Hi ladies
I just got my results, and for 20DPO my reading is 2100.
I am really really happy with that, but the proof will be in the doubling. You can have a really beautiful number, but if it doesn't double, then you have a problem!!! With the ectopic, I had a beautiful reading of 17000 on Nov 14th. It only rose to 21000 on Nov 15th, and on Nov 18th it was 28000. So it was obvious there was a big issue.
peachy - I've been thinking of you too! I think your numbers are great, I honesty do! As I said above, it is the doubling time which is the most important factor. 12DPO 35, 14DPO 110? I typed these numbers into betabase to get your doubling time, and it said 29.05 hours which is fantastic!!! (You would be more accurate to do it, as you know the time the blood was drawn). They like to see the levels double every 48 hours...so your doubling time is absolutely fantastic! Remember, your levels have to start from zero...and your testing is pretty early...so it all sounds GREAT to me!!!! I would love to visit Canada one day. The scenery looks amazing there. Yes, I know what it's like to refer to babies by number. I have a spreadsheet for each of my girls where I document my progress every day (or whenever I have time to update) - I have Baby1, Baby2, Baby3, and the ectopic was Baby4. I didn't know whether to create a new one for Baby5...but in the end I have just continued on with Baby4, as I figure it is all part of the journey to get Baby#4 in my arms. I will never forget my ectopic for a second though. Sometimes I rub my little horizontal scar for luck...as if that baby can help me through this one.
Lucy - It sounds like you have all your meds sorted which is great! Re. O'ing on CD7...hmmm, I wouldn't have thought so. Your CBFM has been 'low' this whole time hasn't it? Yes...please post a photo of the stick if you can. Can you remember if it looked positive at the time you actually did the test? Sometimes the lines look more positive when they dry as they can develop an evaporation line. If you did in fact O, then I'm sure you have your bases covered with all of that BD'ing..but I'd say it is unlikely you O'd. Are you temping...do you have a chart?
Annie - Sounds like everything is on track. I will cross my fingers for you. Heartburn has been one of my symptoms with my other pregnancies, but not this one so far. I also had lots of twinges on my ectopic side this cycle...but my tube is gone, so I knew it couldn't be anything...they are like phantom twinges!! Please keep us updated. We'd love another BFP!
lovebot - thinking of you too! Any symptoms yet? I am trying to look at your chart but my internet keeps dropping out, however I will keep trying.
Right, I'd better fly. I know you are waiting for me Lucy, however you've probably gone to bed.
Will let you know my 2nd beta when I get it (hopefully tomorrow afternoon at a similar time).