TCC After Ectopic buddy needed

pink the 19 dpo def looks darker than the control yay!! for that it's a small milestone that they are getting darker, and am hoping that there is still no bleeding which i hope stays away for the whole time hope that you get those tests soon am guessing tom your time so it will be sunday my time so i get to find out a day early thank God i hate the waiting time, if am like this for your test what am i going to be like when am waiting on my tests lol

peachy let us know how you are doing
Thanks Lucy! You always sound so genuinely excited for everyone...I hope we can repay that excitement back to you really soon!

Yes, I will ring for the results tomorrow...the blood test lady was so nice and marked them Priority. As soon as she saw that I'd had an ectopic pregnancy on the form, she said "Are these results urgent?", whenever anyone sees the word 'ectopic' they seem to panic!

The spotting has stopped. It has been 6 days since I saw any spotting, so I think it was just remnants from implantation...that's what I'm telling myself!

How are you going Lucy? How's the CBFM? I hope it indicates that O is approaching soon. What day do you expect it? Has your cycle always been fairly long?

Peachy, still on cloud 9 for you! :cloud9:
Hi ladies,

I still cannot figure out how to upload images. Is the only way to do it is through a url? When I click on the image icon it keeps asking me for a url...

On another note, I was waiting all day for the lab to call me and I called half hour before they closed and could not get anyone and left a message. I am so impatient and really need to get the blood test to confirm results.

Pink, like I said before the test sticks look really good and I hope you get your blood results soon. The waiting time is gruelling eh?

Lucy, any further updates on the CBFM? Are you getting really close? This is the second month that I used preseed so i think that it may have helped. So hard to say though. I am hoping that you will be able to time it perfectly this month!
pink thanks for your words it gives me so much hope that 2 of our ladies got their bfp so am hoping to get mine as well hope this will be the month
as to my cycles i could go a year without having a period but since i was put on metformin i began to ovulate well at least that is what my dr told me that is how i got that bfp in oct. the monitor says low so am waiting to see if that changes i am getting some pain over on my ovary again so am hoping that it means that there is an eggie growing and i will ovulate sooner according to my cycle i have 2 weeks to go but am hoping that it will be sooner
am so happy that there had been no more spotting i think that you are right it might have been from the implantation i thought that it had happened to me but i guess not oh well we are on a dif cycle and on to new things am keeping my fx that i catch that eggie this month that would make me so happy but only God knows what will happen i just have to keep praying that it will happen let us know as soon as you know but am sure that you are going to be just fine and you'll be holding a baby in sept?
peachy sorry to ask this and let me know if you don't want to share but when did you begin to use the preseed right before o or in general? i received it in the mail but i don't want to use it until i get close to a +opk or at least for the cbfm says high any help would be great thanks in advance
Peachy - Yes, you have to have a website URL to post the images. I use a website called to upload the photos from my computer, and it then gives me a code to use. Yes, the wait is awful. Grrrr, to the lab. So now you have to wait another day? Will they be open tomorrow?

lucy - I used preseed with DD#3 and I think I waited until O was approaching before I used it. No point wasting it by using it too soon? How long were you using metformin before you got your BFP last time? I REALLY hope that things happen quickly for you!

Well, another day ahead for me. I feel so lazy at the moment. I'm not doing anything much except eating, sleeping and resting.

Here it is ladies, my faint positive at 12 dpo. Hope this works : )
Lucy - This month I did the SMEP and I used it every time we tried. I found the recommended amount to be way too much so even with using it about 8 times it lasted us two months. I hope this is not TMI but the thing we did this month was that I inserted the tip of the syringe higher up.... maybe 2 or 3 inches in... again sorry if it is TMI. Good luck and keep your spirits up!
pink i was on metformin a little over a month so it was fast and like you am hoping that i get that bfp soon too

peachy wow that is a good line and thanks for the info on the preseed believe me and i think that any one ttc nothing is tmi although some people prefer not to talk about it it's part of nature and if we can't ask each other about this then who can we ask so i thank you so much for sharing

afm for some reason a few hours ago i got really nauseas and i am hungry but nothing is appealing to me i wonder if am comming down with something my throat is sore like if i had vomited oh on a dif note i cannot believe that it finally snowed here we have been having some warm (well warm for this time of year and especially for here) weather so everyone is happy the skiing might get better and we might get busier
well ladies hope that you are all having a good day for my to preggo friend hope that you are enjoying those bfps have you told your DH's yet what did they say? pink i know yours was feeling a little cheated since he didn't get to "try" lol what about your peachy?
Hi Lucy, my dh is still in shock. He thinks that the line is too light...and until we get the results of a confirmed pregnancy via bloodwork he is trying to not get too excited. The ectopic was harder on him than I think he admits and as scared as I am I know that he is feeling the same if not more. He always tells me that it breaks his heart to see me cry when he cannot do anything about it. Hope you are not coming down with anything... but even if you do try to BD anyways : )
peachy i think that our hubbys take our losses harder than they admit, so in a way i totally understand why they don't get as excited as we do they worry we do too but i guess they dont know how to deal with the feelings. i know my hubby doesn't know how to console me when i have my breakdowns but it's nice to know that he understands and like he says although we were not able to keep that baby it exsisted and always will in our hearts so that always makes me feel better
about the bd believe me even when am really sick there is always bd lol and right now that am actually ttc i don't care how sick i am am going to try to catch that eggy
peachy - Yay - your BFP looks wonderful, and you're right on track! A line is a doesn't matter how feint it is. It will get darker as your hcg doubles. It looks very comparable to mine at I think that gives us both some comfort. :hugs:

My DH is still in total denial about this new pregnancy. He doesn't seem to believe that it's real! lol. I guess it must be his defence mechanism.

Lucy - that's really positive that you got your BFP so quickly after starting the metformin! So, are you taking it again, or have you been taking it the whole time? I have good feelings for you!! haha - nothing is going to stop you BD'ing!!!! Awww it's snowing there? Wow, such a contrast. It is really hot here at the moment, and everyone is in the pool!!!

Well, I've just been really naughty and eaten a whole heap of chocolate when I said I wouldn't! I wish I could be stronger.

Roll on tomorrow, and my hcg results. I'm hoping my hcg is above 500. I checked for averages, and at 20DPO the average is 856. Lowest recorded is 28. Highest 14,411.

I guess anything above 200 would be OK. But really I would love it to be more than 500, and anything above the average of 856 would be fantastic!

Will update when I know anything. At least another 24 hrs I'd say.
Morning ladies,

Since I am a poas addict I did another FRER and the line got slightly darker. Will post pics later.

Pink, thanks for that site - I am going to add it to my favourites. This next week or two will probably be crucial in finding out whether my betas are rising properly. I put a call into the lab and asked for my results (it is Sunday here) and the tech said that it has been processed and that she will have a nurse call me today - yay! This is the fourth stick I have peed on in the last two days but I still need to get that blood confirmation. It must be so nice to be in Australia right now. I am in Toronto Canada and it is overcast and cold. No snow, so not even pretty. That being said I am feeling really happy and cheery!!

Lucy, thanks for sharing your thoughts on DHs. I am saving a file of the test results from the FRERs and labelled the file Baby2... then I told him I wanted to change it to Baby3 because technically.... and he was upset and asked me to just leave it. Because I went in for emergency surgery I have this huge vertical scar on my stomach so in a way I think I am always reminded of the loss : (
pink i take metformin as one of the meds that i use to control my diabetes but i had heard that it can help conceive when i asked my dr she just smiled at me and when i told her that i wanted to have a baby she said that first i needed to get my diabetes under control before trying and now that it is she put me on insulin which is safer than the other meds i was on so the good thing is that she knows that am ttc and all the meds that am on are baby safe so that is a good thing now we just have to get that bfp
all the snow was nice when it was comming down but now the sun is out and it is cold most of it is melting so it will probably be ice tom the good thing is that the mountains got about a foot of snow which they needed it for the skiing so that is a good thing

peachy i chaged the first page and put your BFP!! makes me so happy for you. i still have the test from my first bfp i had never had two lines before but am thinking that am going to take a pic and save it and get rid of the tests hope that i get another bfp. i too have a scar its kinda like from one ovary to the other that is the second one that i have this one is higher than the other so now i have two scars but this one is like yours a reminder of that. i have already been told that when i deliver (God willing i get a bfp) i will have to have a c-section just bc this was my second surgery

afm today am feeling a little tired had some trouble sleeping last night i have some kind of muscle pain am on ambien to help me sleep but i had so much trouble last night am thinking that tonight am going to play my x box your shape and get tired that might help me get to sleep faster and i need to lose a few pounds so i need to do something
pink waiting on those results and peachy yours too and that pic of the new tests oh pink yours are looking really good
Hi guys

Congrats to all the BFP's

Lucy - you are in my thoughts & prayers and keeping everything x'd for you

AFM - 8 dpo, after having horrible ectopic type pressure on 6dpo I am now more or less symptom free except from being off my food a little due to heartburn and feeling full after eating. Have been guzzling down irn bru drinks instead of my usual diet coke but trying not to look too much into it.

5 days to go!!!!
annie thanks and gl to you you might be our 3rd bfp on the thread it would be so great if one by one we get our bfps really fx for you to and everything else well i have to bd so no legs crossed lol but everything is let us know
Good evening ladies,

Busy day for me, I got the result of my first blood test at 12 dpo and the level was really low (only 35) so they asked if I could come in today and re-do. I was so afraid... but they were kind enough to put a rush on the results and we got it a few days later (110). The 110 is within the normal zone for 14 dpo - yay!! I think that next few days and two weeks will be such an emotional rollercoaster.

Lucy, hope the xbox helps tire you out so that you can get some zzzs. I do a class called Zen Yoga at the studio I go to and after the class I always feel so sleepy. They put on spa music and it is just breathing exercises that you do. I might need to buy a cd of spa music to keep me relaxed these next few weeks.

Annie, hope the two ww goes by quickly for you. Fairy dust you get your BFP!
peachy that is great try to stay relaxed i know it is hard but think if your all stressed out so is your little one so we need him or her to be stress free i know easier said than done.
there is some zen yoga on the xbox your shape but my hubby laughs at me bc i can never do the positions right and i love the relaxing music i was told by my dr that maybe i should try getting some cd with waves or something calming to get me to sleep and to be honest i havent even looked into that but i will as i need to sleep

pink where are you? we are anxiously waiting on the results hope that all is well

ladies i don't know what is going on i have this full feeling in my lower abdomen and am getting my freakin cold symptoms again although they never left really i hope that it all means that am going to o soon and nothing more
ladies am a little worried i have been feeling wierd since yesterday but am not sure what is going on i looked at my opks and i think that there is a positive on on cd 7 but am not sure am going to try to take a pic and post it but is that possible? i wonder if am not just having phantom symptoms please help me i think that am going a little nuts
Hi ladies

I just got my results, and for 20DPO my reading is 2100. :)

I am really really happy with that, but the proof will be in the doubling. You can have a really beautiful number, but if it doesn't double, then you have a problem!!! With the ectopic, I had a beautiful reading of 17000 on Nov 14th. It only rose to 21000 on Nov 15th, and on Nov 18th it was 28000. So it was obvious there was a big issue.

peachy - I've been thinking of you too! I think your numbers are great, I honesty do! As I said above, it is the doubling time which is the most important factor. 12DPO 35, 14DPO 110? I typed these numbers into betabase to get your doubling time, and it said 29.05 hours which is fantastic!!! (You would be more accurate to do it, as you know the time the blood was drawn). They like to see the levels double every 48 your doubling time is absolutely fantastic! Remember, your levels have to start from zero...and your testing is pretty it all sounds GREAT to me!!!! I would love to visit Canada one day. The scenery looks amazing there. Yes, I know what it's like to refer to babies by number. I have a spreadsheet for each of my girls where I document my progress every day (or whenever I have time to update) - I have Baby1, Baby2, Baby3, and the ectopic was Baby4. I didn't know whether to create a new one for Baby5...but in the end I have just continued on with Baby4, as I figure it is all part of the journey to get Baby#4 in my arms. I will never forget my ectopic for a second though. Sometimes I rub my little horizontal scar for if that baby can help me through this one.

Lucy - It sounds like you have all your meds sorted which is great! Re. O'ing on CD7...hmmm, I wouldn't have thought so. Your CBFM has been 'low' this whole time hasn't it? Yes...please post a photo of the stick if you can. Can you remember if it looked positive at the time you actually did the test? Sometimes the lines look more positive when they dry as they can develop an evaporation line. If you did in fact O, then I'm sure you have your bases covered with all of that BD'ing..but I'd say it is unlikely you O'd. Are you you have a chart?

Annie - Sounds like everything is on track. I will cross my fingers for you. Heartburn has been one of my symptoms with my other pregnancies, but not this one so far. I also had lots of twinges on my ectopic side this cycle...but my tube is gone, so I knew it couldn't be anything...they are like phantom twinges!! Please keep us updated. We'd love another BFP!

lovebot - thinking of you too! Any symptoms yet? I am trying to look at your chart but my internet keeps dropping out, however I will keep trying.

Right, I'd better fly. I know you are waiting for me Lucy, however you've probably gone to bed.

Will let you know my 2nd beta when I get it (hopefully tomorrow afternoon at a similar time).


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