TCC After Ectopic buddy needed

lovebot wow that is a positive hope that you got to bd as soon as you finished poas and got that can't believe how positive that is fx that you catch that eggie and especially on new years day gl girl i too will check your chart and see what happens

pink hope that you are taking it easy what ever happens we are here for you but like i said i think that you are going to be our gl charm and we are going to start seeing more bfps soon look at lovebot she got a huge positive opk i think that this is the beginning of a great year hugs to ya and let us know how you are getting along hugs to ya

decemberose happy new year to ya hope that you are doing well and so happy that you are done moving i hate it all the things that have to be moved you never know how much you have until you move lol hugs to ya

nicky fx for you too that you get a bfp soon am tempting and totally get the whole stress thing about it but when i think that am not going to do that any more i can't stop the curiosity kills me lol so am tempting charting cbfm and now am going to order some preseed oh and taking fertilaid (helps fertility or so i read) fertil cm oh and opks so i have a mini lab in my bathroom which DH is ok with it, like he had a choice lol, but seriously he is very suportive of what i do he wants a baby as much as me

afm at work at the moment the joys of working at a hotel but i talked to this paparazzi guy and he showed us some pics he got of Marey Carey in aspen with her hubby and the babies they are so cute, af finally left yay!! but didn't last as long as usual not complaining now on to poas again hope that this is my month i can't wait to get that bfp and the rest of us as well
girls i have this feeling that this is our year seriously, today there was this dr in the hotel from Mexico and he came in to check out i have severe pcos so i have moles on my neck and have been told that i can get them removed but it costs alot he took them off for me am so happy i have been told about them since i was little and made fun of now they are gone and today of all days it happens i saw him yesterday too but he didn't say anything til this morning i might sound crazy but like i said before even years are great for me today it was proven even more hugs to you all
Good evening ladies. I was at a walk in clinic today for a cold and there was this pregnant woman sitting beside me. We got talking and I asked her how far along she was. She said she was 7 months and that this is her miracle baby because after having an ectopic she tried for THREE years without success and then went on to IVF. Did four rounds and finally this pregnancy took. I was thrilled for her but it also made me scared that this could happen to me. This month will be my 6th TTC since the ectopic. I am so afraid....
peachy - I couldn't read and not respond. {{Hugs}} It was a very real fear for me too, as it is for anyone post-ectopic. Hang in there lovely. You've just got a few more days to see whether this cycle is successful, so concentrate your energy on positive thoughts for now. *IF* the unthinkable happens (and I'm absolutely praying that it doesn't) and you're back to the drawing board, then do you think it's time to talk turkey with your OB? Have you had one of these HSG's done on your other tube to check that it's clear, etc.? I always find that it helps me to have a clear plan B in my mind. You will be in my thoughts constantly over the course of this next week. xox

nicky - hope you catch that egg!

lucy - your hotel stories are amazing! I can't believe that mole story. That is fate if I ever heard it. I'm with you on the even year theory...all the way! Did the dr remove your moles right there and then while you were working?? I'm looking forward to the lead-up to O for you! January is a great month to conceive! I conceived 2 of my DD's in January, so it has always been good to me!!!

lovebot - Wonderful temp increase today! Am hoping that you have an egg being fertilised right about now, and it's going to start its journey into the safety of your uterus!!!

Me - I'm going to do a Clearblue HPT tomorrow, with the digital 'conception indicator'. Hoping that it says "Pregnant 2-3 Weeks" - which equates to 4-5 weeks. I will be 4w 2d tomorrow according to what I think. I am refusing to accept that everything is OK with this pregnancy. I think I'm so jaded from the ectopic...I am just so skeptical. I'm thinking I'd better make an appointment with my doctor at the end of this week. Maybe get some blood tests done, and then get to my OB maybe the end of next week. That is my latest I said to peachy, I like to have a clear plan!

Night from here! xox
Hi all - hope you are well and those ladies who have just joined us after recent ectopic - welcome and I hope your numbers go down to 0 nice and quick so you can get on with TTC again.

Pink - huge congrats :)

afm, am now 2dpo i think! As my husband has needed an ectopic and a lot of persuasion to have a 3rd, I wasn't going to discuss fertile times etc with him but I decided to bite the bullet and tell him. His response was overwhelming and he even drank alcohol free lager on hogmanay to 'help things along' (although I had a couple of glasses of champagne!). We bd on saturday morning, got really bad ovulation pains at 1 hour past new year, then bd again on sunday morning. I know ovulation pains aren't a definite sign of ovulation at that point but my last 3 pregnancies were conceived either just before pain started or by bd whilst the pain was there (OW!)

Fingers crossed for all of us!
annie - will be thinking of you too! Wow, we have a lot of ladies ovulating right about now or just a couple of DPO!!! I hope it's going to be a BFP bonanza in 10 days or so!!!!

Just created myself a ticker. Hope I'm not jinxing myself...but just bored and wasting a bit more time away (as if I haven't spent enough time online in the past month!). lol I love how it says "ONLY 251 days to go"...seriously, I can't even get through 1 day at the moment without a lot of anxiety...!

pink i think that your plan is great you should get the blood test and monitor your hcg levels that way your mind will be more at ease that things are going good. about the moles yes he grabbed some alcohol and scissors and took them off right there at the front desk my boss came in from Sunday mass and asked what happened all scared and i told her and she had one removed as well lol my DH couldn't believe it and said that it was a sign of good things to come in the year and i totally agree so am really hoping that i get that bfp soon

annie hope that you caught that eggie this might lead into many bfp fx for you

peachy i wrote a response to you yesterday but for some reason it did not post what i basically said is to stay calm and have faith that you will get that bfp soon we are all different and i totally agree with pink about seeing your ob if need be but am keeping my fx that you caught that eggie

afm nothing really am in that boring time in my cycle cd7 and there is nothing really to do well bd just for fun i guess lol but i did go on line and order some preseed and more ic ovulation tests as i want to make sure that i have enough of them when i start seeing a darker second line i always see a second line but it gets really dark near ovulation hope that i get that eggie too
Pink and Lucy, thanks for your response. Never had the dye test but will look at booking one if this month turns out to be. A bfn. I Amos glad that I found this forum! All the ladies are so supportive. I hope to hear more good news of bops as they really help keep my spirits up!
oh peachy hugs to you i hope that you won't need that dye test and that you get that bfp that you have been waiting for am going to keep my fx for you
Thanks Lucy. This will be months 6 so am starting to get worried there may be something wrong with my remaining tube : (
TTC after Ectopic Buddies

Lucy529 – TTC
Age 28 - CO (USA)
Ectopic 11/15/11
LAP + D&C + Endo Removal

Decemberose – Waiting to Try
3 x DS
Ectopic 12/1/11
LAP + Right Tube Removed + D&C + Cyst Removal

Pink Ribbons – Cautious BFP 30 Dec 11
Age 35 - Australia
3 x DD
Ectopic 11/21/11 @ 8 weeks
LAP + Left Tube Removed + D&C

peachy905 - TTC
1 x DS
Ectopic January 2011
Tube Removed

Annie77 - TTC
2 x DD
Ectopic 9/5/11

Lovebotlass17 - TTC
North Carolina
1 x DS
Ectopic 12/9/11
LAP + Left Tube Removed

Buzz1 - WTT
Ectopic 12/19/11

kmp - WTT
Ectopic 12/22/11

nicky84 - TTC
Ectopic Sept-11

colta - TTC
Ectopic August 2011 @ 5+4 weeks

Love3Hope4 – TTC
Age 34 - Georgia/Germany
Ectopic 8/9/11
Left Tube Removed

Beccaaa – Pregnant! :baby:
United Kingdom
Ectopic 9/19/11
Tube Removed

** I thought it would be nice to have this information summarised. If you would like anything added or removed, just let me know! I have put the dates in the American format, as most of our group are from the land of the free and the home of the brave!**

Pink thank you for the update, but my meth shot was Nov 22, well and Nov 29
All the good news on the thread lately has given me a bit more hope. I am soo excited to find out if you all caught your eggs and am still so happy for Pink! I guess the hope is what lured me to buy more CBFM sticks for my future TTC months. Now just waiting very anxiously for today's blood work to see if my HCG is below 5 so I can get the HSG already!
Thanks Lucy. This will be months 6 so am starting to get worried there may be something wrong with my remaining tube : (

maybe you can do what pink suggested i really feel for you peachy i only have had one tube and one ovary since i was 19 and it's the same tube that i had the ectopic in so i totally understand your worry and i really do pray that you get that bfp or get the dye but am praying for the bfp instead we don't have it easy do we? keep your head up hun it will happen :hugs:
Hi girls!

peachy - I'm continuing to think of you. I'm hoping that you don't need Plan B and that it all falls into place this month. Hope you are managing to get through the days OK at the moment. The wait is so frustrating..I hope you get something great at the end of it!

kmp - Sorry about mucking up that date. I have updated the list! Hoping that you hear good news today re. the blood test. When will you know? It will be great for you if you can get things moving along...HSG...and then TTC!

Lucy - I hope O hits soon for you, so that you won't be bored for too much longer! Practising is good, but we want the main event!!!

lovebot - hope you're relaxing now, knowing that you hopefully caught that egg!

I did the Clearblue digital this morning, and it came up with "Pregnant 2-3", which equates to 4-5 weeks. So, I am happy, as it equates to my dating which is 4w 2d (my ticker is a day behind due to time diff). That has given me a little confidence.

It is really odd, as the twinges that I do feel are on my ectopic side?? I have felt funny cramps on my left ever since the surgery. So it is most bizarre.

I tried to call my doctor today, but the surgery doesn't re-open until tomorrow. I'm going to get an appointment for Thursday night, prob have blood taken 2 days apart, and then ring my OB next week to see what he suggests. I just know that once the doctors get hold of me they are going to want to test and scan me....and probably ask me how this happened!!!

Just getting through each day and hoping for the best.

Love and light to you all! x
pink i can't remember if it was decemrose that said and i know that i agreed that if we got preg soon we would say that it was an "accident" or something like that i guess you might need to say that now lol in a good way i was reading back when the thread first started and look how far we are now lol

i hope that i o soon too i have already begun to poas i tell you am an addict already i really hope that i get that eggy this time there are days when i am really excited about it and then there are days when i lose hope but i have to have some faith that it will happen soon as to the practicing (warning tmi) we have been together for almost three years but the only time that we don't dtd is when af is here or we are sick but that is rare lol hubby has good stemina and well can't complain so in a way i don't really need to do the opk or temp bc we dtd mostly everyday a couple of times a day at times but i like to know what is going on with my body again sorry tmi and am not bragging am just saying
Congratulations Pink!!:happydance: such wonderful news, hope all goes well with your GP appointment.

As for me it's day 2 post ovulation and I've been having twinge like pains on my right side, never had this after ovulation before and really anxious...they feel like ovulation pains but im 98% sure I ovulated 2 days ago, had 2 days peak on my CBFM, had OV pains and the CM to match.... Part of me thinking the pains could be a good thing as I've had 3 cycles since the ectopic and have never had these pains, and yet it's our first month TTC again and I have these pains.......

Any of you had anything similar??

Hi ladies, can I join your group?? I had my left tube removed on 16/11/11 (5 days after my wedding :cry:). I was 7.5 weeks. I am doing ok, starting to become positive again and after reading the posts it has given me a lot of hope. I have my 1st AF at the minute and still trying to decide whether to try this month or leave it a while. My OH is very supportive and has been great.

I am so delighted that some of you have got your BFP already. When it happens you just think there is no hope of having a healthy pregnancy. I am terrified of losing my other tube, but if we dont try we will never have our baby so we'll just have to hope and pray that all goes well.

Hi Ladies!

Well I finally caught up with reading the thread.

Pink CONGRATULATIONS! I am so EXCITED for you; I can understand the fear, I definately know I will fill the same way when that time comes..Also, like Lucy & I said "say it was an accident"; doesn't it suck that you'll have to explain

To all the new ladies that have joined; I am so sorry for your losses!

Hugs to all and Prayers!

P.S. Pink, thanks for the update, if you want my age is 34 and my ectopic was removed 11/30/11... :)

Happy New Year to all and may this be a good year for all of us...
baby_love, Hi, yes, you can join our group. I'm so sorry for your loss. Five days after your wedding? That's horrible. I've had my left tube removed as well on 9 December. I haven't gotten my 1st AF yet, but I just ovulated, so I think I'm in my TWW (2 DPO).

I know how you feel about the worries of not only trying to conceive, but about having another ectopic, you know? Ugh. And you are absolutely correct: "if we don't try we will never have our baby..." Our time will come, whether it be this month, or in another year, our time will come. Fx crossed, ladies!

Okay, so my OPK is now negative, so my surge is gone, and I really believe I ov'd 1 Jan, although I got my first positive OPK the same day at 1:30 AM. Last time I tested was the day prior around 8 PM. So if I ov'd on the 1st, and :sex: the 31st, the 1st, and 2nd, I am praying this works!
Hello ladies,

Lucy - thanks for the words of encouragement. I really hope this is the month but incase it is not will schedule the dye test. Hope that you O soon. Sounds like the fact that you and hubby are dtd often is a really good thing for ttc!

Lovebot - Welcome to the 2ww. What are you doing to keep your sanity in check? I am such a poas addict... but today is 11 dpo and I vow not to check for another 3 days. I just start too early and get disapponted : (

Babylove - Welcome to the thread. So sorry to hear about your loss. The fact that it happened so soon after your marriage must be hard? It is great that your dh is supportive. This can be such a difficult time even with the best of support. *hugs*

Pink - Keep on sharing the good news. I love your updates! I have never used the digital tests which predicts age but I think I will if and when I ever get a BFP on a standard test. Sounds promising and I will keep you in my prayers that the next tests and visits to your OB all goes smoothly.
Yea everything happened so quick. We were due to go on honeymoon 2 days later but I'm so glad we didnt, it could've been a lot worse. I had no pains so no real indication something was wrong just a little bleeding. THEN about a week later my Bro in law announced he had gotten his short-term gfriend pregnant, not planned. THEN a couple of weeks later my cousin/best friend said she was preg. I am delighted for her as she has PSOS but at the same time it makes me sad cos we would've only been a few weeks apart. She was actually in the hospital for her first dating scan the day I was going in for surgery, spooky.

It would be great if we could have some BFP's soon, it would give us all a little hope!

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