).

pink lol on the bd machines thing believe me there are days that i make an excuse to not bd lol but am a little worried that maybe dtd to much will cut our chances of conceiving what do you think?

to the rest of the new ladies hope that all is going well who is testing soon?
Hello ladies!
I think I will test Friday morning (Jan. 6th). Sadly I do not have any symptoms so probably will get a BFN. On a brighter note, I actually just ordered a bunch of digital OPKs so hope next cycle they will help a bit more. I am terrible at detecting which line is darker... especially when they are close.

Pink - keep us posted on how the appointment goes. I will keep my fingers crossed for you that hcg levels are up and everything goes smoothly : )

Lucy - I do not think doing the deed daily would decrease your chances. If I had the stamina would totally be doing that. I followed the SMEP this month and after three consecutive days was exhausted.
peachy most of the time i let (sorry tmi) but i let DH do all the work like they say i just lay there and take it lol but it's mostly him he has the stemina am tired from working most of the time i work seven days a week so don't really have days off unless its a slow day then i close early but other than that am here and besides dealing with the guests (especially the drunks) i also do the laundry so at the end of the day am tired and want to sleep and DH at the time is not employed so he has time to work up the energy but even when he works he's ready to go
i guess that i should count my blessing that he is still so into me even after almost 3 years together with my my last relationship after 6 months we were not that active anymore and after a year it was none exsistant sadly he found other women more interesting than me so i guess having my DH willing at all times makes me feel special never did before
Wow Lucy, you sound like a super busy lady. I have the typical 8-5 office job and so does DH. I feel bad that after about 3 months of ttc it has gotten so.... technical. Once DH was tired and it was the day before I expected to O so I basically told him he could take a short nap but that after midnight I will be waking him up to get my deposit. Terrible isnt it? It is awesome that your DH finds you so hot he is willing to go at it when required : )
Wow Lucy, you sound like a super busy lady. I have the typical 8-5 office job and so does DH. I feel bad that after about 3 months of ttc it has gotten so.... technical. Once DH was tired and it was the day before I expected to O so I basically told him he could take a short nap but that after midnight I will be waking him up to get my deposit. Terrible isnt it? It is awesome that your DH finds you so hot he is willing to go at it when required : )

peachy sometimes i feel like there is not enough hours in the day i feel like i go from bed to work and then to bed again,but i have mornings off which i use to do some shopping or lay around the house but sometimes it seems like that is not enough. i never thought that i was really trying since i had been told that it would be difficult for me to conceive we just were a couple getting their grove on lol until i got that bfp and now we are actively trying since i know it can happen
i count my blessing that my hubby is always in the mood i have never had that. i have always been told that i needed to lose weight and be more dressed up to have a man be interested and not look at other women but with my hubby i have found that to be a lie. he loves me no matter how much i weigh and proves it to me every single day he's always hugging me and kissing me and grabs me even when we are out shopping lol
have you ever been to the store and see those young couples in the isles holding hands and making out at every corner? well that is me and hubby now i mean we keep it pg but he always holds my hand and kisses me no matter who is around us which makes me feel really good he still does the whole giving me a bite of his food at restaurants tbh at first i was embarrassed by it but now it makes me feel good to know that he finds me attractive
lol on the deposit thing we have to do what we have to do to get the job done lol around o time my hubby makes sure that i stay still and have my feet up for awhile to make sure his soldiers get in there am glad that he is in this with me it's hard enough not having other people irl that understand but am glad that i have all you ladies makes this so much more barable
Lucy - you and your hubby sound so incredibly sweet and in love! I think you sound gorgeous!

Peachy - you are in my thoughts and prayers over the next couple of days. Really hoping for you and crossing everything.

Quick 'me' update as it's getting late here. So, I saw my doctor late this afternoon and I must say that she was pretty amazed, and said that I must be pretty fertile to have fallen pregnant so quickly. She was happy for me, and didn't judge me about how it I didn't even have to use the accident line. lol it was pretty funny though...the first thing she asked was 'what was the first day of your last AF'...and of course, there wasn't I gave her the date of 4th December to put into her computer, which equates to the due date of 9th September, which is what I think it is based on O.

She has given me a script for 2 x hcg blood tests. She actually doesn't think I technically need them done (and they actually cost money here in Australia when you have them without the symptoms of a miscarriage)...but I said I would like them for peace of mind. I will have my blood drawn Saturday and Monday. No point having it done tomorrow, as there's nowhere open on Sunday (2 days later) to do bloods here.

I also have a referral to my OB, and a referral for an early scan at a separate scanning place....but not until 7 weeks. So I have to wait 3 weeks for a scan....UNLESS my OB says that I need to come into him a bit earlier. But my Dr says it's useless having a scan much earlier than 7 weeks (unless my OB wants to see a sac in the uterus?).

It's my OB's reaction that I'm mostly concerned about! I think I'll wait until Monday to call his offices.

Next step: I'm doing another FRER tomorrow morning, so will update you with that in the morning. I'm hoping that the test line is getting indicate my levels are all increasing as they should.

Thanks for listening, and will be back again tomorrow.

Pink, glad to hear your Dr didn't judge you and you didn't have to use the "accident" excuse....Are you nervous about your HCG levels...I know when that time comes for me, I ak going to be terrified as my levels very slowly were rising...hopefully your OB doesn't make you use the "accident" excuse either... How are you feeling? Do you feel different than before?

As for me AF arrived yesterday in full force...The worse I think I've ever had (sorry TMI)...But, @ least now I know where I stand...
pink so happy that your dr didn't judge it's not for them too, hope that your OB is the same and is just happy for you and since you are so fertile why don't you rub some of that fertility on us lol any preg symptoms ? i like to hear everything that goes on bc it gives me hope that i too may get that bfp thanks for that comment DH and I are in love we just need our mini me to be happily ever after iykwim funny that your DH feels like he didn't get to try lol he did something obvious lol but i know what you or he means

decemberose bummer on af but like you said at least you know where you stand now soon you will be bd and in the tww again so fx that this next cycle is it for us both and the rest of the ladies on here

afm am on cd 10 and doing the cbfm and opks negative for now but i hope that i regulate to a better cycle than the 42 day i mean its better than no cycle at all but the wait kills me but i guess we will see what happens at the end of the month or more like the beginnig of feb if my cycle stays on that many days fx for us all
December, sorry to hear AF arrived but that means that you can put this month behind you and start the BD in 10 days or so?

Pink, thanks for the update on the appointments. I think we all have the fear of another ectopic but really the chances of NOT having one are way greater so I think it is best to stay positive. Hope your hcg levels go way up and that this is your sticky bean : )

Lucy, you and dh sound adorable. My dh also shares his food with me at restaurants and like you it kind of embarassed me at first, but now I think it is really sweet. Sometimes when I like his entree or appetizer better he will give me his. Also, he is not really a desert person - but will order it anyways so I can sample!

AFM, I still have not tested yet (should be about 12 or 13 dpo). Do you ladies count two days after a positive OPK as 1 dpo or the first day? I am terrified of testing for some reason. I just know that I will be devasted if it is another negative. We have an appointment with a fertility specialist tomorrow afternoon, so I will test with FMU and a FRER stick in the morning. Hope it is a BFP so bad. I was shopping on my lunch hour and saw the cutest baby clothes on sale at baby gap *sigh*
peachy oh that is so sweet that your DH orders dessert so that you can sample mine just lets me get what i want and we'll share unless i can't make up my mind then we get 2 and take one home for later lol, it's so nice to have a man like that and i appreciate him even more for it, right now that we are doing all the opks and the cbfm he asks me every couple of days how my "experiments" are going which i think that it's funny. he lets me go on line and buy all the ic and preg tests and we just got the preseed hoping that is going to help
peachy i know that it can be devastating to get a bfn but your are going to be going to the fertility clinic if you do get a bfn so that is a step in the right derection but am keepong my fx that you won't have to and that you get that bfp instead i'll keep you in my thoughts hope that it all works out for you hugs
peachy - all my positive energy is with you at the moment. I really want you to see that 2nd line. I know what it's like with your heart in your mouth waiting for the lines to appear, and I just really pray that you see them. Will be stalking for your news. (I usually count 1DPO as the day after the +OPK).

decemberose - Sorry that AF is being a bit rough on you. So, are you starting things off this month or not sure yet? Yes, I am absolutely terrified about having my hcg levels tested. I am getting the 1st test tomorrow. I am beside myself, and have convinced myself that the news will be bad. In saying that, there is nothing so far to indicate an ectopic. I had only a tiny bit of light pink/brown spotting, but I haven't had any for 4 I'm hopeful that it was implantation. By this stage last time I had a lot of bleeding (so much that I mistook it for AF), followed by lots of brown/pink/rust coloured spotting. I don't have any of that this that gives me confidence. I guess I worry that my lining didn't have sufficient time to build up to support a pregnancy...but that was a risk I took when I decided to try straight away. I guess all I can do is wait now.

Lucy - I hope you get that positive OPK so that you can get the ball rolling. The waiting is so hard. At the moment I feel like the days are going so slowly. Trying to keep myself busy!

Me - I did another FRER this morning and I got a darker test line...a little darker than the control, so I'm confident that my levels have increased from the last one. Other than that, nothing new to report. I will have a blood test tomorrow, but won't know the results for a few days as its the weekend.


pink i think that getting the darker frer is a good sign and the none bleeding or spotting is even better i too bled the day before i got the bfp but i thought that it was either af or that i the cyst i had on my ovary had burst but i have a feeling that you are going to be just fine and our gl charm

peachy hope that all is going well for you and i really am praying that you get that bfp please let us know

decemberose hope that af is being a little nicer to you surprisingly she was fast for me well faster than she has ever been hope she goes away soon

afm still waiting cbfm says low fertility but when i helo the stick up to the light i could see a second line beginning even had DH check and he saw it too so am hoping that i will ovulate soon so that i can get on that 2ww but well see what happens fx for us all
Hello ladies!

Guess what? I poas this morning and got TWO lines - though the test line was lighter than the control.... I had the appointment with a fertility specialist scheduled so I went anyways. They drew blood and told me that they would help with monitoring to ensure that if it was another ectopic it would be caught early to preserve my remaining tube. I am still kind of in a state of shock. DH is being so cautious and he told me to not get over-excited yet since we need the blood test to confirm pregnancy... and we need to wait a bit to see if we get that nice beta rise. I will poas tomorrow and Sunday to see if the line gets darker.

Lucy, I heard lots of good things about the cbfm and a few ladies on here got pregnant in month 2 or 3. I think I recall one saying she tried unsuccesfully for a whole year then got pregnant first month using cbfm. Will keep my fingers crossed that you O soon and catch that egg. Thanks for keeping me in your prayers. Sometimes I think that all we can do is stay positive, pray and hope that everything progresses well. *hugs*

Pink, I guess we are going through similar things right now though you are about a week ahead of me? I am excited but cautious and scared at the same time. I think your line getting darker is really positive news! Keep us posted on the blood tests. If I actually get to see the numbers I will let you know how it goes. Thanks for your good vibes and wishes - it has made a huge difference. *hugs*
peachy am so so happy for you yay!! our second bfp am in tears am so happy for you two congrats and am sure that all is going to be fine i have been waiting on your news most of the day but as am at work i have glimpses but am so happy wow

ok so we need some pics of those tests pink you need to post your on here and peachy too i need something to obsses over and what better than 2 lines WOW is all i can say i wanna be next :)
will post a little later gotta close up and head up to the apartment so happy for you peachy am sure that everything is going to be just fine and with pink too
Peachy: CONGRATULATIONS! I am so very excited for you, that is wonderful news...

Pink & Lucy: AF is still here. I do have to say that this has been the worse ever...Geesh, I feel like it is never going to end.

Pink, I think I will start actively trying and "ntnp" this month even though my Dr. said to wait two cycles..

I am so excited for you Pink & Peachy! Hugs!
ok ladies so as promised i moved the list of our member to the front page so any info that you guys would like for me to add let me know Pink hope that it's ok with you but i would really like for you to tell me if you want to keep doing it i have nothing much to do so i need to feel useful

decemberose should i put on it then that you are ntnp?

o question do you guys want us to have like an appointment list as well or next to our names when we are having things done so we know whats going on i think that it would be a great idea let me know ok hugs to ya all night for now

Congratulations Peachy!!!!!

You have been on my mind all day. I've been out shopping with a friend, and was itching to get back to my laptop to get your news!!!

I am just overjoyed for you and your DH!!!!! For some reason, I had a really positive vibe that you would get those 2 lines!!!

Well, this is a great boost for everyone in this group, and for anyone who is searching for information on conceiving after an ectopic - particularly with 1 tube.

Peachy - we are most certainly in the same boat, and I look forward to sharing your journey with you. I would love to hear about your testing & monitoring.

I had my blood drawn this morning, and she said she was going to put it through as 'priority' so I will know the results on Monday. I will have a repeat blood test Monday morning to check the hcg rise. That's going to be the big one.

Lucy - if you'd like to take over the list, that is completely fine with me! It is a good idea to have it on the front page...and since you started the thread, you are the only one who can put it there. So, I officially hand the list over to you! Good idea about the appointments too!! I will see if I can put my tests up for you to obsess over!!!!

decemberose - Grrrr AF is being pretty nasty right now. Let's hope she is doing a really good clean-out, and you'll be ready to go! Very happy to hear that you're going to NTNP this cycle. I really don't think there's a reason to wait, so long as you feel emotionally ready.

Right, I'll go and see whether I can copy the FRER test photos off my phone and put them up here for Lucy (and anyone else) to obsess over!!!

Congrats again Peachy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oo pink thats so nice of you to feed my poas addiction hopefully the way this thread is heading i hope that i will have some sticks of my own to obsses over lol but for now am off to bed it's nearly 1 am and i gotta be up early for work so night my lovelys
decemberose i will put that on the front and pink i'll put appts next to our names and when we get the hcg number let me know to add them if that's ok thanks again and am sure i will be needing your help on this hugs to you all
Here's my HPT's for anyone who wants to see my recent progress:

1. Top FRER done at 12DPO. Bottom FRER at 14DPO.

2. FRER done at 19DPO (yesterday) - test line looks slightly darker than control?

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